Sven Guide by a 7k MMR Player
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Date: 01/2019


Welcome to Book of Sven, a hero guide part of the Book of Dota series!

Here you will find all the information you need to learn to play Sven on a high level – from drafting and builds to the optimal playstyle in different lanes and situations. We hope you’ll enjoy this guide and find it useful!


Draft: When picking a carry Sven you should be more concerned about your own team composition rather than your opponents. You need to have supports that can give you a good start in the lanes and allies that can control the fight while you deal damage. A utility Sven, on the other hand, is picked mainly to counter enemy right-click damage.

Early Game: Pick the lane where you will be able to get the most farm. In the later laning stage push out the creep wave and farm the jungle. Remind your supports to stack ancients for you – this is the easiest way to get ahead in terms of farm with Sven.

Mid & Late Game: Force fights with your team and get objectives. Never stop flash-farming. With a decent resource advantage you can threaten to take the enemy rax before the late game – you deal a lot of damage and before your opponents get their defensive items (Force, Ghost, Glimmer, etc.) you can dominate engagements. If you are not in position to do this, simply flash-farm and take it late – you scale very well into the late game.


Nikolay "CTOMAHEH1" Kalchev
Info & Editing

CTOMAHEH1 started his pro career as a support in Basically Unknown together with Mind Control. Since then he has consistently been playing on the European T2 scene, most recently on Unchained Esports.

His highest placement on the EU ladder is top 100 - he plays all roles (mainly support), which is untypical for high-ranking players and shows his great versatility and understanding of the game.

Kyril "MrNiceGuy" Kotashev
PM, Writing & Editing

Esports and gaming enthusiast since forever and founder of Dotahaven.

Has been playing Dota since 2005 (5.84). An Ancient I player in Dota 2.

Sven stands ready.

Sven is an unusual carry hero in the sense that he is both durable and has the potential to deal incredible amounts of damage. His good stun and his capability to make his whole team more survivable (by using Warcry) mean that he could occasionally fit in a utility/support role as well. Even though he is one of the strongest man-fight heroes in the game, he has a big problem sticking to his target. He easily ends up being kited, so to actually be effective, he needs his teammates to control the fight and give him space.

Because of his versatility, it is hard to say what the usual role of a Sven is. Nevertheless, he is most commonly played as a Hard Carry or a Utility Core. As we mentioned, he could also be a support, typically as a part of a roaming duo. 

In terms of strategy, Sven is fairly flexible, but he excels in 5-man Dota strats more than in others because of his team fight presence and Warcry.

Sven loadout
Level 1
Level 15
Level 25
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very Low


Damage: With the help of his ultimate, God Strength, Sven is one of the heroes with the highest physical damage output potential in the game. Thanks to Great Cleave you could make this damage AoE, which helps you dominate cluttered engagements.

Control: Storm Hammer is one of the most powerful non-ultimate stuns in the game. It is both targetable (cannot miss the spell) and AoE. The stun is 2 sec even on lvl1 and provides good nuke DMG, which is a big advantage for the laning stage.

Survivability: Thanks to being a STR hero and mainly to the ability Warcry, Sven is a fairly survivable hero. Warcry, however, does not only help Sven - the effect is applied to all allies in an area. This is one of the few spells in the game that could make your whole team harder to kill in team fights.

Scales well with farm, not dependent on it: God Strength, Great Cleave and to a degree Warcry scale very well with items. This means that if you get enough farm with Sven, you could increase your impact greatly and carry the game. At the same time, Warcry and Storm Hammer allow you to be useful even without loads of farm, which is a rare trait in hard carry heroes.


Fast Farmer: The AoE Great Cleave allows Sven to farm at a good rate. The more damage the hero has, the faster he farms. This means that initially, he doesn’t flash farm incredibly; however, the later the game goes, the faster Sven farms.

Flexible: Being able to play both as a support and as a carry and being able to go to most lanes, Sven is a fairly flexible hero. This means that having Sven on your team doesn’t predetermine your strategy and laning, and you could adapt based on the other heroes in the game.



Cannot stick to targets: Sven is a melee hero and his only control spell is a 2sec stun. If you use it from long range, by the time you reach your target, the Stun will be almost over. When it is on CD, you have absolutely no mechanism to latch onto your enemies. This means that he has a very hard time hitting the target he has chosen. Even if he has the damage to bring down an opponent easily, he simply cannot hit because he gets controlled and kited (especially in group fights there will be plenty of heroes who can disable you, slow you or simply run away with some escape mechanism). This is why Sven is very reliant on his teammates - they are the ones who need to secure space for him to hit freely. Otherwise, he would have a much lesser impact in fights.


Low Mana Pool: Although he is not very mana intensive as a whole, his stun costs 140 mana right from the start. This means that in the early laning stage you have just enough mana to support one stun only.

Lower than Average MS:  Even though Warcry counters this problem, when the spell is low lvl or is off CD, Sven is a fairly slow hero, which amplifies his problems with kiting (fast heroes don’t even need control spell to kite him).


Team Liquid vs LGD-Gaming, SL i-League Invitational Season 4

MATCH ID: 3716722821

Miracle- has a flawless performance on Sven and demonstrates the huge flash-farming potential and damage capabilities of the hero.

In the early game his teammates manage to give him a good start and he manages to get 76 creeps by the 10th minute mark (by also farming the jungle). By 20:35 he has PTS, Madness, S&Y, Blink and BKB. With these items and with Io to buff him further he becomes absolutely unstoppable. He manages to reach 722 GPM and 260 creeps killed in a 26 minute game!

The replay is great to watch in order to learn how to maximize your farm when you have free space with Sven. As can be seen here, with such an overwhelming item advantage you can easily finish the game early with Sven.


When looking at the general picture, Sven is neither the best ganker nor the best lane dominator. Yes, he is a versatile hero and could fit in different situations; however, his real strength is team fights, where he could deal massive amounts of AoE damage. So, when you draft him, always try to build a team that will be able to control team fights and provides Sven with the freedom to end them favorably.

In team strategies, a carry Sven is mainly drafted as a part of wombo-combo aimed to dominate team fights. His incredible AoE DPS potential means he is a natural five-man hero. He does not thrive in chaotic fights and games with lots of ganking and split pushing as he lacks the means to fight by himself - he needs his teammates. With this in mind, when you have Sven, you want to be able to overpower your opponents in a 5vs5 clash. If you have this ability, you could walk together, push towers, force fights and win the game.

Unlike most carries, Sven is not weak in the early and mid-game, which means that he could fit a more aggressive play style from early on. He could have a big impact with much less gold than most hard carries, which means he is not as farming-oriented and could afford to actively look for fights rather than for creeps.

Nevertheless, when picking Sven, you are not forced to be overly aggressive in the early-mid game as you have some serious carry potential and you can farm decently fast. Provided your team has team fight potential in the later stages, you could safely take the game at that stage.

Drafting a support Sven is mainly viable when you need to diminish the physical damage output of the enemy team in fights and at the same time, you could use a roaming/ganking support. A support Sven is great for aggressive early-mid game 5-man strats.

Core Sven:

Safe lane:

In the safe lane, Sven will probably have access to free farm. This means that he will be able to get to his core items very quickly. With quick core items you will start flash-farming sooner and could potentially snowball out of control. From this position you could transition to very aggressive play in the mid game (usually pushing as 5).

In addition, having a potent stun means that the lane will have very good kill potential. Because of this, with some good creep equilibrium control you could prevent the enemy offlaner from getting XP and Farm.

Offensive lane:

Sven is not an ideal hero for an aggressive trilane as he has big mana problems in the early game. In addition, he is melee, isn’t the strongest last-hitter and doesn’t do much damage other than his stun. Nevertheless, if you see that the enemy team has a weak defensive trilane, combining Sven with two strong trilane supports could give very good results.

Depending on which your lane partners are, some damage spells combined with a Storm Hammer and attacks could prove enough to kill most heroes in the early game. With such a strong kill combo, you could effectively zone out the enemy carry, which will give you a very good start in the game.

Even with less farm Sven could be useful for his team not as a main damage dealing carry but as a utility hero thanks to Warcry.

Roaming Support Sven

In the support role, Sven is usually used as a roamer. The reason is that his Storm Hammer is decent at level one and could set up for some early kills. Also, while moving between lanes, he could recharge his mana with a clarity potion, so having mana just for one Hammer isn’t that big of a problem when roaming.

He is a decent ganker early on, but he needs help, so he is usually part of a roaming duo. Some effective ganks could give you an early lead and hinder the development of your opponents, especially of their solo mid. Having Warcry means that you will be useful in the later stages of the game as well, especially if the enemy team focuses mainly on physical DPS. For a support, as Sven, you will be comparatively durable and with your ultimate in some situations, you could even provide some potent DPS. An Agh’s build is also possible if you want to buff your cores not only defensively, but offensively and with Dagger you can provide decent initiation.

If you draft Sven before your other carry, this could serve as a surprise element. Your enemies will expect to fight against a carry Sven and are likely to try to counter him. Using Sven as support and picking a smart carry (which is not countered the same way Sven is) could ruin your opponents’ game plan.

As mentioned, thanks to Warcry, a support Sven is great in 5-man drafts that want to play aggressively.


Good friends to have are:

Bunch-up heroes: Magnus, Dark Seer, Enigma

Magnus Portrait
Dark Seer
Enigma Portrait
When picking Sven, it is smart to combine him with heroes which can bring opponents close to each other because of his AoE potential.

Heroes that can bring your opponents closer to each other could work amazingly with Sven because of his cleave attack and remarkable damage (he could damage multiple targets with each attack). Bringing enemies close to each other makes them more vulnerable to Storm Hammer as well. 

AoE Initiators: Puck, Tidehunter, Magnus, Enigma, Axe

Puck Portrait
Tidehunter Portrait
Magnus Portrait
Enigma Portrait
Axe Portrait
Combining Sven with potent AoE initiators could win you an unfavorable fight.

In a team fight crowd control helps Sven immensely as it gives him the needed few seconds to hit freely.

Prime Disable Targets: Bane Elemental, Enigma, Crystal Maiden

Bane Portrait
Enigma Portrait
Crystal Maiden
Heroes that tend to attract the opponents’ attention and disables could provide Sven with the needed time to deal damage.

This is a strange example of synergy. Nevertheless, heroes that tend to attract disables towards themselves work well with Sven. Such heroes usually have powerful channeling spells (like Enigma’s Black Hole or Bane Elemental’s Fiend’s Grip), which means that your opponents don’t have a choice but to use their disables on them. Otherwise, they risk losing the fight. This makes Sven a 2nd priority in terms of disables, giving him the freedom to fight and deal a lot of damage.


Being one of the strongest attack-forward heroes in the game, Sven works very well versus certain types of heroes. At the same time, some good control could make Sven close to useless.

Strong Against:

Illusions (or summons): Chaos Knight, Naga Siren, Phantom Lancer, Natures Prophet, Broodmother, Meepo, Lycan

Chaos Knight
Naga siren
Phantom Lancer
Nature's Prophet Portrait
Broodmother Portrait
Sven destroys big groups of units in a few swipes, which means that illusion heroes have problems facing him.

Due to his huge AoE damage potential, heroes that rely on numbers to overwhelm their opponents have a very hard time against Sven.

Physical Damage Dealers: PA, Jugger, Lycan, CK

Phantom Assassin
Chaos Knight
Warcry counters physical damage dealers directly as it gives a shield that protects against attacks.

Warcry gives lots of survivability to your team against right-clicks and is a direct counter to heroes that rely on physical DPS output. To be effective in this aspect you don’t need farm or levels, which means that it is viable to pick support Sven versus such lineups.

Weak Against:

Control Heroes: Bat, Bane Elemental, Beast Master, Enigma, Viper

Bane Portrait
Enigma Portrait
Picking Sven against teams abundant of control spells (especially that go through magic immunity) is usually not wise.

Heroes that can disable Sven and kite him for long periods of time could make him practically useless in engagements. If the disables provided by these heroes go through magic immunity, this is an even bigger problem as a BKB wouldn’t provide a solution. In that case it would be entirely up to your allies to free you up; however, this is rarely an easy task.

Mobility and elusiveness: Puck, Weaver, Bone Fletcher, Nyx Assassin, Mirana

Puck Portrait
Mobile and elusive heroes could prove a problem for you, so only pick Sven against such heroes when you are confident your team has the potential to control them effectively.

Heroes that have the means to avoid getting hit by Sven could relatively easily survive against him and even waste his time by kiting and baiting him. However, if Sven’s allies manage to disable and consequently, control such heroes, they could prove a much lesser problem.

Winter Wyvern Portrait

Winter Wyvern deserves a special mention because he can easily force you to kill your own teammates because of your ridiculous damage. This could be avoided if your teammates are aware of this and keep their distance. His defensive skill (Cold Embrace) is also annoying to play against because you deal only physical damage.

Troll Warlord

Troll Warlord is probably the only man-fight hero who you are afraid of. He can make you miss your attacks and he can bash you, incapacitating you in fights.


Medusa is also very annoying to play against because she can use her ultimate to counter your initiation and save not only herself but also her teammates. If you are not able to kill your enemies on the first jump, they will start kiting you and the fight will become much more difficult for you.


Sven Storm Hammer
Sven Great Cleave
Sven Warcry
Sven God's Strength

Sven unleashes his magical gauntlet that deals damage and stuns enemy units.


Cast Animation: 0.3+0

Cast Range: 600

Effect Radius: 255

Damage: 100/175/250/325

Stun Duration: 1.7/1.8/1.9/2

CD: 13

Mana: 110/120/130/140

Storm Hammer

Storm Hammer is one of the strongest non-ultimate stuns in the game as it has decent damage, decent stun duration, it is AoE, and most importantly it is very easy to use (although it is possible to miss-click and target the wrong hero in a cluster as your primary target is the hero which is in the middle of the AoE indicator).

Storm Hammer is a very straightforward skill - it is usually used to initiate the engagement, and during the fight, it is used whenever it is off CD, provided you have the mana to afford it. The more targets it hits, the better as you will get more utility from it. Be that as it may, don’t hesitate to use it on a single target if it will allow you to focus it down.

Storm Hammer is an amazing setup for other spells as it is very easy to see, and it has a constant duration of 2sec, which means that your allies could effortlessly time and aim their skills based on the Hammer.

Sven strikes with great force, cleaving all nearby enemy units with his attack.


Starting Radius: 150

Distance: 625

End Radius: 330

Cleave Damage: 40/50/60/70%

Great Cleave

Great Cleave is the tool that makes Sven very scary in cluttered engagements. The 300 radius (basically a 300 range circle in front of Sven) means that he could hit multiple targets with each attack, implying that he could kill multiple heroes with a few hits.

Understandably, your enemies are not going to stay next to each other willingly, which means that if your allies could help in positioning them this way,  you could be much more efficient and end team fights quickly.

Because the cleave damage is not reduced by armor, Provided you are fighting a hero with high armor and your Great Cleave is on a high level, it could be smarter to hit targets next to your main target (even creeps). Moreover, when hitting multiple enemies which are next to each other, always choose the hero with the lowest armor even if it is not the most important target. This way you will maximize your total damage output and will kill the more important but higher armor target quicker.

Sven's Warcry heartens his allied heroes for battle, increasing their movement speed and provides them with an attack damage shield. Buff ends if the shield is consumed. Shield has 25% more health on your hero.


Cast Animation: 0+0

Effect Radius: 900

Move Speed Bonus: 8%/12%/16%/20%

Shield Capacity: 110/220/330/440

Caster Shield Health Bonus: 25%

Duration: 10

Mana: 40

CD: 36/32/28/24


Warcry is Sven’s main survivability tool, and the best thing about the spell is that the effect gets applied to his allies as well. In other words, for 10 seconds the whole team receives, on higher levels, what is the equivalent additional Boots + 400+ HP against right-click damage. This is very strong in team fights, especially in the early-mid game when enemies don't deal too much attack damage.

Sven channels his rogue strength, granting bonus damage for 25 seconds.


Cast Animation: 0.3+0

Self Attack Damage Bonus: 80%/120%/160%

Self Strength Bonus: 10/20/30

Duration: 25

CD: 80

Mana: 100/150/200

Aghanim's Scepter

God's Strength grants bonus damage to allies in a 900 radius.

God's Strength

God’s Strength is Sven’s main DPS tool and it is why he is one of the best (if not the best) man-fight heroes in the game.

The mana cost of the spell is considerably high (for Sven as he has low mana pool), so especially early in the game, try to consider your mana when you use it. If you want to gank somebody and use your ultimate but don’t have mana for your stun, you are not likely to hit your target at all as it will simply run away - this will result in a wasted ultimate and a wasted gank attempt.

The cooldown of 80 seconds is not low - with duration of 25 seconds this means about a minute of off-time. In order to be dangerous in fights, you need your ultimate. Otherwise, your hits will not hurt nearly as much. This is why most of the time you must conserve your God’s Strength just for fights rather than use it to farm. Nevertheless, it is sometimes good to use it to clear an Ancient stack or kill Roshan very fast, especially in the early game when you will not be fighting so much.

The bonus damage applies just for your base damage and for damage coming from your primary attribute (STR), which means that raw damage items are usually not ideal for Sven.

Skill Builds

The skill build is determined by your role in the game. A carry Sven would prioritize his own farming speed (Cleave), while a utility Sven will prioritize his fight contribution from early on - Warcry and Hammer.

Great Cleave Build
Hammer & Warcry Build
Sven Storm Hammer
Sven Warcry
Sven Great Cleave
Sven Great Cleave
Sven Great Cleave
Sven God's Strength
Sven Great Cleave
Sven Warcry
Sven Warcry
Talent Icon
Sven Warcry
Sven God's Strength
Sven Storm Hammer
Sven Storm Hammer
Talent Icon
Sven Storm Hammer
Sven God's Strength
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: maximum farming speed;
Cons: low control and burst damage;

This build will maximize your farming potential earlier, which will allow you to get your items faster. Nevertheless, it is inferior for fighting early on since the Cleave doesn’t help you in fights before you get your levels and items to give you the needed damage. The higher levels of Warcry will allow you to use the spell more often and generally be stronger in fights early on.The drawback of this build is that you will not have burst damage early in the game from your Hammer - not a big drawback if you mainly want to kill creeps.

Sven Storm Hammer
Sven Warcry
Sven Storm Hammer
Sven Warcry
Sven Warcry
Sven Storm Hammer
Sven Warcry
Sven Storm Hammer
Sven God's Strength
Talent Icon
Sven Great Cleave
Sven God's Strength
Sven Great Cleave
Sven Great Cleave
Talent Icon
Sven Great Cleave
Sven God's Strength
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: maximum utility for the team - control and survivability;
Cons: low damage output; slow farming;

This build is mostly for a support Sven. Getting more points in your stun will help you in ganking early on. After the laning phase, you can't rely only on your stun in team fights, so it’s good if you can max your Warcry to help your team in engagements. You delay your ultimate - you are not the damage dealer on your team.

If you are a position 3 Sven, however, you'd get your ultimate right away and you would get a few Cleave levels (usually at the cost of Hammer levels) to keep up in farm when you're not fighting.


+1.25s Storm Hammer Stun Duration

+40 Strenght GOD`s Strenght

-6s Storm Hammer Cooldown

25% Lifesteal
Storm Hammer Dispels Enemies
+30 Movement Speed
+2 mana regen
+8 strength

Lvl 10: Strength gives you not only HP but DMG too, so it is the usual choice. Clarities are usually enough to keep your mana up in the early game as you don’t expend much of it. For a support Sven, get the mana.

Lvl15: Depends mainly on the situation you’re in. If you can dispel strong buffs with your hammer, then get the dispel. Otherwise, the MS is better.

Lvl20: Storm Hammer CD is a very situational talent but if you are about to take the stun duration talent on 25, you can go for it, otherwise take the Lifesteal.

Lvl25: Basically 40 STR is a lot and you want to take this talent almost every time, but if you have the level 20 talent for CD reduction, you can go for the stun duration. This would be more useful on a support Sven, as a core definitely uses more efficiently the lifesteal + 40 STR.

Item Builds

Sven is a strange hero when it comes to items as he doesn’t need as much as most carries to be effective, yet he is a very fast flash farmer and usually can afford a lot. This means that you should get the items you need relatively easily.

Since Sven has a particularly strong synergy with a couple of items, usually his core item choices don’t change much (Madness, Blink, BKB). Nevertheless, beyond the few core items the hero is open to versatile item builds.

Carry Sven Build

The suggested item build is one of the most usual carry Sven builds. First it boosts your farming output a lot with Madness and Echo Sabre. Then you get Blink + BKB to be able to participate in fights much more easily. You can squeeze a S&Y in between these items if you think you need help sticking to your targets. In the late game your choices are relatively open, but a Daedalus for ridiculous physical nuke damage in addition to some tankiness items (like in this case AC + Heart) are great choices.

Starting Items
Stout Shield
Iron branch
Iron branch
Early Game
Phase boots
Magic wand
Mask of madness
Echo sabre
Mid Game
Black King Bar
Late Game
Stout Shield
Iron branch
Iron branch
Phase boots

Phase Boots: the usual boots of choice for Sven as they give him the most DPS (attack speed) and survivability (armor).

Magic wand

Magic Wand: Although you could skip this item if you feel you don’t need it, especially early on, it could give you the needed mana for one more stun which could win you a fight. The more you want to emphasize on fighting, the more useful Magic Wand is.

Mask of madness

Mask of Madness: The most cost-efficient DPS boost you could give yourself, Mask of Madness in combination with your ultimate could drop heroes in mere seconds. The Mask could also increase your farming rate and give you a tool to sustainably farm the woods for long periods. It makes you less survivable, though, so use it with caution.

Echo sabre

Echo Sabre: Since you are hitting very hard with your ultimate on, Echo Sabre might be very good option to go. Also, the mana regen and health that Echo Sabre gives you are very good for Sven.


Blink Dagger: Blink will give you great positioning and could allow you to be much more potent in ganks and an initiator in fights. You deal high amounts of burst damage and being on your target just at the right time is vital.

Black King Bar

Black King Bar: Sven is a natural BKB user - it gives him both survivability and damage. What is important, however, is that the magic immunity is vital for the hero. Your biggest flaw is that you get controlled and kited easily, and you don’t get to hit as much as you would want to. BKB is the best way to solve the control problem as not many Disables in the game could be used through magic immunity.


Crystalys: thanks to your ultimate, you have very high physical damage. Because of this even just a Crystalys can result in ridiculous crits.


Daedalus: Even though Sven doesn’t benefit greatly from raw damage items (as the ultimate doesn’t amplify this damage), the critical strike is just too good to pass. Your huge damage per hit means that even one critical strike could win you the fight. This item could give you insane nuke damage potential, which is important for you since you only get to hit a couple of times per fight. Also, an early Crystalys could boost your farm rate greatly.


Assault Cuirass: Attack speed is the most important DPS stat for Sven (since you already have the damage per hit from your ult). This means that an Assault will make both you and your team harder to kill with the armor aura, whilst boosting your own DPS greatly.


Heart of Tarrasque: a Heart will make you incredibly hard to kill. The raw HP and STR HP scale very well with the armor you have from Warcry. In addition, the STR gives decent damage as it gets multiplied from your ultiamte.

Utility Sven Build

The game plan of a utility Sven is a bit different than a core Sven. You don't want to passively farm - you want to actively contribute to team fights. Moreover, you wouldn't be the main damage dealer in your team. Because of this, you want to use your gold early on to get utility items for your teammates. These are usually Vlads (which also helps you farm) and Crimson or Pipe, depending if you are facing physical or magical damage.

In the late game, you can transition into more traditional Sven luxuries to start dealing damage.

Stout Shield
Early Game
Phase boots
Vladmir's Offering
Mid Game
Crimson Guard
Late Game
Black King Bar
Stout Shield

Bracer: a great cheap source of survivability.

Phase boots

Phase Boots: the usual boots of choice for Sven as they give him the most DPS (attack speed) and survivability (armor).

Vladmir's Offering

Vlad's: a team-centered alternative to Madness. It gives you the needed sustain to farm, but it also gives your whole team an useful aura for early-game fights.

Crimson Guard

Crimson Guard: combined with your Warcry, the active of Crimson will make your whole team almost immune to physical attacks in the early-mid game for a decent duration. This is extremely useful if you want to play aggressively at this stage. If you are facing a lot of magic damage, build Pipe instead (or both).


Blink Dagger: Blink will give you great positioning and could allow you to be much more potent in ganks and an initiator in fights. You deal high amounts of burst damage and being on your target just at the right time is vital.

Black King Bar

Black King Bar: Sven is a natural BKB user - it gives him both survivability and damage. What is important, however, is that the magic immunity is vital for the hero. Your biggest flaw is that you get controlled and kited easily, and you don’t get to hit as much as you would want to. BKB is the best way to solve the control problem as not many Disables in the game could be used through magic immunity.


Daedalus: Even though Sven doesn’t benefit greatly from raw damage items (as the ultimate doesn’t amplify this damage), the critical strike is just too good to pass. Your huge damage per hit means that even one critical strike could win you the fight. This item could give you insane nuke damage potential, which is important for you since you only get to hit a couple of times per fight. Also, an early Crystalys could boost your farm rate greatly.

Other Items

Early & Mid Game
Late Game
Moon Shard
Linken's Sphere

Drums of Endurance: Giving survivability, damage, movement speed and most importantly - mana, Drums is an amazing item for Sven early on, especially if you want to fight more. Moreover, Drums is a very good item for a support Sven as it will provide utility for your whole team.


Armlet of Mordiggian: Whenever you use Armlet first and your ultimate later, the huge damage bonus from the 40 STR will get multiplied by your ultimate. This means that Armlet actually gives you very good DPS, in addition to survivability. 


Sange & Yasha: S&Y is not bad for Sven as you could use the MS and the slow proc to stick to your targets. If you plan to be very aggressive from early on, S&Y could be a good item alternative.


Shadow Blade: A very aggressive alternative; it could help you gank very efficiently. The logic behind it is similar to that of a Blink Dagger, and it gives you more damage. However, it is a bit less reliable for initiation as it could be countered with Sentries.


Heaven’s Halberd: Some damage and lots of survivability (mainly thanks to the evasion). Heaven’s fits Sven very well, both in a carry or support role. The disarm could be very useful against other strong carry heroes. As a hard carry Sven, however, you usually need the inventory slot for a bigger item.


Aghanim’s Scepter: a great item if you have other physical damage carries, especially if they buy a lot of stat items. Aghanim's is great mid-late game item for a support Sven who has no way to transition into a carry himself.

Moon Shard

Moon Shard: If you don’t think you need the armor from Assault Cuirass, Moon Shard will increase your DPS more and in addition you can consume it in the super late game to free up an item slot.


Bloodthorn: A good substitute of Daedalus if you are facing enemies with mobility spells or evasion. You can use it on supports or even cores after their BKB ends and if the silence is not removed, the damage increase is huge. It also synergizes very well with Nullifier – you basically Doom the target, blocking all of their abilities and items.


Nullifier: great when you are facing enemies with defensive items and when combined with Bloodthorn.

Linken's Sphere

Linken's: You usually don’t want to build it, but it’s sometimes necessary – mainly against heroes with BKB-piercing disables like Batrider, Beastmaster, Bane, etc.


Satanic: If the game goes very late, a Satanic could be a great replacement of your Madness. Provided you are not disabled, a Satanic could help you win direct fights versus multiple farmed carries.


MKB:  For a Sven, Bloodthorn is probably the superior tool to deal with evasion because you can use the crit very well, while the stats of MKB have little synergy with your skills. Nonetheless, Bloodthorn is not as reliable – MKB gives you an evasion solution with no downtime, so it has its benefits.

Early Game

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Sven is usually positioned in the side-lanes as a part of a dual or trilane. Your main goal is to get as much farm and levels out of the lane as possible. With Cleave you can start out-pushing the wave and farming the jungle from very early on. Getting a fast MoM will greatly increase your farming speed and efficiency.

Nevertheless, you must aim to utilize the powerful initiation potential that Storm Hammer gives you as well when you have the chance. In case you have potent combos (along with the supports in your lane), you could dominate the laning stage from early on.

A support Sven is all about the initiation the Hammer gives him. It makes him a strong ganker and more efficient at roaming. With some potent follow-up, you might end up winning the laning stage for your team.


Sven has a decent attack animation (neither bad nor good, with 0.4 sec attack point) and an average starting damage for a melee hero. This means that you should not be denied last hits easily. However, it is the job of your lane partner(s) to give you the space to farm freely by harassing and zoning out your opponents (unless you are alone) and also don’t forget to remind your teammates to stack ancients as much as possible, because you are one of the best heroes to farm ancient stacks even only with Mask of Madness and Power Treads.

You shouldn’t use the Storm Hammer for last hits especially early on in the game as you don’t have the mana pool to support this. Provided you are without mana, you lose your kill potential and you are much easier to kill.

Maximizing your farm:

When you get two levels of Cleave AND a Quelling Blade, you can auto attack the creep wave to kill it off faster. This will buy you enough time to go to the closest jungle camp, stack it and return on time for the next creep wave.

While you are doing this, you can rush a MoM (buying Boots of Speed first is smart as it will make stacking and going back to lane without missing creeps much easier). With MoM, your ultimate and two levels in Cleave you can easily clear even very big stacks.

Preserving the creep equilibrium:

Provided your supports in the lane pull, you can afford to tank the creep wave in front of your tower with the help of Warcry. If you have a Stout, you will not take much physical damage. Consequently, you will guarantee that you get all last hits rather than risking last hitting under the tower, which is much harder.


Active harass with the Storm Hammer is almost never a good idea as you don’t have enough mana to sustain it. Try to save the spell for kill attempts, or for when you desperately need it to run away.

Passive harass is not your thing either since you are a melee hero and you need to focus on last hits. Nevertheless, if another melee comes to contest last hits and exchange harass with you, you could activate Warcry to buff your survivability and commit to the exchange - you might get the better end of it with about 10 buff with one point in Warcry. Afterward, you get more levels on your Cleave against melee heroes - it can be very useful to keep them away from last hits while farming.

Kill Potential:

Your kill potential is all about the Storm Hammer. You should use it to initiate as it is a targetable “impossible to miss” spell (if you can, hit multiple targets, ofc.).  (This doesn’t hold true only if you have other instant disables like Hex or Rubic’s Telekinesis. In such a case you should follow up with your stun).

With 13sec cooldown you might get a chance to use the Hammer again, especially if you are chasing through the jungle/River or other long routes. Don’t forget to switch your Power Threads to INT if you just don’t have enough mana (with Sven this is often the case for the second Storm Hammer.)

Getting the kill, however, largely depends on your lane partner(s), and whether they have decent damage and other disables to follow-up. If you are not certain you are going to get the kill, throwing the Hammer anyway might be a mistake. In case you lose your mana, you will also lose your kill potential.

After the disable on your target ends, activate Warcry. It will give you and your ally’s movement speed to get in some auto attacks and finish the kill or simply to chase.

After lvl6 besides initiation, you can provide decent damage as well (thanks to your ult). This is most useful if your lane partners have other stuns so that they can give you some time to auto attack. Again, if you are not certain you will be getting the kill, it might be better to save your spells. For example, you can push a lot faster with God’s Strength activated.

Early Game Rotations:


You should start ganking from lvl1 as a support as you get most of your kill potential at that level - your Hammer stuns for 1.7 seconds. With further levels you get a bit more damage and MS and survivability from Warcry, but that is rarely crucial for taking a kill.

As a ganking Sven, you are incredibly dependent on your allies. Provided there is nobody to follow up your initiation it is impossible to finish a kill, so try to predict the situation before it happens. Try to gank with a support partner or gank lanes where the laning ally has kill potential himself. If that is not the case, you might be better off pulling to get some farm rather than attempting impossible ganks.

When rotating between the lanes, use clarities to replenish your mana and, especially during the day, use Smoke of Deceit as otherwise, you might never get in range to initiate.

Counter Ganking

With Storm Hammer, it is quite easy to save allies that are being ganked (if you are in position). The spell is very easy to land and the 2 sec AoE stun (gankers tend to clump up when they are chasing a single target) buys enough time for your ally to run away. Warcry is also very helpful as it gives additional survivability and increases the MS of your allies.

Therefore, if you are a support Sven and you see that an ally is being ganked, try to TP to that lane as fast as possible. As a farmer, helping the other lanes is not your priority, but sometimes it is profitable to join the fight as a Storm Hammer might turn it and you might get some kills.

Video Example:

Starting with Storm Hammer, so he is able to fight for the rune and helps his teammates secure a kill.

On level 3 he opts to take 2 points in Cleave to clear Nature`s Prophet’s units easier.

Level 4, Warcry is great for chasing people and also very good against NP`s summons to reduce their harass damage.

Getting a mask as quick as possible for the sustain in the lane and rushing MOM helps him clear waves and camps as fast as possible.

After lvl6 with MOM, he is using his ultimate to speed up his farming – as a position 1 his top priority is to out-farm his opponents, so he is not afraid to expand the ult for this purpose. He abandons the lane as soon as he sees that a lot of heroes starts rotating there – dying will slow down his farm a lot.

Thanks to this more careful and farm-focused play-style in the early game, he manages to be on par in terms of farm with the enemy carry, despite there being a lot more pressure in Sven’s lane (the enemy roaming CK came to his lane very often).

Mid & Late Game

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As Sven you are fairly versatile, and you have a wide choice of activities in the late game. Nevertheless, you excel mainly at 5-man Dota thanks to your AoE potential, so don’t hesitate to be active and force fights with your ult if you think you can take them.

As a support, your main goal is to stick to your team and help out in fights or to gank, whenever there is such an opportunity.

As one of the strongest man-fight heroes in the game and a strong mid-game carry, you should be more aggressive than most other hard carries. Forcing fight is your number one priority; farming is something you do in the meantime. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t be afraid to enter a farm-war if you don’t feel that you are in a position to fight. You flash farm quite fast thanks to Great Cleave, and you scale quite well into the late game.

Force team fights

As a Sven, your first big timing comes with your BKB. This is the item that will allow you to fight more freely, and without it, you will have great difficulty hitting your targets in fights. Consequently, getting your BKB + a DPS item (MoM or/and Crystalys) is your clue that you are ready to fight. Even though you scale well with additional items, you are at a timing that should allow you to dominate most opponents, so you shouldn’t delay fighting for the sake of passive farming after that point.

Comeback Potential:

After a good laning stage, you should reach this timing fairly fast, which will allow you to push and force fights before your opponents step on their feet in terms of levels and items. If you cannot afford to force fights (your opponents have a very strong 5-man line-up or very strong anti-push), you should focus on farming the lanes and jungle. The more damage items you have, the faster you will be in that - you could possibly out-farm severely the enemy hard carry if it is a hero that cannot flash farm.

After a bad laning stage Smoke ganks into farming the lanes and jungle is your best option. You don’t want to force fights as you will not have your core items at that point, so you want to catch up, but at the same time, you have good ganking potential, and you want to stop the snowballing of the enemy carries. So, finding the right mix between ganks and passive farming is your best option.

Team Fights:

In team fights most of the times you want to jump with Blink and kill someone immediately. The problem with this is, however, that if you go in first, you will likely get disabled and kited, which will diminish your effectiveness.

So, as a Sven who wants to deal damage, you basically have two choices. The first one is to wait for your allies to initiate the fight and then to enter and deal the needed damage when you have the space to do so. The second choice is to initiate the fight yourself. If your enemies get on top of you, this will give your allies a chance for a very good counter-initiation, which is more likely to catch a large number of opponents. Such a counter-initiation could allow you to kill them all effortlessly. This is a riskier tactic though as you might die before the counter-initiation, so it is a good option only if you are farmed.

As Sven, your real fear is not of dying, but of being kited. Not many heroes would like to fight against you, but most heroes will be glad to use their disables on you (and then kill you, if possible). So, in order to be effective in team fights, you rely heavily on your allies. In this sense, you are a reactive hero - whenever your allies provide you with an opportunity to deal damage, you should take it. However, going in by your own initiative is usually not ideal.

As a support Sven, you might want to initiate the fight with your disable or wait for it to break out and then use a better-targeted Storm Hammer that could disable multiple opponents. Don’t forget the Warcry which will make the whole team more survivable against physical damage. Finally, try to hit targets with your ultimate. You wouldn’t have much farm, but you will deal significant damage anyway.


5-man Pushing:

One of the best ways to force 5 on 5 engagements is to push. This means that after you get your core items, you should get together with your team and start pushing the enemy towers. You, as Sven, should be on the front lines. Nevertheless, in order to be successful, it is very important to have an initiation hero waiting to counter-initiate.

If you have another pushing hero to hit towers when you have Dagger you can stay hidden in order to counter-initiate your enemies and easily kill them. This is usually a superior tactic with Sven, as this way you will be much more difficult to kite.

Once the enemy team is dead use the leftover time on God’s Strength to claim objectives.

After a successful gank, Sven’s team tries to push HG. Instead of hitting the tower and allowing enemies to cancel his blink and to start kiting him, he immediately jumps in with Blink behind the enemy tower.


You usually want to participate in fights rather than split-push. Nonetheless, when you are in a position where you cannot reliably win fights, split-pushing is a decent alternative. You clear waves fast and you can even use your ult to bring down towers quickly.


Ganking with Sven is pretty straightforward - you cast your buffs on your allies and yourself, and you initiate the gank with a stun (since it is likely to be one of the most reliable disables on your team).

As a carry Sven, you are usually better off forcing fights or farming rather than searching for a gank.

Provided you have good initiation items (like Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger), getting in position for a good Storm Hammer initiation will be much easier, which means that you will be much more effective in ganks - this might bump it up on your priority list.

Sven uses his ult and initiates on the enemy support Disruptor with Blink + Stun, which leads to a solo kill. His team tries to take a fight out of this situation and with the help of Slardar’s ultimate Miracle one-shots the enemy Batrider. This is the ideal start to a fight for Sven – when you have the element of surprise on your side, it’s much harder for enemy heroes to position themselves well and to kite you, which leads to easy kills.

Map Control:

If you are successful at being aggressive and pushing towers in the mid game, you should be able to gain map control. As Sven, you could very efficiently farm the enemy jungle, thus denying one source of farm to your opponents. Do not do this on your own, or when you do not have the proper map control (vision), though, as you might end up feeding your life to your opponents.


The most important thing to consider about farming with Sven is his huge sustained AoE damage. Sven is probably the best hero in the game for clearing efficiently jungle or Ancient camp stacks. When you have life steal from your Mask of Madnesskilling such stacks becomes even easier. Using your ultimate to clear Ancient stacks in the mid game (before you have good DPS items) is a great idea because otherwise, you might have problems killing the stack fast enough.

The fastest way to farm with Sven is to push out one lane and then enter the woods, where ideally your allies have stacked some camps for you. Even if there aren’t any stacks, you could stack yourself or just farm the camps one by one.