Pudge Guide by a 7k MMR Player
Artist: Valve
Date: 10/2018


Welcome to Book of Pudge, a hero guide part of the Book of Dota series!

Here you will find all the information you need to learn to play Pudge on a high level – from drafting and builds to the optimal playstyle in different lanes and situations. We hope you’ll enjoy this guide and find it useful!


Draft: As a position 4 you will rarely have the luxury to pick Pudge late in the draft. Nonetheless, you want to be playing against easy to Hook squishy targets – this will make the game easier and will increase your chances of snowballing and securing the game for your team. Avoid playing Pudge against tanky 5-man drafts.

Early Game: Roam and utilize the unique repositioning mechanic of Hook to pull enemies out of position and secure kills for your team. Decide which lanes are most vulnerable and spend most of your time there. Try hard to win the vision war – throwing Hooks when you are seen is futile, so utilize Sentries, Smoke and Observers to have the element of surprise on your side.

Mid & Late Game: Continue ganking but always together with your teammates. Ideally, you want to snowball out of the laning stage, gank successfully and enable your allies to take objectives and take over the map. If you snowballing and you are very tanky you can position yourself more aggressively inside fights. If not, stay in a safer position outside vision. This will not only lead to fewer deaths on your side but will allow you to save allies when they need it.


Nikolay "CTOMAHEH1" Kalchev
Info & Editing

CTOMAHEH1 started his pro career as a support in Basically Unknown together with Mind Control. Since then he has consistently been playing on the European T2 scene, most recently on Unchained Esports.

His highest placement on the EU ladder is top 100 - he plays all roles (mainly support), which is untypical for high-ranking players and shows his great versatility and understanding of the game.

Kyril "MrNiceGuy" Kotashev
PM, Writing & Editing

Esports and gaming enthusiast since forever and founder of Dotahaven.

Has been playing Dota since 2005 (5.84). An Ancient I player in Dota 2.

Ahhh…fresh meat!

Pudge is a unique hero thanks to his Meat Hook ability which allows him to pull enemy heroes toward himself from a great distance. He is one of the strongest gankers in the game, however, because Meat Hook is a hard to land skill shot, he is somewhat unreliable.  As a result, Pudge is rarely a competitive pick. Nonetheless, he is the most popular hero in pubs. This happens for a reason - if you learn to play him well, it could be incredibly fun and rewarding.

Pudge Loadout
Level 1
Level 15
Level 25
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low


Get over here! 
The ability to pull enemy units towards yourself over a huge distance is invaluable for picking off enemy heroes (not only in ganks but also in fights). This is why Pudge is one of the very few heroes in the game that can get pickoffs even if the target is somewhat close to his allies.

In addition, you have a slow (Rot) and a disable to keep the hero in this unfavorable position.

Disable through Magic immunity:
Apart from his ganking strengths, Pudge also provides a valuable disable through magic immunity during fights. Even if you don’t manage to hook a target, you can still run in and be useful by locking down an important enemy.

Pudge is one of the most durable heroes in the game. He has very high HP pool thanks to his high STR gain and his passive, Flesh Heap. Besides the bonus STR, the spell gives him bonus magic resistance making Pudge very hard to bring down only with magical damage.


Not Item Dependent but scales well with items:
Thanks to his potent combo Pudge is quite item independent - he can get kills and contribute even if he is quite poor. Nevertheless, thanks to his ultimate and passive he scales quite well with items and could snowball out of control. Thanks to his Flesh Heap ability, Pudge gradually gains a lot of Strength as the game progresses.  This makes him very tanky and hard to kill in the late game.



Movement Speed:
Pudge has below average movement speed. Even though that wouldn’t be a major problem for some heroes, he needs MS to get in position for Hooks and to chase with Rot, so some games the low MS could cost you opportunities for kills.

Level Dependent in the early game:
To be able to take solo kills, Pudge needs to be ahead of his opponents. His combo becomes most potent around lvl7, so it is incredibly important for him to get to that point – a problem for a roamer.

Easy to Control:
Pudge is a slow hero that needs to be in melee range to deal damage and disable (with Rot and Dismember). This means that you will very often be in the middle of the fight, where heroes can slow you or stun you. This will help not only in kiting you - hard disables will interrupt your ultimate, which is a channeling ability.

Meat Hook is relatively easy to dodge if you anticipate it and see it in time. This means that it is quite hard to land a Hook in most cases (unless you are very well hidden, and the target doesn’t anticipate it). At the same time, if you miss your hooks, you will not be able to get kills, which means that you will not be able to snowball.


Low Armor:
Even though Pudge is quite durable (very high HP and magic Resistance), a strong physical damage dealer and sources of minus armor could be a huge problem since he is a melee hero and is most often in the middle of the fight, especially in the mid and late game.


Winstrike vs Gambit, The International 2018 Qualifier

MATCH ID 3961646185

Winstrike drafted a very surprising mid lane Pudge for Iceberg showcasing that the hero can work on this forgotten role even in the current metagame. Nonetheless, it is worth mentioning that the draft of the team works very well with the mid Pudge: The offlane and safe lane cores (Bristle and Gyro) are heroes that scale well into the late game but at the same time they could fight early on with Pudge. The supports (Jakiro and Clock) are also very active heroes who love to play a fast game of ganking and pushing.

The game is a stomp, but the laning stage is great to watch: Iceberg manages to claim multiple kills with the help of his allies, showing that if you use him right Pudge can be quite strong early on.


Pudge Hook

When you are building a lineup around Pudge you want to accommodate his ganking potential. You need allies that can increase the effectiveness of your ganks and carries that can flash-farm and benefit from the space you are creating in the early and mid game.

Pudge is rarely used in competitive strategies because he is unreliable. However, there are a few ways you can use him strategically.

With flash-farming carries:

Firstly, as we mentioned Pudge is a very good space creator. This means that picking him when you have a better late game (strong carries in your team) is generally a very good idea. Even if the Pudge isn’t too successful in his ganks, he will end up forcing the enemy team to deal with him rather than invest resources in stopping your carry from farming. This means that the game will more easily reach the stage where your carry will be able to take over.

Flash-farming carries are usually also quite good at pushing-out the waves and split-pushing. This means that even if your ganks on one side of the maps are unsuccessful and you die, your opponents wouldn’t be able to take objectives out of this because they will be forced to deal with the threat of your split-pusher.

With pushers:

Secondly, Pudge is relatively good with strong pushers. If the enemy team wants to defend the push, enemies will have to come close to the tower and will be easy Hook-targets in this position. This means that stalling pushes with spells becomes incredibly dangerous versus a Pudge. The hook is also great defensively for your front-line pusher.

Against passive lineups:

Lastly, Pudge is quite a potent ganker, so if you want to punish a slow late game lineup that needs space and farm (split pushers and hard agility carries), you can combine him with other potent gankers (Nyx, Beast Master, etc.) and take all map control away from your opponents.


Support Pudge:

A roaming Pudge aims to utilize his ganking potential from the very start of the game. Using the fog of war, Smokes and Obs ward vision is absolutely crucial to your success.

Your main goal as a roaming Pudge is to hit a Hook, get an enemy out of position and with the help of Rot AND YOUR ALLIES to secure a kill. Getting solo kills is unlikely because you will be low level, so when drafting a pos. 4 Pudge you need to have allies with decent kill potential.

Solo Mid Pudge:

Pudge is very level dependent. All he needs in order to be able to start pressuring the enemy team and getting solo kills is a fast lvl6. This means that even provided he actually loses his lane and is unable to take much farm, he will be happy with this outcome since he has gotten the full solo XP and has his kill potential online.

The key is that Pudge needs to be able to stay in the lane. If he gets harassed out of the lane or zoned out, he will have huge problems in the game. If the enemy solo mid is a very hard lane dominator (e.g. QoP, Viper, Razor), you should consider playing your Pudge as a roamer in this game.

Even though solo mid was the usual position for the hero, nowadays it is very unorthodox because the mid lane is usually used for heroes who scale way better with items. Moreover, he is a weak laner, which means his development could be stopped easily with lane pressure. That being said, a mid Pudge for a fast level 6 could still work in some specific games.


Good friends to have are:

Carries that need space to farm up: Spectre, AM, Alchemist, Medusa

Spectre Portrait
Anti mage
Alchemist hero icon
Late game carries that need space to farm up items are a good combo with Pudge as he can provide this space.

Pudge is a very good aggressive tempo controller. This means that he can take the fight to his enemies and pressure them into playing more defensively. Pudge shifts the focus of enemies on him - opponents (mostly supports) are forced to react to his ganks by staying close to each other, protecting their carry, buying more wards to have vision etc.  Moreover, when you are always afraid that you are going to get Hooked and killed, you tend not to overextend and go into enemy territory that much. This means that you are leaving free space for the ally carry to farm. All heroes that utilize such space well are good strategic partners for Pudge.

Healers: Omniknight, Dazzle, Abaddon, Io

Omniknight portrait
Dazzle Portrait
Abaddon Portrait
IO Wisp
It is a good idea to pick Pudge along with heroes that can keep him alive in the middle of the fight.

Heroes that provide health sustain can make Pudge even a harder target to kill. This can be what allows him to jump in the middle of the team fight and cause problems for the enemy team even without relying too much on the Hook initiation.

In addition, Rot damages Pudge himself, so he often finds himself in need of some healing.

With Omni, he has some further synergy as the Repel makes it much harder for the enemy team to interrupt the Dismember. Rot doesn’t damage Pudge through Repel, and to top it off, Dismember is melee range, which means that the Omni heal is certain to do damage to the disabled target when Pudge is healed.

Io also deserves a special mention as Pudge doesn’t only benefit from the heals which Tether accommodates. The spell also gives movement speed and slows enemies, which makes chasing with Rot much easier. Overload through Tether also makes Pudge even tankier. Most importantly, with Io’s ult, Relocate, it is always very easy to get in position for a gank. Generally, Pudge + Io is a very powerful ganking combo.

Map Control: Nyx, Bounty Hunter, Beastmaster, Riki

Bounty Hunter
Heroes that provide map control find ganking opportunities for Pudge and make pressuring the opponents easier.

Heroes that provide map control and vision can find ganking opportunities for Pudge. Such map control is useful for all gankers; however, Pudge uses vision even better because of his Hook. In addition, such heroes in the later stages of the game provide the additionally needed nuke damage to finish the target after Pudge’s initiation.

Setup - disables and strong slows: Bane Elemental, Vengeful Spirit, Rubick, Crystal Maiden, Shaker

Bane Portrait
Crystal Maiden
Earthshaker Portrait
Pudge works very well with heroes that can set up his Hook.

Like we mentioned, landing your Hook with Pudge every time is quite a challenge. Heroes that can keep your target in one place for a few seconds, however, can make certain that you will hit your skill shot. Such a disable is always useful to have in ganks, and in more open fights it can be invaluable since your opponents will always see you casting the spell, but the disable wouldn’t allow them to dodge. 


Invoker deserves a special mention. He can use the free space Pudge provides to farm up while participating in Pudge’s kill attempts globally with Sun Strike. The Hook, Dismember + Sun Strike combo is great because Dismember sets up the Sun Strike and both the SS and Hook deal a lot of pure nuke damage, so even tanky heroes are unlikely to survive.


Weak Against:

Tanky heroes, especially with control: Centaur, Clockwerk, Slardar, Doom, Ursa, Wraith King, DK, Clock

Slardar Portrait
Ursa Portrait
Wraith King
Dragon knight
If the enemy team has tanky carries, you might end up not being a big threat to them.

Pudge usually kills heroes off with his nuke combo, possibly finishing them with Rot and a few auto attacks. Hooking such tanky targets to you, however, could be a disaster. Not only are they likely to survive the initiation, but they could even sometimes turn the fight and kill you, provided they have sufficient farm. Even if such targets are on low HP and can’t afford to fight back, they can use their disables to escape once your combo is over.

Mobile Heroes: Puck, Storm, Weaver, AM, Morphling

Puck Portrait
Storm spirit
Anti mage
Mobile heroes usually can relatively easily escape your initiation.

Even though such heroes are usually quite squishy, getting the initiation and the whole combo on them might be quite hard. First of all, they are hard targets for hooking since they move around quite fast. In addition, even if you manage to land the Hook, they might use their mobility skill before you are able to Dismember (or even immediately after if they are tanky enough), which means it is very hard for you to get a kill on such heroes. It is possible to work around that by using your combo when their mobility spells are off cooldown; nevertheless, hitting this timing is usually quite hard.

Initiators: Tidehunter, Magnus, Earth Shaker, Puck

Tidehunter Portrait
Magnus Portrait
Earthshaker Portrait
Puck Portrait
Potent initiators can make team fights incredibly difficult for Pudge.

Hooking enemy heroes that have potent AoE disables towards yourself and your team is generally a very bad idea as you might end up helping the opposition initiate which could cost you a fight. In addition, you are a hero that wants to be the one to start a fight (ideally with a Hook shot). You have problems recovering after an enemy initiation as hitting your skills becomes much more difficult. Landing a Hook in the middle of the melee is very hard, and if you Dismember somebody, there is likely to be another enemy to interrupt your channeling.

If you want to initiate with Hook on such heroes, it might be a good idea to pull them away from your team. This will prevent them from initiating and might give your teammates the space to fight versus the other team without worrying about the impact of said initiator.


Silencer is a great hero against Pudge mainly because of his ultimate. He can use it after you hook one of his allies to prevent your teammates from securing the kill. He can also use it to interrupt Dismember globally. Last but not least, he can harass you a lot in the lane with his pure damage attacks. The only consolation is that he is squishy and immobile - you need to try to find him with your combo before a fight starts.

Strong Against:

Squishy Heroes: AA, Shadow Fiend, Sniper, Drow Ranger, Lich, CM, Lion, Lina, Nature’s Prophet, Luna

Ancient Apparition Portrait
Shadow Fiend Portrait
Drow Ranger
Crystal Maiden
Nature's Prophet Portrait
Squishy INT and AGI heroes can easily die to a single Hook into Dismember + Rot combo without a chance to fight back, so picking Pudge against them is a good idea.

Pudge has very high nuke damage, especially in the early stages of the game. If he manages to get enough levels, such heroes will die as a result of the combo without any chance to fight back. So, if there are multiple such heroes in the game, it will be very easy for a Pudge player to find targets to pick off and snowball from this point, dictating the game.

Easy Hook Targets: Sniper, Shadow Fiend, Drow Ranger, Gyrocopter, Luna.

Shadow Fiend Portrait
Drow Ranger
Being able to consistently land Hooks in group fights is incredibly important for you in case you want to have an impact in such engagements, and there are certain heroes that make your job a bit easier.

In fights, it is usually quite hard to land a Hook because there are multiple units in the melee, and heroes are constantly moving unpredictably. Most ranged carries, however, have a much more predictable movement - they want to keep attacking, which means that they don’t have too much time to reposition themselves. They also tend to stay a bit to the side of the center of the fight (because of their range), which makes landing a Hook easier since there aren’t as many units around them to block the Hook projectile.

Split Pushers: NP, Naga Siren, Luna, Specter

Nature's Prophet Portrait
Naga siren
Spectre Portrait
You can potentially punish split pushers with Pudge.

As all gankers, Pudge can naturally punish split pushers if he is in position to gank them. Getting a mobility item, however, can make Pudge even more dangerous for such heroes. For example, let’s say a hero is split pushing your tower. You TP to that tower and the split pusher runs away. For the 3 seconds that pass while you are channeling the TP, the split pusher manages to run away for more than 1,5k range. At that distance, the hero is safe from almost all heroes, but the initiation range of a Pudge with Blink Dagger is 2500 (1200 from blink and 1300 from Hook). Therefore, with that item, you can easily catch up to heroes that are running away.


Pudge Meat Hook
Pudge Rot
Pudge Flesh Heap
Pudge Dismember

Launches a bloody hook toward a unit or location. The hook will snag the first unit it encounters, dragging the unit back to Pudge and dealing damage if it is an enemy.


Cast Animation: 0.3+0.43/0.46/0.5/0.53

Cast Range: 1000/1100/1200/1300

Max Travel Distance: 1300

Hook Search Radius: 100

Damage: 150/220/290/360

CD: 27/22/17/12

Mana: 140

Aghanim's Scepter

Reduces cooldown and increases damage.

Meat Hook

Meat Hook is your most important spell as it is the beginning of the combo, and it is what setups for your Dismember and Rot, which are both melee range.

Mechanically, the skill is quite simple to understand: it damage enemies, drags them towards you and disables them why they are being dragged.

Positioning & Vision:

When it comes to landing the Hooks, the first thing you must think about is your positioning: try to Hook from an angle that doesn’t allow creeps or ally heroes to block your Hook.

Vision is also one of your top priorities. It is much harder to dodge a Hook if you don’t expect it. Players wouldn’t have quick enough reactions to do it intentionally, so by far the best way to ensure you are going to land a hook is to make yourself unseen. This usually happens by using the fog of war and obstacles. Stay on high grounds or behind objects (like cliffs and trees) so that your target doesn’t see you. This is not only good for the shot itself - when you pull the target behind an obstacle, it will be much more difficult for it to run back to a safe position, or for its allies to help out.

Sometimes you might have the chance to Hook a hero which is surrounded by allies on a high ground, and because of your good positioning, the allies wouldn’t be able to counter initiate and save their teammate.

You can place Observer Wards in key places to provide vision for your Hooks. Moreover, you can use a Smoke even only on yourself to make yourself invisible for enemy wards. This will make it much easier to land your Meat Hooks since enemies will not spot your rotation even if they feel safe because they have Observers.  Keep in mind that on max lvl you can use Meat Hook from a high enough range in order not to break the Smoke effect. This will allow you to initiate out of vision even if you are not hiding in a position where you are under the cover of Fog of War.


You must bear in mind that it takes time for the hook to reach from you to your target - the projectile travels with a speed of 1600, so from you to the max range of 1300 it would take 0.8 seconds for the Hook to hit. This means that clicking on the target, especially when it is away from you, is probably going to miss if the target moves. Therefore, you must anticipate how the target will move.

Usually, heroes move in a straight line when they are moving from one point to another, so all you have to do is use the skill a bit to the front of the target (the further away you are from it, the further ahead of it you must aim at). If the target is standing still (channeling a spell, auto attacking and not moving), you should click on the actual target.

When your target sees you and anticipates the Hook, it becomes a bit more complicated. Most probably the player will try to wait to see that you are casting the Hook and just at that moment will move a bit to the side in one direction to dodge the skill. This means that you will probably miss if you aim at the actual target or at the straight line path of movement. You should anticipate the actual dodging movement. As a result, it is best to use the hook a bit to the side of the target. This way if the target dodges (generally 50% chance), you will successfully hit. Provided you are not certain how the target is going to dodge, you can cancel the Hook animation just as you are throwing it (by pressing S right away). This way your target will try to avoid anyway because it sees your casting animation, and you might use this split-second advantage to cast the Hook again and hopefully land. This practice is very useful especially when you are casting in a short or medium range (the player will have to dodge right away; from max range, the player has the luxury to wait and see the actual projectile and dodge afterward).

Save Allies:

As far as the use of Meat Hook goes, remember that it is not only a tool for initiation. You can save allies by pulling enemy heroes away from them, or by pulling them towards a safer position. However, be careful not to pull them by mistake – if you pull your carry while he is focusing an important enemy hero, this might cost you the fight.

Finally, don’t be afraid of missing your Hook. Luck is always involved, and you can never predict the movement of your opponents 100%  - it is much better to try multiple hooks, miss some but land some rather than try just a few when you are 100% sure that you are going to hit. Even difficult shots are worth trying most of the time.

A toxic cloud that deals intense damage and slows movement--harming not only enemy units but Pudge himself.


Cast Animation: 0+0

Radius: 250

Damage per Second: 30/60/90/120

Move Speed Slow: 11%/18%/25%/32%


The most important thing to remember about Rot is that you can always switch it on and off, and it doesn’t interrupt other actions. This means that use it or not while Dismembering, chasing or even attacking. This makes the skill somewhat versatile.


The first and most straightforward use of Rot is as a source of damage. It deals damage every 0.2 seconds, which means it deals up to 120 DPS, 24 damage per tick.

Usually, your combo consists of throwing Hook, using Rot while the target is flying towards you and using Dismember right afterward. If you fail to use Rot as fast, however, you can always switch it on after you have Dismembered – it doesn’t interrupt your channeling skills.

Rot hits invisible targets around you. If an enemy turns invisible, you can try to use Rot and predict his movement to finish him off.


Usually, after a successful combo, you want to chase down your target with Rot and finish it off. Attacking while you are doing this is rarely a good idea since the attack animation will slow you down and might allow the target to escape the Rot range (and stop being slowed, disabling you from catching up; you are not a fast hero).

Last Hitting:

You can also use Rot to last hit. If you switch it on while you are swinging for the last hit, your hero will do a bit of extra damage to the target, enabling either your Rot or hit to finish it off. This can help you get decent farm in the lane even versus heroes who are strong at last hitting.

Deny yourself:

Finally, you can deny yourself with Rot, as it could deal fatal damage to you. This will deny XP and Gold from the kill to your opponents, making your death more costly. Denying yourself is quite hard to do; however, when you are about to die, it is always worth at least attempting it. Switching it on and leaving it is a bad strategy as it will allow your opponents to time the last hit. Generally, you want to switch it on just as it will be enough to kill you before the next source of enemy damage lands.

Gives Pudge resistance to magic damage, as well as bonus strength that increases each time Pudge kills an enemy Hero or it dies in his vicinity. Flesh Heap is retroactive, meaning it can gain charges before it is skilled, which then become active.


Enemy Death Radius: 450

Magic Resistance Bonus: 8/10/12/14%

Strength Bonus per Death: 1/1.5/2/2.5

Flesh Heap

Flesh Heap is your passive which makes you a tank and a very hard target to bring down. Having it generally means that you are quite hard to kill with magic damage.

It stacks with other sources of magic resistance, and the strength gain is retroactive, meaning if you level it up late, you will still get the strength from previous kills. This is one of the reasons why you usually leave the skill for last in your builds.

When it comes to usage, you rarely need to think about it. It is a good idea, however, to try to be within a radius of 450 of any dying enemy heroes to get the bonus STR if possible. Nevertheless, don’t overextend because of it. It will be quite dumb to get killed for a bonus 2 STR. In most fights, you will automatically be in the radius, thanks to the fact that most of your spells are melee, and you need to get close to have an impact.

Pudge chows down on an enemy unit, disabling it and dealing damage over time. Pudge gets healed for the same amount he damages. Lasts 3 seconds on Heroes, 6 seconds on creeps.


Cast Animation: 0.3+0

Cast Range: 160

Hero Max Channel Time: 3

Non-Hero Max Channel Time: 6

Base Damage per Second: 60/90/120

Strength as Damage per Second: 30%/45%/60%

Base Heal per Second: 60/90/120

Strength as Heal per Second: 30%/45%/60%

Pull Speed: 75

CD: 30/25/20

Mana: 100/130/170


Your ultimate is your main source of control. As a part of your combo, it is what keeps targets next to you after you Hook them and doesn’t let them escape the Rot+ Dismember damage. In fights, it could be used to keep a hero in place while your team is killing him/her. The Hook + Dismember combo is sometimes difficult to get since the enemy hero will move away once you hook him. You can try to do the following trick to optimize your combo: since Dismember has a very fast casting animation, you can issue the command while the target is flying towards you after you have hooked it.  By doing this, Pudge will cast Dismember right when the target gets next to you, leaving them no time to run away or use slower escape mechanisms.

Pudge Pulls the target closer to himself at a speed of 75, which is extremely useful for getting your target within Rot range. The pull debuff disappears when the target gets within 125 range of Pudge.

The two most important things to remember about it is that it works through magic immunity (the disable does, it doesn’t deal damage), which helps you lock down even very fed carries. At the same time, however, it is a channeling spell, so if you get disabled (even mini-stunned), it will end the spell. This means that it is quite difficult to use in the middle of the fight. If you need to become a fight initiator for your team, you need to consider getting a BKB. Nevertheless, bashes and mini bashes will always be a problem. It might be a good choice to disable the target that is most likely to interrupt your channeling.

Dismember scales quite well into the late game because of the % of strength damage aspect. Later on, it becomes your main source of damage and sustain because of the self-healing. Don’t be afraid even to use Dismember on creeps for the heal and damage (e.g. when farming) – the CD is very sort. Provided the game went well for you, and you have good Flesh Heap STR, a Hook into Dismember + Rot is likely to be able to solo kill squishy heroes even in the late game.

Skill Builds

Both Rot and Hook are amazing in the early game, so it is hard to choose which one to prioritize. One gives more nuke damage, the other – more sustained DPS and chase potential.

You need to decide whether to take a point into Flesh Heap from earlier than usual. This will make you less efficient in ganking, so it is usually not a good idea to do it if you are doing fine. If the game is going badly, however, and you are having trouble surviving in fights, a point into Flesh Heap might force your opponents to use more resources to kill you off, which might give a few seconds to your teammates to turn the fight. Nonetheless, if you haven’t got any kills, Flesh heap won’t grant you any extra Strength but only very little magic resistance.

If you are laning, you usually want to put your first skill point into Rot. If you are supporting or roaming right from the start of the game, you could choose to put your first skill point into Meat Hook. Usually, you have to save your point until you see what exactly you need – the slow from Rot or the repositioning from Hook.

Standard Rot Build
Hook Skill Build
Pudge Meat Hook
Pudge Rot
Pudge Rot
Pudge Flesh Heap
Pudge Rot
Pudge Dismember
Pudge Rot
Pudge Meat Hook
Pudge Meat Hook
Talent Icon
Pudge Meat Hook
Pudge Dismember
Pudge Flesh Heap
Pudge Flesh Heap
Talent Icon
Pudge Flesh Heap
Pudge Dismember
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: lower nuke damage from Hook;
Cons: maximum DPS and slow from Rot; an earlier point in Flesh Heap;

You get all of the utility of Hook on lvl1 – the only thing that scales is the damage & CD. Rot, on the other hand, scales extremely well with levels. Because of this, prioritizing it over Meat Hook will increase your overall kill potential because it will be much easier to chase enemies down. This build is superior against enemies with low mobility that have trouble getting out of the Rot range. The obvious downside is that with higher levels in Rot you will need more HP sustain.

In this example you get a point in Flesh Heap on lvl4 for some extra survivability – the extra health and magic resistance is useful especially when you are using Rot a lot. Whether you do this or not is your choice – if you think Hook’s nuke Damage and CD is more valuable in your situation, get it first.

Pudge Meat Hook
Pudge Rot
Pudge Meat Hook
Pudge Rot
Pudge Meat Hook
Pudge Dismember
Pudge Meat Hook
Pudge Rot
Pudge Rot
Talent Icon
Pudge Flesh Heap
Pudge Dismember
Pudge Flesh Heap
Pudge Flesh Heap
Talent Icon
Pudge Flesh Heap
Pudge Dismember
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: max nuke damage from Hook;
Cons: lower damage and slow from Rot;

Meat Hook is an extremely powerful pure damage nuke. If your allies have control spells that can easily set up for your Hook, prioritizing it over Rot early on makes sense because it will increase your kill potential. Don’t forget to use clarities during the laning stage in order to throw your Hook more often – you can use it to Harass, not only to attempt kills.


+2.0 Flesh Heap Stack STR


+3s Dismember Duration

15% Cooldown Reduction


+180 Gold

12% Rot Slow


13% Spell Lifesteal

+35 Rot Damage


+30% XP

Lvl10: You want to get as much XP as possible to reach higher levels in Flesh Heap and your GPM talent - Pudge is a great late game hero.

Lvl15: Spell Lifesteal is the usual choice because it makes you very hard to bring down, especially during Dismember.

Lvl20: The GPM talent is the usual choice because it helps you get your luxury items faster. Moreover, as a support you will often be starved for gold.

Lvl25: You have to decide based on the situation. Both talents are pretty good. If you have BKB usually you want to get the long Dismember duration. If you ultimate is getting canceled quite often or if you have a lot of Flesh Heap stacks, then you should go for the alternative.

Standard Pudge Build

The suggested build focuses on two things - mobility and sustain. It accommodates roaming around the map very fast to easily get in position for ganks. The high MS is also valuable when chasing with Rot. The Tranquil + Soul Ring combination give you a high level of HP and mana sustain which means you will have to go back to base less often.

Getting an Urn is always good for you since your main goal is to create space by ganking. Upgrading to Spirit Vessel is not mandatory but can be really good in some games (against healers, for example). Afterward, you go for Aether Lens (you can switch Aether Lens with Rod of Atos here if you are snowballing) and Blink, which will allow you to initiate more easily.

In the late game, you go for Aghanim`s so even if you miss some Hooks, you can try again in just 3-4 seconds. You want one of your last items to be a mana sustain item since you have Aghanim`s and you want to throw as many Hooks as possible. Soul Ring won't be enough at this point. In this example, you go for Shiva`s but you can go for Hex too or even Orchid/Bloodthorn. Getting a BKB  before or after the Aghanim’s is a good idea if you are facing heroes that interrupt your Dismember easily.

Starting items
Stout Shield
Early Game
Tranquil Boots
Magic wand
Mid Game
Spirit Vessel
Late Game
Stout Shield
Tranquil Boots

Tranquil Boots: Tranquil Boots are the usual boots of choice for Pudge especially if you are not going for other HP sustain items early on. The regeneration will allow you to go back to base less often and the high MS, when they are not broken, will allow you to roam around the map and get in position for ganks very fast. Keep in mind that your Rot doesn’t break the boots. 

Magic wand

Magic Wand: Burst HP and Mana to survive fights and cast your spells.


Soul Ring: Can solve your mana problems and it is very useful combined with Urn and Tranquil since you will have HP sustain from these items. The active skill is also very useful to bring yourself to 1 HP and deny yourself with Rot.


Urn of Shadows: Urn is very useful on Pudge as it gives you some useful stats + some mana regen. The main benefit, however, is the active. Since you are roaming and ganking, you will participate in a large amount of kill, and the Urn will fill with charges easily. When this happens, you have a very reliable source of HP sustain, which you need because you use your life points when you are fighting - not only when you tank hits and spells, but when you use your Rot too.

Spirit Vessel

Spirit Vessel: Can be very good on Pudge not only because of the HP and MS boost that you will get from the Vitally Booster and Wind Lace but also because of the effect that will increase your DPS against high HP heroes.


Blink Dagger: positioning is incredibly important for you if you want to consistently land Hooks, so getting one of the two mobility items (Force or Dagger) is a very good idea. Dagger is the better option as it will allow you to initiate from a longer range straight into a Dismember if you need to. 


Aghanim’s Scepter: Agh’s improves your Hook’s damage and CD and is an extremely solid late game choice. The bonus damage is very good since your Hook deals pure damage. The most important aspect is the big CD reduction, though. Not only are you able to hit 1 target a couple of times in a fight, but this makes missing your Hook a much smaller problem. You will be able to try again in just 4 seconds.


Shiva’s Guard: Shiva’s is a great counter to physical damage dealers. Whenever you have trouble staying alive versus such heroes, you should go for it. The active is also useful since it is a great follow-up on your initiation if you have Blink Dagger. The extra slow will also allow you to chase with Rot and even use a couple of right clicks.

Other Items

Early Game
Aether Lens
Force staff
Glimmer Cape
Blade Mail
Ghost Scepter
Tome of Knowledge
Mid & Late Game
Crimson Guard
Rod of Atos
Black King Bar
Lotus Orb
Ethereal Blade
Aether Lens

Aether Lens: All the stats AL gives you are very useful, but the most important aspect is the cast range. Not only will you be able to get longer hooks, which is important because it will be easier for you to stay out of vision, but you will also be able to activate Dismember on enemies which are trying to run away from you.

Force staff

Force Staff: Force Staff is inferior to Dagger when it comes to positioning, but it has its benefits too. For example, you can use it to get away if you need to or to help your allies. It gives useful regen and some additional mana, but be careful when using the active if you're on low mana - it is costly and you often have mana pool problems.

Glimmer Cape

Glimmer Cape: Glimmer has amazing utility on Pudge. You can cast it after Dismember to make it harder to cancel the ult with targeted stuns. You can cast it while chasing with Rot to reduce the damage you take and the make yourself harder to kite without reveal. You can use it to hide before throwing your Hook, and you can even use it to try to disengage when you are in the middle of the fight in order to position yourself for a Hook. Last but not least, it is a very powerful utility item that you can always use on your allies in order to save them when they are getting focused.


Vanguard: Generally you want to get Vanguard only if you feel it’s a good game to upgrade it to Crimson`s Guard.


Hood of Defiance: the magic resistance stacks with your passive, which means that you will become incredibly hard to kill with magical damage. Versus teams with lots of magical but only a few physical damage sources, this could make you impossible to deal with. An added benefit is that the magic resistance reduces your Rot self-damage, which is always useful.

Blade Mail

Blade Mail: You lack armor, so any item that gives you points in that stat is very useful to make you more survivable against physical damage. Blade Mail is a natural choice as it is relatively cheap. Besides the armor, it gives you some INT for mana and most importantly gives you the active ability. Provided you have a mobility item, jumping in the middle of the fight and activating the Damage Return will always cause problems for your opponents.


Eul’s Scepter of Divinity: Eul doesn’t give too many useful stats besides the MS which is always valuable for getting in position in fights/ganks or chasing with Rot. You can use the INT and mana sustain, but Eul gives in excess of what you need. However, you can use the active setup and try to time the target and hook him into you. When Cyclone ends the target will take 50 damage, which disables Blink Dagger’s active – this makes Cyclone very valuable when you are ganking heroes with such an escape mechanism.

Ghost Scepter

Ghost Scepter: although Pudge has high HP, he also has low armor and you might need a way to avoid getting burst by strong physical damage dealers. Ghost is a good item choice against man fight heroes such as Ursa, Sven, Lifestealer. 

Tome of Knowledge

Tome of Knowledge is extremely valuable on Pudge and you should try to get it every time. You want to reach higher levels ASAP to be able to kill squishier heroes in the early-mid game. Moreover, after lvl10 you get a higher value from the tome compared to most heroes because of your XP talent.


Pipe of Insight: if you already have a Hood, Pipe is always something to consider as it will help your allies survive the magical damage the enemy team has.

Crimson Guard

Crimson`s Guard: If the enemy team has multiple physical damage dealers, getting a Crimson`s Guard can make you and your allies very hard targets to bring down. This is a viable choice only for a core Pudge.

Rod of Atos

Rod of Atos: the very long range root allows to set up for easy hooks. The stats are also quite nice, making you tankier and giving you some mana.

Black King Bar

BKB: Even though you are not really the right-click type of hero, you can make good use of having freedom in team fights. BKB allows you to stick to your target when chasing and not to worry that your Dismember is going to get interrupted easily in group fights. Getting a BKB is not a good idea for every game, though. It is sometimes better to tank as many spells as possible yourself - you are very durable. This way these spells will not be used on your allies, and they will have more space to have an impact in fights.
If the game is going into the very late stages, and you are starting to deal attack damage more often, however, getting a BKB is a must.

Lotus Orb

Lotus Orb: Lotus is powerful on Pudge because after using his Dismember he is the main hero the enemy team wants to focus on targeted disables. Activating Echo Shell before using Dismember will force your opponents to face a hard decision: stop the channeling and get disabled themselves or let the channeling end. Moreover, in the late game, Pudge is often a frontline hero and Echo Shell simply makes him more survivable.


Heart of Tarrasque: HoT will make you even tankier than you already are and might allow you to jump very aggressively at your opponents without fear of getting burst down. If you have Aghanim’s, the extra STR will increase the damage and heal of your ultimate, which is always useful. Generally, it is a good idea to get an armor item before you get your HoT as this way you will maximize your EHP. 

Ethereal Blade

Ethereal Blade: it is one of your most powerful late game alternatives as it will make your combo quite devastating. It deals damage based on your main stat, and because of your good STR gain and Flesh Heap, you are one of the heroes that can easily get absurd levels of STR. This means that the Ether Blast will deal high levels of damage. In addition, since it slows the movement of the target by 80%, it is incredibly easy to follow up with a Hook and Dismember. Finally, your Dismember and Rot deal magic damage which gets amplified by the ethereal form of your target.


Assault Cuirass: Very situational item and requires a good early/mid game. In the very late game, provided you have a BKB, you can start auto attacking targets. Remember that in the late game you have very high damage per hit but slow AS (thanks to Flesh Heap and your high stat gain), so getting an AC will increase your total DPS by a large margin.


Dagon: As any combo killer, Dagon can help you extend the period in which you have a lethal combo. It is a good idea to get this item only when you are snowballing very hard as, besides the active, you don’t get a lot of benefits from the item - it is not cost-effective.

Early Game

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The laning stage with Pudge is all about roaming around the map and setting up kills for your teammates by getting their lane opponents out of position with Hook and slowing them down with Rot. Using vision to your advantage (hiding in the fog/trees, using Obs, smokes) is incredibly important because it is very hard to land a hook when your opponents expect it.


To last-hit more efficiently you can use Rot just as you are swinging for the last hit. This will increase the overall damage you do to the target creep and will help you get most last hits even if your opponent is trying to deny.

When farming with Rot a trick you can use is to move your Tranquils to the backpack so that they don’t break and then to move them back once you are done farming so that you can start regenerating life ASAP.


Harassing isn’t your strength. You are a melee hero, you don’t have a spammable nuke and whenever you are trading harass, you might end up losing more HP than your opponent since you have low armor and you damage yourself with Rot.

Remember that most of the time you can get a kill on your opponent even from full HP if the positioning after Hook is good, so harassing in order to set up a kill attempt is rarely needed.

Kill Potential:

The more levels in Hook and Rot you have, the more dangerous you are. Nonetheless, even at lvl1, you can secure kills with some help from your teammates. Needless to say, lvl2 is key because you will have both your Hook and Rot. Having your ultimate also, not surprisingly, increases you kill potential a lot.

Your kill attempts have two key moments: landing the Hook and chasing down with Rot. To be successful at landing the hook you need to abuse vision. Your opponents should not be expecting you. Relying simply on out-skilling your opponents and predicting their jukes when you are seen is a bad strategy because it will result in much more missed hooks.

Chasing down with Rot after a successful Hook is easier, but you need to make sure you don’t let your target get out of the Rot range. If you don’t have a significant MS advantage, don’t attack your target, simply follow it with Rot and let your allies finish the job.


In case you are pushing with multiple heroes, it is more important to position yourself for a Hook Shot provided an opponent comes rather than deal damage to the tower with hits. Hitting heroes as they TP is relatively easy, as you know where they will show up – you need to simply time the Hook well.


Using Observers, Smokes and even Sentries to deward is more important for Pudge than for any other roamer. The success of your ganks depends greatly on you surprising your target.

Rotations & Timings:

Levels: Lvl2, when you have both the displacement of Hook and the damage and slow from Rot, is key for attempting kills. Lvl6 is also very important because your kill potential skyrockets and getting even solo kills becomes possible.

Night time: If your opponents don’t have lane wards, it will be much easier for you to stay out of vision and surprise them with a Hook. Bear in mind that you will sometimes also have trouble seeing your opponents at night, so it could be a good idea to place a lane ward of your own, especially on the mid lane HG.

Runes:  if you are lucky to get a Haste rune, you can attempt a rotation right away. The haste synergizes very well with your Rot – you can run in, slow heroes and use Hook to finish them off. The invisibility rune is also a good one – you can get close to your potential target and use your spells straight away.

Pushes: you should rotate to push with your team – the threat of a Hook-initiation during the push early on will make it very hard for enemies to position themselves properly to defend. Even though you are a ganker, you are not a bad 5-man fight hero whenever you are the one to get the initiation (but you are terrible when they initiate on you, so positioning is key).

Support Pudge

Your priority in the laning stage should be to constantly pressure the enemy lanes and hopefully setup some kills with the help of your allies.

Always try to counter-gank. You should use TP if you feel that you can help your teammates or you can score a kill. Hook is great both for saving your ally or for getting a trade by pulling an enemy under the tower.

Take runes. Since you will roam around the map you should always try to take the Bounty runes and not only them - if you get lucky and find Haste or Invis this could almost ensure a kill. Remember that you can use hook on runes. Hook them near you and after this pick them, by doing this you will not lose mana but your Hook will be on cooldown.

Always ward and deward as efficiently as you can. Vision is the key to the success of your rotations.

Stay in lane and harass with Hook; get lvl2 or 3 as fast as you can;
Start roaming around the map to gank; use smoke, wards, the fog;
Control runes;
Video Example:

He starts the game in the offlane where he tries to harass with Hook while leaching some XP. Notice how he uses the cover of fog to hit his Hooks right away. The first successful Hook on Phoenix shows how much harass damage it can deal when combined with a few right-clicks.

On lvl two he attempts his first rotation mid, unsuccessfully. Nonetheless, it's a good attempt - e.g. he could have found a more useful rune that would help him secure the kill.

On 02:50 in-game time he secures a kill on the enemy carry with the help of Veno.

When he respawns, Qupe TPs top. Notice that he not only TPs out of vision, but makes sure not to show himself at all (he walks through the woods and even cuts a tree) until he's very close to the enemy Axe, which secures him the kill.

On 06:15 in-game time he notices that the BS is missing from lane. This most probably means he is farming the jungle - he manages to find him and secures a solo kill.

On 07:30 he secures another kill on the BS and shows a very well-timed deny with Rot.

Because of his successful rotations he is a pretty high level for a roaming Pudge, allowing him to play aggressively and constantly pressure the enemy mid and safe lane.

Solo Mid Pudge

Your number one priority is to get lvl7 as quickly as possible so that you can become a threat to your opponents and start roaming. Contest last hits, but be careful not to get harassed too much and zoned out of the lane. Finally, whenever you see an opportunity, you should attempt a kill on your lane opponent. When you get to lvl6 or ideally lvl7, you need to capitalize on your huge kill potential- rotate out of the lane to gank or attempt further kills on your lane opponent.

Don’t die, get Levels, reach lvl6/7;
Get Farm;
Attempt kills
Rotate out of the lane after lvl6 or 7

Even though you are rather tanky, you are relatively susceptible to ganks. The reason is that you are quite slow, and you are a melee hero, which means that you will have to go near the creep wave to take last hits.

Consequently, it is a good idea to stay on your high ground whenever possible, and if heroes are missing, you might want to miss a few last hits while you are making sure you are not getting ganked.

In case you get initiated upon, try to reach your tower. Because you are a fat hero, it will take your opponents time to bring you down to low HP, so you might get a chance to simply walk away from the gank.

If you see that you are not going to make it, you can try to deny yourself with Rot.

At higher levels (4, 5, 6), when you are getting ganked by lower level supports, you can try to kill off one before you die. A high lvl Hook into Rot and one or two right clicks might be enough to kill a lvl 3 or 4 support before you die.

Getting Solo Kills:

In the mid lane, the best way to set up a solo kill is to get a Hook when you are on the high ground and your opponent doesn’t see you.

In order not to get your hook blocked by a creep, it is a good idea to throw it a bit from the side.
This way not only will it be much harder to dodge (since the opponent doesn’t see you casting it), but if you succeed, you will have much more space to chase with Rot.

Provided the creep equilibrium isn’t in your favor, you can still pull the opponent in the river and chase with Rot. The chances of success will be smaller; nevertheless, you shouldn’t restrain yourself from attempting Hooks. Sometimes, even if you are in vision, your opponent wouldn’t have quick enough reactions to dodge - he might be concentrated on getting the last hit or even checking the runes or other lanes with his camera.

Remember that for your opponent a lane where he is forced to dodge multiple Hooks is going to be much harder than a lane where he doesn’t have to dodge any.

After lvl6, of course, your kill potential increases immensely. At lvl6 or 7 you can generally solo kill most heroes on the map, so you need to capitalize on that. You should either attempt kills in the lane or rotate to another lane with smoke and TPs.

Mid & Late Game

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In the mid game, Pudge needs to deny space on the map to his opponents through pressure by ganking all the time. This should create enough space for his teammates to farm up and grow, and in the late game, the carry in Pudge’s team should become potent enough to secure the victory. In the later stages of the game, or even from earlier if the enemy team is sticking together, you should stick to your team as Pudge and try to initiate fights profitably through Hook.

So, your main priority is to win map control through ganks.

Gank and win map control, create space;
Be present for fights - stick with your team but always maintain a hidden offensive or defensive position;
Comeback Potential:

The laning outcome for Pudge doesn’t change what you want to do, but how you want to do it. If you are leading in terms of XP and are in position to get solo kills, you can roam on your own and solo gank, taking more risks since your kill potential allows you to do so.

Provided the laning stage went badly and you find no kills, however, you need to understand that you are not in a position to play the same way. Since you are mainly good at ganking, you should still do it, but you should get help. If an ally or two with kill potential are roaming with you, you could more easily bring down solo targets with the damage from both. In addition, you will be safer whenever you get counter ganked. If your ganks are successful, this will help you get back into the game.

Pushing, Split Pushing:

Your option is to position yourself close to the push but outside of vision so that you are ready to Hook an approaching opponent who wants to defend. This will help you start the fight on your terms and could, in fact, make it a 5v4 situation right from the get-go. In case you miss with the hook, it might be better to back as a team and wait for the Hook to get off cooldown; then, go push again.

When it comes to split pushing, Pudge is a bad hero to do it with. He is better at punishing split pushers rather than split pushing as he pushes relatively slowly and has no tool with which to escape a gank.


Even when you are not a support, vision for you is one of the most crucial things. It is a great idea to buy a set of wards every now and then and put them in key locations for ganking. This could give you the information you need and allow you to capitalize on a lot more ganking opportunities.

Getting a gem is also a good idea as you will be able to see if the enemy team has wards and is watching you.


Ganking for you is quite straightforward. Firstly, you must think about vision along the way of the gank - Smoke up if you are unsure whether your opponents have Observers or not. The alternative is to TP to a tower when the creep wave is away so that you don’t get spotted by the enemy creeps. Then, you should think where you want to position yourself for the Hook - ideally outside enemy vision, behind trees, on a high ground or something of that sort. In the end, you just need to execute your combo - Hook into Dismember and Rot.

It is generally a good idea to bring some help with you. This way if you get the initiation on a tankier target, your ally will be able to help secure the kill by providing more damage. Ideally, you want your target to be dead before the Dismember ends so that it gets no time to use any escape spells (escape mechanisms mainly).

If you have a Blink Dagger, you have the option to jump in and initiate directly with Dismember + Rot. It is a good idea to do this on elusive targets so that you don’t give them any time to use their escape mechanisms. In case you do that, it will be best if there is an ally with you that can follow up on your initiation with further disables and damage. As a result, you can kill the target off before it has a chance to recover.

Team Fights:

You usually want to start every team fight with a Hook attempt. Therefore, the first thing you should think about is positioning - hide outside enemy vision and be ready to execute your combo.

Provided the Hook attempt is successful, you could eliminate a target before it has contributed to the fight. If it wasn’t, but the fight has already started, you have two basic choices. Whenever you are farmed enough and tanky enough, you should run in (or jump in if you have mobility items) and try to contribute with Dismember, attacks and Rot on the right target. If you are not, however, it might be better to wait for the Hook cooldown to get another attempt. While you are doing this, you can fake running in and change directions or run backward just so you pressure your opponents into reacting.

When you are inside the fight, be careful how you use your Dismember. If you use it right away and it gets instantly interrupted, you will not get a lot of value out of it. So, try to judge your situation. In case there are heroes who can easily interrupt you, keep track of their cooldowns and use the ult after those opponents have used these abilities, or use the ult on the target that can interrupt it.

Also, remember that in the later stages of the game the main use of Dismember is to allow your allies to focus down a target. Using it on the enemy carry (you can cast it through BKB) therefore, is generally the best alternative. Nevertheless, doing so will be hard without a BKB and Blink Dagger if you don’t get the Hook initiation. Sometimes it might be better to take another hero out of the fight and leave your team to deal with the carry.

In this video, Iceberg manages to initiate a team fight by surprising the enemy WR with a Force into Hook. After they kill her, he continues chasing and manages to pull Lifestealer. Finally, he showcases how a fat Pudge with BKB can easily afford to stand at the front lines.


When it comes to farming, you use right clicks and Rot. The one thing to keep in mind is how much damage you take from the creeps and the Rot. Don’t get in a position where you are farming while waiting for something to happen (a fight, ganking opportunity) and when it happens, you don’t have enough HP to participate. Take only damage that you can recover.

If you are flash farming with the idea to get some item, taking more damage is acceptable since you can return to base, heal up and be ready to fight afterward.