Lebron's Dota Support Hero Guides


In this bundle, you will find all the guides we made together with LeBron – guides specially created because of his expertise and success with these heroes in the highest level of competition.

  • 7 super in-depth hero guides
  • 61k words of written content in total – the same length as a novel!
  • 14+ example videos
  • Example replays of competitive games

Dazzle Portrait
Earthshaker Portrait
Slardar Portrait

The Book of Dota guides are created with the goal to give you an in-depth understanding of all aspects of playing your chosen heroes. Even though they are long, they are meticulously structured so that you can quickly and easily find the needed knowledge. Each hero guide will give you all the necessary information to pick up a new hero or even to improve with a hero you already play well.

Learn from the best

Nikola "LeBronDota" Popović is a rising star in the European Dota 2 scene. He plays a position 5 support, which is without a doubt the least flashy and arguably the most team-centric role in the game. This makes it the role on which it is hardest to get noticed and picked up by a good team - usually the new generation of pros play cores or at least a play-making support. In this context, LeBron's list of achievements in the game so far is very impressive:

Lebron Promo Stats

LeBron is one of the best people from whom you can learn about the support role. In this course, we focus on the heroes he knows best - supports he has used successfully in his competitive games or in his pubs to climb in rank. Moreover, the heroes are diverse enough to teach you different playstyles that you can use efficiently no matter how the meta shifts.

LeBron's Book of Dota:
Lion Guide by LeBron
LeBron & Co.

Lebron's extensive guide to Lion. Inside you can find everything you need to blast your enemies to hell without going there and back again yourself.

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game

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Lion is one of the most popular pos. 5 support heroes for a reason: he is very fun to play because he is an active, play-making support.

  • He has extremely good disables, which make him a great initiator. With good communication with your teammates, this allows you to control the tempo of the game and secure map control for your team.
  • His high burst damage allows you to secure important kills or even pick-off enemies on your own - you are not entirely dependent on your cores to deal the needed damage.

Learning to play Lion is a great investment for any support player. You will often find that your pub team composition lacks enough control because everyone loves playing damage-dealing, snowballing cores (SF, PA, Jugg, etc.). This will make Lion a great hero to pick in a very big percentage of your games and a great way to secure the victory for your team while having fun.

Windranger Guide by LeBron
LeBron & Co.

LeBron's extensive guide to Windranger. Inside you can find everything you need to play the hero on a high level (updated for 7.21):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different
  • 9k words, at least 2 video examples
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Wind is one of the most versatile heroes in the game - she literally fits all three lanes and could even be played on all 5 positions. She is hard to counter, which means that you can pick her early in the draft without revealing a lot to your opponents. Her qualities make her an ideal hero to spam with having the ease of mind that you will always be able to adjust to the preferences of your teammates.

Wind has a high skill-cap and if you learn to play her well you will consistently be able to have a huge impact in the game. The disable coming from two-man Shackles and her single-target DPS with some items make her a great hero to carry your team to victory from any position.

Dazzle Guide by LeBron
LeBron & Co.

Lebron's extensive guide to Dazzle. Inside you can find everything you need to keep your teammates alive (updated for 7.21):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, playstyles, tactics, and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 6k words, at least one video example

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Every pos. 5 support player needs to have at least one defensive support in his arsenal. A hero with a powerful saving mechanism is central to most pushing strategies in Dota because your opponents will inevitably initiate on your tower-hitting heroes. A well-timed save can turn the fight.

Dazzle is one of the best heroes in the game for the job - he can save heroes, but he can also sustain the push for a long time and make your whole team harder to kill. The 5-man pushing playstyle is a great one to master for pubs - it's comparatively easy to coordinate and execute and it can result in quick victories.

Earthshaker Guide by LeBron
LeBron & Co.

Lebron's extensive guide to Earthshaker. Inside you can find everything you need to play the hero on a high level (updated for 7.21):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, play styles, tactics and priorities
  • 11k words, atleast 2 video examples
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A well-timed Echo Slam is hands down one of the most epic things you can experience in Dota. It's no surprise that ES is a popular choice for pos. 4 and pos. 3 players when you can make highlight-worthy plays with him every other game.

Using him efficiently, however, is not an easy task especially early on when you need to rely on your Fissure to have an impact. If you learn to play him really well, however, and you are confident in your abilities, you will be able to secure team fight victories for your team on your own.

Nyx Assassin Guide by LeBron
LeBron & Co.
Nyx Assassin

Lebron's extensive guide to Nyx. Inside you can find everything you need to play the hero on a high level (updated for 7.21):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, play styles, tactics and priorities
  • 10k words, at least two video examples 
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Nyx is one of the best hero hunters in the game, which is an extremely fun playstyle in pubs. If you play him well, you will be able to snowball even from the support position, to dictate the tempo of the game and to secure a lot of map control for your team.

Nyx is also a great hero to learn because he is efficient both from the core and the support position, which means he can fit different drafts and the different preferences of your pub teammates.

Lich Guide by LeBron
LeBron & Co.

LeBron's extensive guide to Lich. Inside you can find everything you need to play the hero on a high level (Updated for 7.21.):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, play styles, tactics and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 7k words, at least two video examples

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It is no secret that one of the easiest ways to consistently win at Dota is to make sure you win your lanes as much as possible: Dota is a game of momentum, and a good start often wins you the race.

Lich is arguably the best support in the game for securing his lane. He is also one of the best offlane supports because of the way he can manipulate the creep equilibrium by denying creeps. If you learn to play him well, you will consistently be able to gimp the farm of the enemy carry while skyrocketing the development of your offlaner. This makes him a great support to learn if you want to gain MMR.

Slardar Guide by LeBron
LeBron & Co.

LeBron's extensive guide to Slardar. Inside you can find everything you need to play the hero on a high level (updated for 7.21):

  • skills, builds, strengths & weaknesses
  • drafting, play styles, tactics and priorities in the different stages of the game
  • 6k words, at least one video example

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Slardar is an extremely active hero - with him, the action starts right from the beginning of the game. If roaming and ganking are what you enjoy most, learning to play him well will be very pleasant and can give great results. The Slitheen Guard is a mobile initiator and counter-initiator, which will give you the ability to constantly move around the map and dictate the tempo of the game.

His ultimate (the strongest armor reduction ability in the game) can help you build ridiculously powerful physical damage combos with heroes like TA or PA. You can have a lot of fun enabling your allies to one-shot enemy heroes, which is very satisfying especially when you are playing with a friend.

About the guides:

As is the case with the whole Book of Dota series, all guides are in-depth and have a very wide variety of components. They have a useful navigation and intuitive structure, which helps you find exactly the information you are searching for.

The guides are designed in a way that makes them easy to update when new patches come out or when the meta changes. We will add new replay examples, new gameplay video examples and we will update the builds so that you will always be up to date with the newest and most efficient ways to play the heroes.

The goal of the guides, however, is not to spoon-feed you. We will help you develop a deep understanding of the heroes and their capabilities and role in the game. Once you master this knowledge, you will be able to use your own creativity and unique playstyle in order to find success and achieve victory!

Lebron Dendi Hug