Jakiro Guide by Miposhka
Artist: Valve
Miposhka & Co.
Date: 03/2018


Welcome to Miposhka's Book of Jakiro, a hero guide part of the Book of Dota series!

Here you will find all the information you need to learn to play the Twin Head Dragon on a high level – from drafting and builds to the optimal playstyle in different lanes and situations. We hope you’ll enjoy this guide and find it useful!

Miposhka Jakiro Stats

Draft: Jakiro is very flexible in the laning stage, so picking him early on is not a give-away. You usually want to pick him in a lineup that can fight and push from early on, but he is versatile enough to function well in other strategies as well. You can also pick him as a counter to illusion heroes and carries that don’t usually buy BKB.

Early Game: Chose a lane you will be able to dominate with your harassing potential. Stop the development of your lane opponents and push down the tower as fast as possible. You can also stack the jungle and possibly farm it with Liquid Fire, Dual Breath or even your ult if the stack is big.

Mid & Late Game: If you can push as 5 in the mid game - do so. This will give you control of the map. If you cannot, participate in fights, farm and push out the waves with your spammable AoE. This will create space for your cores to farm. Use your skills to anti-push and defend the base to prolong the game if you need to.


Yaroslav "Miposhka" Naidenov
Endorsement & Info

Miposhka is the captain and support player for Team Empire and his biggest achievement so far in his pro career is getting 7th-8th place at TI7 after eliminating EG from the tournament to the surprise of many.

He is also a god-tier support in pubs, a genuine and lovable person and an all-around-nice-guy.

Nikolay "CTOMAHEH1" Kalchev
Info & Editing

CTOMAHEH1 started his pro career as a support in Basically Unknown together with Mind Control. Since then he has consistently been playing on the European T2 scene, most recently on Unchained Esports.

His highest placement on the EU ladder is top 100 - he plays all roles (mainly support), which is untypical for high-ranking players and shows his great versatility and understanding of the game.

Kyril "MrNiceGuy" Kotashev
PM, Writing & Editing

Esports and gaming enthusiast since forever and founder of Dotahaven.

Has been playing Dota since 2005 (5.84). An Ancient I player in Dota 2.

With ice and fire!

Jakiro the Twin Head Dragon is a powerful utility hero that provides his team with a lot of control and damage over time. He is a potent pusher and can effectively pressure the enemy team right from the early stages of the game. THD’s skillset lets him shine in 5-man Dota and pushing strategies, yet his biggest flaw is that he is rather one dimensional.

Jakiro Loadout
Level 1
Level 15
Level 25
Very High
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High


Pushing Power: Liquid Fire could be used to apply a DoT on enemy towers to help bring them down faster. Even more importantly, the spell reduces the AS of the tower by 50%, making it much less efficient at fighting back creeps and heroes.

Mana Independence: Jakiro has good INT gain and most of his spells are quite cheap mana-cost-wise (the most spammable – Liquid Fire, has no mana cost). This allows him to continuously use his spells during the game to harass, push or to farm-up with little mana sustain.

Control: Jakiro has two sources of AS slow, one source of MS slow and a long range AoE stun. Moreover, his spells have a relatively low CD and are fairly spammable. All of this allows him to control fights quite efficiently.


Strong Laner: Jakiro excels at continuously harassing his lane opponents with Liquid Fire and in case he has the mana sustain – Dual Breath. Moreover, with Ice Path he could setup kill attempts from a long range. Last but not least, his tankiness makes him a hard hero to pick off. All of this makes THD a very good babysitter or solo laner.

Natural Tankiness: For a back-line spell caster Jakiro is very tanky – he has high base strength and good strength gain, which makes him hard to pick off in fights. This is important because of how spammable his spells are – the longer THD survives in a fight, the higher his impact would be. The tankiness also allows him to be a frontline pusher in certain situations.

 Anti-Push: Liquid Fire, Dual Breath, Ice Path or even if needed Macro Pyre could be used to slow down enemy pushes, which could buy your team valuable time.



Countered by Spell Immunity: None of Jakiro’s spells (effects or damage) go through spell immunity. This is usually not a big problem early on but when the game progresses and enemy cores get BKB’s your impact in fights could decrease significantly.

Passive Support: Jakiro is a good lane support but he doesn’t excel at rotations. This means that he isn’t very good at helping out other lanes and makes him a bit one-dimensional.


Slow Hero:  Jakiro is a slow character – not only in terms of movement speed but also in terms of cast and attack animations. Moreover, his direct stun has an additional delay of 0.5 seconds. This means that the hero isn’t good at reacting instantly to the actions of other characters.


Navi vs Gambit, DAC 2018 Qualifier

Match ID: 3727874831

Jakiro is usually associated with early game pushing, but this game of Na’Vi against Gambit is a great example of how the hero could have a great impact in the late game as well.

Despite playing from a huge deficit (Na’Vi were 16k gold and two lanes of rax behind at a point), Lil manages to get his hand on an Aghanim and Refresher and thanks to this deals huge amounts of AoE damage – something Na’Vi really needs to win fights against the enemy hard carry PL.


Picking THD usually revolves more around your own team rather than your opponents’. If your allies could provide setup for good team fight combos and could accommodate a pushing play style then Jakiro is a great hero to have on your team.

Jakiro is mainly picked in competitive Dota for his pushing potential. He fits best aggressive early and mid game 5-man Dota drafts either as a support or as a core. He could also be drafted to complete a team fight combo (e.g. with DS or Siren). In such games, a 5th position Jakiro is more viable because he functions like a more typical backline spell caster and doesn’t need too much tankiness to have a sufficient impact in pushes.

Jakiro he is not a bad hero even in different strategies: he can farm fast thanks to his AoE DOTs and push-out the lanes, which is a very useful trait to have in more passive games. He also scales well into the late game thanks to his talents.

Support Jakiro

Jakiro is a good lane support for three reasons:

  1. He is very powerful at harassing – he could end up zoning out lane opponents and providing his carry with free farm.
  2. He could use Ice Path to set up for kills or provide damage with Dual Breath
  3. He can damage and push the enemy tower easily thanks to Liquid Fire

Jakiro is a very powerful lane support because he can trade harass favorably with enemy heroes with Dual Breath and Liquid Fire. This makes him strong not only as a safe lane support, but also as a support in an offensive dual or trilane.

Moreover, he is not a sacrificial defensive support that needs to stick with the team at all times. If you are not pushing as 5, with Jakiro you can push-out the waves and farm the jungle very efficiently. This creates some space for your cores and allows you to get more items than the traditional pos. 5 hero.

Offlane Jakiro

The reason to put Jakiro in the offlane is to give him access to more XP and Farm than he would get if played as a support. This will allow him to reach his core items faster – very valuable if you intend to use him as a core in a pushing strategy because it will allow him to be a tanky frontline pusher.

THD isn’t the best offlaner - he is fairly survivable and has very good harassing potential (can fight back the enemy supports efficiently), but he doesn’t have an escape mechanism and is vulnerable to lanes with good kill potential. Because of this you usually want to put Jakiro in the offlane with another support. The two off you can create a lot of pressure on the enemy safe lane – harassing, taking farm and even pushing the tower later on. Great lane partners are strong laners like Sand King or Naga, who can also rotate to gank the mid lane if the opportunity arises.



An offlaner that works in a similar way is Phoenix – he has the harassing potential to fight back the enemy supports and even slow down and interrupt the farm of the enemy carry. In addition, he could serve as a very good utility hero with team fight potential in a 5-man pushing strategy. The main difference between Phoenix and Jakiro is that THD has greater pushing potential while Phoenix is a better offlaner (because of his escape mechanism).

Core Jakiro

Putting Jakiro 1v1 mid or in the safe lane is a very unconventional thing to do because of his farm independence. Nevertheless, it could work in certain situations. He is a very good 1v1 laner because of his harassing potential and could dominate some matchups.

In that sense, if you are certain that THD will do very good in the 1v1 matchup and if you need a tanky pusher for your aggressive pushing strat you could opt to put him in this position.


Good friends to have are:

Setups for ult/Ice Path combo: Shadow Demon, OD, Beastmaster, Naga

Shadow Demon Portrait
Outworld Devourer
Naga siren
Setup for Ice Path is always useful to have because it makes ganks much easier to execute.

Heroes with reliable long range single target initiation are very useful to have, especially when you want to attempt kills in the early game. They make hitting Ice Path a lot easier and allow you to get in range for your other spells.

Team fight Combos: Naga Siren, Dark Seer, Void, Magnus, Enigma

Naga siren
Dark Seer
Faceless Void Portrait
Magnus Portrait
Enigma Portrait
Long lasting AoE disables could be used with Jakiro to create overwhelming team fight combos.

Macropyre is very hard to utilize without a good setup. The same partly applies to Ice Path. If your team could provide you with disable long enough to cast your Macropyre and then Ice Path your impact in fights could be devastating. A special mention should go to DS who can Vacuum characters into your Ice Path.

Tanks: Centaur, DK, Bristleback

Dragon knight
Bristle Portrait
Combining Jakiro with tanky frontline heroes is a great idea if you want to give your team pushing potential.

Jakiro works well with tanky heroes good at forcing fights and taking towers. This way THD could fully use his pushing potential.


Strong Against:

Illusion heroes and summoners: CK, Terror, PL, Meepo

Chaos Knight
Phantom Lancer
Jakiro is a great counter to mass illusion and summon drafts, especially when they are pushing.

Jakiro has three sources of AOE damage and a spammable AOE disable, which is invaluable versus mass units and illusions at all stages of the game. His skillset is always good versus such, but it really shines in base defense situations because the high ground ramp will force your enemies to clump-up and you will be able to use your whole skillset on them effectively.

Heroes Vulnerable to Kiting: WK, MK, Ursa, Sven

Wraith King
Monkey king
Ursa Portrait
Jakiro is good at controlling melee damage dealers with his slows and stun.

Because of his slows and stuns, Jakiro is efficient against melee carries that need to stick to their target to deal damage. Such heroes, however, could solve this problem by getting BKB.

Lineups that don’t want to take fights early on:

Spectre Portrait
Anti mage
Jakiro punishes passive lineups by taking their towers very early on.

Greedy picks are generally bad against THD because he starts forcing fights and pushing towers really fast. If the enemy team cannot afford to fight you back you may gain an overwhelming tower and map control advantage.

That being said, simply having one passive hero on the enemy team doesn’t mean the whole lineup is passive. E.g. an AM could work great against Jakiro if his team is able to hold the towers while the AM is free-farming. If the team cannot hold the towers, however, it’s a different story.

Weak Against:


Rubick deserves a special mention, because he counters Jakiro on two levels. First, he gives his whole team magic resistance. Second, every spell he steals could be useful and is made better by his instant cast animation. Ice Path in particular is terrible to give to the enemy Rubick – it will be much easier for him to land good Ice Paths just at the right time.

Magic immunity or resistance: Naix, Huskar, Viper, Omni, Underlord

Lifestealer Portrait
Huskar Portrait
Omniknight portrait
Underlord Portrait
Natural Pipe carriers are also hard to play against.

Jakiro’s whole arsenal is countered by magic immunity and resistance and it is hard to win fights against such heroes.

Aggressive mobile heroes: Storm, Puck, Naix, QoP, Weaver, Naix

Storm spirit
Puck Portrait
Queen of pain
Lifestealer Portrait
Jakiro is has a hard time in fights against mobile enemies.

You are a slow ranged hero and enemies that can easily initiate on you will pick-you off in fights before you can have a big impact. Even more importantly, your hard disable is slow and unreliable, which makes it very hard to use versus mobile heroes. Lifestealer is in this list because of infest.


Jakiro Dual Breath
Jakiro Ice Path
Jakiro Liquid Fire
Jakiro Macropyre

An icy blast followed by a wave of fire launches out in a path in front of Jakiro. The ice slows enemies, while the fire delivers damage over time.


Cast Animation: 0.55+1.27

Cast Range: 550

Starting Radius: 225

Travel Distance: 750

End Radius: 275

Move Speed Slow: 28%/32%/36%/40%

Attack Speed Slow: 28/32/36/40

Damage per Second: 20/40/60/80

Duration: 5

CD: 10

Mana: 135/140/155/170

Dual Breath


  • The AoE of the spell is shaped like a cone (easier to hit more heroes further away from you)
  • THD cannot move until the second breath is released, however, he could use skills/items and turn
  • Dual Breath hits units up to 750+275 = 1k range, but to cast it you need to click on a target/the ground within 550 range of your hero
  • The fire breath is released 0.3 seconds after the ice breath
  • Deals up to 100/200/300/400 damage before reduction
  • The DoT ticks every 0.5 seconds – this equals a total of 10 damage instances


Use to harass: If you have the required mana sustain and higher levels of Dual Breath, it is smart to use it for harass in conjunction with Liquid Fire – it does considerable damage over time. Moreover, the combined slow from both spells usually allows you to hit a couple of times with a physical attack for even more damage.

Use to farm: Farming camps with Dual Breath and Liquid Fire is very easy – the two spells do a considerable DoT and because of the slow you can easily kite creeps. Since both spells are AoE, stacking camps makes farming more efficient for you. If you don’t have enough mana sustain you should restrict yourself from using Dual Breath every time – it is your most mana intensive spell.

Use the AS/MS slow on physical damage dealers: In the later stages of the game the AS and MS slow from the spell becomes even more valuable than the DoT – physical damage dealers, especially melee ones, are countered hard by the spell because it not only lowers their DPS but makes it harder to stick to targets.


Click the ground: Even if you click a target the skill will just focus the ground on which it is standing. Moreover, the cast range is shorter than the reach of the spell – if you are NOT within 550 range of your target you can simply target the ground in that direction and still hit. This makes clicking on target heroes redundant.

Use the cone shape: It is easier to hit multiple units at the end of the cone rather than the beginning. Because of this, it is smart to use the spell from a distance.

Creates a path of ice that stuns and damages enemies that touch it.


Cast Animation: 0.65+0.8

Cast Range: 1200

Path Distance: 1200

Path Radius: 150

Effect Delay: 0.5

Damage: 50

Path Duration: 1/1.5/2/2.5

CD: 12/11/10/9

Mana: 90

Ice Path


  • Ice path doesn’t have a traveling projectile despite the animation – it takes effect instantly after the 0.5 sec delay
  • Hits units up to 1200 distance + 150 radius = 1350 range
  • The stun duration is equal to the remaining duration of the path (a unit can enter the path after it was cast and get stunned)
  • Ice Path grants 150 range flying vision for its duration (could be used to scout uphill)

Uses and Tips:

Take the long delay into account when aiming: Jakiro has a cast duration of 0.65 sec and the spell has a delay of 0.5 sec. This means that the spell takes effect 1.15 sec after you have given the command. In order to hit units, you need to predict where they will be standing after 1.15 seconds. Because of this reason, it is easiest to hit Ice Path when your opponents are already disabled. You can wait for an ally to use a more reliable stun and then follow-up with your spells and Ice Path. Alternatively, you could setup a target for yourself by using Eul’s Scepter/Hex.

Utilize the AoE: In order to get the most utility out of Ice Path in fights, you need to disable multiple heroes. To do this you need to use not only the radius but also the whole length of the spell. If you have a mobility item like Force Staff or Blink Dagger it is a great idea to position yourself in such a way that multiple enemies are on the line of Ice Path. With Long disables (Song of the Siren; Chromosphere), you can reposition yourself before casting even without a mobility item.

Be careful of zero cast point skills: Even with setup (for example from Eul’s), if your opponents have quick enough reactions they could activate zero point cast abilities (like BKB, Spiked Carapace, etc.) before getting disabled. If an enemy becomes magic immune just as you have cast Ice Path this could leave you and your teammates vulnerable. Because of this, it is a good idea to use Ice Path on BKB carriers only after another reliable hard disable (stun/hex) – if the stun of Ice Path overlaps a bit with the stun from the other disable the enemy hero wouldn’t have the opportunity to activate BKB.

Jakiro burns his enemies in an area of effect with fire added to his attack, while slowing their attacks.


Cast Range: 600

Radius: 300

Attack Speed Slow: 30/40/50/60

Damage per Second: 12/16/20/24

Duration: 5

CD: 20/15/10/4

Liquid Fire


  • Liquid Fire is not a unique attack modifier
  • Casting it on the same target before the debuff ends doesn’t stack the effect, simply refreshes the debuff timer
  • Fully affects buildings, including the AS slow
  • Manually casting the spell will use the 600 cast range, putting it on auto attack will use Jakiro’s 400 attack range
  • There is an animation on the fire head showing if Liquid Fire is available

Uses and Tips:

Harassing: Since it costs no mana, you should use it as often as possible for harassing. Manually cast the spell so that you don’t draw creep aggro and you use the 600 cast range.

Use the AoE: The spell affects all enemy units within 300 range of your primary target. You can use this to apply the debuff on multiple heroes/creeps and even possibly the tower.

Farm: You should use Liquid Fire on CD when you want to farm faster not only because of the DoT but also because of the attack speed slow – creep camps will deal less damage to you whenever you are not kiting.

Jakiro exhales a wide line of lasting flames, which deals damage per second to any enemy units caught in the fire.


Cast Animation: 0.55+1.07

Cast Range: 1400

Path Distance: 1400

Path Radius: 260

Damage per Second: 100/140/180

Path Duration: 10

CD: 60

Mana: 220/330/440

Aghanim's Scepter

Increases flame length, duration, and damage.



  • The effects are instantly applied – has no travel speed
  • Deals damage in 0.5 sec intervals
  • Could deal up to 1000/1400/1800 (3750/5250/6750) total damage to a single unit before reduction
  • Destroys trees

Uses and Tips:

Use Setup from your allies: The one most important thing about using Macropyre is to have setup for it. If you simply cast it towards your enemies they will easily get out of the AoE without suffering any considerable damage. In the ideal situation, you will be able to cast it while multiple enemies are disabled from your allies. Afterward you will be able to chain stun your targets with Ice Path within the Macropyre AoE. Then you can use Dual Breath to slow the MS of the targets – after the stun ends it will take them more time to walk out of the AoE this way.

Setup for yourself: You can setup for yourself with the help of an item like Eul’s or Scythe of Vyse. With such an item you should disable your opponent, cast Macropyre and chain stun with Ice Path. If you don’t have such a tool it is a good idea to use Dual Breath first for the MS slow and then Macropyre and immediately Ice Path to keep the target on the Macropyre AoE for as long as possible.

Farming: Macropyre has a relatively low CD for an ultimate and you could use it on a large camp stack to farm it faster in conjunction with your other spells. Only do this when you are certain you wouldn’t need it for a fight in the minute to come.

Zoning out: In rare situations, you might want to use Macropyre not to damage your opponents but to zone them out. Most often this happens when you want to allow your teammates to disengage – cast Macropyre towards your opponents and they will have to decide whether to push forwards through the damage or to back off. If they push forward you should stun them with Ice Path on top of your ultimate. You can use the same tactic to anti-push, especially if you have Aghanim’s. Casting your ult your tower and the ground in front of it will make it much harder for your opponents to commit to the push.

Skill Builds

Jakiro has diverse skill builds since all of his spells are useful in the early game.

More often than not you want to max Liquid Fire ASAP because the CD of the spell scales great with levels. This allows you to become much more efficient in harassing, farming and damaging towers.

Usually, you want at least one level in each skill for the utility it gives – the slow from Dual Breath and the stun from Ice Path. In some situations, however, it is possible to skip a skill in order to max the others faster. Generally speaking, the logic what to level is the following:

  • If you need more damage in fights or you want to farm faster you get Dual Breath.
  • If you need more control in fights/ganks you get Ice Path.
  • if you want to push towers early you can max Liquid Fire.

Your ultimate on lvl6 is not the best - it requires a lot of mana, which you don’t have early on. You should take it only if you have good setup for it in your team.

On lvl1 you get either Dual Breath (for the slow and higher damage in kill attempts) or Liquid Fire for cheap harassing.

Liquid Fire Build
Balanced Dual Breath Build
Ice Path Build
Jakiro Dual Breath
Jakiro Liquid Fire
Jakiro Dual Breath
Jakiro Liquid Fire
Jakiro Liquid Fire
Jakiro Dual Breath
Jakiro Liquid Fire
Jakiro Dual Breath
Jakiro Ice Path
Talent Icon
Jakiro Macropyre
Jakiro Macropyre
Jakiro Ice Path
Jakiro Ice Path
Talent Icon
Jakiro Ice Path
Jakiro Macropyre
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: good harassing potential; Very high pushing potential;
Cons: no control in fights;

This build focuses on Liquid Fire & Dual Breath. Logically, with this build your main focus is to push towers and harass - you want to clear the wave as quickly as possible then hit the tower with Liquid Fire. Skipping ultimate is not necessary but since you want to push the creeps and hit the tower you don’t want to waste much mana on other spells. Since you don’t have control, your kill potential is a bit lower unless your allies have control.

Jakiro Dual Breath
Jakiro Liquid Fire
Jakiro Dual Breath
Jakiro Ice Path
Jakiro Dual Breath
Jakiro Macropyre
Jakiro Dual Breath
Jakiro Liquid Fire
Jakiro Liquid Fire
Talent Icon
Jakiro Liquid Fire
Jakiro Macropyre
Jakiro Ice Path
Jakiro Ice Path
Talent Icon
Jakiro Ice Path
Jakiro Macropyre
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: great harassing potential; good farming potential; higher solo kill potential;
Cons: lower fight control; Lower pushing potential;

The downside of this build is that the lower levels in Liquid Fire reduce your harassing and especially your pushing potential. The upside is that you have access to your stun in case you need it for kill attempts.

Jakiro Dual Breath
Jakiro Liquid Fire
Jakiro Dual Breath
Jakiro Ice Path
Jakiro Ice Path
Jakiro Ice Path
Jakiro Ice Path
Jakiro Dual Breath
Jakiro Macropyre
Talent Icon
Jakiro Dual Breath
Jakiro Liquid Fire
Jakiro Liquid Fire
Jakiro Macropyre
Talent Icon
Jakiro Liquid Fire
Jakiro Macropyre
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: good harass in lane; biggest fight control
Cons: low pushing; low DMG after the laning stage

Maxing your Ice Path is your priority here – your goal is to provide control in fights and kill attempts. Nonetheless, initially you still get a couple of points in Dual Breath and Liquid Fire – they are key for harassing in the lane.

With high levels both in Dual Breath and Ice Path, you will likely not have enough mana for Macropyre – that’s why you delay it so much.


+1,25s Ice Path Duration
Macropyre Pure and Pierces Immunity
+150 Gold per minute
-60 Liquid Fire Attack Speed
+40 Dual Breath Burn Damage
+300 Attack Range
+8% Spell Amplification
+30% XP Gain

Lvl10: You can decide for yourself here: both talents are great. Spell Amp increases your DPS potential (great if combined with Veil). The XP talent helps you max your spells earlier, which could be even more valuable.

Lvl15: Dual breath damage is what u want most of the times. Nonetheless, if you want to siege towers from a safer distance you can take the attack range (remember that it works on your Liquid Fire).

Lvl20: 150 is a lot but if you have heroes against you that depend on hitting fast you can go for the Liquid Fire talent.

Lvl25: Ice path talent late game can provide a lot of disable for your team, but if you play against BKB lane ups or heroes like Naix/Omni, Macropyre talent looks like the best choice.

Item Builds

Support Jakiro

The focus of this build is to make cost-efficient easy to build items that benefit not only yourself but your team. You don’t emphasize a lot on tankiness because you intend to play more like a back-line spell caster.

You get Tranquil Boots ASAP: this allows you to rotate around the map more efficiently (useful for early game ganks) and to sustain your HP without buying consumables or going back to the fountain.

In the mid game, your main focus is to provide yourself with mobility – you buy Eul’s for the additional MS and the ability to setup targets for your own spells. Afterward Force Staff allows you to position yourself favorably but also to help out your allies if needed.

If the game goes late you invest in Lotus Orb to keep your allies safe. In the super late game Aghanim’s is very useful for high ground and Roshan fights, but other luxury items are also possible.

Starting items
Animal Courier
Wards Icon
Early Game
Tranquil Boots
Mid Game
Force staff
Lotus Orb
Late Game
Animal Courier
Wards Icon
Tranquil Boots

Tranquil Boots: Since Jakiro is not mana intensive in the early game the best boots for him are TB. They give him sustain to trade a lot of harass with his opponents and the MS to rotate more efficiently around the map. The HP sustain from Tranquils and the fact that you don’t use too much mana early on means that as a support you will rarely if ever need to go back to the fountain to recharge. This gives you more up-time and allows you to be more productive in the early game.

If you don’t need the HP sustain it is not a bad choice to leave your Boots of Speed not upgraded.

Eul’s Scepter of Divinity: The main reason to pick up Eul on Jakiro is the hero’s amazing synergy with Cyclone. The disable allows you to setup your spells and makes you much more potent in ganks or fights. You can lift an enemy with Euls, cast your ultimate while the target is still in the air and follow up with Ice Path just as it is about to fall. When the Cyclone ends the enemy hero will instantly get disabled inside the Macropyre. You can follow up with your other spells - on squishy targets this could be enough for a solo kill and on more tanky targets this is a great way to start a fight and might allow your allies to finish the kill easily.

The stats on Eul are also very good on Jakiro. The INT and mana regen are very useful for flash farming with Dual Breath and could allow you to get other more expensive items as the game progresses. The MS is useful for good positioning in fights and fast rotations around the map.

Force staff

Force Staff: An universally good utility item, Force Staff works great on Jakiro as it gives him mobility (to position himself for better Ice Paths).

Lotus Orb

Lotus Orb: If you need the dispel and spell reflect Jakiro is one of the best utility heroes to build Lotus Orb on. He usually can afford it and his positioning in fights allows him to easily use it.


Aghanim’s Scepter: good on Jakiro not only because of the ultimate buff, which is particularly great in high ground defenses, but also because of the stats.

Offlane Jakiro

Arcane Boots and Eul’s will give you the needed mana sustain to constantly farm and fight with your team.

In the mid game, you disassemble the Arcanes into Aether and buy a Blink. The Lens cast range synergizes very well not only with your spells but also with the Eul’s and Blink and in the late game – with Hex. With this build, you can easily initiate fights with Blink + Eul’s/Hex into your spells.

In the super late game, you can go for whatever luxury items the game calls for, but Aghanim’s into Octarine is a standard choice.

Starting items
Wind lace
Faerie Fire
Early Game
Magic wand
Arcane Boots
Mid Game
Aether Lens
Late Game
Scythe of Vyse
Wind lace
Faerie Fire
Magic wand

Magic Wand: The burst heal is very useful.

Arcane Boots

Arcane Boots: Even though Jakiro himself doesn’t need Arcanes too much if your team needs the mana sustain you can buy the item on the hero. It is great for sustaining long pushes.


Eul’s Scepter of Divinity: The main reason to pick up Eul on Jakiro is the hero’s amazing synergy with Cyclone. The disable allows you to setup your spells and makes you much more potent in ganks or fights. You can lift an enemy with Euls, cast your ultimate while the target is still in the air and follow up with Ice Path just as it is about to fall. When the Cyclone ends the enemy hero will instantly get disabled inside the Macropyre. You can follow up with your other spells - on squishy targets this could be enough for a solo kill and on more tanky targets this is a great way to start a fight and might allow your allies to finish the kill easily.

The stats on Eul are also very good on Jakiro. The INT and mana regen are very useful for flash farming with Dual Breath and could allow you to get other more expensive items as the game progresses. The MS is useful for good positioning in fights and fast rotations around the map.

Aether Lens

Aether Lens: The range increase is very useful especially for Dual Breath and Ice Path. Moreover, it’s very easy to build because you can disassemble your Arcanes. The mana regen from Aether will compensate for the lost mana sustain from Arcanes.


Blink Dagger: Blink is an alternative to Force Staff for Jakiro – it allows you to easily get in position for ideal Ice Paths or even Macropyre. The item is most useful when you need to immediately follow up the (Blink) initiation of another ally (Tide, Mag, Void, Siren, etc.). It also has great defensive and offensive synergy with Eul’s.

Scythe of Vyse

Scythe of Vyse: Scythe gives you very useful stats (INT and HP), but the main utility comes from the active skill: Hex is great when combined with a mobility item (Force Staff, Blink Dagger) as it makes you a reliable initiator. Even more importantly, it could be used to setup for your Macropyre and Ice Path combo. It is superior to Eul in that regard because the target takes Macropyre damage while disabled. Of course, it is a much more expensive alternative and because of this rushing a Hex is rarely a great idea (you need more cost efficient items early on).


Aghanim’s Scepter: good on Jakiro not only because of the ultimate buff, which is particularly great in high ground defenses, but also because of the stats.


Octarine Core: you use all of the bonuses of the item really well – it makes you more tanky, the spell life steal is great since you deal a lot of AoE damage and most importantly – the CD reduction is useful no only on all of your spells but your active items that you tend to buy.

Mid Jakiro

You start with a Null, Branch and Faerie Fire to increase your right click damage to contest last hits. You get another Null ASAP and later on make a Veil of the two Nulls, which increases your DPS.

A fast Eul’s will make any aggression on your side more effective – with Veil you deal a lot of damage, but you need a setup. You can substitute it with Rod of Atos if you are feeling rich. Afterward, Aether Lens further increases your spell impact and makes you very strong in the mid game with your multiple cost-efficient items.

In the late game you get Aghanim’s + Octarine + Refresher in maximize the impact of your ultimate. Alternative items, of course, are possible depending on the game.

The goal of this build is to sustain your farm, to increase your DPS output and to allow you to win fights and push towers with your team. In the late game you want to maximize your team fight impact.

Starting Items
Null talisman
Iron branch
Faerie Fire
Pulled Tango
Pulled Tango
Early Game
Boots of Speed
Magic wand
Arcane Boots
Mid Game
Veil of Discord
Kaya and Sange
Late Game
Refresher orb
Null talisman
Iron branch
Faerie Fire
Pulled Tango
Pulled Tango

Bottle: The mana sustain allows you to spam Dual Breath in the lane.

Boots of Speed
Magic wand
Arcane Boots

Arcane Boots: Even though Jakiro himself doesn’t need Arcanes too much if your team needs the mana sustain you can buy the item on the hero. It is great for sustaining long pushes.

Veil of Discord

Veil of Discord: All of your damage output is magical, which means that Veil increases it substantially. Moreover, the stats it gives make you tankier and increase your mana pool.


Eul’s Scepter of Divinity: The main reason to pick up Eul on Jakiro is the hero’s amazing synergy with Cyclone. The disable allows you to setup your spells and makes you much more potent in ganks or fights. You can lift an enemy with Euls, cast your ultimate while the target is still in the air and follow up with Ice Path just as it is about to fall. When the Cyclone ends the enemy hero will instantly get disabled inside the Macropyre. You can follow up with your other spells - on squishy targets this could be enough for a solo kill and on more tanky targets this is a great way to start a fight and might allow your allies to finish the kill easily.
The stats on Eul are also very good on Jakiro. The INT and mana regen are very useful for flash farming with Dual Breath and could allow you to get other more expensive items as the game progresses. The MS is useful for good positioning in fights and fast rotations around the map.

Kaya and Sange

Sange & Kaya: Even more spell amp to make your DOTs even more potent. The Sange is also very useful - it makes you tankier and the status resistance is great against disables, bearing in mind you are very unlikely to go for BKB.


Aghanim’s Scepter:  good on Jakiro not only because of the ultimate buff, which is particularly great in high ground defenses, but also because of the stats.


Octarine Core: you use all of the bonuses of the item really well – it makes you more tanky, the spell life steal is great since you deal a lot of AoE damage and most importantly – the CD reduction is useful no only on all of your spells but your active items that you tend to buy.

Refresher orb

Refresher: in the very late game it could increase your fight impact greatly. The damage of two Macropyres on top of each other stacks.

Other Items

Early & Mid Game
Ghost Scepter
Solar Crest Icon
Rod of Atos
Glimmer Cape
Spirit Vessel
Late Game
Guardian Greaves
Black King Bar
Ethereal Blade

Kaya: Works great on Jakiro, increases your Spell damage and decreases your mana cost.  The problem is that it is one of many small items that are good on the hero, but ultimately you need to make a choice.

Ghost Scepter

Ghost Scepter: Ghost Scepter is a good item to keep yourself alive against physical damage dealers if you can’t afford to tank the hits.

Solar Crest Icon

Solar Crest: Getting a Medallion is not a usual thing to do on Jakiro because he deals almost negligible physical damage. Nonetheless, if the enemy team has a heavy physical damage dealer you can opt for a Solar Crest in order to counter the hero - e.g. give the buff to an ally that is getting focused by the enemy carry. Moreover, Solar Crest gives a lot of tankiness to Jakiro himself – the evasion and armor combined with his high HP pool make him very hard to bring down with physical attacks.

Rod of Atos

Rod of Atos: The active skill of RoA gives you an alternative way to setup for your Ice Path/Macro Pyre. The item also makes you tankier, which is very useful if you intend to stay on the frontline and push towers.


Pipe of Insight: If your team needs Pipe in fights or to deal with the anti-push of your opponents you are a good hero to provide it: the magic resistance works well with your high HP pool and gives you a lot of EHP versus magic damage dealers.

Glimmer Cape

Glimmer Cape: If there is no one else to build glimmer on your team you can easily do it on Jakiro. Your positioning in fights allows you to use it easily on your cores and save them from getting focused down.


Urn of Shadows: An item that complements well early game rotations because of the extra urn charges. The HP sustain is invaluable for your team – it can sustain long pushes. The mana sustain and extra tankiness are also not wasted on the hero.

Spirit Vessel

Spirit Vessel: You build this item rarely, but against some high HP heroes or healing enemies you can go for it.

Guardian Greaves

Guardian Greaves: a farming Jakiro is a perfect hero to get team-utility items. If you are playing in a 5-man strategy, Greaves gives you a lot of value. You rarely rush it because you have other important core items, but in some cases (if you are pushing with your team from early on), you might opt to get it sooner rather than later.

Black King Bar

BKB:  BKB is an item you need if you are playing as a frontline tank and the enemy team has a lot of magical damage and control. It will allow you to stay alive for long enough to use your spells and have an impact in the fight.

Ethereal Blade

Ethereal Blade: Macropyre could be very deadly and in that sense, ETH is a good item to increase your damage potential.


Jakiro 350px

Jakiro has a lot of options in the early game – he could shut down people in the lane by harassing, could push down towers quite early, could even rotate and gank. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t get carried away and take big risks with THD. He is a 5-man pusher and your main goal is to gather the XP and gold you need to get together with your team, win fights and take objectives. If you take risks and they don’t pay out, you will slow down your own development, which could cost you the game because you will miss an important timing window.


Your spells deal DoT, so you cannot reliably use them to take last hits. You can use them to push out the lane if you want to do so, but you will still have to time your attacks to take last hits. In that sense, Jakiro isn’t a very good hero to win last hit wars. You should try to harass to push your opponent backward and then take uncontested last hits.

The actual attack of THD isn’t too bad – he has decent animation and above average damage for a ranged hero.

Thanks to your spammable AoE spells you can start clearing jungle camps in the laning stage to accelerate your farm. You can do this both as a core and as a support – of course, the more mana sustain you have for Dual Breath the faster you will be able to farm this way. To farm the jungle efficiently the most important thing is to utilize stacking.

Harassing & Zoning Out:

Jakiro is great at harassing mainly because of Liquid Fire. The spell costs no mana, so the only restriction on how often you can harass with it is the CD (this is the main reason you want to max it first). Don’t put it on auto-cast – by manually using it you gain an additional 200 range and don’t draw creep aggro.

If you get into a hit exchange you shouldn’t back out too easily – Liquid Fire will lower the attack speed of your opponent, which should give you an edge. The 400 attack range could be a problem against other ranged heroes (they could try to kite you) – if this happens you can use your Dual Breath to slow them down and continue harassing.

Using Dual breath for harassing in the early game is powerful, however, it is mana intensive. You usually want to do it only if you have mana to spare and good mana sustain (e.g. with Bottle mid). Otherwise Liquid fire and passive harass should be enough against most opponents.

Using Ice Path to give yourself time to land a few additional attacks when harassing is not a bad idea – the spell is very cheap mana wise. Nevertheless, using Ice Path just for its damage is a bad idea since it is too low.


You are a slow hero without escape mechanisms and because of this even though you are tanky it is important not to overextend.

Usually, in order to disengage a bad situation, you need to use your disable and slow. Dual Breath is much easier to land than Ice Path and if the MS slow would be enough for you to disengage you shouldn’t waste time trying to cast Ice Path as well. Liquid Fire only slows attack speed, so you should use it only if you plan to fight back (it doesn’t help you at running away).

In case you see your opponents from a distance, the best move is to use your Ice Path to disable them before they initiate and to run away as fast as possible. Dodging Ice Path is much easier at melee range and because of this, you should use it as soon as possible, rather than after the enemy heroes are already right next to you.

Kill Potential:

You provide decent control and decent damage output but you usually don’t have enough of either to kill enemies in the early game. Because of this, you should attempt kills with the help of allies and when you are alone you should focus on harassing and zoning out.

You want to initiate a kill attempt with Ice Path. Ideally, you will use it after an ally has already initiated with a more reliable disable. Nevertheless, you could try to land the spell even without setup from a distance in case your allies have good follow-up.

If you don’t have setup for Ice Path but you manage to get close enough you could use Dual Breath first – the MS slow will allow you to hit Ice Path more reliably.

After initiating you want to cast Dual Breath and Liquid Fire immediately for the DoT and for the MS slow. Auto attacking while the target is slowed and casting Liquid Fire whenever available is your primary way to secure the kill.

After level 6, with Macropyre, you become more dangerous but you still need help to secure kills. Ice Path wouldn’t hold your target in Macropyre long enough to deal significant damage on its own. What you need to do is to let your allies initiate and cast Macropyre while your target is immobile. Then you can follow-up with Ice Path, your other spells and attacks to secure the kill.

Timings & Rotations:

Jakiro could start rotating right at lvl1 if his allies have enough kill potential – in that sense when you should rotate with Jakiro depends more on the kill potential of your allies rather than your own. Generally speaking, THD becomes strongest at ganking rotations when he has a point in each skill (lvl3 or 4 depending on build) because of the DoTs, the MS slow and the stun you have at this point.

For THD it is a viable thing to do to rotate in order to push rather than to gank. For example, if a lane is undefended and an ally is pressuring a tower you could TP and help out by using Liquid Fire on the tower and clearing the enemy creep waves.

If your allies have good control, getting Macropyre would be an important timing because you could use it to score a kill. Otherwise getting your ultimate doesn’t change your play style too much.

Support Jakiro

Harass and zone-out the enemy offlaner
Help your farmer disengage unwanted fights
Pressure the enemy tower

Your main strength is harassing and because of this, your goal in the lane would be to pressure the enemy offlaner. If successful you will be able to zone him out and to provide your carry with free farm.

Controlling the creep equilibrium is important in order to do this efficiently – you should pull whenever needed to keep the waves closer to your tower and to give yourself space to zone out the enemy hero.

Alternatively, if the creep waves are pushing towards the enemy tower you can use this opportunity to deal tower damage with Liquid Fire. Doing this repeatedly could result in an early tower kill but would give the enemy offlaner a lot of resources. If the lane is empty, you should always push the tower.

Video Example:

Most of the games as pos. 5 you need to buy chicken + 2 Obs, Tangoes (you have to pull 2 to your mid laner) and one Clarity. With Jakiro you don’t need clarity that much (since you can spam your 3rd spell), so as we see in this game Jakiro starts with 2 obs, 1 sentry, and 3 tangoes.

He runs to the bottom and sees that there is no one there and his hero is not providing much at lvl1. So, he runs mid before the creeps spawn, so he can block the creeps for his midlaner DK, place the sentry and give vision for DK against Bounty.

He instantly TPs bottom after the block so that he doesn’t waste any time in zoning out the offlaner.

At lvl 1 he takes Dual Breath and starts harassing Monkey King as much as possible. After the lane pushes, he goes back and starts pulling the creeps. He manages to contribute to some kills with the help of the roaming Tuskar, but he mainly pulls and controls the runes in the early game

Offlane Jakiro

Pressure and harass your lane opponents
Get resources

You have two qualities which make you a good offlaner: your tankiness and your harassing potential.

You are not the type of hero who can escape easily gank attempts, but you are capable of fighting back heroes that are trying to zone you out. Consequently, you are most effective in the offlane when you have a lane partner that can help you pressure your opponents even more.

Good lane partners are heroes that can help you pressure your lane opponents in the very early game:

Naga siren
Sand King
Ogre Magi Portrait

The combined harassing potential of you and your partner will make it almost impossible for enemies to farm in the lane against you. You can even attempt to zone them out if they are a weak lane, or to push out the wave and damage the tower if they are not.

Having a lane partner that can rotate to gank other lanes is great because it gives you alternatives if the offensive dual lane isn’t working out.

Core Jakiro

Get levels and farm; in the later laning stage you can push-out the wave and stack/farm the jungle;
Harass your lane opponent and pressure the tower;

Laning 1v1 with Jakiro is fairly simple: you have to take last hits and harass your lane opponent as much as possible. In order to be successful at the first objective you usually need to be successful at the second. The reason is that you are not the best at contesting last hits, but you are very good at harassing. Because of this, you will secure more farm for yourself if you pressure your opponent and push him backward.

As a solo, you would have more mana sustain than in other positions and you will be able to use Dual Breath for harass much more often. This will increase your potency even more and could allow you to even zone out some opponents in the later laning stage.


Both Dual Breath and Liquid Fire are AoE spells and if you want to keep the creep equilibrium you should be careful not to apply the DoT on the enemy creeps. If you have the equilibrium at a favorable for your position you can even zone out the enemy hero for a wave or two.

Pushing out the waves deliberately is also not a bad idea if you want to pressure the tower or if you want to get a rune or stack and farm the jungle. This is easy to do with a high level of Dual Breath and Liquid Fire.

Kill attempts:

When playing 1v1 you will rarely be able to solo kill your opponent – you don’t have nuke damage or very good control. Because of this, you shouldn’t be over aggressive to attempt kills. An overextension could cost you your life since you are a slow hero and enemy supports might rotate to your lane. It is better to play safe, take your farm and slowly but steadily harass your lane opponent.

Of course, if your opponent makes a mistake (overextend on low HP) you can capitalize on it by slowing him with Dual Breath and finishing him off with Liquid Fire and regular attacks.

Mid & Late Game

Jakiro Immortal 350opx

In the mid and late game, your main concern with Jakiro is how to apply pressure. THD is most comfortable at 5-man Dota, so if you are in a position to do it you should gather with your team, force fights and push towers. Other activities are also possible, however – for example, with Eul’s you are a good ganker and with the help of teammates you could look for pick-offs and transition into tower pushes.

Force team fights, push towers.
If you have reliable initiation find pick-offs and transition into pushing.
Take advantage of split-push opportunities in the mid game.
If you cannot apply pressure farm, split-push and anti-push. Try to be present for fights.
Comeback Potential:

Your play style with Jakiro depends a lot on the level of resources you have compared to the enemy team.

If you are under-farmed because of a bad laning stage outcome (or because you were a dedicated lane support), you have two possible choices.

  1. You can stay close to your team and function as a regular back-line spell caster. Stay out of danger and assist your allies by providing control and some damage in fights.
  2. If you have space on the map but your team isn’t pushing or ganking you can try to flash farm jungle camps to get your core items.

If you have a good level of resources you should use the opportunity to apply as much pressure as possible. The typical thing to do is to gather up with your team, push and force fights. If your opponents are spread up and farming, however, you can search for pick-offs with allies and push afterward.


In the mid and late game, your timings are mainly connected to the items you are getting.

  • Get a control item and start ganking: Eul’s or other control items are ideal for finding pick-offs and ganking, especially when combined with mobility items.
  • Get a tankiness item and force fights: Greaves, Rod of Atos, Pipe, or other items that give you survivability are ideal for forcing fights if you get them early enough.

Team Fights:

Your main job with THD in team fights is to control the enemy team and possibly to provide damage under the right circumstances. Positioning is vital as is the accurate use of your spells.

Use Liquid Fire on right-clickers: In the mid and late game the damage aspect of Liquid Fire is much less important than the utility that the spell gives – you should try to apply the debuff on enemy carries without BKB to lower their DPS output.

Use Dual Breath on heroes that need to move: Similarly to Liquid Fire, later on in the game, the utility aspect of Dual Breath is more important than the DPS of the spell. It is important to apply the debuff on heroes that need to move during the fight (often melee damage dealers) – sometimes even more important than applying the debuff on multiple heroes.

Hit as many people as possible with Ice Path: This is one of the most central aspects of team-fighting for Jakiro because Ice Path is your main source of control. Even though the spell doesn’t have a long CD, you need to make sure that when you use it, it has an impact.
The best options in no particular order:

  1. Wait to counter initiate: After the fight starts enemy heroes tend to clump-up in order to focus an ally. You can use the opportunity to land a multi-hero Ice Path.
  2. Use items to setup: Use your own Eul’s or other items to set up a combo (Macro Pyre into Ice Path) and help bring a hero down.
  3. Wait for allies to setup: You can wait for your allies to use their more reliable disables (Ravage, Chrono, Song of the Siren, etc.) and chain stun multiple enemies with Ice Path.

No matter which option you are using, you need to watch for your positioning and the angle you cast Ice Path at. Repositioning yourself with a mobility item could help you land the spell more efficiently.

Use Macropyre in team fight combos: Using your ultimate without reliable setup is unlikely to give good results. You need to be patient with it and wait for your allies to provide you with a good opportunity to use the spell. Usually, you need to wait for a good AoE initiation and then follow-up with Macropyre and Ice Path. If your team doesn’t have good AoE initiation you can use it as a damage source to pick-off one hero. To do it, however, the target needs to be disabled for some time.

In rare occasions you would need to use Macropyre as a zoning tool – usually to break up a fight and help your allies disengage. The spell doesn’t have a very long CD so it might be up the next time you need it. Nevertheless, this use is not optimal and if possible you should avoid it because if a fight does break out you wouldn’t have your most powerful source of damage.


Jakiro’s spells don’t require him to be in melee range so it is easiest to have an impact with the hero from a certain distance (easier to position yourself for Ice Path and easier to hit multi-hero Dual Breaths and Macropyre). In that sense, if you have a choice you should stay behind your initiators/frontline heroes and assist them with your spells as most other spellcasters in the game.

The main problem with this philosophy is that in order to push you need to be relatively close to the tower (at 600 range for Liquid Fire). This means that if you are forcing fight through pushing and your opponents initiate you will be on the front lines of the fight. In order to be successful with such positioning, you need to be certain that you have the needed survivability to live through the enemy initiation and contribute to the fight.

Example Vid:

Lil is playing an Agh’s + Refresher support Jakiro in the super late game. In a chaotic team fight, he uses his ultimate twice after Song of the Siren, which instantly evaporates the enemy support Disruptor and by the end of the fight kills the enemy carry PL, who is the most farmed hero on the map. Notice how Lil plays around his ultimates so that when the PL tries to focus him, he needs to do so on top of the Macro Pyre.


5-man pushing:

There are two possibilities:

If you have enough resources and you are tanky (or if your enemies cannot fight back for some reason) you should stay on the frontline and apply Liquid Fire to the tower. You shouldn’t overcommit – you can come closer to apply the Liquid Fire and afterward back-off a bit until your spell is available again. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t be afraid to stay on the front liens – if the enemy team needs to commit a lot to kill you off you will serve the role of a tank and will in that way give your allies freedom to take a favorable fight.

If you aren’t tanky enough and you expect your opponents to defend you should position yourself more defensively. Stay behind your allies and be ready to counter-initiate with Ice Path and your other abilities.


Jakiro has good creep clear (Dual Breath and Liquid Fire) and very good tower damage (Liquid Fire), which makes him a decent split pusher. His main problem is his lack of mobility – if you get caught over-extending with the hero you will most probably die and you aren’t mobile enough to easily get in position to split-push.

In that sense, you can take advantage of convenient split-push opportunities but you should not take big risks with your positioning. Push out the waves and damage the enemy tower but once enemy heroes are missing quickly get back to your team.

Getting a mobility item like Blink Dagger could make split-pushing with the hero much easier and with the item you could relatively safely force reactions out of the enemy team.

Keep in mind at what stage of the game you are at. The later the game goes the slower and riskier your split-pushing becomes. Because of this at the mid game stages, split-pushing with Jakiro is not a bad tactic and could create problems for your enemies. At the late game stages, it is a better decision to stick to your team in order to make sure you are present for team fights and are not too vulnerable to ganks.


Your spells have low CD and could easily be used to anti-push. Usually, you want to use Dual Breath from long range on groups of creeps and Ice Path from long range on enemy heroes hitting your towers. Getting close enough to apply Liquid Fire is smart only if you are certain the enemy team cannot initiate on you.

If the enemy team is committing to the push with a lot of resources (summoned units, heroes, etc.) and your team really needs to stall the game you could use your Macropyre in combination with your other spells. This should usually be enough to kill off the units and delay the push, but you wouldn’t have the spell if you need to fight shortly after. This strategy is very strong with an Aghanim's because of the 30 second path duration and huge path distance.


The main problem with ganking with Jakiro is initiation and sufficient control. If you have a control item like Eul’s Scepter you can initiate much more reliably and start ganks. By using your whole Eul into Macropyre and Ice Path combo you can even solo kill squishier targets, but more often than not you are a bad solo ganker and you need back up from your allies to secure kills. Having mobility items will also increase your ganking potential since you will be able to get in range for Eul’s more easily.

Consider the target you are initiating – if you are ganking with Eul’s a carry with BKB you might give it an opportunity to activate the spell immunity and escape the gank. You should leave more reliable initiators to start the gank on such targets.

Without the help of such setup items, your main job in ganks is to follow-up the initiation of your allies with damage (possibly Macropyre) and control (a follow-up Ice Path to chain stun your target).

Moreover, with well-positioned Ice Paths you can make counter-ganking harder for the enemy team.

Map Control and Vision:

In the support position, it is part of your job to provide vision through Observers and Sentries. Since THD is not too item dependent even if you are not a support it is not a bad idea to help out with Observers and Sentries once you have your important core items.

Your Ice Path gives flying vision and consequently, you can easily use it (it has very long range) to scout from a safe distance. For example, you could possibly check if the enemy team is doing Roshan or simply scout high grounds.



Farming with Jakiro is quite straightforward – you have multiple sources of AoE damage. With mana sustain you should use mainly Dual Breath and Liquid Fire to clear creep waves and camps. Stacking is useful because you deal mainly AoE DPS.

It is possible to use Macropyre and your other spells to clear a large stack quicker – the spell has a relatively short CD. Don’t do this if you expect to fight soon, though.


Your first priority is applying pressure through pushing. If you cannot do this, however, you should try to push-out the waves, farm and stack the jungle. Pushing out the waves creates space for your cores as it forces a reaction from the enemy team. Even as a support you can usually afford to play more greedily in order to get bigger items for the late game.