Chaos Knight Guide by a 7k MMR Player
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Date: 01/2019
Chaos Knight


Welcome to Book of the Chaos Knight, a hero guide part of the Book of Dota series!

Here you will find all the information you need to learn to play CK on a high level – from drafting and builds to the optimal playstyle in different lanes and situations. We hope you’ll enjoy this guide and find it useful!


Draft: Try not to pick him very early on to avoid illusion counters. Build an aggressive team around him – he is not made for passive games.

Early Game: Get your core items as fast as possible but also try to utilize your kill potential together with your supports. You can easily snowball into the mid game if you get free farm + a couple of kills in the laning stage.

Mid & Late Game: Try to keep the snowball rolling. When you get you your core items in the mid game you will likely be the strongest hero on the map. Use this to claim map control – don’t just passively farm. Find skirmishes and claim objectives. When the late game comes you can slow down the tempo a little bit and attempt to fight only when you have your ultimate. If your illusions survive a fight use them to push down objectives very quickly.


Nikolay "CTOMAHEH1" Kalchev
Info & Editing

CTOMAHEH1 started his pro career as a support in Basically Unknown together with Mind Control. Since then he has consistently been playing on the European T2 scene, most recently on Unchained Esports.

His highest placement on the EU ladder is top 100 - he plays all roles (mainly support), which is untypical for high-ranking players and shows his great versatility and understanding of the game.

Kyril "MrNiceGuy" Kotashev
PM, Writing & Editing

Esports and gaming enthusiast since forever and founder of Dotahaven.

Has been playing Dota since 2005 (5.84). An Ancient I player in Dota 2.

Where ride the horsemen, death shall follow.

Chaos Knight is one of the few carry heroes in Dota 2 that are typically played extremely aggressively. His skill set gives him a huge kill potential and allows him to dominate the game from the start and to stay on top of it if the game does go late - he should not be underestimated as a carry, his illusions give him absurd damage output with items.

The hero fits well in ganking and 5-man strategies where aggression and fighting are in focus but he is not suitable for split-pushing or turtling because he farms slowly and tends to fall behind in more passive games.

Becuase of his incredibly explosive physical burst potential, cool look and responses, CK is a very fun hero to play and learn. This might not sound important, but it's easier to get better when you enjoy the hero you are playing!

Chaos Loadout
Level 1
Level 15
Level 25
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High


Lane Dominance: Very strong in the early game; with some help CK could shut down his lane opponents.

Control: Chaos Bolt is a very powerful single target disable that could be used to setup for a kill. Reality Rift, on the other hand, could be used to mess up the positioning of your opponents and consequently, control a fight.

Damage: CK provides damage in all stages of the game - initially because of the potential nuke his skills provide; later on because of his illusions’ attack damage.

Scales Well with Items: Phantasm and Chaos Strike (a critical strike and illusions) scale very well with items, which means that the more farm CK has, the stronger he becomes.


Fast: Riding his mount Armageddon, CK is one of the fastest heroes in the game. This means that you can easily catch up to slow heroes or possibly run away from engagements.

Armor: CK has a comparatively high armor. In addition to being a Strength hero and being quick, this makes him quite a hard target to bring down.



Unreliable: There is a random element in every aspect of Chaos Knight, which means that regardless of how he is played, luck is partly going to determine his effectiveness. This is a problem of every single skill he has, even his ultimate.

Slow Farmer: Compared to other carries, CK is a slow farmer - he has no skills to help him bring creeps down and flash farm. This means that if the game turns into a farm war, he could be out-farmed by the enemy carry hero.


Mana Problems: He has a low mana pool, which is a problem especially in the early stages of the game as the hero relies on using his spells often, to win his lane.

High Cooldowns: The initially high cooldowns on his stun and Rift mean that he can use these spells only once in an engagement. Furthermore, in the late game he relies on his ultimate to carry, which means that when Phantasm is on CD, he is at a serious disadvantage compared to other carries.


COL vs Optic Gaming, GESC: Thailand

MATCH ID 3798410405

Chessie has a nearly flawless game on CK vs Optic Gaming. COL have a very aggressive lineup with CK, Venomancer and Underlord as their farming heroes. Moreover, CK is combined with Bounty Hunter, which is a great combo for aggressive drafts:

First, the BH can scout and find great gank opportunities for his team. The vision from Track is also extremely useful, as it will prevent the target from juking the CK. Second, the Track bonus gold compensates CK’s slow farming speed and allows him to easily find the needed farm if the aggression is successful.

It is also worth mentioning that CK is a strong carry versus the enemy Lifestealer, because Naix lacks the needed AoE damage or control to deal with CK’s illusions.

Alliance vs Team Kinguin, Dota 2 Asia Championships 2018

MATCH ID: 3720936686

Alliance manage to use very successfully a position 4 Chaos Knight. They abuse his laning strength to dominate the enemy safe lane with an offensive trilane of their own. As the game progresses the good start and map control allow Taiga (who is playing the CK) to acquire farm and finish the game with net worth far higher than the enemy pos. 3 sand king, close even to the enemy carry Lycan.


Chaos Effigy

Because the hero is focused on early and mid-game dominance, it could be said that you should pick CK when you are certain you will be able to dominate the chosen lane. You should always aim to accommodate his kill potential in your team by drafting heroes which complement it, and which could afford to go on the offensive with him from early on.

In team strategies, CK is mainly drafted to dominate his lane and take this advantage into the mid game. You rarely want to go late as you are not the strongest late game hard carry in the game. Yet, your not-bad carry potential means that CK doesn’t force you into an all-in win-now-or-lose-later position. Even if things don’t go exactly as planned and you don’t end the game before the 30th minute mark, you could still fight in the late game.

No matter the position in which you put CK, you always aim to combine him with heroes with kill potential, which will allow you to be aggressive and stop the development of your opponents. It must be emphasized that winning your lane is crucial. If you lose it, you will not be able to be dominant in the mid game. Consequently, you should pick the hero only when you are certain that the lane in which you put him will go well.

Provided CK is your only carry, the emphasis on the early stages of the game is even greater. Assuming that you play too defensively, you could end up losing the farming war and as a consequence - the game to the enemy carry. However, when you have another carry in your lineup, taking things late is not so bad as you will have on your team two heroes that are scary with farm.

Mainly due to your poor flash-farming capabilities, you are not a good comeback hero. You are very strong early on, very strong mid game and quite decent late game, so what you are supposed to do is get ahead, stay ahead and win. As a result, whenever you lose your lane and early-mid game with CK, you are going to have a bad time.

Safe Lane Carry

In the safe lane, CK will have access to the most farm from all lane alternatives, which means he will be scariest in the mid and late game. The downside to this laning decision is that you will not be able to use your kill potential as much in the laning phase. Nevertheless, you could totally shut down the enemy solo offlaner as he/she is not likely to survive an initiation from your side, and the follow-up of your laning partners.

A defensive trilane CK is more likely to be the only carry hero in his team, which would put an emphasis on the mid game. When you make this pick, you should be confident that you could be aggressive and build up an advantage after the laning stage as going too late could be risky. With a defensive trilane, the enemy hard carry will probably also have a good start.

Offensive Lane Carry

If you see that the enemy team has a not-very-strong trilane with an important carry in it, you could take advantage of this and create a strong aggressive lane with CK. His skills and stats (control, damage, speed and survivability) make him very strong in a 3v3 or 2v2 situation. It could often be the case that your enemy carry will not be able to reach the creep wave from fear of dying as a result of your initiation and the follow-up of your lane partners.

Putting CK in an offensive lane will free up the easy lane for another solo hero which could be another carry or semi-carry. In addition, having the enemy supports preoccupied in the lane might give freedom to your mid laner. He is less likely to get ganked, which means that AGI heroes with carry potential, but without escapes become more viable mid laners. This will relieve a great deal of pressure from your CK as he will be able to focus more on being aggressive and dominating the lane/mid game rather than on farming and carrying. This will also allow you to transition into the late game more safely as you will have multiple carries.

That being said, an offensive lane CK is a risky move because if your lane doesn’t work out and you cannot easily swap lanes you will be at a big disadvantage. Your supports wouldn’t be able to leave you alone in the lane and you cannot farm jungle, so you might end up stopping the development of your CK and at least one sup at the same time. Only send CK in an offensive lane when you are certain you will be able to win the lane.

Roaming Support

CK is a surprisingly good position 4 hero. He has great initiation, good control, he is fast and fat and he can easily trade hits with other supports favorably.

As a support CK, you will likely do very well in the early game, but you should consider what your role will be in the mid and late game. In the ideal situation you will be able to find some farm and to transition into a semi-carry.

In mid and late game fights you usually want to stay back util your opponents have used most of their AoE skills. Afterwards you can try to enter the fight with your Illusions to try to pick off the squishier enemy heroes – you deal very significant damage even with cheaper items (e.g. Solar Crest).


The best partners of CK are heroes who can amplify his kill potential and help out in dominating the early stages of the game:

Lane supports with kill potential: Lina, Disruptor, Rasta, AA, WD, Lion, Maiden

Disruptor Portrait
Shadow Shaman
Ancient Apparition Portrait
Witch Doctor
Crystal Maiden
When picking CK, it is smart to build a very strong lane around him to be able to dominate the laning stage - this is best done by combining him with strong lane supports.

In the laning stage, CK is one of the easiest heroes to start a fight with. He can effortlessly latch onto an enemy hero and disable it; however, often just auto attacks are not enough to finish the job. Therefore, heroes that could deal considerable damage from early or chain-stun the target work perfectly with CK and could create one of the strongest lanes in the game.

IO Wisp

Io (Wisp): A special mention has to go to Wisp as the two heroes have synergy on many levels. Firstly, the Tether - Reality Rift combo boosts the kill potential of the two heroes immensely by giving them an instant slow. When you Rift a target, it gets pulled on top of the Tether line and gets slowed right away. This is a very powerful instant initiation and could help a lot in landing your Bolt afterward, giving time for the Io to get in position to deal Spirits damage.

The Relocate is also incredibly useful with CK as he is one of the best gankers in the game among the carry heroes. Relocate can help you initiate on targets that you otherwise will never be able to reach. Ganking in such a manner means that you also don’t necessarily need to roam to find kills - you could farm and if an enemy gets out of position, you could Relocate on it and kill it. This is incredibly useful for CK as he usually has to sacrifice farming to rotate and find kills. As a result, if unsuccessful, he will fall behind on farm (he cannot flash farm to catch-up). With Io, he doesn’t have that problem.

The movement speed you get from Tether is also great for chasing and ganking, or even running away from unwanted engagements. Finally, when you get some items, Overcharge could formidably boost your carry potential - it makes you tankier and it makes you hit much faster, giving you more chances for a critical strike proc.


Strong Against:

Single target damage dealers: Huskar, Arc, Viper, Clinkz, Enchantress, Ursa, Drow

Huskar Portrait
Arc warden
Clinkz Portrait
Ursa Portrait
Drow Ranger
If the enemy carries cannot deal with Phantasm illusions, they will have great difficulty in fights.

If the enemy lineup is built entirely out of single target DPS carries, CK could be a great counter to take in the later stages of the draft. He isn’t too afraid of items like Mjollnir because his illusions are pretty strong and they don’t need too much time to do their job, so single target carries are often left without options and need to rely entirely on their teammates to deal with you.

Squishy Heroes without defensive abilities: Drow Ranger, SF, Sniper, Lina, Shadow Shaman, Disruptor, AA, Sky

Drow Ranger
Shadow Fiend Portrait
Shadow Shaman
Disruptor Portrait
Ancient Apparition Portrait
Skywrath Mage Portrait
In fights, CK could punish squishy heroes. They cannot prevent him from controlling them even if they have significant levels of farm.

As every nuker, CK deals very effectively with heroes with a low HP pool. If an enemy doesn’t have magic immunity or illusions to prevent CK from latching onto it, it could very well die before the Bolt stun duration has ended.

Weak Against:

AoE Disables: Tide Hunter, Puck, Sand King, Magnus, Shaker

Tidehunter Portrait
Puck Portrait
Sand King
Magnus Portrait
Enigma Portrait
Earthshaker Portrait
Provided the enemy team has a large amount of AoE disables, you could have problems fighting with CK. You should rely on your team to set up for you and give you the space to fight. If this is not possible, you shouldn’t pick CK.

You could only use BKB on the main hero, not on the illusions, which means that AoE disables could be used very efficiently to kite you even in the late game. As you are a melee hero, this could prove to be a huge problem - if you cannot stay on your target to hit it, you are virtually useless.

Strong AoE Damage: Sven, Magnus, Gyrocopter, Medusa, ET, Timber, Lich

Magnus Portrait
Elder titan
If the enemy team has very strong AoE DPS potential, you should not pick CK, or at least use him as an additional Semi Carry rather than the only Hard Carry on your team.

As CK relies on his Illusions to deal the majority of his damage in the later stages of the game, a hero that could destroy those illusions very efficiently could cripple his carry potential.

Summons and Illusions: Phantom Lancer, Terrorblade, Naga Siren

Phantom Lancer
Naga siren
When fighting against heroes with summons or illusions, you should pick Chaos only if there are other strong AoE heroes in your team to deal with this problem.

Chaos Knight has no AoE damage source, so clearing masses of units is very problematic for him. This is why heroes that have multiple summons or illusions could cause problems for Chaos and even overwhelm him.


Tinker: Special mention of Tinker, because he is probably one of the best counters to CK. He makes it nearly impossible for CK to finish the game and push the enemy base - not only with march, but the Aghanim’s spam of Rockets and Laser melts CKs illusions and prevents them from dealing damage.


Terrorblade: one of the best cores against CK, when you reach the late game your Reflection can kill all of CKs illusions and the spell becomes stronger the more farmed CK is.


Chaos Knight Chaos Bolt
Chaos Knight Reality Rift
Chaos Knight Chaos Strike 3rd spell
Chaos Knight Phantasm

Throws a mysterious bolt of energy at the target unit. It stuns for a random duration and deals random damage.


Cast Animation: 0.4+0.73

Cast Range: 500

Min Damage: 60/90/120/150

Max Damage: 180/210/240/270

Min Stun Duration: 1/1/1/2

Max Stun Duration: 2/3/4/4

CD: 10

Mana: 140

Chaos Bolt

Chaos bolt is a very strong single target disable in all stages of the game. Nevertheless, it is very unreliable. It could theoretically deal 200 damage at lvl one (one of the highest nukes at lvl1 in the game), which could be a very easy kill given some follow-up by your allies. At the same time, however, it is just as likely to deal 75 damage and do little else than waste your mana, as it is quite expensive - 140 at every level.

The control works the same way as the damage - at lvl3 it could be one of the best stuns in the game (4 sec), or one of the worst (1 sec for 140 mana). If you don’t have a way to sustain your mana (with items or allies’ skills), it is better to wait for a good opportunity which is likely to net you a kill. Otherwise, you will just end up losing your mana, and as you don’t have a lot of it, this could cripple you in the lane a great deal.

The stun and the damage of the spell are inversely related. This means that you will EITHER get a long stun OR good damage, never both. With good follow up damage, the stun is the better alternative, while with follow up stun, the damage is. The problem is, however, that you cannot choose which one to get.

The Bolt projectile is not very fast, which means that it could be dodged relatively easily by items and abilities like magic immunity. Hence, in the later stages of the game, you would usually prefer to Reality Rift first and throw a stun afterward from a melee range when it is almost impossible to dodge the projectile. In the early game, however, very few heroes will have mechanisms with which to dodge, so throwing the stun first isn’t always bad (especially if you have allies already close to the target). You can also Rift immediately after throwing the stun, pulling the target towards the projectile.

Teleports you, any images you have and the target unit to a point along the line between the two of you. Slows the target's movement and attack speed.


Cast Animation: 0.3+0.5

Cast Range: 550/600/650/700

Target Pull Distance: 250/300/350/400

Movement Speed Slow: 15%/25%/35%/45%

Attack Speed Slow: 30/50/70/90

Slow Duration: 2

CD: 20/15/10/5 

Mana: 50

Reality Rift

One of the best spells in the game to punish bad positioning as it could bring you even more out of position. Reality Rift is one of the main reasons why CK is so scary in the laning stage. 

The CD of the skill decreases greatly with levels, which is incredibly useful. A 5 sec CD means that in a fight you could use Rift 3-4 times. This could be incredibly powerful not just because of the control you have on your enemies’ positioning, but because of the damage you deal. Rift brings all your illusions with you and decreases armor, which in turn increases the damage of your illusions and crits.

Chaos Knight's attacks deal a critical strike of varying strength, in addition to a lifesteal for 50%/55%/60%/65% of the damage.


Minimum Critical Damage: 120%

Maximum Critical Damage: 160%/190%/220%/250%

Lifesteal: 50%/55%/60%/65%

CD: 7/6/5/4

Chaos Strike


The fact that the ability is on CD makes it relatively reliable (albeit the crit amount isn't) - it's easy to use it to harass enemies with Rift, for example, because you get a guaranteed crit.

It works on your Phantasm illusions, which means that the first hit of all of the illusions after the Rift is extremely powerful and could nuke down a target.


The lifesteal percentage is very significant, which is useful for sustain in the lane or when farming. Higher levels in the spell increase the sustain it provides greatly mainly becuase of the CD reduction.

Summons several phantasmal copies of the Chaos Knight from alternate dimensions. The phantasms deal 50%/75%/100% damage, but take 260% damage.


Cast Animation: 0.4+0

Split Time: 0.5

Number of Illusions: 3

Illusion Damage Dealt: 50%/75%/100%

Illusion Damage Taken: 260%

Duration: 30

CD: 145

Mana: 125/200/275


When it comes to carry potential, CK’s Phantasm is his bread and butter. 4 units dealing full damage could bring down any hero in mere seconds, so Phantasm is an incredibly powerful offensive tool.

Being mirror-image based, Phantasm could be used to dodge various projectiles (avoiding both damage and other effects like disables), which means that it has defensive utility as well. Early on in the game, when fighting is done mostly with spells rather than attacks, it could be smart not to use Phantasm right away, but rather to save it in order to cause confusion and get yourself out of a bad situation.

Since Phantasm illusions take double damage, they are easy to kill if the enemy team has very powerful AoE abilities. 

Given equal farm levels, no carry in the game without cleave could man-fight you and your Phantasm, thus if there is no counter in the enemy team to your illusions, the fight should be yours.

In the later stages of the game be very mindful of your Phantasm cooldown. You are not likely to be able to fight the enemy carries without your ultimate, so avoid full-on team fights without having your illusions. It is also not wise to use your ultimate to pick off single heroes in ganks in the later stages of the game as this could give your opponents an opportunity to be more aggressive without as much fear of your carry potential.

Skill Builds

In terms of skill builds, CK is fairly flexible because all three spells scale well and could be useful early on. You need at least one point in all three and afterward, you usually mix and match what you need situationally.

  • Prioritize Chaos Strike for sustain and damage in the lane and for farming.
  • Prioritize Chaso Bolt against mobile enemies.
  • Prioritize Rift for harassing and fighting.

Standard Build
Chaos Knight Reality Rift
Chaos Knight Chaos Strike 3rd spell
Chaos Knight Chaos Bolt
Chaos Knight Chaos Strike 3rd spell
Chaos Knight Chaos Strike 3rd spell
Chaos Knight Phantasm
Chaos Knight Chaos Strike 3rd spell
Chaos Knight Reality Rift
Chaos Knight Reality Rift
Talent Icon
Chaos Knight Reality Rift
Chaos Knight Phantasm
Chaos Knight Chaos Bolt
Chaos Knight Chaos Bolt
Talent Icon
Chaos Knight Chaos Bolt
Chaos Knight Phantasm
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: maximum nuke damage on lvl6; high HP sustain;
Cons: bad control; long Rift CD early on;

In this example, you get Rift + Chaos Strike on lvl1 and lvl2 for the ability to harass your enemy and sustain yourself in the lane. 

In case you have supports with kill potential, however, you can opt for Bold + Rift early on - the control and nuke damage from Chaos Bolt can help you secure the kill.

Afterward, you max Chaos Strike - it's a safe option because it gives you a lot of sustain and right-click damage both for fights and for farming. It has the benefit of adding a lot of nuke damage after you get Phantasm for kill attempts.

After maxing the crit, you usually go for Reality Rift - the CD reduction is extremely important for fights and ganks.

Maxing Chaos Strike is left for later on. In case you are playing against elusive enemis, however, you can opt to max it earlier.


+2 sec Max Chaos Bold

-2s Chaos Strike CD

Reality Rift Pierces Spell Immune
+150 Gold Per minute
12% Cooldown reduction
+15 Strenght
+20 MS
+5 All Stats

Lvl 10: Chaos Knight is a naturally fast hero so taking the 20 MS always can be useful, but still 5 to all stats increasing your HP and mana pool usually is a better choice.

Lvl 15: CD reduction can be very good for all your spells, especially for the long CD Phantasm, but 15 Strenght makes not only your hero stronger but illusions too, so it’s the safer choice.

Lvl 20: Depends on the game. If you have BKB targets or heroes like Lifestealer and Omni, you can go for the Reality Rift talent. Otherwise, if you feel that you need more items and want to be more greedy you should go for the gold talent.

Lvl 25: The choice depends on the game you play: if you feel that you need the extra stun duration to kill in fights or maybe you need it for some solo pick offs you should go for it. If you don’t - crit on a lower CD is extremely useful in the late game.

Item Builds

As you are a carry hero, you are likely to have enough cash to afford a wide variety of items. Be that as it may, being a carry means that your item choices could win or lose the game. The basic philosophy to follow with CK is not to buy bonus damage items even though you are a carry. The reason is that your illusions don’t benefit from bonus damage. On the other hand, the Illusions inherit the damage and other bonuses given by stats (STR, AGI, INT). Consequently, you want as much strength as possible to make yourself and your illusions deal more damage and become harder to kill. Because you are a melee carry, you don’t want to be kited - you want to be immune to disables and to be as fast as possible in order to be able to stick to your targets and fight freely.

Standard Build

The suggested build is a well-rounded stat-heavy build which starts with cheap and cost efficient items and gradually upgrades to more expensive late-game items, allowing you to fight efficiently during the whole game. The build emphasizes STR, Mobility, and Attack Speed. 

Blink Dagger makes it much easier to initiate on hard-to-get-to targets and makes you a bit more mobile in general. You can skip it if you feel you don't need the mobility to initiate on the right targets.

The build skips BKB, because even if you have it your illusions will still get disabled. Nonetheless, in some games, you cannot afford to skip it especially if the enemy team has a multitude of disables and you are kited all the time. In such cases get it before the Heart.

Starting Items
Stout Shield
Iron branch
Early Game
Power treads Strength
Magic wand
Mid Game
Late Game
Stout Shield

Stout Shield:  you are an aggressive laner and you are a melee hero. What this means is that you are going to take some hits whatever the situation. Stout Shield could mitigate a large amount of this damage early on and allow you to stay in the lane.


Mango: It gives minor HP regen, which is useful during the laning stage. More importantly, however, the active instant mana gain is very useful if you don’t have enough mana to for a kill attempt. E.g. it could allow you to use Chaos Bolt twice in an engagement to secure a kill.

Iron branch

Power treads Strength

Power Treads:  the usual boots of choice for CK. The STR is very valuable for the hero and illusions, while Tread-switching can help you manage your mana. 

Magic wand

Magic Wand: As CK you are going to fight a lot, which means that your Stick is going to get charged often. In addition, it could give you the needed mana for one more spell, enough to secure a kill. Finally, it is a natural item to use your Branches in rather than waste them.


Armlet of Mordiggian: CK has very good synergy with this item: it gives him stats that he needs, allowing him to deal more damage and be more survivable (bear in mind the armlet toggle, which could make heroes impossible to kill in some situations). Most importantly, however, when you switch the armlet on and use Phantasm, the illusions inherit the STR damage whilst not losing any HP. This means that Armlet is by far the most cost-efficient way to increase CK’s DPS output. In addition, Armlet is a rather cheap mid-game oriented item which fits CK’s play style perfectly as with this hero you want to be as strong as possible right away rather than invest in the late game when you could be past your prime.


Sange & Yasha: The overall stat gain from the S&Y complements your hero greatly. The movement speed allows you to stick to your targets much more easily, which will allow you to be even more aggressive. In addition, the STR and AGI make your hero and illusions more dangerous. When considering S&Y, bear in mind that the item is relatively expensive, and is a mid-game oriented item. If you are snowballing and controlling the game, S&Y could close the deal for you. However, if your opponents are doing fine and you expect the game to go late, you might want to go straight for a more late-game focused alternative (BKB, Manta, Heart of Tarrasque).


Blink Dagger: Blink is the best mobility item for CK because it fits extremely well with your nuke damage play style. It allows you to use your ultimate out of vision, blink in on the most vulnerable/important target with the hero, stun it and Reality Rift your illusions on the target. This makes you practically impossible to kite.


Heart of Tarrasque: A heart will make you and your illusions much harder to kill. This is very useful, bearing in mind that you are an in-the-middle-of-the-fight kind of hero. The longer you and your illusions survive for, the more damage you will deal. Furthermore, you and your illusions get damage from the massive STR boost.


Assault Cuirass: More attack speed means more crit procs, which means a huge boost in DPS. In addition, the armor (and armor aura) makes you and your illusions harder to kill.

Other Items

Early & Mid Game
Hand of Midas
Echo sabre
Late Game
Black King Bar
Moon Shard

Drums: Drums are very situational, because you want other small items first( Armlet, Echo, Blink), but still you can go for it if you want to boost your MS, HP and mana regen.

Hand of Midas

Hand of Midas: Even though you are an action-driven hero, getting Hand of Midas could be a smart choice. It will allow you to invest your time in fighting and at the same time not to fall behind in GPM.

Echo sabre

Echo Sabre: Works very good with CK. When you use your ultimate and Rift someone it will increase your nuke damage a lot.


Heaven’s Halberd: somewhat of a substitute for S&Y, HH is a very well rounded item for CK. It makes you tankier (thanks to the evasion and STR), in addition to giving you good DMG (the STR damage is inherited by the illusions). Finally, the disarm might help you deal with some physical damage dealers. Most of the time you yourself wouldn’t need it (good armor + lots of HP), but it might save the life of squishier teammates. It is worth noting that if you got S&Y but disassembled it for Manta Style, later on, your leftover Sange could be upgraded to Halberd to give you more value for the slot.


Manta Style: Gives you more illusions, movement speed, and some attack speed. Manta illusions could act as your own when you use Reality Rift. As a result, Manta is a very powerful item on CK. If you are dominating with your illusions, Manta could simply win you the game. However, in case you have a problem keeping your illusions alive because of good AoE damage and control, you might want to opt for another item.


Shadow Blade:a greedier substitute for Blink Dagger. It increases your Attack Speed which means more chances to crit, but it’s slower and less reliable than Blink.

Black King Bar

Black King Bar: The truth is that CK is not a natural BKB user. His illusions are his main DPS tool; however, they cannot inherit the magic immunity given by the BKB. Nevertheless, he is a melee carry hero, so it is of vital importance to him to be able to stick to his target and attack. If he gets disabled and kited, he will be useless. Therefore, if you could afford to skip BKB because the enemy team has no reliable disable, or because your team is giving you space to fight freely, you could skip it.

In most games with a lot of disables on the enemy team you will have to buy a BKB. Rushing the BKB is not ideal for you at all as you want to invest in items that make you stronger in fights. You usually want to get it in the late game.


Abyssal Blade: Abyssal gives you more survivability, some damage and most importantly – a lockdown through spell immunity. Your illusions don’t inherit the Bash, nonetheless, the active disable through BKB is valuable enough to make the item a worthwhile choice vs BKB carries.


MKB: Since you don’t go for Bloodthorn MKB is your best option to deal with evasion on the enemy team. The attack speed means more crits.

Moon Shard

Moonshard: More DPS in the super late game, can be consumed to free up the item slot.


Bots: Usually bought in the super late game to helps with split-pushing.

Early Game

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CK could be positioned in all three lanes as a part of a strong dual/tri-lane. Wherever you are, your main focus should be to get farm and experience yourself while zoning out, and whenever possible, killing your lane opponents. You will always be the farmer in the lane since you need items to transition well into the mid and late game, and your harassing/zoning out potential is too low for a support.


Getting all possible last hits in the lane is quite important for you as you can’t compensate later on with flash farming. Generally, the items you exit the laning stage with will be the base you use to dominate the mid game. In that sense, it is very important to use your kill potential whenever possible; however, your real main priority is last hitting (as with every carry).

Your attack animation (attack point) is decent, but your main last hitting power comes from your base damage. At lvl1 you do up to 81 damage per attack, which is a lot. Despite that, the minimum damage is 51, which is not too impressive (it is still better than a lot of heroes). As a result, it is not smart to rely on your high max damage, and attempt hitting the creep too early for the last hit since an unlucky proc might cost you the last hit. It is better to play safer and go for the last hits when the creep is on low HP (below 50-60). If you have a lane opponent and you are fighting for last hits, you might try to hit a bit earlier to deny/last hit creeps before your opponent has a chance. Nevertheless, sometimes you will have problems exactly because of the unreliability of your attack.

Generally, it is smarter to use your kill potential to provide yourself with space, and farm without having to fight for each last hit. If the enemy is afraid to come near you, you will have free farm.


CK is quite terrible at active harass. Your mana pool is very low and your spells are quite expensive, which means that if you waste them for active harass, you will lose your kill potential, which is the main tool to win the lane. Therefore, it is smarter to use your spells only for kill attempts rather than to throw them just for a bit of damage. If you have spare mana, use Rift + Chaos Strike and a couple of hits to harass your opponent. If you do this often, make sure you have e.g. Mangos to recover your mana when you need it.

You have quite strong attacks + Chaos Strike. You are melee, which means that you will rarely be in a position to harass passively. If you are fighting for last hits versus another melee lane opponent, however, it is worth it to exchange hits. You have decent armor, good HP and high damage, meaning that you are going to win the hit exchange especially with the help from the Chaos Strike lifesteal.

Kill Potential:

Your main tool for winning the lane is your kill potential. At level two and especially three, you have both your kill spells, so you could aim to kill your lane opponents. It depends who your lane partner is; nevertheless, if he/she is a hero with early game damage, the two of you could, in theory, kill a more squishy target from full HP. If your opponents are not on full HP because of harass, killing them should be even easier. You are the one who starts the engagement in the lane, so initiate with your two spells and start auto attacking. It is up to your partner to finish the job with some stuns, nukes and attacks.

A good general rule is to always start with Rift for the minus armor and to follow-up with the stun. Only throw the stun first if your partner is trying to aim a spell and you don’t want to mess up the enemy hero’s positioning with Rift.

Only go for a kill when you are fairly certain that you will be able to get it. If your target runs always on low HP and heals with a salve, you will be at a significant disadvantage in the lane since you will not have any mana to try again. This could literally lose you the lane as if you lose your kill potential, you lose your lane dominance, and your opponent will not be afraid to contest last hits and to trade harass anymore. So, after a kill attempt, using a clarity is a very good idea.


In the laning stage, your most important timing is at lvl2 when you have both your stun and Rift. This gives you your kill combo and allows you to go on the aggressive and control the lane. Every further level in those skills will gradually increase your kill potential, but will not drastically change the way you play.

Always consider the timings of your lane partner(s). Being successful in getting a kill depends on them being able to follow up on your initiation. Some heroes are good at getting kills from the start of the game, while others need a few levels, so only initiate when the follow-up is there.

Safe Lane:

Farm and control the creep equilibrium
Attempt kills with your supports
Zone-out and harass

Your main goal is to get your core items while threatening the enemy offlaner(s) with your kill potential. You should be aggressive and dominant in the lane; however, as you are a carry, you mustn’t neglect your last hits under any circumstances. In order to dominate the mid game, you need items, and it is very hard, if not impossible, to get them only from kills. Nevertheless, you should be able to both be aggressive and farm at the same time.

In the lane, you want to exploit your early game potential. Being aggressive and with high kill potential will help you dominate the lane even without fighting. The fear of getting Rifted and Stunned will force most of your enemies to stand at a safe distance. If they come in to contest last hits, you could try going for a kill with the help of your partner. When you reach lvl3-4-5, you will become scarier as your kill potential will grow, so you should be able to take over the lane at this point.

As the time advances and you gain levels, you should increase your aggressiveness. You don’t want to spend all your consumables at lvl1 (when you are not that strong yet), so it is worth it being more defensive versus strong opponents early on to have resources when you have more points in your skills.

Video Example:

Starting with tangoes, Salve, Clarity, and mango, gives him enough sustain and mana regen in the lane.

He is using the second spell any time when its possible (without losing creeps) to harass and zone out Beastmaster. Notice how CK is not pushing the wave (he is denying creeps), making Beast Master`s game very hard.

After getting lvl6 CK immediately TPed top when he sees the opportunity to kill Lycan by using ult.

After the laning stage, he started to play very actively and to roam around, setting up kills. CTOMAHEH1 even solo smoked for the enemy SF.

Offensive Lane:

In an aggressive lane, the emphasis falls a bit less on farming as you are most likely not going to be the only carry on your team. It could be said that your main goal would be to win the lane through kills and zoning out against the enemy trilane, which will put the opponent hard carry and supports in a bad position during the whole game.

Your number one priority is to stop the enemy lane from getting XP and farm as efficiently as possible. This, of course, is done best by killing your enemies; however, this could prove difficult, especially bearing in mind they are going to stay close to their tower. Therefore, if you manage to zone them out, you could achieve a similar effect.

Zone Out, Kill

Building an offensive lane with a CK is fairly simple – he is a fat frontline hero with good initiation and control. All he needs is supports that can provide the needed damage to finish the kill. Follow-up disables are also useful, especially in cases when the Chaos Bolt does the low stun duration with higher damage. Witch Doctor, Shadow Shaman, Bane are all viable options.

Mid & Late Game

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After the laning stage as a CK, you aim to dictate the game by being aggressive. You are at your strongest when you have your core items, yet enemy carries are still not fed.

The implications of this are that unlike conventional carry heroes, you need to prioritize aggression, seeking out kills and fighting in general over farming. You are in no way useless in the late game; nevertheless, you could lose a farm war, which means that you have to be aggressive at all stages.


Once the laning stage is done, you want to fight. This either means searching for small-scale engagements if you have other good gankers in your team, or searching for team fights if you have good pushers and heroes with solid team fight presence. Either way, you want to flex your muscles and take away space from your opponents (take away map control), not allowing them to farm freely.

While you are doing that, you need to farm (after all, you are a carry hero) - farm the lane and jungle after a gank, or after a push.

Gank and gain map control
Force fights (usually by pushing) and gain map control

As we mentioned CK is more of a semi-carry rather than a true hard carry. This means that compared to other carries he is at his strongest earlier. Usually, a BKB and one DPS/Tank item (e.g. Armlet) is all you need to start dictating the game, and whatever you get on top of that is just luxuries.

Comeback Potential:

The laning outcome (how fat you are compared to the enemy team) will give you an idea what you need to do. Generally, because you are a very bad farmer (can’t flash farm), you have two general choices: search for small-scale engagements (ganks), or force team fights (by pushing).

The first one is the lower risk option. If you are under-farmed, you will not be able to shine in 5v5 fights because you will die against the multiple farmed enemy heroes. Consequently, if the laning stage didn’t go well for you (which shouldn’t happen in the first place since you are a very dominant laner), your only real choice is to gank. Start with a Smoke gank and take all heroes with high burst potential in your team with you in order to secure the success of the gank attempt. While you are doing it, tell your supports to ward and deward. This will give you map control and more opportunities to gank even without Smoke afterward. After a few successful ganks you should be back in the game - you have slowed down the item development of your opponents, and gotten some gold/XP yourself.

If your laning stage went perfectly, however, you can afford both choices. Either gank as described above, or force fights. You can tell your team to gather in one lane and just push. Stay on the front lines. You should be able to survive the initiation from your opponents, and with some good coordination you will either win team fights from very early on, or you will get lots of uncontested towers. Either way, you should be in a good position to complete your core items (the mentioned BKB + Fatness/DMG item), and try to end the game.

Team Fights:

In team fights you are a frontline hero - you need to be in a position to latch onto an enemy that is overextending to start the fight. Remember that you could start a fight easily. Nonetheless, sometimes you lack the control and damage to finish it, so stick close to your team.

Consider how you use your Phantasm - it is usually best to cast your illusions before initiating or entering the team fight. This could help you kill your target before it even has the opportunity to respond as it will get hit by all illusions when you cast your Rift.

As you have no escape mechanism and it is hard for you to disengage, it is usually the case that when you enter a fight, you either win it or you die. This is why it is wise to pick your fights. Usually (especially in the mid game) you should be potent enough to be in position to win most fights, with some proper help from your team. However, later on, team fighting could get riskier. For example, it could be unwise to enter a fight without having your Phantasm ready.

You are a carry and a tank, so try to stay between the enemy carries and your squishier teammates. Don’t go chasing after supports that are safely positioned behind their carries even though you might have the chance to reach them with Rift. This way you will allow the enemy carries to run into your squishier heroes, and you don’t want that to happen. If a support is overextending, it is a good idea to Rift it and insta-kill it with your illusions. Otherwise, stay in the front lines and fight the enemy carries. With the help of your illusions, you will be able to win most man-fights.

Saving your Phantasm to dodge spells is NOT a good idea later on. If you get the opportunity (a projectile is flying towards you), you should take advantage, but don’t wait for such an opportunity. You want to have the illusions for the whole fight, otherwise, you will be much less useful for the duration without them. Bear in mind that if you get on low HP before you cast your illusions, your illusions will be on low HP when you cast them as well, which means that they will be much more susceptible to AoE. Therefore, it is best to use Phantasm before the fight (before you initiate), or at the beginning of the fight (just as the enemy team is initiating).

In case enemy heroes have powerful AoE spells, you might want to save your ult until those spells are on cooldown. Be careful not to get into a man-fight without your illusions, however- they are your primary source of damage.


Chessie shows the right way to enter late game fights – use your Illusions out of vision, Blink in and use Rift + Stun. In this example Tusk’s snowball slows down his initiation, but he finds his Rift target a couple of seconds later and his team convincingly win the fight.


CK is a bad split pusher as he has no escape mechanism and he doesn’t have a way to push the wave fast, other than his auto attack. For this reason, you should push only with your team and leave the split pushing to your allies.

When it comes to pushing, Phantasm could be used to bring down buildings very quickly. It is not always smart to use your illusions for that though since they have a long cooldown and are very valuable for team fights. If they get killed at the tower before you use them to kill enemy heroes, you have actually wasted your ult.
If you feel that you are in a dominant position, you could push to force a team fight. Otherwise, it is safer to push only after you have killed some enemy heroes so that they are not in a good position to defend.


After the laning stage, ganking could be very rewarding for CK. You have huge kill potential and you can control targets well enough so that they cannot easily disengage. If you are successful in your ganks, you could build up a big enough advantage to end the game before the late-game stage, which is always a welcome opportunity.

If you aren’t as dominant as expected, and the game is not going according to plan, rather than playing more passively, you should try to smoke gank and catch your enemies off guard. It is hard to win a game with CK by turtling and farming as you could easily get out-farmed. You can’t split push, you can’t flash farm and you can’t anti-push. Your strength is in fights, and you could even win some when you are at an economic disadvantage, provided you get good initiation and surprise your enemies.

The later the game goes, using your Phantasm for ganks becomes less ideal since you want to have the spell up for important team fights. If you are behind, though, getting an important kill (for example - on the enemy carry) with your ult could help you stay in the game, so you need to make a decision. Most of the time, however, you can kill lone targets without Phantasm (with some help from your allies, of course).

Map Control:

You are a very scary hero in the midgame stage. As a result, you could actually win map control just with your presence - if you go to a lane with heroes from your team to help out, the enemies in the lane are going to have to leave or call their allies. Otherwise, they risk being initiated upon and dying.

As a consequence, you could win control of lanes even without fighting for them. If you end up having to fight, it is important for your team to be close to you to assist.

Nevertheless, the real way you usually gain map control is by bullying your opponents out of the lanes or their own jungle. Ward those locations, and if you see a target farming, try to gank it. Provided you are successful, you will starve out your opponents.


We emphasized a couple of times on how CK cannot win a farm war. This should not leave you with the wrong impression that you should not farm with this hero. You are a carry, which means that having enough items is incredibly important. Whenever you have the opportunity, you should take farm. What you shouldn’t do is passively farm one lane or stay in the woods for long periods of time. What you should do is push out a lane and then search for fights. You should farm whenever there is some off-time between fights and ganks. Ideally, you will successfully gank, push out the lane and farm the creeps there, push the tower, regroup and wait for your ult to cooldown while farming, search for another fight when it is ready, repeat.