In-Depth Dota Hero Guides, Vol. 1 - Cores


In this bundle, you will find:

  • 8 super in-depth hero guides
  • 55k words of written content in total - the same length as a novel!
  • 14+ example videos
  • Example replays of competitive and pub games

Ursa Portrait
Troll Warlord
Wraith King
Chaos Knight

The Book of Dota guides are created with the goal to give you an in-depth understanding of all aspects of playing your chosen heroes. Even though they are long, they are meticulously structured so that you can quickly and easily find the needed knowledge. Each hero guide will give you all the necessary information to pick up a new hero or even to improve with a hero you already play well.

Book of Dota, Vol. 1:
Void Spirit Guide by a 7k MMR Player

A comprehensive Dota 2 Void Spirit guide created by a 7k MMR mid player. Builds, playstyle, priorities.

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Void Spirit

A comprehensive Dota 2 Void Spirit guide created by a 7k MMR mid player.

  • Builds;
  • Playstyle;
  • Priorities;

Pudge Guide by a 7k MMR Player

An extensive guide to Pudge. Inside you can find everything you need to hook your way to victory!

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, play styles, tactics and priorities in the different stages of the game

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Pudge is the most played hero in pubs for a reason. His unique Hook mechanic is one of the most famous skill-shots in gaming and it has a very high skill ceiling. His playstyle is also fun as a whole - he is an active hero-hunter and the action with him begins right from the start of the game. Last but not least, you can easily snowball with him because of his passive and ultimate and totally take over the game even from the support position.

Ursa Guide by a 7k MMR Player

An extensive guide to Ursa. Inside you can find everything you need to shred your enemies to pieces (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, play styles, tactics and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 6k words, more than 2 video examples

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Ursa has always been a pub stomper and an insanely fun hero to play. He is one of the heroes that can deal the highest amount of single target damage in the shortest amount of time, which makes him very dangerous from early on. He is not a passive farmer - with Ursa you want to win your lane, to get a few core items and to start relentlessly pressuring your opponents and hunting heroes.

The metagame is shifting towards more aggression and less passive farming, which means that right now he is not only fun - he is a viable hero to learn if you want to get better, win games and increase your rank.

Sven Guide by a 7k MMR Player

An extensive guide to Sven. Inside you can find everything you need to learn to one-hit the entire enemy team (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, play styles, tactics and priorities
  • 8k words, more than 2 video examples

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Sven is a true hard carry who shines at flash-farming and at dominating team fights with his massive AOE damage. His ultimate and Cleave in combination with a couple of luxury items make him one of the most ridiculous damage dealers in the game and a great carry to use in team fight combos.

He is great at utilizing the free space his teammates manage to create for him, but unlike many other hard carries he is survivable and has a useful stun, which means that he can contribute in early fights if needed.

Troll Warlord Guide by a 7k Player
Troll Warlord

An extensive guide to Troll. Inside you can find everything you need to learn to carry your team to victory with the angry ex. Bashlord (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 6k words, more than one video example

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Troll Warlord

Troll is man-fighting, snowballing & pushing hard carry and a very fun to play hero. Despite being a hard carry, he is not a passive farmer and is able to fight from early on. At the same time, he scales amazingly well with items and is not afraid to take the game late.

He is the only hero in the game who can freely switch between melee and ranged attacks on demand, which raises his skill-cap and makes him quite unique and versatile. He is not the easiest carry to play, but if you learn him well you will have a lot of fun owning with him.

Wraith King Guide by a 7k MMR Player
Wraith King

An extensive guide to Wraith King. Inside you can find everything you need to carry your team to victory (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 7k words, more than two video examples

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Wraith King

Historically, WK has been one of the pub heroes with the highest win rate for a reason. The ability to jump in aggressively, to soak up a big part of the arsenal of your opponents and then to Reincarnate shouldn't be underestimated. It gives you a bigger margin for error, but more importantly, it is a great way to draw the attention of your opponents away from your allies.

Aside from this unique mechanic, WK is a strong laner with good kill potential who scales extremely well into the late game. He could get countered mainly by mana burn, but even if this happens he is quite versatile - you can run him as a secondary carry in the offlane or even as a support.

Chaos Knight Guide by a 7k MMR Player
Chaos Knight

An extensive guide to CK. Learn to play CK on a high level and slay your enemies with the power of discord and chaos! (Updated for 7.20)

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 9k words, more than 2 video examples

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Chaos Knight

Chaos Knight is the perfect hero for core players who like killing heroes more than killing creeps. CK has high kill potential right from the laning stage and this doesn't change all the way to the very late game. With his illusions, a Reality Rift into a crit could instantly kill squishier heroes later in the game, which makes CK an extremely fun and satisfying hero to play. Due to his fighting playstyle, he can easily snowball if played well and secure relatively fast victories.

Razor Guide by a 7k MMR Player

An extensive guide to Razor. Inside you will find everything you need to play the Lightning Revenant on a high level (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 7k words, more than 2 video examples

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A lane dominator and an anti-carry, Razor is without a doubt one of the most annoying heroes for right-click cores to play against. His Static Link makes him one of the strongest laners in Dota and even later in the game it can make one enemy core almost useless within seconds. Even though his playstyle is relatively one-dimensional, he is one of the best heroes at what he does. Learning to play him at a high level can yield a very high win rate mainly because Razor can stomp his lane extremely consistently - as you may know, in Dota lanes win games.

About the guides:

As is the case with the whole Book of Dota series, all guides are in-depth and have a very wide variety of components. They have a useful navigation and intuitive structure, which helps you find exactly the information you are searching for.

The guides are designed in a way that makes them easy to update when new patches come out or when the meta changes. We will add new replay examples, new gameplay video examples and we will update the builds so that you will always be up to date with the newest and most efficient ways to play the heroes.

The goal of the guides, however, is not to spoon-feed you. We will help you develop a deep understanding of the heroes and their capabilities and role in the game. Once you master this knowledge, you will be able to use your own creativity and unique playstyle in order to find success and achieve victory!