Crystal Maiden Guide by Miposhka
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Date: 10/2018
Crystal Maiden


Welcome to Miposhka's Book of the Crystal Maiden, a hero guide part of the Book of Dota series!

Here you will find all the information you need to learn to play CM on a high level – from drafting and builds to the optimal playstyle in different lanes and situations. We hope you’ll enjoy this guide and find it useful!

miposhka CM stats

Draft: CM can work in all games thanks to her good laning and her aura. That said, in order to have a game-changing impact you need to be able to utilize your ultimate. Try to pick her in games where your opponents wouldn't be able to stop you from channeling Freezing Field easily. If your other support is able to help with wards this would be great because you will get important items easier.

Early Game: Your dream early game consists of farming the jungle, collecting the runes and rotating for ganks as often as possible during the whole early game. In reality, however, you will have to spend at least the beginning of the laning stage babysitting your carry and spamming Nova on your opponents. The less you have to do this – the better. Try to coordinate with your team’s other support to get some kills and to win the lane for your carry as quickly as possible. This way you will be able to start roaming and farming sooner rather than later (or never).

Mid & Late Game: Do your support duties while sticking to your cores in order to participate in fights. Spam your spells from a long distance and stay safe. Be patient and choose the right moment to enter fights with your ultimate (when there’s no one who can easily interrupt) – this would be much easier if you have items like Blink and BKB/Glimmer.


Yaroslav "Miposhka" Naidenov
Endorsement & Info

Miposhka is the captain and support player for Team Empire and his biggest achievement so far in his pro career is getting 7th-8th place at TI7 after eliminating EG from the tournament to the surprise of many.

He is also a god-tier support in pubs, a genuine and lovable person and an all-around-nice-guy.

Nikolay "CTOMAHEH1" Kalchev
Info & Editing

CTOMAHEH1 started his pro career as a support in Basically Unknown together with Mind Control. Since then he has consistently been playing on the European T2 scene, most recently on Unchained Esports.

His highest placement on the EU ladder is top 100 - he plays all roles (mainly support), which is untypical for high-ranking players and shows his great versatility and understanding of the game.

Rijad "Cookie" Sarajlic
Writing & Info

Rijad originally calibrated at 1k MMR when playing with a friend. When his friend quit Dota, he decided to git gud and in 1.5 years he was able to reach 5k MMR. Nowadays he is 6k and spends a lot of time writing guides and making educational streams on Twitch.

The one bad thing about him is that he spams Arc Warden (Shame!). Yet, who are we to judge when his methods are obviously so effective.

Kyril "MrNiceGuy" Kotashev
PM, Writing & Editing

Esports and gaming enthusiast since forever and founder of Dotahaven.

Has been playing Dota since 2005 (5.84). An Ancient I player in Dota 2.

Feel the chill!

Even though CM is the cliché sacrificial support in most Dota memes, she is actually a rather greedy position 5 hero. She is decent at zoning and babysitting mainly thanks to Nova, but she is slow and with bad stats which makes her vulnerable in some lanes. Yet, she can easily get some farm in the jungle and she scales very well with items into the later stages of the game.

Her signature skill is her global mana sustain aura (the free Clarity potion), but her team fight potential from Freezing Field should not be underestimated. In a good game, CM is one of the few supports with whom it’s possible to get a rampage, which makes her fun to play.

Crystal Maiden Loadout
Level 1
Level 15
Level 25
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low


Talented support:
CM is incredibly versatile, she can do many things like farm woods, gank, stack multiple camps at the same time and babysit.

Always there for you: 
CM has a global mana regen aura, meaning you assist your team even when doing nothing, especially helpful for mana greedy lineups.


She has incredible team fight presence with her abundance of AOE damage and slows

Can I haz some farm?:
Scales really well with items that allow her to safely execute her combos. 



Now it’s just Crystal:
CM has awful stats. She’s one of the squishiest heroes in the game AND she’s incredibly slow. If the opponent jumps on you, you’re most likely dead.

High standards:
CM is heavily positioning dependent because she’s really squishy and her ultimate is a channeling ability. She is really easy to interrupt and/or kill, meaning finding timings for getting a good ult off is very difficult and requires practice.


Mana is a surprising problem for a hero with a mana aura:
In the early game, CM has a small mana pool, while her spells cost a lot of mana. You might not even be able to cast all your spells in a fight.

Support tax…:
Because she is so easy to kill she is resource dependent. She might need a couple of items to help her get off her abilities without dying, like Glimmer, Blink, Force, Ghost etc. This is a problem when you are buying the support items.


EG vs VGJ.T, TI8

MATCH ID 4061662358


Cr1t- has a great performance on a position 4 CM (8-7-27 with 71% and manages to deal the third highest hero damage on his team, more than his pos. 3 Ursa.

EG pair him up with Ursa (a classic dual lane combo, CM's slow and disable and Ursa's DPS give them high kill potential) and send him to the offlane against Weaver and Venge - an extremely strong dual lane that can easily kill the slow CM. To avoid feeding Cr1t spends some of his time farming the secret shop camps safely, specially later on in the laning stage.

Notice his skill build - he maxes Frostbite first to provide a reliable disable against the very mobile Weaver and Bloodseeker.

Team Liquid vs PSG.LGD, TI8

MATCH ID 4062098446

xNova plays a safe lane pos. 5 CM with his Clinkz. Because Clinkz is a strong laner and doesn't need a lot of help, this frees up the CM to roam quite a lot and even to get a little bit of farm in the jungle. The game is long and action-packed, which makes xNova's stat of 9-6-28 (he has the least deaths on his team due to great positioning) impressivе, especially bearing in mind she plays versus Blood and Huskar, who can reach and kill CM easily. Notice that the enemy team has nothing to stop his ultimate besides Global Silence - this is great for CM in mid-game fights.

It's a good idea to pay attention to xNova's warding in this game, as it won him a lot of praise over the whole tournament.

Team Serenity vs painN Gaming, TI8

MATCH ID 4066891298

XCJ has a great performance on a support CM (9-2-18) in the offlane with Clinkz as a lane partner against Void and Silencer. Unlike the CM in most other example replays, XCJ doesn't spend some of his time farming - he stays active in the lane and the rotations he makes are to control the nearby runes and gank the mid lane. The Nova spam in combination with Searing Arrows make the safe lane hard for Void, while the gank rotations slow down Invoker's development. Serenity win all three lanes and are able to snowball into a quick 27-minute victory.

Optic Gaming vs Virtus Pro, PGL BUCHAREST MAJOR 2018

MATCH ID 3763798613

PPD plays a hard support Crystal Maiden versus VP and contributes to a surprise victory for his team. It’s worth noting that he is rotating quite a lot in the early game – he tries to help both in the safe and mid lane but finds time to rotate even to the offlane, especially after seeing that the safe lane is too risky for him. Oracle + Jugg can easily kill CM because of her low MS and Jugg’s ability to dispel her Root with his spin and run her down. PPD goes for the non-greedy build of prioritizing the aura and getting only a value point in his other skills, which helps his cores in the lanes. He also goes for a non-greedy item build (Wand->Tranquils->Glimmer->Force) because he realizes that getting luxury items like Blink and BKB is quite unrealistic as a position 5 CM when your team is playing from behind.

With Ravage, Call Down and Freezing Field Optic are very strong at team fighting, which helps them snatch the victory even though they were at a big resource disadvantage for most of the game. The replay is great to watch in order to learn how to contribute and not feed with CM when you are playing from behind.


CM shines because of her global presence with her passive and her versatility in the laning stage. She is a decent babysitter, could farm the jungle (or create stacks), and with Boots and a good partner, she can rotate for kills in other lanes. This means that with good game sense a CM player can adapt and make the best out of different situations.

It's a good idea to draft CM with heroes with good kill potential in the lanes - Nova and Frostbite provide good damage and lockdown, so if your allies provide additional damage you can easily get kills early. Moreover, drafting her with cores who are self-sufficient in lane will give her the free time needed to get a bit of farm in the jungle or rotate to other lanes in the later laning stage.

CM has great potential to win team fights with her ult, but this is hard to pull off because it's a channeling ability that requires great positioning. Naturally, games where the enemy team doesn't have the needed tools to easily cancel Freezing Field or kill CM, will allow her to have a higher impact in fights.


CM is mostly played as a pos. 5, or rarely as a pos. 4 as she’s too immobile to gank consistently.

CM is an interesting lane support:

  • on one hand, she provides great harass with her Nova spam and great kill potential with the lockdown from Frostbite and the slow from Nova if her lane partenr(s) have damage
  • on the other, she is extremely slow and squishy, which means fast and aggressive lane opponents can exploit this to repeatedly kill her

Because of this, great positioning in the lane is vital. If she has trouble staying in the lane without dying, she has the option to start her rotations: to farm and stack the jungle, to control the runes and most importantly - if possible to gank the other lanes.

In the ideal situation, CM wants to secure the lane for her core in the first half of the laning stage and to start rotating in the second half, when she has Boots and more levels in her spells.

Keeper of the Light

Keeper of the Light: He is very similar to CM, as he can also give mana and push waves or farm jungle. KotL is much faster, which means it’s easier to stay alive with him. Unlike CM, however, KotL is bad at rotating for ganks because he has no lockdown in the early game.


Good friends to have are:

Heroes with mana problems, spammable spells: Veno, Ember, Lycan, Tide, Doom

Ember Portrait
Tidehunter Portrait

Most heroes in the game will benefit from the mana aura, but some heroes simply more than others. E.g. Veno wants to constantly spam his Wards for pushing/farming or Lycan has a very low mana pool to keep summing his wolves. This works especially well with offlaners with spammable abilities like Pango/Tide/Doom, as these heroes will often have powerful abilities that help them in the lane, but not enough mana to use them a lot. 

Kill potential mid laners: Lina, Invoker, Timber, SF, Viper

Shadow Fiend Portrait

These heroes usually have strong abilities who are hard to land. CM’s 2nd ability can be used as a setup for these heroes to follow-up and secure the kill. These heroes also benefit a lot from the mana aura while farming and split-pushing. 

Team fight control heroes: Void, Enigma, Tide

Faceless Void Portrait
Enigma Portrait
Tidehunter Portrait

Huge team fight control spells could help you use your ultimate for longer. This will increase significantly your impact in team fights. CM is one of the few supports on which rampages are theoretically possible.

Gank combos: Clock, Kunkka, SK, Tusk

Sand King

To fully utilize CM’s early potential it is best to pair her with another support with disables. This allows them both to do a roaming duo to control as many lanes as possible. Inversely, CM should be avoided if the other support (roamer) lacks disables & kill potential.

Carries that can solo: Weaver, Lone Druid, Life Stealer, Clinkz

Lone Druid
Lifestealer Portrait
Clinkz Portrait

When it comes to picking your carry with a Maiden, you have to understand that by herself she isn’t a very strong lane support. She doesn’t want to sit in lane and harass as she has very low mobility, attack damage/speed, and her spells cost a lot of mana. Instead, she wants to go out and pull, gank, stack and freeze big creeps. This means your carry will have to stay solo in the lane most of the time. This can be either done by having a carry that wants to solo or using your dual support gank combo to kill the offlaner a couple of times to secure your carry a level advantage instead. 


Strong Against:

Lineups without disables against BKB:

This goes in general for any lineup that can’t stop a Maiden from Glimmer/BKB to kill them. Her ult does an insane amount of damage, so depending on the game CM’s ult could even solo the whole enemy lineup if they can’t interrupt her.

5-man team fight/push strats and lineups that clump up:

Both her 1st and 4th ability are great team fight abilities. Even if they stun you, your slows are more than enough for the rest of your team to lock them down and finish them. This works especially well against lineups who group up and push or want to take fights in small/closed areas (near shrines, Roshan, offlane etc.)

Illusion heroes/heroes with units: PL, CK, TB, NP, Brood, Ench, Chen

Phantom Lancer
Chaos Knight
Nature's Prophet Portrait
Broodmother Portrait

It’s no secret that CM has a lot of AOE damage. These heroes rely on their illusions to hide the main hero. CM can quickly wipe out the illusions for the rest of her team to focus the real one.

Though, a thing to note is that Natures and Brood heavily counter CM in the laning stage. Since she is very slow, their units present a huge threat to CM, so she is only good against them in the mid/late-game.

She is very good vs Chen/Ench, as she counters them heavily in the early stages. She works really well against them with her ability to freeze and kill any of their big creeps.

Weak Against:

Hero hunters: Bounty, Nyx, Clinkz, Slark, Pudge

Bounty Hunter
Clinkz Portrait
Slark Portrait

CM is incredibly squishy and slow: these heroes are the bane of your existence. They will non-stop run around and try to kill you. You can try getting items like Glimmer/Ghost to prevent dying and wards/sentries to spot them before they go on you, but it is hard and expensive. The best defense is to stick very close to your teammates for safety, but this will slow down your item development as you will not be able to farm the jungle as much.

Anything that can catch you in the backlines: Storm, Spirit Breaker, Tusk, AM

Storm spirit
Spirit breaker
Anti mage

Unlike hero hunters who run around ganking, when it comes to team-fights these heroes can simply run at you and cancel your ultimate.

BKB piercing and AOE disables: Enigma, Silencer, Magnus, Axe, Earth Spirit, Wyvern, Tide, Shaker, Bashes

Enigma Portrait
Magnus Portrait
Axe Portrait
Earth Spirit
Winter Wyvern Portrait
Tidehunter Portrait
Earthshaker Portrait

CM heavily relies on her ultimate for damage. These heroes can stop your Freezing Field even when you get items, which is a problem. This also goes for any source of bash like the items Basher/Abyssal blade or heroes with built-in bashes like Slardar/Troll/Void.

Strong offlaners: Brood, Natures, LC, Bat, Brew, Bristle, Tide, Omni, Axe

Broodmother Portrait
Nature's Prophet Portrait
Legion commander
Bristle Portrait
Tidehunter Portrait
Omniknight portrait
Axe Portrait

CM's usual playstyle in the lane is to spam heroes from a safe distance. These heroes, however, are hard to zone out in this way and can present big problems on their own (and even more so if they have a support).

Heroes like Brood and NP have their units to go onto CM and zone her out or even kill her (later on her AoE becomes good against their units).

Heroes like LC, Bat etc. can chase you down themselves and LC can dispell your Frostbite.

Heroes like Brew, Omni, Bristle, Tide, Axe etc. are simply too tanky and can ignore CM or just run at her once they have boots. Tide is also hard to play against because before you have BKB he can easily cancel Freezing Field with Ravage, so you need to wait for it until you can enter the fight with your ult.


Crystal Maiden Crystal Nova
Crystal Maiden Frostbite
Crystal Maiden Arcane Aura
Crystal Maiden Freezing Field

A burst of damaging frost slows enemy movement and attack rate in the targeted area.


Cast Animation: 0.3+0.6

Cast Range: 700

Effect Radius: 425

Damage: 130/170/210/260

Move Speed Slow: 20%/30%/40%/50%

Attack Speed Slow: 20/30/40/50

Slow Duration: 4.5

CD: 11/10/9/8

Mana: 130/145/160/175

Crystal Nova

Crystal Nova is a very good versatile AoE nuke.

Since it has a cast range and a radius, if used at max range the radius will add extra length.

Add the +100 range talent and even Aether Lens and the reach of this ability will become insane.

This is especially useful for scouting uphill or in the Rosh pit as casting this ability reveals a huge area of vision (ground vision, 900 units for 6 seconds) at the point where it’s cast.

The ability does up to 50% slow, meaning it’s a great chasing tool. It combos really well with your ultimate’s slow, making enemies almost immobile.

Because of the extended range, this ability can be used to make double stacks. Your hero can attack a creep in a camp then cast this ability onto another camp, meaning if timed properly you can stack 2 camps at the same time. This is very useful when your carry is something like a Gyro/Luna/Alchemist/Sven who benefits from having early stacks.

Encases an enemy unit in ice, prohibiting movement and attack, while dealing 50 damage every half-second. Lasts 10 seconds on creeps level 6 or lower.


Cast Animation: 0.3+0.6

Cast Range: 525

Damage per Second: 100

Hero Duration: 1.5/2/2.5/3

Creep Duration: 10

Stun Duration: 0.1

CD: 9/8/7/6

Mana: 140/145/150/155


Frostbite roots and disarms the target and provides true sight for the duration.

Creeps: Frostbite has a creep duration of 10 seconds, so that means it does 1000 damage to creeps.  It’s a great Jungling tool, as you can simply stack hard camps and freeze the big creep on the way back. Some big creeps have more than 1000 HP, meaning you have to hit them a couple of times as well. Other camps have high magic resistance (clay golems) or magic resistance auras (Centaur/Hellbear camps) which you’ll also have to take into consideration.

Unknown to most players, the root itself does not cancel channeling abilities - Frostbite has a ministun of 0.1 seconds in the beginning.

Gives additional mana regeneration to all friendly units on the map. This bonus is increased for Crystal Maiden.


Radius: Global

Allies Mana Regen Bonus: 0.7/0.9/1.1/1.3

Self Mana Regen Bonus: 1.8/2.6/3.4/4.2

Arcane Aura

This ability is global and affects all of your teammates.

CM gains more mana regen than her teammates, which helps her use her skills more often (primarily Frostbite to farm and harass).

The level 15 talent adds mana loss reduction to the aura:

  • Reduces all mana loss on allies, including mana burning or draining effects.
  • All reductions are reflected in the ability tooltips.
  • Stacks additively with other sources of mana loss reduction.

Surrounds Crystal Maiden with random icy explosions that slow enemies and deal massive damage. Lasts 10 seconds.


Cast Animation: 0.3+0

Max Channel Time: 10

Slow Radius: 835

Explosion Spawn Radius Min: 195

Explosion Spawn Radius Max: 785

Explosion Damage Radius: 300

Damage: 105/170/250

Move Speed Slow: 30%

Attack Speed Slow: 60

Slow Duration: 1

CD: 110/100/90

Mana: 200/400/600

Aghanim's Scepter

Applies Frostbite to any unit that has been standing in the Freezing Field for over 2.5 seconds.

Freezing Field


  • The slow is applied in 0.1 second intervals, regardless of the ice explosions.
  • Every 0.1 seconds an explosion occurs, for a total of 100 explosions.
  • Each explosion can spawn within a random distance of 195 to 785 away from Crystal Maiden.
  • The explosion spawn radius is divided into four 90° segments. The first explosion occurs within the north-east segment of the circle, following explosions proceed counterclockwise.
  • Can damage units up to 1085 range away (max spawn radius + explosion radius).
  • The damage is roughly constant up to a radius of 485, falling off after that.
  • It is slightly less than 50% at a radius of 785. The very center does slightly (5%) more damage.
  • Deals about 2000/3300/4800 damage to enemies within 485 range over the full duration, ±1.9 explosions.
  • The radius is always centered on Crystal Maiden's and follows her even when she gets moved by e.g. Force Staff.


  • A unit can only be frostbitten once per cast of Freezing Field. Even if they re-enter the area, they do not get hit a second time.
  • If a unit is already frostbitten by a manual cast, it can still be frostbitten again by Freezing Field, refreshing the duration.

Uses and Tips:

When it comes to using Freezing Field you have to consider that it’s a channeling ability, meaning you have to wait out disables or follow-up initiation if your teammates lock the target down.

The ability’s damage is more or less random, so test your luck! You might end up doing a lot of damage and bursting their heroes within no time. It’s best to be right on top of a hero to maximize your DPS output. Sitting around and waiting to get a 5 man ultimate is unrealistic, so using it for 1-3 important targets is a way better strategy.

Even if it’s inevitable that you’ll get canceled, you can still use it for the slow and a bit of damage, unless you’ll die. In this case, simply save it and use your mana on your other spells and items.

Freezing Field is skipped sometimes, as it costs a huge amount of mana, so if you don’t have the items to back it up it is completely fine to delay it or even not level it at all early on.

Nova range:

Crystal Maiden SCR

Skill Builds

CM is quite flexible with her skill builds. The usual idea is to have a high level of Arcane Aura to help your whole team. You also need 1 value point in Frostbite to farm creeps and control heroes in ganks. After that, whether you max your Frostbite or Nova depends on the situation: Nova is better at anti-pushing and cluttered team-fights or vs illusions and small units, while Frostbite is better for ganks with its longer single target disable, especially if you right-click cores who need to stick to their target for as long as possible.

Taking ult at level 6 is optional for any build as the enemy simply might have heroes to prevent you from using it.

On lvl1 you can take either Nova or Frostbite: Nova is better when you are facing dual or trilanes, as it results in much more damage per mana spent. Frostbite, on the other hand, is better versus single opponents or if you want to start farming the jungle as soon as possible.

Standard Aura Build
Frostbite build
Crystal Maiden Crystal Nova
Crystal Maiden Arcane Aura
Crystal Maiden Frostbite
Crystal Maiden Arcane Aura
Crystal Maiden Arcane Aura
Crystal Maiden Freezing Field
Crystal Maiden Arcane Aura
Crystal Maiden Crystal Nova
Crystal Maiden Crystal Nova
Talent Icon
Crystal Maiden Crystal Nova
Crystal Maiden Freezing Field
Crystal Maiden Frostbite
Crystal Maiden Frostbite
Talent Icon
Crystal Maiden Frostbite
Crystal Maiden Freezing Field
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: most value for your team; maxed aura for farming; quick value points in your Frostbite and Nova;
Cons: low early game damage; 1st and 2nd spell neglected till much later on;

This is the standard build: You max the aura first to help your team and to have mana to spam your abilities more often. You take one point in Nova for harass in the laning stage versus two opponents. You only take a value point in Frostbite on lvl3, as it is enough for farming and provides decent control. Then you max your Nova to increase your impact in team fights and to push out waves faster if you need to. CM is super squishy and most heroes will be trying to go on you and kill you as soon as you show up, so with a higher level in Nova you can have an impact from a safer distance.

Crystal Maiden Frostbite
Crystal Maiden Arcane Aura
Crystal Maiden Frostbite
Crystal Maiden Arcane Aura
Crystal Maiden Frostbite
Crystal Maiden Freezing Field
Crystal Maiden Frostbite
Crystal Maiden Arcane Aura
Crystal Maiden Arcane Aura
Talent Icon
Crystal Maiden Crystal Nova
Crystal Maiden Freezing Field
Crystal Maiden Crystal Nova
Crystal Maiden Crystal Nova
Talent Icon
Crystal Maiden Crystal Nova
Crystal Maiden Freezing Field
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: highest ganking potential;
Cons: 1st ability ignored; requires teammate coordination for follow-up;

This skill build is used if you’re doing dual ganking. It focuses on maxing 2nd and 3rd ability for the increase in the root duration - this lets your other teammates follow up and burst the opponent. The max Frostbite is especially valuable against mobile enemies that don’t care much about the slow of Nova.

You can take a value point in Nova for the extra chase potential if necessary.


+300 Crystal Nova Damage
+1.5s Frostbite Duration
+60 Freezing Field Damage
+250 Attack Speed

+150 Gold/Min

+14% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction Aura
+100 Cast Range
+250 Health

Lvl 10: This is a tough one, as both talents can help accomplish the same goal - to keeping you alive, but in different ways: +100 cast range is the usual choice as it helps you cast your spells from up far, like behind cliffs or trees and even increases your gank/catch potential, while +250 HP should be gone for if it is inevitable that the enemy will get spells onto you.

Lvl 15: +150 Gold is a lot and if you don`t have a hero that benefits a lot from your Aura(Storm, Lina) you should go for the GPM talent.

Lvl 20: The clear winner here is +60 freezing fiend damage, as there’s no way a squishy pos. 5 CM, who has no damage is going to have any real use out of the +250 attack speed. The attack speed talent on her is very counter-intuitive even if you were not a poor pos. 5 support – you cannot attack while you are using your ultimate, which is what you want to be doing in fights.

Lvl 25: A hard choice: +1.5 Frostbite duration is usually the pick, but it depends if you have Scepter and Glimmer/BKB. The +1.5s Frostbite duration works with Scepter you could even end up wiping a large portion of the enemy team by yourself, but if the enemy has BKB piercing disables or you don’t have these items then it’s much better to get the nova damage so you can spam it from a safe distance. Against units/illusions, the damage is also very good to use for wave clear and anti-push. 

Standard Build

Due to her many flaws (incredibly squishy, low mobility, channeling ult) CM really only goes for one type of a build (mobility + survivability), but it is versatile enough to allow you to participate in fights, pushes or ganks. Any items in the mid-late game can be replaced with situational items.

Starting Items
Animal Courier
Wards Icon
Early Game
Tranquil Boots
Wind lace
Magic wand
Mid Game
Glimmer Cape
Late Game
Black King Bar
Animal Courier

Clarities: despite having a mana regen aura, you need a couple of clarities to be able to use Frostbite more often to farm jungle creeps, to harass and to gank.

Wards Icon
Tranquil Boots

Tranquil: Boots of choice for CM, she is very squishy and slow, the HP regen combines really nice with the mana regen from her 3rd, meaning she never has to go back to base.

Wind lace

Windlace: While the first wind lace is a component of Tranquils, you get another one to help with her insane lack of mobility. Later on, this can be upgraded into Euls (for more catch or to purge), Drums (more tankiness, helps your team push faster), or even Vessel.

Magic wand

Wand: you need not only the survivability, but also the mana burst in order to cast your ultimate after using your other skills.

Glimmer Cape

Glimmer: Glimmer can be used to get your ult off safely, but make sure that you are not only using it for your ult, as your ult might not be nearly as useful as keeping your cores alive.


Blink: As already mentioned, CM lacks mobility and an initiation/positioning mechanism to set up her ult. Blink is ideal because it allows you not only to instantly enter the fight at the right time, but also to Blink into trees/on a highground to channel your ult and avoid being interrupted.

Black King Bar

BKB: CM’s favorite luxury item, BKB allows her to channel her ultimate without being interrupted and deal loads of damage in team fights.


Aghanim’s Scepter: go for this item only if you are already able to use your ultimate effectively – it will simply make it stronger by disabling your enemies inside the Freezing Field AOE. If that’s not the case (enemies are interrupting you, they have BKBs, etc.) it`s better to go for team utility items.

Other Items

Survivability: CM is a very squishy hero, Glimmer/Force might not be enough, so getting the right choice of other survivability items is what you might need if you want to be useful in team fights with your ult. Cost efficient stat items like Bracers, Wand, Drums and Spirit Vessel are the usual choice.

Support items: If its nearly impossible to use your ultimate efficiently, you can focus more on the traditional defensive support items to keep your cores safe (Glimmer, Solar, Force, Lotus). Additionally, these items can allow your teammates to chip away at objectives more safely, while you wait in the backlines for the enemies to go on that core so you can counter-initiate.

Luxury: Usually CM won’t have enough resources to get luxury items, but if the game goes really late, you can consider most of the usual late game INT items that have good synergy with Blink and make you tankier – Hex, Shiva, etc.

Early & Mid Game
Infused Raindrop
Force staff
Hand of Midas
Ghost Scepter
Aether Lens
Spirit Vessel
Solar Crest Icon
Late Game
Aeon Disk
Rod of Atos
Lotus Orb
Scythe of Vyse
Infused Raindrop

Infused Raindrop: since you are very squishy Raindrops can help you survive some nukes.


Bracer is a very common early game survivability item for CM. If you can't easily keep your distance from opponents in the early game, you'd need some tankiness to stay alive.


Drums: More much-needed tankiness and MS, it is good combined with another Wind Lace and Tranquils.

Force staff

Force Staff: Helps with her lack of mobility, adds more regen and more importantly combined with Glimmer makes her or her teammates very hard to kill. It can be used as a substitute for Blink for initiation, but if you have Blink it’s much better to use blink first to secure a good ult, then to use Force to disengage. If you are having a really good game skip the Force to get your Blink earlier (or get it after Blink).

Hand of Midas

Midas: Lots of EXP, lets you get into the late game with more items. A very greedy pickup on a pos. 5 hero, so only get if it’s inevitable that the game goes late.

Ghost Scepter

Ghost Scepter: bought against physical ‘’jump on you’’ heroes (Storm, Slark, Clinkz etc.), but make sure to note that it doesn’t work with BKB (using BKB will purge it, can’t be activated during BKB).

Aether Lens

Aether Lens: Lets you use your 1st and 2nd abilities from a much greater distance, works really well with the level 10 talent.

Spirit Vessel

Spirit Vessel: Usually CM isn’t the hero who carries this on her team, but it is very helpful against regen based heroes or to simply keep your teammates alive while fighting/pushing.

Solar Crest Icon

Solar Chrest: CM does not directly benefit from this, but rather her teammates as combined with glimmer and force it makes it almost impossible to stop your carry from sieging towers, also very useful for taking roshans.

Aeon Disk

Aeon Disk: Applies a strong purge, and stops your HP from dropping below 80%, meaning you can BKB and Blink into 5 heroes. Unless they have BKB piercing disables, they won’t be able to stop you. Works really well once you have an Aghanim’s Scepter, as any target who stands in your ult for 2.5 seconds gets Frostbitten, which is exactly the duration of an Aeon Disk.

Rod of Atos

Atos: Long range root, chained with your 2nd ability and it lets you root an opponent for a very long duration. If chained properly, at level 25, 2nd > Atos > 2nd can root for a total of 11 seconds. It also makes you tankier, which is great, but the item is relatively expensive and usually you can afford it only if you are snowballing.


Pipe: Pipe is a desperation item on CM, as she is not the best hero to carry it (usually you want it on tanky pos. 3 heroes). Nonetheless, if the enemy team has mainly magical damage it could keep you in the game and win you team fights, so if you have to buy it.

Lotus Orb

Lotus Orb: The best way to keep your cores alive in the late game.


Shiva: Combos really well with her other slows, adds more snow themed damage for role-play purposes.

Scythe of Vyse

Hex: if you already have blink, Hex will make you a very powerful single target initiator (the stats are also great in the late game).

Early Game

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The early game with CM usually consists of two phases.

In the 1st phase, you will be a lane support and you will use your spells as often as possible to harass or even attempt kills on your lane opponents.

In the 2nd phase, you will rotate - you can farm and stack the jungle, control the runes and attempt ganks in other lanes if you have allies with kill potential

When the 1st phase ends and the second begins is situational. Ideally, you want to start rotating once you have Boots and it's night-time. That being said, if you are facing a strong dual or tri lane you might have to stay longer in the lane to support your core. And if your lane opponents are too strong to deal with, you might have to leave the lane sooner so that you don't feed.

CM’s ability to stack 2x camps at the same by attacking one and using the long Nova Range to damage the other is quite useful. It is mostly used in 3 places:
  • Stacking easy + hard camp next to the lane: this helps with your pulls as it means the creep wave will always get killed so enemy offlaner gets no exp.

  • Stacking hard + medium next to the mid lane: this helps with greedy mid laners who can farm stacks early like Alche/TA/SF.

  • Stacking Ancients + nearest camp: hard or medium both can work, depends on how many stacks there are. Sometimes it might not be possible to stack both at the same time if there’s too many. This helps carries who like to farm them in the mid game, also Ancients provide a huge amount of exp, so whatever time you spent stacking that lost you exp will be returned to you if you are there when your core takes it.

Alternatively, if you have nothing better to do and your cores don’t need these camps nor do you need your ultimate, CM can stack 2 camps and then take them both down at the same time with her ult. This is quite a huge exp/gold boost, but leaves you vulnerable if a team fight starts.

Crystal Maiden Stack 1
crystal maiden stack 2

As already mentioned, your 2nd ability does 100 damage for 10 seconds to any neutral creep, meaning you can go into the hard camps and freeze a big creep and leave the small ones. It is usually best to stack first then as the creeps reach the max aggro time and are about to run back you should freeze the big creep and hit it a couple of times. The reason for this is that some camps will have magical resistance auras and some big creeps have more than 1000 HP. Moreover, by doing this you don’t “block” the camp by leaving only one/two small creeps, you leave more than a full camp for your cores.

If you’re not close to the stack timing and you want to farm, it is not a bad idea to kill the small creep, so that a new camp spawns on the minute mark.

Harassing & zoning-out:

Zoning out will be too dangerous so don't attempt it too much, especially when your opponents have Boots and some levels. If you overextend your opponents could chase you down. One or two deaths could easily cost you the lanes - if your opponents have Boots when you don't, you'll have to hug the tower.

When it comes to harassing - Nova is great if you manage to land it on more than 1 hero as it deals significant damage and the slow will let you right-click a few times. Frostbite could also be used on a single hero in combination with attacks. Don't enter into right-click wars, however. Your attack damage is very low, your armor is low and you are very slow, so you will get the bad end of the exchange.

Your spells are great for harassing and using them as often as possible is usually the right choice - you can try to sustain your mana with one or two Clarities and the mana regen from your aura.


CM has no survival potential whatsoever. If the enemy reaches you then 9/10 times you’re dead, so make sure before doing something that you consider what spells the enemy has so you don’t end up killing yourself for trying to harass/zone. Positioning is incredibly key for CM even in the early game.

Kill potential:

When it comes to kill potential CM by herself doesn’t have a lot, but combined with a 2nd support (roamer) she can do a lot. Most roamers have very strong stuns and damage but usually they’re low range so it’s hard to get them off (SK, night, clock) meaning CM with her root can set them up and using her slow they can chase the opponent afterward. It is also completely fine to use the slow first as the extended range could allow you to initate from very far away. When going for rotations you have to make sure that your core knows that you’re doing this, as CM’s right-click damage is nonexistent so 2 supports might not always be enough to get a kill, and especially since you do want your cores to actually land the killing blow so they get the gold/exp lead.

Close range initiations: CM Frostibe> teammates follow-up> CM Nova to chase

Long range initiations: CM Nova > teammates follow-up > Frostbite to chain-stun

Timings and rotations:

The most important timings for you are the stack timings. Otherwise, if you want to rotate – stick to your pos. 4 roaming supp. You are already strong when you have a point in Nova and Frostbite, so you shouldn’t wait for a specific skill timing. That being said, lvl6 is a great timing to kill an enemy core if you have teammates with strong disables.

Support Maiden Priorities

Ganking Lanes
Farming big camps
Video Example:

CM’s first ability is a powerful setup, meaning she’s really good at taking skirmishes at the rune. She starts off by going to the offlane with her roamer ES and offlane DS. They don’t end up finding a kill but they at least manage to secure a rune for their team, since the enemy spotted them they end up taking one of their team’s runes as well, so overall an even trade.

After helping her team grab the rune, and knowing that the enemy has an offlane bat who is likely to snatch the creep wave she immediately teleports to the shrine to catch him. Bat ends up running away with a small amount of HP, but at least she prevented him from completely owning the lane.

She tries to do some harassing but once bat was level 3 she stops and goes to do some pulls instead, as she knows she could easily die if the Bat gets enough Sticky Napalm stacks onto her.

Once it’s night time and she has a couple of levels she can now start roaming around the map with her Earth Spirit. She ends up going to the mid lane and doing exactly that. Even though her ES died, they still managed to get 2 kills onto the enemy mid and roamer.

Once ES is alive they smoke up and head to the safe lane, where they’ll attempt to kill the enemy Bat, though they were unlucky as the Bat spots them. So, they return to the mid lane and get another kill on the enemy mid SF and roamer tusk. ES dies for it again, but of course, it is worth it. She proceeds to ward up on the mid lane HG to prevent enemy rotations.

It’s around 7 minutes into the game now, they already lost the offlane t1 tower and she knows that the enemy’s next move will be rotating to take their safe lane tower. Knowing that and that the enemy is stronger she instead stays a bit in the jungle getting her levels and items, and only counter-ganks till the mid game. Once her cores get their items the midgame starts and they can now do team related moves.

Mid & Late Game

crystal maiden immortal

CM’s playstyle in the mid and late game is quite standard for a support: you do your support duties of warding and dewarding and you stick with your team (ideally at a safe position behind them) ready to participate in fights and ganks. 

The interesting thing is that you scale very well with items, which means that if you can reduce your deaths to a minimum and scrape together some farm while moving with your team (push-out waves with Nova and farm big creeps with Frostbite), you will be able to increase your impact in the late game.

The usual support things (warding, dewarding)
Play with your team (smoke ganks, team fights, protect cores etc.)
Farm your core items

Glimmer Cape: this timing allows you now to get off a very safe ultimate or simply save a teammate. When you get this item it is always nice to try for a smoke play and use your ult to win a fight.

Blink + BKB: This now allows you to jump into a team fight and pop your ultimate, meaning less thinking about positioning - more team fight presence.

Comeback Potential:

None. You’re basically a snail made of paper if you don’t have items and you are in no way a flash farmer. If you are truly behind, your best bet is to play the role of the sacrificial position 6 support and hope your teammates manage to win you the game – stick to your team to protect them, face-tank smoke ganks to let your cores escape if needed, etc.

Team Fights:

You have 3 jobs when it comes to team fighting: spamming your 1st and 2nd, getting a good ult off and simply using your items to save heroes.

  • Nova + Frostbite spam:

Your job is to simply throw your nova onto as many targets as possible, Frostbite an important target without potentially dying, or if you can’t get to that target then simply the nearest target is good enough. After that wait out your cooldowns and do it again, going in and out of fight every time your 1st and 2nd ability is off cooldown.

  • Ultimate:

Wait for the right target and timing, don’t rush it. It is much better to simply spam your 1st and 2nd ability than to take a risky ultimate that could end up killing you. Wait out important enemy skills that can interrupt your ult before you go in. For example, if there is an enemy ES without Blink, once he uses Fissure this is your cue to go in and cast Freezing Field.

It is also completely fine to go for a single man ult if it means killing their most important hero.

  • Items to save teammates:

If you’ve already built Glimmer/Force and other items that save your teammates, you should use them when needed while you are in your “Nova + Frostbite spam” phase instead of saving them for your ult.

  • Example:

PPD plays a position 6 CM and the team fight for his team starts relatively badly. The enemy team gets the initiation, but his good positioning allows him to survive for a long time. As soon as Omnislash ends he is able to cast all of his spells: they stun lock the enemy Jugg and they finish him off with the help of Freezing Field.


  • 5-man pushing:

When it comes to 5-man pushing you’re always going to be sitting in the backlines. CM has no right click DPS and most heroes want to pick you off before a team fight starts as you’re super squishy. You should sit behind trees somewhere waiting to counter initiate with your Nova/Frostbite or to use your Glimmer/Force to get your core to safety.

  • Split-Pushing:

 CM can’t split-push efficiently by herself. She’s ridiculously squishy & slow, meaning almost any hero that finds her would end up killing her.

This can be used as a bait, though. If your teammates are waiting behind you they can counter gank - as mentioned most pub players who see a lone CM will instantly run there and try to get the free kill (we say pub players, because in pro games a lone CM is extremely suspicious).

Similarly, putting yourself in a dangerous position could actually draw the attention of the enemy team (who are hungry for the free kill). If you force a TP, for example, this might give an opening to your teammates to make a move on the other side of the map – to take Rosh or a tower. Don’t forget to type “space created”.


CM’s midgame is mostly about warding and ganking, so if you can’t simply group up for a team fight to start taking towers, it is completely fine for you to be running around a teammate to get kills with your ultimate whenever it’s off cooldown.

Map Control & Vision:

While the standard support rules for warding/dewarding apply to her, something that should be noted is that her 1st ability can be used as a scouting mechanism,

As it applies a huge area of vision at the point of cast (900 units), this works really well for scouting uphill when trying to gank, behind cliffs or jungle camps and not to mention for Roshans as it’ll provide the vision for 6 seconds. The vision is centered at the cast point of the ability, meaning that if it clips the Rosh pit, if it was cast outside the pit it won’t reveal inside – you need to click inside the pit to gain vision.