Miposhka's Dota Support Hero Guides


In this bundle, you will find all the guides we made together with Miposhka – guides specially created because of his expertise and success with these heroes in the highest level of competition.

  • 7 super in-depth hero guides
  • 57,550 words of written content in total (the equivalent length of a short novel)
  • 14+ example videos
  • Example replays of competitive and pub games

Shadow Shaman
Crystal Maiden
Jakiro Portrait
Keeper of the Light

The Book of Dota guides are created with the goal to give you an in-depth understanding of all aspects of playing your chosen heroes. Even though they are long, they are meticulously structured so that you can quickly and easily find the needed knowledge.Each hero guide will give you all the necessary information to pick up a new hero or even to improve with a hero you already play well.

Learn from the best

Yaroslav "Miposhka" Naidenov started his professional career in the CIS stack Yellow Submarine which managed to win the CIS Open Qualifiers for TI5. After an year of competing in the tier two scene, he got invited in Team Empire, where he found his home and has been playing in different roles and captaining for more than two and a half years. His biggest success so far came in TI7, where Empire managed to pull off a huge upset win over EG, eliminating them from the tournament and claiming a 7th-8th place.

Promo Stats Miposhka

Miposhka focuses on utility heroes – supports & offlane, which makes this bundle perfect for player who enjoy playing positions 5, 4 and 3.

Miposhka's Book of Dota:
Shadow Shaman Guide by Miposhka
Miposhka & Co.
Shadow Shaman

Miposhka's extensive guide to Shadow Shaman. Inside you can find everything you need to play Rhasta on a high level:

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game

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Shadow Shaman

Rhasta is a very versatile support. He is a strong laner in most situations because of his very high attack and nuke damage. He is a good ganker because of his great disables and most importantly - he is a great pusher and split-pusher because of his ultimate, Serpent Wards.

Shadow Shaman is a great support to learn if you want to climb MMR. In the low brackets, his disables and pushing potential are extremely valuable tools because of the tendency to pick cores with low disables and not to focus on objectives. In higher brackets, his tactical versatility and the strength of Aghanim's + Refresher Orb or Shard can help you rat and win games even from behind.

Shadow Shaman is one of Miposhka's most played support heroes and he has the very impressive 64% win rate with him in pro games.

Rubick Guide by Miposhka
Miposhka & Co.

Miposhka's extensive guide to Rubick. You will learn to beat your opponents with their own spells (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, play styles, tactics and priorities
  • 9k words, more than 2 example videos
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Rubick is hands down one of the most fun heroes to spam. No game with him is ever the same because of his unique ability to steal his opponents' skills. Stealing powerful ultimates in team fights is his trademark, which makes him a common hero in highlight videos.

He is one of the supports with the highest skill cap in the game, which means if you get good enough you can consistently outplay your opponents and win games for your team out of the support position. He is not easy to learn - Rubick requires a great understanding of the hero and the game (which hopefully you'll get from this guide), but also a lot of practice.

Crystal Maiden Guide by Miposhka
Miposhka & Co.
Crystal Maiden

Miposhka's extensive guide to CM. Inside you can find everything you need to gain MMR swifter than the wolves of Icewrack (updated for 7.20.):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 6k words, more than 2 video examples

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Crystal Maiden

The most cliché pos. 6 support who people compare to a global Clarity Potion is not exactly what you expect her to be. CM scales very well with farm and is one of the very few supports who can realistically get a rampage in a good game. Freezing Field's amazing team-fight potential makes the hero extremely fun to play.

CM is a versatile support who is decent both at babysitting, roaming, and she can even farm the jungle when she has the free time to do so. This makes her a great hero for a support player to have in their arsenal. Because she is squishy and slow and because her ultimate is a channeling spell, she requires immaculate positioning and timing to unlock her full potential. Learning her, however, can be a lot of fun and can yield great results.

Enchantress Guide by Miposhka
Miposhka & Co.

Miposhka's extensive guide to Enchantress. Inside you can find everything you need to play the hero on a high level (updated for 7.20.):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 8k words, more than one example video
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Enchantress is one of the very few heroes in the game who can use jungle creeps. This, combined with her other abilities, makes her almost impossible to lane against. If she is successful, she can slow down the development of her lane opponents, but more importantly - she can snowball, take towers and turn into a powerful ranged damage dealer.

Consequently, Ench is one of the best offlane heroes for winning pubs. She fits perfectly aggressive 5-man Dota lineups and if you learn to play her on a high level you can consistently secure quick victories for your team

Ench is Miposhka's second most played hero in officials.

Jakiro Guide by Miposhka
Miposhka & Co.

Miposhka's extensive guide to Jakiro. Inside you can find everything you need to play the hero on a high level (updated for 7.20.):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 9k words, more than 2 example videos
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Jakiro is great at two things: harassing in the lane and pushing in the early & mid game. He also provides a lot of AoE damage and control. All of this combined makes him the perfect support hero for an aggressive 5-man Dota pushing strategy - the most efficient playstyle for winning party pubs. He is not very versatile, but he is great at what he does and mastering him could give you lots of success.

Keeper of the Light Guide by Miposhka
Miposhka & Co.
Keeper Of The Light

Miposhka's extensive guide to KOTL. Inside you can find everything you need to play the hero on a high level (updated for 7.20):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 10k words, more than 2 video examples
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Keeper of the Light

KotL is one of the heroes with the most distinct and powerful timings in the game - after he gets his Agh's, he becomes the best hero in Dota at supporting pushes. If you manage to coordinate your team to play around this timing, you can easily secure 20-30 minute victories, which makes him one of the best supports for climbing rank.

He is also a hero with a very unique skillset - he is not easy to play, but when you master him his ability to accumulate a lot of farm for a support and to relocate his ally heroes around the map make him a fun hero who allows you to use your creativity.

Timbersaw Guide by Miposhka
Miposhka & Co.

Miposhka's extensive guide to Timbersaw. Inside you can find everything you need to learn to play the tree-hating maniac on a high level (updated for 7.20.):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 5k words, more than 1 video example
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Timber is one of the hardest heroes to deal with in the lane and one of the toughest heroes to kill as a whole thanks to his absurd tankiness, HP sustain, and mobility. Moreover, he is a powerful pure damage dealer who can easily snowball and get out of control. If you learn to play him on a high level and if you master the laning stage you will be able to snowball consistently with him, creating huge problems for your enemies in the mid & late game.

Timber is one of Miposhka's most played heroes in pubs - he has more than 140 games on Timber with the very impressive 66% win rate.

About the guides:

As is the case with the whole Book of Dota series, all guides are in-depth and have a very wide variety of components. They have a useful navigation and intuitive structure, which helps you find exactly the information you are searching for.

The guides are designed in a way that makes them easy to update when new patches come out or when the meta changes. We will add new replay examples, new gameplay video examples and we will update the builds so that you will always be up to date with the newest and most efficient ways to play the heroes.

The goal of the guides, however, is not to spoon-feed you. We will help you develop a deep understanding of the heroes and their capabilities and role in the game. Once you master this knowledge, you will be able to use your own creativity and unique playstyle in order to find success and achieve victory!

Miposhka Rog Masters

Team Empire at Asus Rog Masters.