Puck Guide by bOne7
Artist: DotaFX
bOne7 & Co.
Date: 01/2019


Welcome to bOne7's Book of Puck, a hero guide part of the Book of Dota series!

Here you will find all the information you need to learn to play the Faerie Dragon on a high level – from drafting and builds to the optimal playstyle in different lanes and situations. We hope you’ll enjoy this guide and find it useful!

bone 7 puck stats

Draft: Puck is one of the most flexible cores which makes him a decent hero to pick early into the draft. Of course, you want to avoid great BKB carries and other magic immunity or resistance heroes, but it is possible to play around such drafts.

Early Game: Decide which lane you are going to go to based on your teammates. If you are in a 1v1 situation try to win your lane with your high attack and good AoE nuke. If you are in a hard lane try to get levels and survive and later on you can start rotating to other lanes. Either way, you want to get as much XP as possible and some core items (usually Veil) and start being active with your team.

Mid & Late Game: Itemize well against your opponents and choose the best tactic. If your opponents are farming and split-pushing, try to gank with your teammates. If they are pushing and you cannot take fights – anti-push with your skills an try to push-out the waves as much as possible (you are hard to gank) to slow down the game. Ideally, you will be able to take 5-man fights, so in such situations organize your teammates and initiate favorable fights that will help you claim objectives and end the game.


Pittner "bOne7" Armand
Endorsement & Info

bOne7 is a professional Dota 2 player playing primarily in the offlane position.

He rose to fame by being part of the legendary C9 lineup that made the most 2nd place tournament runs in premier events in the history of Dota. A TI veteran, bOne7 is without a doubt one of the most creative players out there and a great guy to learn from.

Nikolay "CTOMAHEH1" Kalchev
Info & Editing

CTOMAHEH1 started his pro career as a support in Basically Unknown together with Mind Control. Since then he has consistently been playing on the European T2 scene, most recently on Unchained Esports. 

His highest placement on the EU ladder is top 100 - he plays all roles (mainly support), which is untypical for high-ranking players and shows his great versatility and understanding of the game.

Kyril "MrNiceGuy" Kotashev
PM, Writing & Editing

Esports and gaming enthusiast since forever and founder of Dotahaven.

Has been playing Dota since 2005 (5.84). An Ancient I player in Dota 2.

What is this, a game of some sort?

Puck is one of the best team-fighters and gankers in Dota 2.  Moreover, he is mobile and very hard to kill thanks to his escape mechanisms. The fight initiation and control he brings to the table is almost always useful and because of this Puck can fit a variety of strategies – ganking, team fighting, or even split-pushing and turtling. Because of this tactical versatility, the hero is consistently present in the competitive scene. Nonetheless, Puck is a squishy low HP hero and if he gets disabled he can be quickly brought down.

Puck is usually played as a solo hero, most often in the mid lane, since he needs a lot of experience. He can be also an offlaner, but if he gets shut down hard in the lane, he doesn’t have a reliable way of catching up.

He is a high skill cap hero, and even though he doesn’t have huge carry potential, if you are good enough you can consistently win pubs for your team with Puck and climb the ladder.

Puck Loadout
Level 1
Level 15
Level 25
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High


Puck has two escape mechanisms (Illusory Orb and Phase Shift). Both allow him to avoid getting ganked, dodge spells and attacks. His elusiveness makes it very hard for enemies to control him in fights or focus him down. Moreover, thanks to the escape mechanisms, Puck can play more aggressively by initiating on enemies and then using his skills to get into a safer position.

Great team fight control & initiation:
Puck has two very strong team fight abilities. The first one, Waning Rift, silences enemies in AoE, which makes it very hard for them to fight back after Puck’s initiation. The second one, Dream Coil, locks enemies in place and prevents them from running away. When used together the two spells are ideal for setting up fights for Puck’s team. Moreover, his Illusory Orb allows him to get in position to use his two control spells optimally. When he gets Blink Dagger he cannot only initiate (with the Blink->Rift->Coil combo) but also disengage immediately afterward with his escape mechanism (Orb->Shift->Jaunt).

Strong laner:
His good base damage, fast attack, high attack range, creep clearing abilities and elusiveness make Puck a very good laner. He can not only get many last hits and denies, but also dodge ganks and control runes due to his mobility.

AoE damage potential:
The AoE damage output of Puck, especially early on, shouldn’t be underestimated. It allows him to quickly nuke down targets, which makes him a good ganker but also lets him contribute to a team fight with damage besides initiation and control. Moreover, the AoE is a very good anti-pushing tool which makes Puck a strong turtling hero when combined with his good initiation. 


Farms fast:
Puck has two low CD AoE nukes that help him clear creep waves and jungle camps fast. Therefore, he can get his items relatively quickly.

Low CD spells:
Puck has a low CD on his spells. As a result, he can deal a lot of damage in a prolonged fight especially if he manages to disengage and reinitiate thanks to his mobility. Even his ultimate has relatively low CD. This means that he can gank every time his Dream Coil is off CD and force enemies to play more defensively because of the threat of his rotations.

Very fast casting animation:
Puck has a 0.1-second cast point which makes his spells practically instant. This is very useful for his elusiveness because it makes it easier to dodge spells with Jaunt or Phase Shift. It is also useful for his initiation because it doesn’t give his targets time to react before they get silenced or stunned.



Puck is entirely reliant on his escape mechanisms to keep him alive - he is a low HP hero that can easily be focused down if he gets disabled (stunned or silenced).  Consequently, despite being a very elusive hero, enemies with good lockdown can cripple his presence in fights.

Puck needs a lot of levels in order to be effective. He reaches his full potential when he has maxed levels in all of his spells. The higher the level of his Waning Rift, the stronger his initiation since enemies will be silenced for a longer period. The more points in Illusory Orb, the more nuke damage he will be able to deal. Puck also needs a higher level of Phase Shift to truly utilize his escape mechanism. The longer Phase duration will allow him to wait out his Blink Dagger to become ready or his Orb to get far enough in safety. At that point, he could jump in with his spells and then, use Phase shift to avoid getting focused.  


Countered by magic immunity:
Puck has no ability to help out his teammates - he only has offensive magical spells. If enemy cores have BKBs, then he can’t initiate or deal nuke damage. Nonetheless, magic immunity doesn’t counter him too much – he can still focus supports (and cores) that don’t have BKBs and bring them down quickly.


EG vs TFT, GESC: Thailand

MATCH ID 3878216001

Sumail plays an offlane puck and with the help of his roaming supports manages to claim 5 kills in the early game. He goes for the aggressive Veil into Blink build, which increases his kill potential even further. He finishes the 25 minute game with a stat of 10-3-11 while dealing close to the highest hero damage on his team, showing the very high early-mid game kill potential of Puck.

EG combine Puck with Life Stealer which is a classic ganking combo (because of the Naix Bomb) and also helps the two of them dominate the mid game and secure the victory.

Na’Vi vs SG e-sports, StarLadder ImbaTV Invitational Season 5

MATCH ID 3832355063

Dendi plays a flawless game on a mid lane Puck vs SG e-sports. He is playing against a mid Visage and occasionally the roaming Tusk and Bane, but he demonstrates that Puck is an incredibly hard hero to kill and pressure in the lane and he ends up winning his lane. Na’Vi dominates the laning stage and slowly but steadily attain an ever-increasing lead, which leads to a very early 22 minute GG by SG.


Generally, the heroes that synergize well with Puck are those that can complement his AoE control and nuke abilities. The hero doesn’t counter a lot of heroes but can cripple heroes that are very dependent on their spells to survive or fight. Puck’s counter, on the other hand, are enemies that have instant disables and silences for him. Additionally, Puck doesn’t do well against lane dominators that can slow down his experience and farm progression early on. Overall, Puck is a flexible enough hero and can play around those counters, making himself useful in various situations.

You have a lot of freedom when drafting Puck, as a result of the hero’s versatility in terms of laning and the strategies he fits. In fact, Puck can go solo in any lane and fit almost any strategy. The hero brings powerful initiation, AoE control and nuke damage to the table – qualities that are useful in ganking, team fighting or turtling. This means that you get tactical freedom by drafting the hero – you can develop many line-ups and tactics around the fairy dragon.

Whatever your strategy when you pick Puck you usually want to take advantage of his ability to be active around the map in the early and mid game.

Solo Mid Puck

Puck is a strong solo laner that can be countered only by a few heroes – most of the time you can be certain that he will do well 1v1 without any help. In addition, he is very elusive and hard to kill. Drafting him against a strong ganking support duo instead of another mid laner without an escape mechanism is a good decision.

Once he gets lvl6 Puck’s kill potential increases a lot and rotations become a very good option. In the mid lane, the hero can control the runes very well thanks to his mobility. Grabbing a good ganking rune (DD, Invisibility or Haste) increases his kill potential even more. This means that you can create space for your other heroes, especially carries that need time to farm up by being very active in the late laning stage. Moreover, placing Puck in a 1v1 situation mid or in the safe lane will allow him to get the maximum amount of XP during the laning stage and reach lvl6 as soon as possible.

Puck also gets quite strong once he purchases Blink Dagger, and therefore, giving him farm early on is important in order to let him reach his full initiation/gank potential as early as possible.

Solo Offlane Puck

Puck in the offlane is not a go-to option in every situation. Rather, you should place Puck there if you think that he won’t get zoned out of experience range. Since he isn’t a farm-dependent hero, as long as he gets experience, he will be able to contribute to his team. If he gets shut down in terms of experience, however, he doesn’t have a lot of options – he can’t jungle and won’t be useful if he ganks early on (he needs at least level 6 to be effective).  Therefore, in case the enemy safe lane has a lot of stuns/silences and/or harassing potential, Puck is likely to struggle a lot in the offlane since he doesn’t have a way to control the creep equilibrium. He relies on being able to stay within experience range.

A thing you can do to alleviate this is to send your pos. 4 support in the offlane with Puck. Thanks to his high attack damage he is quite good at harassing and could be strong in 2v2 situations.

Nevertheless, Puck has two escape mechanisms that can help him survive in the offlane while some other heroes might struggle. He can dodge projectile disables with his Phase Shift and jaunt away with his Illusory Orb. This makes him quite hard to kill by some heroes, especially those with slow projectile disables. Because of this if the enemy safe lane heroes are not good at zoning out but rely only on kill potential putting Puck there might be a good decision. Nevertheless, bear in mind that the duration of Phase Shift is low. Consequently, you won’t be invulnerable for enough time to allow you to Jaunt far enough with Illusory Orb without getting disabled/stunned – you need to consider if Puck will be able to deal early on with the kill potential of the specific heroes against him.


Carries that need control: Anti-Mage, Phantom Lancer, Sven, Ursa Warrior

Anti mage
Phantom Lancer
Ursa Portrait
Picking Puck can make up for the lack of disables that your carry heroes have and help them stick to their targets.

With his disables (silence and lockdown) Puck can provide the control that some carries lack to stick to their targets.  As a result, Puck accommodates the carry potential of such allies, allowing them to deal much more damage in fights.

Gankers: Lifestealer, Bounty Hunter, Clockwerk, Nyx Assassin, Io, Slark

Lifestealer Portrait
Bounty Hunter
IO Wisp
Slark Portrait
Picking Puck when you have other gankers in your team will significantly increase the ganking potential of your squad. Moreover, it can help less mobile gankers get close to their targets.

Puck is a mobile hero with control and a good amount of nuke damage (especially early on). Therefore, he synergizes quite well with other gankers that can help him find and bring down targets fast. A special mention should go to Lifestealer - he can infest into Puck and consequently, benefit from Puck’s mobility to get close to his targets (initiation also known as Naix Bomb).

Allies with AoE damage/disable: Dark Seer, Tide Hunter, Sand King, Ancient Apparition, Enigma, Kunkka

Dark Seer
Tidehunter Portrait
Sand King
Ancient Apparition Portrait
Enigma Portrait
When drafting Puck, it is advisable to pick heroes that also have AoE control and spells to create wombo-combo potential in your line-up.

All of Puck’s damage spells are AoE, which means that he synergizes very well with other AoE heroes.  With his abilities, Puck can both setup for an AoE combo of an ally and follow up on a good initiation with his AoE control.


Weak Against:

Heroes with almost instant stuns/silences: Death Prophet, Night Stalker, Silencer, Rubick, Lion

Death prophet
Night Stalker
If your enemies have a lot of silences and instant disables, you should play much more defensively with Puck by staying out of initiation range. You should even consider getting a BKB against a lot of disables.

Puck is an elusive hero that can dodge most disables and projectiles. However, against silences and instant stuns, Puck can’t do much to avoid getting disabled. Since he is a low HP squishy hero, in case he gets locked down, he will quickly get burst and killed. Playing around such heroes is possible – if you position well enough (out of vision) you will be able to get off your initiation combo before getting disabled. If you manage to be the first one silencing such heroes (the initiator rather than the initiated) you also stand a good chance in the fight.

Lane Dominators: Razor, Templar Assassin, Viper

Templar Assassin
Provided the enemy team has picked a strong lane dominator, you should try to dodge that 1v1 lane by placing Puck elsewhere (for example Safe lane instead of Mid).

Although Puck isn’t a farm-dependent hero, he needs his core items (boots + Blink Dagger) as early as possible along with lots of XP in order to be effective. If he faces very strong lane dominators, he won’t get his items fast enough. Moreover, he is likely to get zoned out and remain under-leveled, which is a huge blow for Puck since the hero is very level-dependent. In the end, a bad start would mean that he won’t be able to gank and/or team fight as early and as effectively as the hero is meant to. 

Strong Against:

Heroes vulnerable to silence: Queen of Pain, Weaver, Lifestealer, Slark, Storm, Brewmaster, Morphling

Queen of pain
Lifestealer Portrait
Slark Portrait
Storm spirit
You can pick Puck to counter heroes that heavily rely on their abilities to fight or avoid getting killed.

Enemies that rely on their abilities to survive in fights can be crippled by Puck’s silence. Furthermore, Waning Rift is an AoE spell, which means that several heroes can be silenced at the same time. If opponents have a lot of such heroes, then Puck can greatly reduce their presence in fights.


Puck Illusory Orb
Puck Waning Rift
Puck Phase Shift
Puck Dream Coil

Puck launches a magic orb that floats in a straight path, damaging enemy units along the way. At any point, Puck may teleport to the orb's location using Ethereal Jaunt.


Cast Animation: 0.1+0.27

Cast Range: 3000

Travel Distance: 1950

Damage Radius: 225

Damage: 70/140/210/280

CD: 13/12/11/10

Mana: 80/100/120/140

Illusory Orb


In terms of mechanics, Illusory Orb works in two ways. It is both an AoE nuke damage tool and a repositioning tool. You can simply cast the spell in a direction to damage opponents without teleporting to the orb, or you can use the spell to reposition yourself. In fact, you can do both, especially in fights – damage opponents and teleport into the orb to change your positioning.

The Orb travels at 651 movement speed which means it takes about 3 seconds to reach the maximum range. 

Damage tool:

Firstly, the spell deals AoE damage in a straight line. As a result, you have to judge where enemies are going to get hit by the spell. Generally, the closer the enemy is to you, the easier it will be able to hit the target of the spell (it’s harder for the enemy to dodge it).  The further away the target is, the more you will have to aim – predict where the hero will be when the projectile hits.

Secondly, the spell has a 14 to 11 second CD. Whenever you have the spell on CD (unavailable), provided you get ganked, you are likely to die since you won’t have an escape mechanism apart from Phase Shift. Therefore, you should be careful when you use your spell to damage enemies, farm or push out waves – if you expect to get ganked or focused in fights, it is better to save it just in case (unless you have another escape mechanism like Phase Shift into Blink Dagger).

Third, when you use Illusory Orb, you need to judge in which direction it would be better to cast the spell and damage enemies. For example, if you are close to an opponent and you can finish him off with Illusory Orb, you can choose to cast the spell in the direction towards your base/ tower in order to Jaunt into a safer position once you get the kill. In case you choose to cast the spell towards the enemy tower, you will be in a worse position and you might get reinitiated upon by an enemy and killed. In other situations, it might be a better idea to do the opposite. Casting the orb in the direction your target is running can help you finish the kill. If you Jaunt after the orb passes your target you will be in a much better position to right click your opponent and finish the kill.

Repositioning tool:

Illusory Orb is one of Puck’s escape mechanisms that make him difficult to focus down in fights. The spell can be used in three ways: to increase Puck’s mobility (move faster around the map), to dodge spells/attacks and thus avoid getting killed in fights or to initiate.

 The first way is very straightforward – you can move over obstacles such as cliffs and trees or simply move faster to a point (the Illusory Orb travels faster than Puck moves). This mobility allows Puck to gank more effectively, control runes and chase down opponents.

 The second use of dodging projectiles is trickier and requires very good timing. Puck can dodge certain spells and attacks that are not instant by Jaunting just before the projectile hits (works the same way a Blink does and some projectiles are not disjointed). For example, you can dodge Vengeful Spirit’s stun by teleporting into Illusory Orb. You can also move away from some damaging spells such as Invoker’s Meteor.
The safest way to use orb for defensive purposes is to cast it in the direction you want to run to (usually towards your towers), hide inside Phase Shift (which disables your opponents from damaging and controlling you) and cast Jaunt just before the 3 seconds of the orb travel time end, in order to get as far away as possible from your opponents.

The third way is to initiate with Illusory Orb in order to get in range to silence enemies with Waning Rift or use your Dream Coil – this is usually the case when you don’t have Blink Dagger yet. Although the ability moves at a relatively fast speed, it is not instant like Blink. As a result, enemies will likely see your initiation and will be able to react. If you use Orb to initiate, you won’t have a way to get out of the fight (apart from Phase Shift and walking), and consequently, you need to make sure that your allies can follow up your initiation quickly. Once you get your Blink Dagger you will usually save Illusory Orb to disengage. You can blink in, use Rift and Coil and immediately after cast Orb in the direction you want to go to while damaging your targets. You can hide inside Phase Shift while the orb is traveling and Jaunt to safety when it is far enough from danger.

Puck releases a burst of faerie dust that deals damage and silences enemy units nearby.


Cast Animation: 0.1+0.27

Radius: 400

Damage: 100/160/220/280

Duration: 2/2.5/3/3.5

CD: 16/15/14/13

Mana: 100/110/120/130

Waning Rift


Mechanically speaking Waning Rift is a straightforward spell – it instantly deals magical AoE damage and silences enemies in a 400 radius around Puck.


Waning Rift is one of your initiation tools – you can silence enemies and prevent them from using their spells to fight back. Puck’s very fast cast animation is of great help here because it is almost impossible for your opponents to react before you manage to silence them.

The fact that the spell silences target in an AoE is also very important since it allows you to prevent several opponents from using their abilities for a short duration at the same time. Therefore, you should try to affect as many targets as you can.

You can also simply use the spell as an AoE nuke in fights or while farming.

Puck briefly shifts into another dimension where it is immune from harm.


Cast Animation: 0+0

Max Channel Time: 0.75/1.5/2.25/3.25

CD: 6

Phase Shift

Phase Shift is your second escape mechanism, which allows you to become invulnerable for a short duration. You can use it to dodge spells and auto-attacks. An important aspect of the spell is your option to cancel it at any time. For example, you can use Phase Shift to dodge a single attack and then cancel the phase to continue last-hitting in the lane – you don’t have to wait for the effect to wear off.

The ability has a short CD and more importantly has no mana cost, which means that you should use it as often as possible to dodge attacks and spells.

Phase Shift has an important interaction with your other spells and your core item Blink Dagger. Phase prevents you from getting attacked and from getting your Blink’s use disabled for 3 seconds. Whenever you phase out for a few seconds (the 3.25 duration of Phase is longer than the 3 sec break time of Blink Dagger), you will be able to use your Blink to get away.

Phase also synergizes quite well with Illusory Orb. If you use Phase Shift only, you will become invulnerable for a short period but after the effect wears off - you could be focused and killed quickly (since you remain at the same spot). Because of this, you should use Illusory Orb first in some direction, then use Phase Shift and teleport into the orb once it has traveled far enough, to get yourself in a safer position. The idea is that Phase makes you invulnerable and as a result, protects you while the Orb is traveling.

Creates a coil of volatile magic that latches onto enemy Heroes, stunning them for 0.5 seconds and damaging them. If the enemy hero stretches the coil by moving too far away, it snaps, stunning and dealing additional damage.


Cast Animation: 0.1+0.27

Cast Range: 750

Coil Latch Radius: 375

Link Break Radius: 600

Link Break Damage: 300/400/500

Initial Stun Duration: 0.5

Link Break Stun Duration: 1.8/2.4/3

Coil Duration: 6

CD: 70/65/60

Mana: 100/150/200

Aghanim's Scepter

Increases damage from coil breaks, increases coil duration, coil break stun goes through spell immunity.

Dream Coil


Dream Coil is your source of disabling and because of this is your main initiation and ganking tool. In terms of mechanics, the spells are fairly straightforward – you disable enemies in a 375 radius for 0.5 seconds, and they get bound to the center of the AoE for 6 seconds. While heroes are bound, they can function normally (move, cast spells, attacks). However, if the bound enemies move away from the center and break the Coil range, they will get stunned and damaged. If they stay within range no stun or damage will be applied.

Applies a Leashed state, which prevents enemies from using TP scrolls and certain mobility spells.


Because the spell is AoE, you need to aim to get as many targets as possible within the effect of your ult when you are initiating team fights. This way when your allies follow-up your initiation more enemy heroes will be easy targets.

Dream Coil has a relatively short CD for an ultimate and can be used fairly often to gank. Keep in mind when you use the spell that the Coil 600 break range starts from the center of the AoE. Therefore, there is a difference between catching fleeing enemies on the brink of the 375 Dream Coil cast radius, in its center or elsewhere:

For example, if you want an enemy to stay as close to your tower as possible when he is running away, you should place the Dream Coil in such a way that you hit him with the edge of the coil (where the center of the coil will be as close as possible to your tower). This way if your target moves even 50-100 range towards safety the Coil will break and stun and damage him. If he doesn’t, he will stay close to you and your tower for 6 seconds.

Lastly, bear in mind that Dream Coil could be used on invisible units. If you manage to land it, the spell will give you a great indicator where to use other AoE spells and potentially kill the invisible target.

Skill Builds

Puck has moderate versatility in his skill builds. Generally, you prioritize Illusory Orb because it is a long-ranged nuke that can be used for harassing, farming, kill attempts or anti-pushing. Next, you want to have higher levels of your Silence since it can increase your initiation potential and cripple the presence of spell-reliant heroes in engagements.

Moreover, it is an additional source of nuke which increases your kill potential and farming speed. Lastly, you want to max your Phase Shift as it gives you a lot of survivability in fights. Usually, you want to get at least one point early on to be able to dodge spells and abilities.

Your ultimate makes you a strong ganker and increases greatly your team fight potential; therefore, you want to always get a point in Dream Coil.

The difference in your skill builds involves choices about which spell to prioritize the most. While Illusory Orb is often the choice, Waning Rift can help you lock down mobile heroes like QoP, Weaver or AM.

Standard build
Mixed Build
Puck Illusory Orb
Puck Phase Shift
Puck Illusory Orb
Puck Waning Rift
Puck Illusory Orb
Puck Dream Coil
Puck Illusory Orb
Puck Waning Rift
Puck Waning Rift
Puck Waning Rift
Puck Phase Shift
Puck Phase Shift
Puck Phase Shift
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Puck Dream Coil
Puck Dream Coil
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: potent active harass during the laning stage, stronger anti-push early on;
Cons: lower amount of control and initiation (lower level of Waning Rift) ;

This is the most common build for Puck. It helps you harass and zone out enemies in the laning stage due to a higher level of Illusory Orb. Moreover, you get 1 point in Phase Shift at level 2 to dodge attacks and abilities against the enemy in the lane, which again increases your laning presence. However, you will have a lower kill potential early on against mobile targets with escape mechanism since the duration of your silence will be low. You want to skip your talents since maxing Shift is more important for you (you can Shift-> Blink with maxed Shift).

Puck Illusory Orb
Puck Phase Shift
Puck Illusory Orb
Puck Waning Rift
Puck Waning Rift
Puck Dream Coil
Puck Waning Rift
Puck Illusory Orb
Puck Waning Rift
Talent Icon
Puck Illusory Orb
Puck Dream Coil
Puck Phase Shift
Puck Phase Shift
Talent Icon
Puck Phase Shift
Puck Dream Coil
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: better control and initiation (higher level of Waning Rift);
Cons: lower amount of long-range harassment in the lane ;

The difference between this build and the standard one is that you skill up higher levels Waning Rift. You want to have a longer duration of your silence to kill heroes that rely on the use of their abilities to escape. This build is very useful if you want to gank such heroes early on and cripple their development (for example, against Anti-Mage, QoP, Storm Spirit etc.). The disadvantage of the build is that you won’t have very good long-range harassment and anti-push at the early stage of the game.


Dream Coil Rapid Fire


+420 GPM

+40% Illusory Orb Distance/Speed


-8s Waning Rift Cooldown

+90 Damage


+15% Spell Amplification

+5 Armor


+10 Intelligence

Lvl10: Generally, Intelligence is better since it increases your damage too, but in some situations (against minus armor starts) armor might be a good choice.

Lvl15: The Damage is almost always better, but you could go for the spell amp if you are rushing Dagon + Veil.

Lvl20: Illusory Orb Distance/Speed makes you even more elusive and allows you to move around the map faster. The Waning Rift cooldown sounds good, but it is actually hard to use because you want to go in, use your skills and go out. You don’t stick around for long enough to use two Rifts.

Lvl25: Rapid Fire is very situational and depends on your item build (if you want Rapid Fire to be useful you need some right-click items). The 420 GPM is more reliable and can allow you to get all your luxuries in the late game.

Control Build

You get your Bottle, Treads, and Wand and rush Blink Dagger to increase your ganking and initiation potential as early as possible. Then you get Eul’s for survivability and Aghanim’s to make your initiation stronger. After that, you get two initiation items (Scythe and Shiva’s) to gank even more effectively and provide more control in 5 on 5 engagements.

Finally, you get a Refresher to be able to use both your Hex/Shiva’s and your Agh's ult twice in a fight.

Starting items
Null talisman
Iron branch
Pulled Tango
Pulled Tango
Early game
Magic wand
Power Treads intelligence
Mid game
Late game
Scythe of Vyse
Refresher orb
Null talisman

Null Talisman: Puck has high attack range and a fast attack animation, which already make him a good last-hitter. Null Talisman gives him a lot of damage for the start of the game and thus, increases his last hitting potential even more.

Iron branch
Pulled Tango
Pulled Tango

Bottle: Bottle is usually a good choice for Puck. The hero has low CD spammable spells and Bottle grants him the mana sustain needed to use his spells frequently in order to harass enemies and farm without needing more expensive INT and mana sustain items. Furthermore, Puck could make a good use of runes and can control them very well thanks to his mobility. Consequently, Bottling a good Rune (Haste, Double Damage) can help him secure a kill once he starts ganking.

Magic wand

Magic Wand: Puck is a low HP hero that can be killed fast if he gets stunned or silenced. The item provides an instant HP boost that can give him enough time to use one of his escape mechanisms and survive a fight. 

Power Treads intelligence

Power Threads: Puck has synergy with the item on two levels. Firstly, if switched to STR Treads, the item makes him more survivable – being a low HP hero, Puck benefits greatly from the health boost. Secondly, using the PTs on INT gives him even higher damage for last hits and more mana for using his spells.


Blink Dagger: This is, without a doubt, the most important item for Puck. Although Puck has a decent initiation tool in terms of Illusory Orb, Blink Dagger is much more effective since it is instant.  Blink can be used to get in position for both your Waning Rift silence and Dream Coil. In addition, it allows him to use his mobility spell (Orb into Jaunt) as a tool to disengage after initiating, which is quite important on a squishy initiator. Phase Shift also has a great synergy with Blink – Puck is invulnerable for 3.25 seconds which is enough to let the Blink become available after getting broken from damage.  Blink Dagger also synergizes well with the other items Puck usually buys – Hex, Dagon, Shiva’s Guard. In order to use all these items effectively, Puck needs to get in range as fast as possible (to initiate with Hex for example).


Eul’s Scepter of Divinity: Puck has synergy with the item on three levels. Firstly, it grants him mobility, mana regen, and extra intelligence – all of these help Puck farm faster and ganks more effectively (due to higher mobility). Secondly, the item allows Puck to dispel some debuffs on him such as Silence. As we mentioned before, Puck is an easy target to kill if he gets silenced. Finally, Puck can use the cyclone ability to allow him to cast Blink Dagger. You cannot use Blink if you got damaged in the last 3 seconds, but Eul’s Cyclone gives you enough time to use Blink to get away.


Aghanim’s Scepter: In case your main role in your lineup is the control you provide with your ultimate, it makes sense to invest in an Aghanim’s to make the spell stronger. The item increases the link duration, break damage, break stun duration (by 1.5s on the last level) and most importantly the coil break stun goes through spell immunity.

Scythe of Vyse

Scythe of Vyse: Scythe is the best single target initiation item for Puck. The Hex increases Puck’s ganking potential and gives him a very strong disable. Puck`s strength is to provide utility and control to his team. Hex is arguably the best late game disable you can get.  Puck is also a very good Hex carrier since he is mobile (can initiate from a long range with Orb or Dagger) and can get out safely once he has initiated (thanks to his two escape mechanisms). 


Shiva’s Guard: The item makes Puck tankier against physical damage and increases his initiation potential. A Dream Coil into Silence and Shiva’s Guard initiation can significantly impact the outcome of a fight. In addition, Shiva’s damage is also AoE, which adds another AoE ability to Puck’s arsenal, making him a stronger anti-pusher, split-pusher, and team fighter. 

Refresher orb

Refresher Orb: Refresher synergizes well with both Waning Rift’s silence and Dream Coil. If used twice in an engagement, you can provide a 6 seconds silence and 12 seconds Coil disable for the team fight. Furthermore, Puck usually goes for utility items such as Hex, Shiva’s or damage items such as Dagon. Refresher allows Puck to use each one of these items twice in a fight.

Nuke Build

This is a nuke/gank-oriented build. You are getting a second Null to boost your early game strength even more. Afterward, you choose to get Power Treads to increase your lane dominance. Then you get your Veil, Dagger, and Dagon – these items allow you to gank almost any target early on together with your inbuilt nuke damage.

You get Linken’s to increase your elusiveness even more and Ethereal Blade provides yet another boost to your nuke damage.

The build doesn’t provide much utility to the team compared to other builds. Nevertheless, if you believe constant pick-offs will win you the game it can be a much better option than the normal utility build, especially on a pos. 2 Puck.

Starting items
Null talisman
Iron branch
Faerie Fire
Pulled Tango
Pulled Tango
Early Game
Null talisman
Magic wand
Power Treads intelligence
Veil of Discord
Mid Game
Linken's Sphere
Late game
Ethereal Blade
Null talisman

Null Talisman: Puck has high attack range and a fast attack animation, which already make him a good last-hitter. Null Talisman gives him a lot of damage for the start of the game and thus, increases his last hitting potential even more.

Iron branch
Faerie Fire
Pulled Tango
Pulled Tango
Null talisman

Null Talisman: Puck has high attack range and a fast attack animation, which already make him a good last-hitter. Null Talisman gives him a lot of damage for the start of the game and thus, increases his last hitting potential even more.

Magic wand

Magic Wand: Puck is a low HP hero that can be killed fast if he gets stunned or silenced. The item provides an instant HP boost that can give him enough time to use one of his escape mechanisms and survive a fight. 

Power Treads intelligence

Power Threads: Puck has synergy with the item on two levels. Firstly, if switched to STR Treads, the item makes him more survivable – being a low HP hero, Puck benefits greatly from the health boost. Secondly, using the PTs on INT gives him even higher damage for last hits and more mana for using his spells.

Veil of Discord

Veil of Discord: The item amplifies Puck’s nuking potential and gives him cost-efficient stats.


Blink Dagger: This is, without a doubt, the most important item for Puck. Although Puck has a decent initiation tool in terms of Illusory Orb, Blink Dagger is much more effective since it is instant.  Blink can be used to get in position for both your Waning Rift silence and Dream Coil. In addition, it allows him to use his mobility spell (Orb into Jaunt) as a tool to disengage after initiating, which is quite important on a squishy initiator. Phase Shift also has a great synergy with Blink – Puck is invulnerable for 3.25 seconds which is enough to let the Blink become available after getting broken from damage.  Blink Dagger also synergizes well with the other items Puck usually buys – Hex, Dagon, Shiva’s Guard. In order to use all these items effectively, Puck needs to get in range as fast as possible (to initiate with Hex for example).


Dagon: The item complements the nuke potential of Puck. It is a good pick-up if the early game went well for you and you’ve got a lot of kills, levels, and farm. The item helps you burst down squishy heroes and increases greatly your solo pick-off potential. However, it doesn’t grant the hero any survivability or initiation potential. Moreover, the item doesn’t scale into the late game well (unless complemented with an E-Blade). Nevertheless, if your team lacks damage, or if you want to focus a lot on ganking by yourself, Dagon could be the right choice even without a great start.

Linken's Sphere

Linken’s Sphere: Linken’s is a very defensive item on Puck that is useful to counter strong single target disables  (Lasso, Doom, Fiend’s grip) that could get Puck easily killed in a fight. We’ve explained above that whenever Puck gets disabled, he is an easy target to bring down. Therefore, the item can be invaluable in games with such spells. 

Ethereal Blade

Ethereal Blade: E-blade synergizes with Puck’s nuking potential and the Dagon item that he sometimes buys (it increases the magic damage that Puck deals to a target). Moreover, E-blade can be used defensively to save yourself or an ally from a strong right-click hero. If your team lacks damage, then E-blade + Dagon can make up for this to a great extent.  


Boots of Travel: The item helps Puck in two ways. First, it increases his global ganking potential – you can teleport on creeps or on summoned units (such as Visage’s Familiars) and gank targets anywhere on the map. Second, BoT allows Puck to split-push more effectively.

Other Items

Early & Mid game
Ghost Scepter
Force staff
Late game
Black King Bar
Ghost Scepter

Ghost Scepter: The item helps you kite and survive against physical damage dealers. Moreover, in contrast to your Phase Shift ability, Ghost Scepter can be used even when you get silenced. As a result, it is a good item choice against hero hunters that buy Orchid such as Bone Fletcher.  In combination with Phase Shift, Ghost Scepter will allow you to kite physical damage dealers a lot. More often than not Eul’s will be the item of choice to deal with silences and physical damage simply because it provides more useful stats for Puck. If you are going for a Dagon build, however, the Ghost Scepter could be used to build an Ethereal Blade in the late game.

Force staff

Force Staff: Force is a very situational item for Puck. It can be viewed as a combination of Ghost Scepter and Blink. It helps Puck survive if he gets initiated with silence. For example, Force Staff is a great choice against Riki as it can be used to get away from his Smoke. Eul won’t help you in that case (won’t dispel the silence since Riki’s ability is not targeted).  Apart from the defensive usage, Force staff also grants Puck mobility to initiate with his spells. Nevertheless, the initiation range of Force isn’t as good as the range of Blink Dagger.

Black King Bar

Black King Bar: A very situational item choice for Puck. The hero doesn’t go for BKB normally because he doesn’t need to stand in the fight for a long time (like for example most right-click heroes). Thanks to his elusiveness Puck can initiate and disengage immediately afterward, staying out of danger. However, in some situations, he can be heavily countered by silences and is unable to use his spells effectively (for example against Silencer’s ultimate plus other heroes with disables). Against such teams, Puck wouldn’t be able to initiate (especially counter-initiate) or use his spells in an effective manner. Consequently, you might be forced to get a BKB just to make sure that you can use your abilities when necessary.


Octarine Core: One of the last Puck items in the game, can be very good since you have only active spells and most of your items are active.


Mjollnir: Mjollnir synergizes well with your damage talent (giving you AS and increasing your DPS) and most importantly your lvl25 Dream Coil attacks talent. If you feel you need to right-click more often you can go for it in the mid-late game and even combine it with a damage item later on (MKB, Daedalus, Rapier, Bloodthorn).

Early Game

Puck 350

Puck can be positioned in any lane, but he needs to get as much experience as possible. Therefore, he is usually played in a solo position.  As Puck, your goal early on is to get levels in priority and start ganking and initiating for your team from as early as possible.

Because of your decent nuke damage and high attack damage, if your supports gank your lane it is possible to get valuable kills on the enemy cores, especially after lvl6. Puck is flexible enough to be played more passively (i.e. to farm your Dagger faster without taking risks), but ideally he wants to pressure his opponents with the help of his allies sooner rather than later.


Getting last hits with Puck is easy during the laning stage since the hero has good base damage and fast attack animation. Moreover, you have two AoE spells that can help you last-hit and clear out waves. When you get mana sustain (from Clarities, Bottle, Euls) you can use your spells quite often.

Once you get higher levels in your nukes, you can clear out a whole creep wave using both nukes. Alternatively, you can attack different creeps in the lane and damage them so that they are all relatively low on HP, but not low enough to allow your enemy to deny them with a single attack. Then you can use one AoE spell (for example your Illusory Orb) to kill all the creeps at once. Doing so will not allow your opponent to deny the creeps (it will also push out the lanes which has the usual benefits and drawbacks).

In a 1v1 situation, you should be able to get farm and harass/pressure the enemy hero at the same time. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t forget that getting a lot of farm early on is your primary concern since you want to get an early Blink Dagger, which increases greatly your gank/initiation potential and hence - impact in the mid game. What this means is that you shouldn’t over-emphasize on pressuring your opponent on the price of missing last hits.  In some match-ups, especially against lane dominators, you might be forced to use your spells and mana primarily to get last hits rather than harassing and attempting kills. Even though this will make the laning stage easier for your opponent, if you manage to get your experience and farm (Dagger) on time, you will be able to compensate the lack of pressure in the early laning stage with powerful ganks in the late laning stage and mid game.

Harassing & Zoning out:

Puck has two advantages when it comes to harassing. Firstly, he is a hero with long-ranged nukes. Secondly, he has Phase Shift. The ability allows him to dodge enemy attacks and spells and consequently, trade harass more favorable. For example, whenever you are exchanging auto-attack with the enemy in the lane, you can use Phase Shift to dodge a hit. In addition, the spell allows you to mitigate the harassment from heroes.For instance, against Queen of Pain, you can dodge her main harassment tool, Shadow Strike, each time with Phase Shift.

 When it comes to active harass Illusory Orb is your primary tool since it is a long-ranged spell. The ideal situation would be to use the ability to get last hits and damage the enemy in the lane at the same time. Try to predict where the enemy will be when casting a long ranged Orb or alternatively move to him to ensure the Illusory Orb hits.  When you are harassing, however, try to not push out the wave when you want to control the creep equilibrium closer to your tower. If you want to keep the equilibrium at the same spot, but want to harass the enemy hero, then use Illusory Orb in such a way that you don’t hit your creeps.

In the laning stage, you can also bait with the use of Waning Rift when trading harass. In case you face an enemy that relies on casting an ability to escape (for example Blink), you can trade blows with him and cast Waning Rift to silence him just when he is about to use his spell to move away. Then you will be able to hit him a few more times and even possibly get the kill.

Kill Potential:

Before you get your ultimate at level 6, you don’t have a lot of Kill potential because you don’t have any disable.  Getting a kill would usually require a significant mistake from your opponent. Nevertheless, you can still attempt kills especially if your target is below max HP because of your harass. You can start attacking your target, use Orb on it and when it deals the damage you can Jaunt on top, use Rift to silence and try to finish the kill with more attacks.

If an ally is helping you (coming to your lane to gank, for example), it is better to wait for the initiation of your ally and use Orb afterward. This way you can be sure that you will not miss your spell, which is very important since it is your main source of nuke damage in the laning phase.

Once you get your Dream Coil, however, you can get a solo kill much more easily. Your ultimate locks down a target in place and also sets up for your Illusory Orb and Waning Rift nukes. The mobility of Illusory Orb (you can teleport into the Orb) allows you to close the gap between yourself and the enemy, land more attacks and even chase down your targets.  For example, you can use your ultimate on the enemy hero to lock him down, then cast Illusory Orb towards him, and once you damage him with the spell, you can jaunt into the orb and cast Waning Rift to silence him. Then, you can finish him off with a few auto-attacks.  If you want to be sure that you hit with Illusory Orb, you can move closer to the enemy and cast the spell (it will be harder for him to dodge it).

What you need to keep in mind when your jaunt into the Orb forward is that enemies can easily counter-initiate on you and kill you because you won’t have an escape mechanism (Illusory Orb will be on CD for 12 seconds). Provided you don’t see where enemy supports are, it’d be better not to Jaunt into the Orb since the enemy might be just baiting you – his supports might be staying near him, out of vision waiting to counter-initiate once you orb in. 


Puck has two escape mechanisms to avoid getting killed in the lane.  Both help you dodge projectiles and thus survive ganks. Nevertheless, Phase Shift is better at dodging spells (since it is instant), while Illusory Orb is more about repositioning yourself. If you need to dodge a projectile really quickly then Phase Shift is the right choice. If you have time (you see the movement of supports), you can use Orb towards a safe direction and Jaunt into it to get yourself out of danger. The best way to use the spells in order to avoid getting killed is to use them in combination. You want to use your Illusory Orb firstly in a safer direction (for instance towards your tower) then Phase Shift to become invulnerable (and so avoid getting stunned or silenced by an enemy) and teleport into the Orb once it has traveled far enough. Using the Phase Shift while the Orb is flying is crucial because in case you get stunned or silenced, you won’t be able to jaunt into the Orb to a safer spot, and you will get killed. Keep in mind that the duration of a lvl 1 Phase Shift is just 0.75 seconds. This means that using the spell at the right time is absolutely crucial – too early or too late and you will get disabled and killed. You want to cast your Orb, use Phase just as your opponents are in range to initiate on you and half a second later you need to Jaunt.

You need to be mindful of instant stuns/silences (e.g. Lion’s Hex, Rubick’s Lift). You are particularly vulnerable to such disables as you rely on your spells to survive. If enemy supports and/or cores have such disables, you should play very defensively, especially when you don’t see their positioning. When you don’t see where enemy supports are and they have a strong kill potential (silence or instant stuns for instance), better stay in experience range and get last hits using Illusory Orb. If the creep equilibrium is far from your tower even auto-attacking might be dangerous because you will be exposed to initiation.


In the laning stage, your first timing is when you get to level 6 and skill your Dream Coil. Then you can get solo kills and/or rotate to gank and help out other lanes. The second timing is when you max your two nuke spells – Illusory Orb and Waning Rift. This is usually the case around level 10. At this stage, you will have the highest damage output and could potentially nuke down squishy targets with both your spells and ulti. The last timing is when you get your Blink dagger – in some favorable match-ups, you can get your Blink at the end of the laning stage. Then, your initiation and gank potential gets increased even more and you should look for pick-offs or opening to initiate a favorable team fight.


Puck is a strong ganker early on once he gets to level 6. Generally, you have a choice when you get your ultimate – either rotate right away when there is a gank opportunity and pressure opponents, or stay in the lane, farm up your Blink Dagger and get to level 10 and then start rotating. Which choice is better depends on the game you are playing, your opponent in the lane and whether you can gank before you get your Blink Dagger. For example, provided you want to gank and pressure an Anti-Mage or another mobile hero (Weaver, Storm), you will need your Blink Dagger to get close to cast your silence and as a result, prevent him from escaping with Blink before you even manage to initiate. Alternatively, if you are fairly certain that you can get kills even without a Dagger it is better to pressure your opponents rather than passively farm.

You should rotate whenever your allies need help – carry a TP scroll and join fights or rotate to help lanes in which your allies are struggling.  In case you are getting pressured in the lane, and you are not getting enough farm, then rotating as early as possible will be more efficient.

Solo Mid

As a very level-dependent hero, your top priority should be to get experience. Moreover, you also need one important item to have a big impact on the game – Blink Dagger. Therefore, you aim to get to level 10/11 as quickly as possible (to have both of your nukes maxed up) and get Blink around this time. From then on, you can start playing much more aggressively, get more ganks and initiations. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t be passive in the lane. On the contrary, you have good harassing potential and can rotate to gank once you get to lvl6.

Get levels and last hits
Harass & zone out the enemy
Rotate for kills
Controlling the Rune:

When it comes to rune control, you have a big advantage over most heroes because of your mobility thanks to Illusory Orb. You should use that advantage and try to get all runes. You can also use both your AoE spells to push out the wave before the rune spawns, so you don’t miss last hits when you go for the rune. If you don’t need your Illusory Orb to get faster to the rune (you are not racing your lane opponent to it), it is better to save it in case you get ganked thereby the enemy supports – Orb is your primary escape mechanism.

Runes increase your ganking and solo kill potential but are not the main determinants whether your gank/kill will succeed. You have a good amount of nuke and mobility early on to achieve successful rotations and solo kills even without the help of runes.

Video Example:

Getting an early double Null with Puck is always good since you are going to upgrade it to Veil later most of the games. This helps 633 get a significant creep advantage over the QoP early on.

Puck tries not to waste his Phase Shift too much, so he can use it to dodge Shadow Strike. Moreover, he uses Illusory Orb to secure the last hit on the ranged creep while harassing the QoP.

On min 2:40 with a good usage of his spells and with the help of his teammates, Puck manages to kill both Queen and Tuskar and survive – a demonstration how hard he is to kill compared to most mid laners.

Puck gets more points in his silence, which will increase his kill potential against Queen who relies on her Blink to survive, as can be seen on 8:30.

Solo Offlane:

Puck is not the strongest offlaner, but his elusiveness allows him to do well especially against lanes that don’t have instant disables or silences. Since the hero is not item-dependent (he needs only Blink Dagger to be effective), but very level-dependent, he can sacrifice his farm early on if he gets enough experience from the lane. 

Your top priority is to get experience. Once you get to level 6, you will already be a good ganker and can contribute to your team.  With Puck, you don’t have a way to catch up in the jungle (he can’t sack the lane) and need all the levels you can get from the lane.  Due to your Phase Shift ability and relatively high base attack damage for a ranged hero, you can also trade harass favorably with the enemy babysitter who will be trying to zone you out.

Get experience and get occasional last hits
Rotate (once you reach level 6)
Harass the enemy supports and farmer
Creep Equilibrium:

You don’t have a special tool to control the creep equilibrium. Because of this and because you are quite squishy (although elusive) you can easily end up zoned out if you are playing against a strong lane which is controlling the equilibrium well (keeping it close to their tower). This could be devastating to your early game because of your level dependence. To avoid this situation you need to try very hard to keep the equilibrium close to your tower for as long as possible, using all the tricks other heroes have:

Use your big attack range: try to hit your own creeps as soon as they enter deny range in order to pull the waves towards you. If the equilibrium is in your favor try not to use Illusory Orb to take last hits – this will push the waves. Even if you miss last hits because of this, it will be worth it because you are getting solo XP for longer.

Prevent your lane opponents from resetting the equilibrium: either block their pull camp with a Ward or give yourself vision in the jungle to be able to contest the pull. You can disrupt a double pull by aggroing the secondary pull camp with a long range attack or Orb. Alternatively, you can just steal creep kills with your Orb. You can use the large camp to pull your own wave and disrupt the equilibrium.

You shouldn’t use your Illusory Orb all the time to get last hits because it is your only mobility spell that allows you to get away if initiated upon. Only if you know where enemy supports are, and you know that you won’t get initiated, you can use the Orb to get some farm and ideally harass your lane opponents at the same time. Otherwise, better save the spell in case you get initiated.

As we mentioned above, getting experience is more important for you than getting farm. so try to get levels as your top priority. Stay in XP range and don’t take big risks to take farm.  Ending the laning phase without farm but with levels is a victory against hard lanes – by using your ganking/fighting potential in the early-mid game and flash farming potential a bit later you will be able to catch up in terms of gold.


Provided the enemy trilane can’t kill you as they don’t have an instant stun or disable to catch you before you can orb away, then you can play a bit more aggressively by going closer to the creep wave and getting last hits with auto-attacks. This way you are achieving two things – first, you are getting not only experience but farm, and second, you are forcing enemy supports to stay in lane in order to zone you out. If they have a go on you, you can always use Illusory Orb towards your tower and get away.

If the enemy trilane has good disables for you, then you should stay as far away as possible and leach experience. Don’t go too deep to get last hits when you don’t know where the supports are. If they initiate on you, your death is almost imminent. You can try hiding in the trees and passively leaching XP.

Mid & Late Game

puck effigy

Puck is a tempo-controller who is very strong in the early-mid engagements, especially once he gets his Blink Dagger. You should use that potential and get map control through ganks and favorable fights.

As we mentioned above, Puck is a strong mid game hero that excels at ganking and team fighting. You don’t need a lot of farm to be effective. Therefore, you should gank and force fights when you are at your strongest – in the early-mid game. You should generally farm only when your ult is on CD and you can’t gank. You usually need to farm some late game items such as Scythe of Vyse to increase your initiation/pick-off potential. 

Team fight
Farm and split-push

The first mid-game timing for Puck is when he gets to level 10/11. At this point, you have almost maxed your damage output (you have both your nuke spells at max level) which gives you a lot of kill potential. The second is when he gets his Blink Dagger – initiation becomes much easier which is vital for ganks or starting favorable fights. Once you get the item, you should start being much more proactive – look for pick-offs and initiate for your team to win 5v5 engagements. 

Comeback Potential:

In case the laning stage went well, and you get a quick Blink Dagger, you should start pressuring opponents by constantly ganking (even solo) and initiating fights around the map. If you are with a level advantage, you can possibly kill under-leveled/under-farmed targets even without the help of your ult.

Provided the laning stage went poorly, you are still capable of fighting/ganking and catching up in terms of gold and XP. Your team will usually rely on you to gank and initiate fights so that you can get back into the game after a bad start. Even without Blink, you are mobile enough to get good initiations and pick-offs. After a bad laning stage, however, you would usually lack the damage output to get solo kills. It is a good idea to gank together with your teammates for that reason.

In terms of farming, you have two flash farming abilities that can help you split-push, farm jungle camps, and hence, get your first important item (usually Blink). If you are behind, however, you would rarely have the space on the map to farm freely – as a play-maker, it is up to you to provide this space to your carries, so don’t be passive unless you are really close to your item in terms of gold.

Pushing & Split-Pushing:


Puck is a good split-pusher as he has two AoE abilities to help him clear out waves fast. He is also elusive and hard to kill if enemies don’t have instant disables/silences. Nevertheless, Puck pushes towers slowly since he deals a low amount of physical damage. This usually means that rather than committing deep to pushes you want to push out the wave as fast as possible and return to your team.

Since he is a good anti-push hero, you usually want him to stop pushes and be in a position to start a favorable fight, while another hero split-pushes.


To stop pushes, you can do two things. Firstly, you can stay in a safe position behind and cast Illusory Orb from a distance to damage the creep wave. Secondly, you can do a more aggressive move – you can Blink on the creep wave, use Waning Rift, then cast Illusory Orb backward, use Phase Shift and Orb away to safety. Doing this will help you damage the creep wave and enemy units even more since you will use Waning Rift too. Be that as it may, this could be dangerous if enemies have instant silence/disables. If you don’t do this “Blink in- orb out” move fast enough, you might get disabled and killed, which will cost your team a tower because they most likely won’t be able to defend it without you.

5-Man Pushing:

When it comes to five-man pushing, Puck should generally stay behind and wait to counter initiate. You don’t deal a lot of physical damage, and therefore, it isn’t worth it to attack the tower and risk getting initiated upon by staying too close. 

Team Fights:

In team engagements, you are the initiator and the hero that counter-initiates. However, you are not a tanky frontline hero. Rather, you are more of a “jump in, jump out” hero. You have low HP, and if you run into the enemies, they will focus you and kill you. Therefore, you should initiate in a way that allows you to get away and not die afterward. The usual way to do this safe form of initiation is to use Blink to get closer to enemies and use your control abilities (Waning Rift and Ultimate) and save Illusory orb to get out of the fight. In most situations, you will blink in, use your ultimate and silence, then use Illusory Orb in a safe direction, Phase out and Jaunt into the orb to get into a safer positioning. As a result, you initiate on the enemies and don’t allow them to counter-initiate on you and kill you while you leave the follow-up to your team.

As with all initiators, you need to make the decision whether to start the fight yourself or wait to counter initiate. This depends on the positioning of your opponents – if they are clumped up for whatever reason (terrain, missplay), you can start a favorable fight by catching multiple people with your Dream Coil. If your opponents are spread out, however, it is better to be patient. If you cast your ult and Rift on just one hero while the rest of the enemy team is ready to react you are likely to lose the fight. It is better to wait for the fight to start and counter-initiate when your opponents are clumping up while fighting. Don’t wait too long, though, you shouldn’t let your damage dealers die because there would be no one to follow-up on your counter-initiation.

Waning Rift versus Dream Coil initiation:

When you initiate you have two choices, you can either use Silence right away or Dream Coil. Generally, you want to use Dream Coil first when enemies are clumped up, and you want to catch as many heroes in the ultimate as possible. Dream Coil stuns enemies for 0.5 seconds, and this will give you enough time to use silence and illusory Orb + Phase Shift to get away. Sometimes, however, Silence is the better spell to use first since it is low CD, and you want to save your ultimate when enemies clump up after your initiation. Blink + Silence is the safer choice in case you are not sure that you want to commit to a fight right away – you can save your ult for later. Furthermore, the cast range of Dream Coil is larger than Waning Rift, which allows you to catch targets even if they are not close to you, whereas Waning Rift silences only targets around you.

In most situations you will Blink in, Silence then uses Dream Coil, cast Illusory Orb, Phase Shift and jaunt into the orb to get away. Alternatively, you can use Illusory Orb towards enemies to chase them down. However, to use it this way, you need to be sure that you will win the fight after your initiation, and that you won’t get focused down and killed after you Orb towards the enemies.


Sumail demonstrates a lot of the strengths of the hero in this fight:

  • Initiation: he initiates with a Naix bomb on the enemy carry and the two of them burst him down before he is able to have an impact in the fights.
  • Elusiveness: he dodges the Axe Call with his Orb and moves to a safe position.
  • Control: he uses his ultimate to keep the rest of the enemy team in place and ensure additional kills.


Puck is a great ganker. Both his mobility and nuke damage allow him to quickly snipe targets. Therefore, you should gank to gain map control if there is the opportunity for it. In the early-mid game, you can even get kills on your own, provided you are high enough level. In the later stages, you will need the help of an ally to get most kills, especially against enemy farming heroes (this is the case when you go for a more utility/control build). Provided you go for Dagon, you can kill even tankier heroes on your own. Consequently, what you do depends to a large extent on your item build. If you go for Hex, Shiva’s etc, you will be the setup/initiator hero for your team in the mid-late game, and you will rely on your allies to deal the main proportion of the damage. In case you choose a more offensive build with Dagon and Ethereal Blade, you can roam on your own and get pick-offs on heroes without BKBs.

Don’t hesitate to use your ult for single target ganks – Dream Coil has a short CD for an ultimate, meaning that it will be ready soon enough if your team needs you to team fight. When it comes to ganking, you initiate on targets the same way you initiate fights. You blink in, use silence and your ultimate and start attacking your target. You need to decide in which direction to use your Orb. If you can kill the target quickly it is best to use Orb defensively to be able to disengage before your opponents have time to initiate on you. If you need more time to kill your opponent, you should use the Orb in the direction he is running to be able to Jaunt into it and continue attacking. 

Map Control and Vision:

With Puck, you create Map control through ganking and team fighting. Once you get your Blink, enemies will start playing more defensively since they expect your ganks and rotations. Therefore, your carries will have more space to farm up.

Use of Illusory Orb as a scouting tool:

The Orb grants flying vision to the area around it while it travels. This allows Puck to scout the positioning of enemies heroes in locations that are out of vision such as the Roshan pit. If an opponent is trying to juke between trees or on a high ground ramp, it is a great idea to use Illusory Orb to give yourself vision and secure the kill.

Another use of this mechanic is to use the orb to deward enemy Observers positioned on a high ground.


Farming is not your top priority. It is better to gank and team fight to create space for your carry to farm up. Nonetheless, you have flash farming potential because you have two AoE spells that help you clear out waves and jungle camps fast. Whenever your Ultimate is on CD, and there isn’t a gank/team fight opportunity, you should farm to get your next item (Scythe of Vyse, Dagon, Shiva’s etc.).