Terrorblade Guide Nikobaby
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Date: 11/2018


Welcome to Nikobaby's Book of the Terrorblade, a hero guide part of the Book of Dota series!

Here you will find all the information you need to learn to play TB on a high level – from drafting and builds to the optimal playstyle in different lanes and situations. We hope you’ll enjoy this guide and find it useful!

niko terror stats

Draft: You pretty much have two options: to pick him in a 5-man pushing team or to pick him in a 4 protect 1 lineup where your teammates will be able to create space while you are split-pushing and farming. In either case you want to find as much farm as possible and use your insane DPS to take objectives.

Early Game: Go to the lane where you will be able to get the most last hits (usually the safe lane). Use Metamorphosis to kick your opponent out of the lane and to secure yourself free farm.

Mid & Late Game: Get your core items and start taking objectives. If you are ahead, get Rosh and when your Metamorphosis is up again 5-man with your team and try to take the enemy base. If you’re not ahead, split-push with your illusions and farm with your hero until you are ahead however long this takes.


Nikolay "Nikobaby" Nikolov
Endorsement & Info

Niko is a rising star on the EU & CIS pub and pro scene and he is absolutely proficient at carrying. He has played for teams like Basically Unknown, Effect, DD, and recently - 20 min afk les, which won the TI8 CIS Open Qualifiers.

His peak placement on the EU Leaderboards is top 3, while his highest MMR before the reset was 8.5k. According to Dotabuff's player rankings, he is the rank 1 Morphling player in the world.

Nikolay "CTOMAHEH1" Kalchev
Info & Editing

CTOMAHEH1 started his pro career as a support in Basically Unknown together with Mind Control. Since then he has consistently been playing on the European T2 scene, most recently on Unchained Esports. 

His highest placement on the EU ladder is top 100 - he plays all roles (mainly support), which is untypical for high-ranking players and shows his great versatility and understanding of the game.

Rijad "Cookie" Sarajlic
Writing & Info

Rijad originally calibrated at 1k MMR when playing with a friend. When his friend quit Dota, he decided to git gud and in 1.5 years he was able to reach 5k MMR. Nowadays he is 6k and spends a lot of time writing guides and making educational streams on Twitch.

The one bad thing about him is that he spams Arc Warden (Shame!). Yet, who are we to judge when his methods are obviously so effective.

Kyril "MrNiceGuy" Kotashev
PM & Editing

Esports and gaming enthusiast since forever and founder of Dotahaven.

Has been playing Dota since 2005 (5.84). An Ancient I player in Dota 2.

Terrorbro gonna take your towers.

Farm, push, win. The game plan with Terrorblade is so simple, yet so effective. With his Metamorphosis and Illusions Terrorblade is one of the fastest pushers in the game. When farmed, he is a terrifying carry to play against because his insane ranged damage output makes it almost impossible to stay in his range. He is also quite hard to take down because of Sunder.

All of this makes him a great hero to learn if you want to carry pubs.

Terror Loadout
Level 1
Level 15
Level 25
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High


My favorite teammate- me! 
An illusion army can be used for many things. Most importantly, it allows TB to push and farm incredibly quickly and reliably.

Nom Nom Nom:
Terrorblade is one of the fastest tower pushers and split pushers in the game because of his 2nd and 3rd ability combo: he can push down towers literally in seconds.

Stop hitting yourself: 
His 1st ability is a reliable slow, but more importantly, an amazing tool to deal with enemy carries: it’ll do 100% of their damage back to them at level 4.


Safety first:
Terrorblade can farm risky areas with his illusions while farming safer areas with his hero. If he gets ganked his ultimate can easily turn it into a counter-gank and kill.

Big boy!
Terrorblade has a lot of physical armor at level 1, making it very hard to kill him or harass him out of lane with attacks.

Do you even lift bro?
Terrorblade hits like a truck.



And they just keep running and running:
Terrorblade has no disables - he only has a slow and that makes it very hard to pick off people by yourself.

Skipped leg day, and a couple of others:
TB has a very low HP pool and he’s very slow. This makes it very easy to lock him down and burst him with magical abilities. This also makes his illusions even squishier early on, so they’re easy to take down with some magical nukes.


Bro, cool it down:
Terrorblade is extremely cooldown dependent, as he’ll usually only take fights/pushes if he has Metamorphosis and Sunder up.

Just a couple more minutes:
Like many other carries, Terrorblade is heavily item dependent and requires good farming patterns to be played properly.

Too stupid to be healthy.
He not only has terrible starting STR and INT, but the growth is also pretty pathetic.


VGJ.S vs Pain Gaming, TI8

MATCH ID: 4063643412

Resolution has an incredible performance on a mid TB against w33's TA - at the end of the game, his stat is 17-2-10, with a GPM of 894 (the second highest being 625 on Sneyking's NP). He has by far the highest hero and tower damage on his team and manages to secure a late game victory against Spectre.

The early game goes very well for him mainly thanks to the support of Ogre Magi, who is a very strong hero to stay in the lane against TA. His high armor and the DOT from Ignite allow him to heavily harass her and create space for Reso to farm. Moreover, TB has very high armor himself, which means he is taking very little damage from TA's spill damage harass. Ogre and TB even manage to secure a few kills, which allows the TB to snowball and start taking towers.

Another interesting thing to note is Reso's decision to buy Scythe of Vyse as his last late game item - VGJ.S's lineup doesn't have very reliable disables, so the instant Hex helps him focus down one of the enemy cores during his Meta and BKB duration, which ultimately allowed his team to finish the game.

Team Secret vs Newbee, Corsair DreamLeague season 9

MATCH ID: 3794721842

Puppey takes Terrorblade early in the draft. Newbee counters TB with multiple heroes (Bat for the lane, Medusa + ET for the mid-late game), and Secret does the classic bait and switch move – they move TB to support. Even though this sounds ridiculous at first, TB actually has amazing stats (especially his armor), which makes him very decent for harassing with Orb of Venom. Metamorphosis is also amazing at zoning out early on. Reflection is very powerful in the mid-late game even if TB doesn’t have any farm, especially in this case, as the Reflection illusions steal Rubick and ETs aura.

Liquid vs Fnatic, ESL One Katowice 2018 powered by Intel

MATCH ID: 3752273869

Liquid’s Miracle plays Terrorblade against Na’Vi in ESL ONE Genting. He displays how good the pick is when the other 4 heroes in your team can create space - in this case, Liquid gank with Legion duels and they push with Viper, while the TB farms and split-pushes. Miracle out-farms Na’Vi heavily and finishes the game early with his scary building damage.


Terrorblade is usually played as a pos. 1 carry in the safe lane. His focus there is to get as many last hits as possible, and maybe a tower or two in the later stages of the laning phase. He is heavily dependent on the start of the laning stage, so it is important to pair him with supports who not only provide him with the required farming space but also have disables as he lacks them.

His mid game can be played in two ways, depending on the game:

A 5-man lineup: Terrorblade thrives at taking towers. Every single time his 3rd is off cooldown he wants to go take towers: this is the best lineup for him as he’ll be able to take all the t1/t2 towers on the map before 20 minutes and then break HG with a Roshan. This lineup is a little bit rare, as he’s very weak to any range abilities that can simply just nuke down his illusions, or anyone who can stun lock him, so instead we have the 2nd option:

A space creating lineup (split-push/pick-off): Terrorblade excels at farming. A lineup that can provide him the required farming/split-pushing space so that he can take objectives and get his items by himself instead of going with his team is a great idea. So, whatever lineup can just show up on one side of the map and do something while he takes towers on the opposite is quite helpful. The farming space will allow him to get quickly 3-4 slotted by 20-30 minutes and then he can start grouping with his teammates to finish the game.

It is important to always tell your teammates that your 3rd is coming off cooldown so you can go for a push with them, or they can start something on the other side of the map so you can rat.


#1 Safe Lane: This is the preferred lane for Terrorblade, as it allows him safe farm and later on access to the side camps and the jungle, where he’ll be spending the majority of his time when his 3rd is on cooldown, or when he simply isn’t able to use it. This lane is very long, so it gives plenty of time and space for Terrorblade and his supports to harass the enemy offlaner out of the lane, or kill him with disables and Metamorphosis.

#1 Mid Lane: This is a very rare lane for Terrorblade, but it can work as a dual mid lane, especially with a support like Lich/Ogre, who can make the enemy mid laner’s life a living hell while buffing Terrorblade. Though going mid is not advocated as the lane is very short, which makes it very hard to get enough time to kill the enemy mid laner before he simply runs behind the tower or their supports rotate/teleport.  Additionally, he is melee most of the time, and a lot of mid laners have strong low cooldown magical nukes, and Terrorblade is squishy, so they can easily kick him out of the lane.


Supports that allow him to push better: Ogre, Lich, SD, SS, IO, Jakiro

Ogre Magi Portrait
Shadow Demon Portrait
Shadow Shaman
IO Wisp
Jakiro Portrait

Terrorblade can work with any support, but the best supports are the ones that help him melt towers, especially supports with buffs (Ogre/Lich/IO) or supports that can push with him (SD/SS/Jak).

Keep-him-alive supports: IO, Omni, Dazzle, Oracle, Shadow Demon

IO Wisp
Omniknight portrait
Dazzle Portrait
Oracle Portrait
Shadow Demon Portrait

Alternatively, instead of amplifying his pushing speed you could also simply keep him alive so he can deal lots of damage over time. He could simply slowly siege towers because his 3rd lasts a long time and these heroes will have heals. Saves (especially Dazzle’s Grave) have great synergy with Sunder – they keep TB alive while he is getting locked down and nuked, and allows him to heal himself with Sunder and continue fighting.

Roamers that can provide a lot of CC: Earth Spirit, Earth Shaker, Tusk, Kunka

Earth Spirit
Earthshaker Portrait

While it’s nice to have a support that buffs his pushing potential, your hero lacks lockdown. Pair him with a Roamer who can come every now and then to his lane to set up a kill when he has 3rd off CD and TB can easily start snowballing and taking towers early. Not only that, but team fights will happen sooner or later and he’ll need his teammates to do the CC for him so he can focus the enemy 1 by 1.

Strong team fighters: Magnus, Puck, Tide, Void, Axe, Titan

Magnus Portrait
Puck Portrait
Tidehunter Portrait
Faceless Void Portrait
Axe Portrait
Elder titan

Sooner or later you’ll have to start taking big team fights with Terrorblade, but he lacks disables. Because of this, it’s always nice to have teammates with strong team-fighting abilities to offset this problem, so Terrorblade can deal his damage.

2nd position cores that don’t need as much farm and can create space: Viper, DP, Puck, Mag, Lina

Death prophet
Puck Portrait
Magnus Portrait

TB needs farming space. If both your mid and safe laners are farming, then this leaves the rest of your team to play 3v5, which is ridiculously hard and in some cases impossible. So, when picking TB make sure that your other core isn’t a greedy hero like Alche, Invoker, Arc, Medusa etc.

Out of our examples, Tinker is the greediest core, but he can often afford to farm the riskier split-push locations that TB can’t reach and leave the jungle/safer lanes to TB. Moreover, by picking Tinker you are taking one of the stronger counter-pushers against TB from the enemy team.


Strong Against:

Farming Agi Carries: Luna, Drow, Am, Jugg

Drow Ranger
Anti mage

With exceptions (check weak against) TB is really strong against most AGI carries. Not only that Terrorblade pushes a lot and can use the time that the enemy is 4v5 to take their towers, but in the late game his 1st ability will make most carries just simply kill themselves.

Cores with low to no AoE: Ursa, Lifestealer, CK, Lycan, Viper

Ursa Portrait
Lifestealer Portrait
Chaos Knight

When dealing with a Terrorblade in the late game, it is not only very hard to find the real one in the swarm of illusions, but also to not get instantly wiped by his army. TB thrives against these heroes, especially in the late game when he’s no longer squishy.

Squishy heroes: CM, Sky, Natures, Veno

Crystal Maiden
Skywrath Mage Portrait
Nature's Prophet Portrait

This goes for any hero that has low armor and HP: TB has insane Physical damage with his Metamorphosis and illusions, so he can melt these heroes within 1-2 seconds.

Heroes that are weak to Reflection: CK, PL, Luna, ET, Rubick

Chaos Knight
Phantom Lancer
Elder titan

CK: It is very hard to play CK in the late game against TB:  you have to be very careful with your ultimate and the bad thing is that you can`t do much. Your illusions are going to kill themselves with Reflection since they deal much more damage than they can tank.

PL: It counters PL similarly to CK – the illusions kill themselves. It is very easy to find the real PL from all illusions with Reflection because the real hero and the strong illusions will be the ones who will take the least damage, while the others will die very quickly.

Luna: TB is probably one of the best counters to Luna. In the late game when she has farm she can kill not only herself but her whole team from Reflection (remember, with Reflection you are taking Glaves as well as the DMG aura).

Elder Titan & Rubick: ET’s and Rubick’s Reflection illusions inherit their powerful resistance Aura, which is incredibly useful for the DPS output of your whole team.

Weak Against:

Magical nuke, de-push: Timbersaw, LC, SK, KOTL, Zeus, Puck, Tinker, Earth Shaker

Legion commander
Keeper of the Light
Zeus Portrait
Sand King
Puck Portrait
Earthshaker Portrait

Not a hard counter, but heroes with very strong early magical nukes, especially LC and Tinker, will make it nearly impossible to take early towers and will force you to farm instead. TB’s problem with these heroes decreases drastically when he’s tanky and has a BKB.

Jungle hunters: Clinkz, Riki, NYX, Storm

Storm spirit

Since TB spends a large portion of his time in the jungle farming, these heroes can simply find him and lock him down and kill him. This isn’t specific to single heroes as most heroes won’t be able to lock him down for long enough before he Sunders them, but rather lineups who are likely to pressure your jungle with these heroes.

Heroes that can disable him from using Sunder: Beastmaster, Doom, Shaker

Earthshaker Portrait
Axe Portrait

Terrorblade’s biggest strength in a fight (besides his damage) is his ability to simply switch his HP with an enemy hero. That being said, he’s very squishy early on, so he’s bad against heroes that can lock him down with long duration stuns/silences (Beastmaster, Doom, Shaker) or in general lineups that can chain stun him.

Illusion Counters: Tinker, KOTL, ES,

Keeper of the Light
Earthshaker Portrait
Ember Portrait

The traditional illusion counters are also strong against Terrorblade’s illusion army (that tends to clump together). Tinker stops his push with the Aghanim’s Laser spam, KOTL can blind and push back his army and kill with with Illuminate, ES can cast a devastating ultimate in the middle of the illusions. Other AoE disables and damage sources could also be effective.


Terrorblade Reflection
Terrorblade Conjure Image
Terrorblade Metamorphosis
Terrorblade Sunder

Terrorblade brings forth an invulnerable dark reflection of all nearby enemy heroes. Affected enemy heroes are slowed and attacked by their reflection.


Cast Animation: 0.3+0.87

Radius: 900

Move Speed Slow: 20%

Illusion Damage Dealt: 40%/60%/80%/100%

Duration: 2.5/3.5/4.5/5.5

CD: 22/20/18/16

Mana: 50


This is a great chase and kill ability, but some other good things to note about it are:

  • 20% slow/900 radius on every level, meaning you can just take a single value point if you don’t wish to fight actively, great especially in the laning phase to help set up kills with your supports.
  • Usually leveled even more if it’s a 1v1 scenario as it can be spammed due to its low mana cost (50) to make your enemy basically harass himself out of the lane
  • The reflections have 550 movement speed and free pathing, so they’re amazing at chasing. Even though they won’t attack invisible heroes, they’ll still at least stay on top of them for your teammates to possibly dust them afterward.
  • The illusions are completely immune to every spell, even those which affect invulnerable units.
  • The slow can be dispelled, but the reflection can’t.
  • Amazing late game tool to make the enemy kill himself: works especially great against illusion heroes (PL/CK) and heroes whose attack modifiers would screw them over (AM/Luna).

Creates an illusion of Terrorblade that deals damage.


Cast Animation: 0.15+0.77

Number of Illusions: 1

Illusion Damage Dealt: 30%/40%/50%/60%

Illusion Damage Taken: 400%

Duration: 34

CD: 16

Mana: 70/75/80/85

Conjure Image


Amazing at split-pushing/pushing/farming, biggest notes are:

  • These illusions are super squishy (400% damage taken), so it’s very easy to deal with a TB with long-range magic nukes.
  • Due to the cooldown/duration, you’ll only be able to have 2 up at all times.
  • They hit pretty hard (60%), especially with his 3rd

Uses and Tips:

When it comes to being efficient with this ability there are 2 ways you usually do it:

1. Have your hero split-push lanes while the illusions farm the jungle

When you’re using these illusions make sure to set the “summoned units auto attack” setting to “Always”. This allows you to simply right-click a camp on the minimap and once the illusion arrives there it’ll start attacking.

Next, make sure to shift-queue an attack command to the next camp after it clears the current.

So, the full combo simply is ‘’ right-click a camp on the minimap > shift + attack the next camp” and just leave your illusion to do its job without even moving your camera.

This turns difficult farming patterns to a simple “3 clicks and leave it” combo. Doing this lets you focus on your hero so it can push lanes/towers.

2. Have your Hero farm the jungle while illusions are pushing lanes

This one is basically the same, except here you instead simply just attack click an illusion down the lane. Make sure that your illusions aren’t farming with your hero as lanes give a lot more gold and you might just miss lane CS. So the same combo as previously, right-click an illusion so it walks into a lane  > shift + attack down the lane.

When to have your hero push lanes + illusions jungle vs when to have your hero jungle + illusions lane?

Hero in lane + illusions in the jungle:

Lane creep waves give a lot of gold and EXP, preferably your hero will want to go there as the illusions might miss some LH due to their lower damage, but more importantly, the EXP, as the creep kills by illusions don’t give EXP unless your hero is in range.

Not only that, but this lets you be ready for pushes: if your hero is in the lane, you can simply tell your teammates to start something on the other side of the map so you can take a tower.

Hero in the jungle + illusions in lane:

It’s sometimes very risky to just send your hero down the lane: maybe your teammates can’t /don’t want to do something on the other side of the map or simply enemies could kill you as soon as you enter their side of the map. In that scenario it’s better to have your hero farming a safer area in the jungle and your illusions pushing down the lane to force enemies to come and kill creeps under tower (essentially forcing the enemies to show up. If they don’t show up to defend their towers from the illusions and de-push, they are likely making another move, like trying to gank, so be vigilant).

Whatever your choice is, make sure to always try to get the most out of the map without throwing any advantage away. Risking yourself to take a wave + tower (which gives a lot more gold) could result in you falling back further if you die. But also farming your jungle instead of pushing lanes can leave the enemies to simply do whatever they want and find you in the jungle and kill you, in which case you should’ve been pushing lanes to force rotations/force them to show up.

Terrorblade transforms into a powerful demon with a ranged attack. Any of Terrorblade's illusions that are within 900 range will also be transformed by Metamorphosis.


Cast Animation: 0+0

Transformation Time: 0.35

Illusion Radius: 900

Attack Damage Bonus: 20/40/60/80

Attack Range Bonus: 400

Move Speed Loss: 30

Duration: 40/44/48/52

CD: 155

Mana: 100



This ability is your bread and butter when it comes to team fighting and ripping towers apart. Notable things are:

  • Every illusion around you turns as well, including illusions from other sources other than your 2nd like Bounty runes, manta, SD’s disruption or even CK’s Aghs ult.
  • If you die, you lose the transformation, obviously. This makes TB not a very good aegis core, so it’s always recommended to give the other core the aegis instead.
  • This ability lasts up to 52 seconds, so when pushing HG or team fighting, you don’t have to do a risky move and attempt to kill anything all at once, but rather you can consider slowly sieging instead.

Uses and Tips:

This is TB’s big ability, this is basically his ACTUAL ultimate, everything TB does is bound to this ability. Whether he fights or farms depends on the cooldown of Metamorphosis. Not wasting it is a big thing: it should only be used to get something useful out of it like kills, towers, a big ancient camp stack or Roshan.

Severs the life from both Terrorblade and a target hero, exchanging a percentage of both units' current health. Some health points must remain.


Cast Animation: 0.35+0.83

Cast Range: 475

Minimum Health: 35/30/25%

CD: 120/80/40

Mana: 200/100/50



This is his 2nd ultimate, while the ability itself is pretty self-explanatory we’ll note some small things:

  • After switching HP, this ability will leave both units at a minimum 25% HP, so even both you and the unit you switched with had 1% HP when you switch you’ll both end up having at least 25% HP.

  • This ability changes the HP of both units, so it ignores things like AA’s ULT, Blademail, Abbadon’s ult, etc.

  • Cannot be used on Spell Immune units. Beware of BKB carries that like to man-fight

Uses and Tips:

First of all, don’t do Armlet + SB/Dagon run around and try to Sunder and kill builds in ranked games. It is really fun, but it is not a legit game plan with Terror.

You can use Sunder on your teammates, so don’t be selfish: this can stop a high kill streak teammate from dying. Nonetheless, make sure you don’t die unnecessarily for saving a teammate: if you can’t survive after saving a teammate then it is usually better to let them die.

Very selfish uses (swapping with a teammate when you are being focused down from a long range) are also possible, especially if you are the most farmed hero on the team and your teammates need you to be alive. Again, try not to kill the ally you swapped with – most supports can use their spells even on 25% HP if they are in the back lines.

Skill Builds

Terrorblade has various skill builds, mostly dependent on if he can or can’t push early on. It’s always best to go for the pushing builds as towers give map control, which in turn gives more farming space, which makes it easier to end the game. What this means in practice is that usually you will try to max your Metamorphosis and illusions as soon as possible.

If not needed, in any build the ultimate can be omitted until later on, as level 1 costs a lot of mana. However, if it is likely that your opponents will try to pressure you, it is safer to get Sunder. 

Standard Build
Farming/split-push only build
Terrorblade Metamorphosis
Terrorblade Reflection
Terrorblade Metamorphosis
Terrorblade Conjure Image
Terrorblade Metamorphosis
Terrorblade Sunder
Terrorblade Metamorphosis
Terrorblade Conjure Image
Terrorblade Conjure Image
Talent Icon
Terrorblade Conjure Image
Terrorblade Sunder
Terrorblade Reflection
Terrorblade Reflection
Talent Icon
Terrorblade Reflection
Terrorblade Sunder
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: maximized pushing potential; good farming potential;
Cons: low levels in 1st makes your fighting potential not so strong.

The standard Terrorblade build, optimized for most scenarios. You max Metamorphosis first to maximize your DPS for pushing and fighting. You get a value point in Reflection for kill attempts and harassing in the lane, but max it last. You max Conjure Image second to increase your farming speed. 

Terrorblade Metamorphosis
Terrorblade Reflection
Terrorblade Conjure Image
Terrorblade Metamorphosis
Terrorblade Conjure Image
Terrorblade Conjure Image
Terrorblade Metamorphosis
Terrorblade Conjure Image
Terrorblade Metamorphosis
Talent Icon
Terrorblade Conjure Image
Terrorblade Sunder
Terrorblade Reflection
Terrorblade Reflection
Talent Icon
Terrorblade Reflection
Terrorblade Sunder
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: maximized farming potential;
Cons: riskier because of delayed ult;

This build focuses on maxing your Metamorphosis and illusions as fast as possible so that you can spend your early and mid game farming efficiently. The higher levels in illusions will help you clear jungle camps faster. The ultimate is not necessary as you’re not planning to fight. This build does require a farming lane where you won’t be killed at 6+ for not skilling ultimate. If that’s not possible, go for the standard build instead.


+250 Metamorphosis Terrorblade Attack Range

-35s Sunder Cooldown

-8s Reflection

+10 All Stats
25 Attack Speed
+300 Health
10% Evasion
20% MS

Lvl10: TB doesn’t have mobility built in and your MS is incredibly slow in Meta, so the +20 movement speed is the usual choice. Nonetheless, if you’re facing mainly right-click enemy cores, the 10% evasion will make you tankier.

Lvl15: Even though the +25 attack speed helps with farming/killing, TB’s biggest problem is being nuked down by spells, so the clear choice is +250 HP.

Lvl20: On this one, most of the times you’ll go for the -10 sec Reflection as this upgrades your fighting potential. Take the stats if the enemy cores simply don’t do damage to themselves (they have cores like OD, Ench, Timber) or if you’re in desperate need for more stats because you’re getting burst down.

Lvl25: This one is a rather hard choice as both talents are really good. The -35 sec Sunder cooldown sets your Sunder CD to 5 seconds, which makes killing TB almost impossible if you don’t disable him and burst him down. Nonetheless, some lineups will simply be able to lock you down or will always stay outside of your Sunder’s range, in which case the +300 Meta attack range is the better choice as you’ll be able to siege HG easier, without much risk.

Standard Build

TB doesn’t have that many item builds. The only real differences are if you have to go for some specific early/mid game items like Drums so you can be more tanky for pushes, Linkens if the enemy can find you and kill you in the jungle (ex. Storm /Legion), Wand in the laning phase against heroes that spam spells or for a burst heal in the midgame team fights. 

Starting Items
Stout Shield
Iron branch
Iron branch
Early Game
Wraith Band
Wraith Band
Power Treads Agility
Magic wand
Dragon lance
Mid Game
Hurricane Pike
Late Game
Black King Bar
Stout Shield
Iron branch
Iron branch
Wraith Band
Wraith Band
Power Treads Agility

Power Treads: Boots of choice, as it gives him DPS and much-needed tankiness for both himself and the illusions.

Magic wand

Magic Wand: Optional item if you intend to fight, or you’re simply playing against a lane that tends to spam abilities.

Dragon lance

Dragon Lance: great cheap stats and the attack range works great with Metamorphosis.


Yasha: increases your MS which is very important when you are sending illusion to farm a remote location. It also increases your Attack Speed which increases your DPS with Metamorphosis a lot.


Manta:  A huge power spike: it allows you to split-push even more and push even harder. It also dispels when used, which is very useful if enemies are trying to prevent you from using your Sunder with a silence.

Hurricane Pike

Hurricane Pike: gives you some mobility that could be used defensively. Moreover, the high attack speed 4 attacks hurt a lot because of your high attack damage with Metamorphosis.

Black King Bar

BKB: Teamfights will happen sooner or later, you need to be able to dish out your damage without getting stun-locked.


Butterfly:  Combined with all the stats purchased so far, TB will basically become unkillable with physical damage, and adds even more DPS! 


Skadi: even more stats. Yep, TB needs a lot of stats. The slow helps a lot to stick to BKB enemies.

Other Items

Early & Mid Game
Diffusal Blade
Linken's Sphere
Late Game
Moon Shard

Drums: More much-needed tankiness and pushing speed, situational, usually gotten before Dragon Lance/Yasha.

Diffusal Blade

Diffusal: Cheap DPS and more importantly a way to deal with Linken’s Sphere, so you can Sunder your opponents.  Must buy against mana dependent cores (Dusa/WK).


Blink Dagger: great against heroes that are difficult to reach like Sniper & Drow.

Linken's Sphere

Linken’s: Situational, good against heroes that can jump on you in the jungle with single target disables, BKB is usually better on TB.


S&Y is usually a substitute for Manta. While Manta is much better for split-pushing, S&Y is easier to build and gives a bit more raw stats. This makes it great for games when the enemy team has a lot of AoE nukes to counter your illusions - S&Y + BKB are usually enough to make you and your illusions tanky and let you fight efficiently.


Bloodthorn: increases your DPS a great deal and is useful versus heroes with escape mechanisms. You usually want your stat items first to make yourself and your illusions stronger.


BOTs: great in the late game for split-pushing.


MKB: More DPS to deal with evasion on the enemy team.

Moon Shard

Moonshard: More DPS, can be consumed for another item.

Early Game

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Like any other carry Terrorblade wants to spend his laning phase farming with as little interruptions as possible, but unlike other carries, TB has insane push potential and with a snowballed lane he can easily transition to others and seize control of the entire map before the enemy cores even get to the mid game.

The play style of Terrorblade is the same as any safe lane carry, with the highest priority being controlling the creep wave equilibrium and farming, followed by harassing and zoning out the enemy offlaner.

Control the creep equilibrium
Last hit
Harass and zone out the enemy offlaner with the help of Metamorphosis

Farming with TB is quite simple: you simply just last hit, he doesn’t have any specific LH mechanisms. You can use your 3rd to LH in the lane, but this is a big waste and its way better to use it to kick the enemy out of lane instead. This allows you to get uncontested farm later on.


TB is amazing at harassing people, mostly because his 3rd ability gives him insane damage. Not only that, he has insane starting armor. This allows you to man-fight almost any hero at level 1-3. You’ll usually just walk into lane and pop your 3rd on Level 1 and kick the enemy out of the lane. This burns their regen and forces them to play passive till Metamorphosis is up when you’ll be able to do it again.

It is always best to try to go for a kill, so don’t just wildly pop your 3rd, but rather ask your support and roamer to come to kill the enemy offlaner once he comes close to the creep wave. If they latch onto him while you dish out the right clicks it should be an easy kill.


If the enemy does an organized gank on TB he will die, the hero has a small HP pool and is very slow. Unless he has ULT, he will get burst down by magical abilities and die. Your only option is asking your supports to ward to spot rotations and you need to keep track of the map.

Kill Potential:


A kill is usually gone on Level 1 if you have 2 supports with disables. You simply pop Meta and right click while they lock down the opponent and throw in some of their right clicks

If going for a kill on the safe lane, make sure to wait for the creep wave to collide first, and for the enemy offlaner to come to you (close to the wave) as chasing kills at level 1 and failing would leave you to lose lane control and potentially because of that - lose the lane

LVL 2-3

This is when you don’t have 2 supports to go for kills on level 1, on level 2-3 you’ll have your 1st ability as well. The 25% slow is quite useful: by level 2 your support should’ve harassed the enemy offlaner so he’s already on lower HP and you’ll be able to chain your abilities and kill him. So, if this is possible, then simply don’t just pop your 3rd at lvl 1 to harass, but rather wait for level 2 or 3.

If neither kills are possible (offlaner is incredibly mobile or supports lack lockdown) then it’s always best to simply pop 3rd on the first wave and harass the offlaner out of lane with your support.

Timings and rotations:

The only timing that you should consider on TB is the 5:00 minute mark and every next 5 minutes (5:00, 10:00, 15:00…). This is when the catapult spawns. Catapult waves should always be used with your 3rd to take down towers or simply at least take half a tower’s HP, then the rest with the next Metamorphosis. So, if possible, always save your 3rd for the catapult waves so you can start pushes. 

Video Example:

He starts off with an additional branch, as he plans to buy a Wand as a first item because he knows he’s against a lane that likes to spam spells, and in general an enemy lineup that is spell reliant in the midgame.

At 00:00 He picks up the rune and goes to block the wave. He manages to let 1 creep go through, this helps the lane push towards him. As soon as the lane collides the first thing he does is attack that creep as soon as it drops to 50% and kills it. This now guarantees that the wave will push towards him as the enemy has more creeps alive. With this advantage it lets him harass and last hit without worrying about the wave pushing into the enemy offlaner.

He keeps on controlling the lane and last hitting while his support goes ahead and harasses the offlaner. Later on the support does some pulls as well, while he controls the wave outside the tower making sure that he maintains that creep position as it is very important to keep the enemy offlaner low level, so they can kill him, and especially later on so the support can leave the lane if possible so Terrorblade can get solo EXP against an under-leveled offlaner who won’t be a threat to him

At 4:30 he’s already level 5 while the enemy offlaner is only level 3. He even manages to abuse the creep wave downtime and the remaining time on his 3rd to take a hard camp with the enemy wave then returns to lane without missing any farm.

Because all of this preparation he was able to completely zone out the enemy offlaner and secure himself a 1v0 lane, all up until the enemy supports rotated, but they weren’t able to kill him because of his 4th ability and all his level/net worth advantage. As they wasted valuable time without getting kills, he lost minimal farming time. He was able to even make a rotation by himself later at 9 minutes which resulted in him taking the enemy t1 safe lane tower.

His mid game starts when he’ll farm/split-push while his 3rd is down and try to push and fight whenever it’s up.

Mid & Late Game

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Terrorblade is a very hard carry and because of this his ideal early-mid game consists of farming. If your allies manage to provide you with enough space, you can farm very fast by pushing out the waves and simultaneously farming the jungle with your hero and illusions.

Once you have your core items you can start grouping up with your team to push – force fights and claim objectives. With Metamorphosis and illusions you are one of the fastest pushers in the game and it is a good idea to use this strength to claim map control.

TB has huge late game potential, however, so you are not in a hurry. If you’re not in position to take team fights simply continue farming and split-pushing until you have the needed items.

Taking towers

Terrorblade is bound to his 3rd ability, so every single time it’s off cooldown Terrorblade should look into taking a tower somewhere on the map. If there are no t1/t2 towers to be taken or your team simply can’t take them, then TB spends his time jungling and pushing lanes.

When it comes to other timings:

Dragon lance: When you activate your 3rd you’ll be able to take towers from a very safe range. Combined with Aquila, Treads and your high armor you’ll be quite tanky against physical damage (tower hits).

Manta: This item now allows you to split-push way more efficiently, but more importantly since you’ve been farming so far you would’ve racked up levels as well, meaning now you’ll be able to team-fight and take towers insanely faster thanks to your stronger illusions.

Skadi + BKB: With these items, you’re basically set in stone when it comes to team-fighting potential. You’ll be ridiculously tanky and you will dish out a huge amount of damage. Usually, when you get these items most games are over. Try looking into pushing out the lanes and smoking up for a Roshan, give it to your other core (if it can use it well) and whenever your 3rd is up, go for a 5man push to end the game.

Comeback Potential:

TB actually has quite a lot of comeback potential because his illusions can be used to split-push, farm safely and cut waves. So, even if you can’t fight or defend objectives, you can simply migrate to the enemy jungle and cut waves from there with your illusions. This makes it impossible for enemies to commit to a 5-man push. Of course, it is quite a risky position to be in and you might get ganked, so be careful – only do it when you see the enemy team.

Team Fights:

In team fights, you want to stay back and dish out your damage. Your job is simple: kill the targets your teammates lockdown. You should almost never be the initiator unless it’s very late into the game and you’re very tanky. At that point, you can even start front-lining, as basically, almost every item Terrorblade buys is a stat item.


In this example you can see a very rare but efficient offensive use of Sunder: Miracle Sunders his Pugna to reduce his HP (and heal the Pugna) and thanks to the low Sunder CD he forces himself into the enemy base, Sunders the Razor and his team instantly nukes him down with Dagon. This wins them the fight and allows them to secure the game.

Such aggressive uses of Sunder are risky, but they are definitely possible especially with the low Sunder CD Talent.


5-man pushing:

He lacks his own disables so he has to simply just stay back and hit the towers. Your teammates or enemies will start the fight, your job is to sit tight and deal damage. Don’t dive – you are very slow and getting out of position will get you killed.

Remember that your 3rd lasts a long time, so you don’t have to instantly take a tower, but you can rather chip it in 2-3 waves, and if you don’t finish it then simply just go back and return to farming/split-pushing.

Remember that the enemy team will try to fight you as soon as your 3rd is down, so you should be careful to track your 3rd timer so you don’t get caught with your pants down in the middle of a team fight.

You don’t always have to push when your 3rd is off cooldown: if the enemy is stronger it might be smarter to simply keep farming/split-pushing and wait for them to make a mistake so you can teleport and counter-gank. If you take a good fight you’ll end up wiping the enemy and that’ll just allow you to simply walk down a lane and take some towers.


As previously stated in the usage of 2nd ability, Terrorblade is amazing at split-pushing, and this is what you’ll be doing most of the time while you’re getting your items or simply when your 3rd ability is on cooldown.

You can split-push safely just with your illusions or more offensively – with the hero as well. The difference is obvious: one is faster and threatens towers more, the other is safer.


Terrorblade simply doesn’t gank (unless you are going for low-life Shadow Blade into Sunder play style, but – don’t). The hero excels at pushing/split-pushing/farming and has no natural lockdown. Wasting time on chasing kills is how you’d lose a game with this hero.


Already mentioned in the usage of Conjure Image, but some other things to note are:

  • It is always ok to send some clarities or to use the shrine so you can keep spamming illusions.
  • While you're farming the jungle with your hero, for maximum gameplay efficiency, if possible push 2 lanes at the same time; 1 illusion to each lane.
  • Your Conjure Image should never be off CD, that means you're being inefficient and you should always take at least 2 camps/creep waves per illusion (prioritizing hard and medium camps).
  • It is possible to also take Ancient camps with an illusion but that requires a lot of items (Skadi/Manta). If possible always prioritize to take them first.
  • Make sure to not block the camps with an illusion, move it out of camp after it clears the camp.
  • Farming should be a sub-conscious habit, so go to a lobby and train farming to the point when you can do it without thinking about it. You need your active part of the brain to be looking out on the map for enemy rotations so you don't get ganked while farming.
  • Creep waves/Ancients give the most EXP. If possible, this is what your hero should be taking.

Remember: Your farming efficiency is 0 when you're dead, so make sure to practice your map awareness and farming patterns a lot!