Xcalibur's Dota Carry Hero Guides


In this bundle, you will find all the guides we made together with Xcalibur – guides specially created because of his expertise and success with these heroes in the highest level of competition.

  • 10 super in-depth hero guides
  • 80k words of written content in total - the same length as a serious novel!
  • 20+ example videos
  • Example replays of competitive and pub games

Ember Portrait
Templar Assassin
Outworld Devourer
Anti mage
Alchemist hero icon
Slark Portrait
Spectre Portrait
Clinkz Portrait

The Book of Dota guides are created with the goal to give you an in-depth understanding of all aspects of playing your chosen heroes. Even though they are long, they are meticulously structured so that you can quickly and easily find the needed knowledge. Each hero guide will give you all the necessary information to pick up a new hero or even to improve with a hero you already play well.

Learn from the best

Steve "Xcalibur" Ye is the original pub star in Europe. In 2014 he was noticed by n0tail and was invited to stand in for Fnatic.EU as a substitute for Era. The new lineup found incredible success on the back of Xcalibur's Tiny, Tinker & Meepo play and the team had ambitions to go to TI4 with him, which sadly became impossible because of a decision made by Valve.

Xcalibur Promo Stats

Steve was arguably the person that started the whole trend of finding a pub star with incredibly high mechanical skill and building a pro team with experienced veterans around them.  This led to the discovery of some of the best players in modern Dota like W33, Miracle- and GH.

In the current seasons, Xcalibur yet again managed to reach the 1st place on the EU leaderboards multiple times. This, without a doubt, makes him one of the best players in the world to teach you how to carry your pub team to victory.

Xcalibur's Book of Dota:
Ember Spirit Guide by Xcalibur
Xcalibur & Co.
Ember Spirit

Xcalibur's extensive guide to Ember. Inside you can find everything you need to learn to play the hero on a high level (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game

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Ember Spirit

Ember Spirit is one of the most difficult heroes in the game to master. Yet, as witnessed in game 5 of TI8s grand final, once you play him on a high enough level he gives you the opportunity to outplay your opponents and secure victories that otherwise seem impossible

He is one of the most mobile heroes in Dota, which makes him great at ganking and split-pushing. He also scales very well with items, which makes him a great late-game core and one of the most difficult heroes to push against.

Xcalibur has over 160 pub games with the hero with the respectable 59% win rate.

Tinker Guide by Xcalibur
Xcalibur & Co.

Xcalibur's extensive guide to Tinker. Inside you can find everything you will ever need to zap your enemies on your way to victory (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, play styles, tactics and priorities
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Tinker is a notorious pub stomper. With his incredible mobility around the map because of Boots of Travel and Rearm, he has a very unique and fun playstyle that allows you constantly farm the whole map and at the same time to join fights almost instantly.

Tinker is one of the heroes in Dota with the highest skill cap. He requires not only fast fingers but also great map awareness and perfect positioning in fights. If you are committed enough to learn to play him on a high level, however, this alone could allow you to consistently climb in rank.

Templar Assassin Guide by Xcalibur
Xcalibur & Co.
Templar Assassin

Xcalibur's extensive guide to TA. Inside you can find everything you need to learn to carry your team to victory (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics and priorities in the different stages of the game

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Templar Assassin

TA is another hero who is often used by mid players to climb the leaderboards. She is a strong laner and a fast farmer who is able to heavily snowball into the mid game after a good start. She can easily reach ridiculous levels of physical nuke damage and hit a mid-game timing that can make her almost impossible to deal with. Playing her on a high level can consistently secure you fast mid-game victories.

Her huge damage potential and snowball nature make her an insanely fun to play hero once you are good enough and start dominating.

Outworld Devourer Guide by Xcalibur
Xcalibur & Co.
Outworld Devourer

Xcalibur's extensive guide to Outworld Devourer. Inside you can find everything you need to carry your team to victory (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, play styles, tactics and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 9k words, more than 2 video examples

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Outworld Devourer

OD is one of the best pos. 1 heroes played out of the mid lane. He is a strong laner and he scales amazingly into the late game. OD has amazing carry potential for an INT hero.

Being 1st position doesn't mean he is a passive hero, however. He is not a great flash-farmer and he is terrible at split-pushing - OD loves to win his lane and to start dominating fights with his great pure damage output, snowballing his way to victory.

Interestingly, OD is also one of the very few core heroes with a very good saving mechanism. Astral Imprisonment can be used for initiation, but it is also perfect for saving your allies once enemies focus them. This is a great tool to have and sometimes it will help you turn fights around.

Anti-Mage Guide by Xcalibur
Xcalibur & Co.

Xcalibur's extensive guide to Anti-Mage. Inside you will find everything you need to carry yout team to victory (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, play styles, tactics and priorities in the different stages of the game

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AM is one of the best hard carries for stomping pubs. If enemies don't slow down your development too much, you can easily out-farm them by a huge margin. Once you have a big enough item advantage, you can pretty much win the game by yourself. AM is one of the best split-pushers in the game - it's possible to rat your way to victory even in very desperate games.

AM requires a lot of space early on, but if you learn to play him well enough you will be able to find the items you need in most situations. Once you do this consistently, you will also be able to win games consistently.

Alchemist Guide by Xcalibur
Xcalibur & Co.

Xcalibur's extensive guide to Alchemist. Inside you can find everything you need to out-farm even Gaben (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, play styles, tactics and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 6500 words, more than 2 example videos

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Similarly to AM, Alch wins the game by gaining a huge resource advantage. He is not mobile like AM, but he is the most potent farmer in Dota thanks to the unique mechanic of Greevil's Greed. It is entirely possible to have an advantage of 2-3 big items on Alch on the 25th-30th-minute mark, which will allow you to siege the enemy base and secure a quick victory. If you play him well enough, thanks to these short games you will be able to climb in rank very fast.

Even if you are not snowballing your way to victory with farming on steroids and the subsequent successful fights, you can always try to split-push to delay the game and to find your item advantage in this way.

Slark Guide by Xcalibur
Xcalibur & Co.

Xcalibur's extensive guide to Slark. Inside you can find everything you need to learn to carry with the slippery fish (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game

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The slippery fish is notorious in pubs for a good reason - he is one of the most potent hero hunters in Dota and he usually makes the game a nightmare for the squishy supports of the enemy team.

Unlike most other hero hunters, Slark is a hard carry and scales very well with farm. This means that if he is successful in his aggression, he can easily snowball out of control and s a result he is one of the best carries for winning pubs and climbing in rank.

Spectre Guide by Xcalibur
Xcalibur & Co.

Xcalibur's extensive guide to Spectre. Inside you can find everything you need to put your team on your shoulders (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game

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Spectre has always been one of the heroes in Dota with the highest win rate in pubs, which theoretically makes her the best hero to learn if you want to increase your rank. The reason for this is pretty simple - she is one of the strongest late carries in the game. At the same time, pubs are not great at coordinated pressure and ending the game early, which means she reaches her late game potential more often than not.

If you learn to play her well, you will be able to endure her bad early game and you will be able to carry your team to victory extremely consistently - arguably more than with any other true hard carry.

Juggernaut Guide by Xcalibur
Xcalibur & Co.

Xcalibur's extensive guide to Juggernaut. Inside you can find everything you need to carry your team to victory (updated for 7.20).

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game

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Jugg is a carry that has always had a big presence in the pro scene for two simple reasons:

  • He is one of only two carries with inbuilt magic immunity.
  • He is a strong laner with good kill potential, yet he also scales very well in the late game. This makes him very reliable.

Learning to play Jugg well is probably something every pos. 1 player has to do - you need to have a carry who is a strong laner in your hero pool, and Jugg is arguably the most versatile and reliable hard carry with a strong laning phase.

Clinkz Guide by Xcalibur
Xcalibur & Co.

Xcalibur's extensive guide to Clinkz. Inside you can find everything you need to learn to stomp pubs with Skeletor (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game

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Clinkz is one of the most notorious pub stompers in Dota. He is a powerful lane dominator and unlike most other carriers who prefer to farm, Clinkz likes to spend his time constantly hunting enemy heroes. This playstyle means he can easily snowball and take over the game, providing a very quick victory for his team. Unlike some other hero hunters, however, Clinkz has very high building damage, which is also extremely useful for claiming map control after your ganks and eventually - breaking the enemy base.

About the guides:

As is the case with the whole Book of Dota series, all guides are in-depth and have a very wide variety of components. They have a useful navigation and intuitive structure, which helps you find exactly the information you are searching for.

The guides are designed in a way that makes them easy to update when new patches come out or when the meta changes. We will add new replay examples, new gameplay video examples and we will update the builds so that you will always be up to date with the newest and most efficient ways to play the heroes.

The goal of the guides, however, is not to spoon-feed you. We will help you develop a deep understanding of the heroes and their capabilities and role in the game. Once you master this knowledge, you will be able to use your own creativity and unique playstyle in order to find success and achieve victory!

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