Luna Guide by Nikobaby
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Date: 11/2018


Welcome to Nikobaby's Book of Luna, a hero guide part of the Book of Dota series!

Here you will find all the information you need to learn to play Luna on a high level – from drafting and builds to the optimal playstyle in different lanes and situations. We hope you’ll enjoy this guide and find it useful!

Niko Luna Stats

Draft: Despite being a position 1 hero, Luna is a relatively safe pick earlier in the draft because she is a very reliable carry. She is decent in the lane, a very fast farmer and great in 5-man fights and pushes. Combining her with other good 5-man heroes is a great idea.

Early Game: You can assist your supports in harassing and kill attempts with Lucent Beam, but as is the case with most pos. 1 heroes, you should prioritize your farm above all else. With some levels in your aura and passive, you can start out-pushing the wave and flash-farming the jungle. After level 6, if you have the opportunity, you can attempt a kill with your ultimate.

Mid & Late Game: Flash-farm until you have your core items and then gather up with your team, force fights and take objectives. After a successful fight (and after your ultimate is in CD) return to farming. If everything goes according to plan you should severely out-farm your opponents, take Rosh and secure the victory by sieging the enemy base with the help of Aegis and your Bouncing Glaives.


Nikolay "Nikobaby" Nikolov
Endorsement & Info

Niko is a rising star on the EU & CIS pub and pro scene and he is absolutely proficient at carrying. He has played for teams like Basically Unknown, Effect, DD, and recently - 20 min afk les, which won the TI8 CIS Open Qualifiers.

His peak placement on the EU Leaderboards is top 3, while his highest MMR before the reset was 8.5k. According to Dotabuff's player rankings, he is the rank 1 Morphling player in the world.

Nikolay "CTOMAHEH1" Kalchev
Info & Editing

CTOMAHEH1 started his pro career as a support in Basically Unknown together with Mind Control. Since then he has consistently been playing on the European T2 scene, most recently on Unchained Esports. 

His highest placement on the EU ladder is top 100 - he plays all roles (mainly support), which is untypical for high-ranking players and shows his great versatility and understanding of the game.

Kyril "MrNiceGuy" Kotashev
PM, Writing & Editing

Esports and gaming enthusiast since forever and founder of Dotahaven.

Has been playing Dota since 2005 (5.84). An Ancient I player in Dota 2.

For Selemene!

Luna is one of the most reliable hard carries in Dota 2 and because of this she has been a very consistent carry pick on the pro scene. She is a very fast farmer and she scales very well with items, which makes her a very strong late game carry.

She excels in team fights where she provides a lot of AoE damage. Luna fits pushing strategies well because of her damage aura and Moon Glaives which increase the pushing power of her team and make it very hard for the enemy team to defend.

Luna loadout
Level 1
Level 15
Level 25
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High


High damage potential:
Eclypse has a lot of nuke power which allows her to burst down heroes very fast if their positioning allows it. At the same time, her attacks with the damage aura and Glaives provide considerable sustained physical AoE DPS, which is perfect for team fights.

Luna is one of the fastest farmers in the game thanks to her AoE attacks (the Bouncing Glaives), damage aura and high movement speed. She is one of the best heroes in the game at utilizing stacks.

Movement Speed:
Luna has an extremely high MS. This helps her position herself more favorably in fights or even chase down enemies. Moreover, the speed helps her avoid ganks and increases her farming speed as she can move faster between lanes and jungle camps.


High night vision:

The 1800 range night vision that comes from Lunar Blessing allows Luna to be very effective during night engagements. She can spot the positioning of enemies from afar before they have a chance to see her only with hero vision. The extended vision gives her team a significant initiation and positioning advantage during the night. 

Scales very well with items:
Due to her skills and stats (being a very fast agility carry), Luna scales very well with items which makes her a very strong late game carry.



Low survivability:
Luna has very low HP and no escape mechanism. She can be ganked easily or burst down during a fight. All of this means that positioning during engagements and map awareness are very important for playing this hero. You could easily end up dying too often and not having the impact you need to in order to carry your team.


Cooldown Reliant:
Early fights are very hard to take if you don`t have your ultimate.

Low attack range:
Although she is a ranged hero, Luna has a low attack range. Enemies can therefore easily harass her in the lane and kite her during fights, especially if they have good mobility. The short range is a serious problem also because of her squishiness - Luna needs to be in the middle of the fight to deal damage and there she gets focused by multiple enemies.


OG vs WAR, TI8 Regional Qualifiers

MATCH ID 3971176821

Ana plays Luna in a heavy 5-man pushing draft by OG (Pugna, Beast, Chen, WD) and manages to secure a 26-minute victory. In this lineup Luna is the frontline pusher, while Pugna and Chen can protect him with Decrepify and their two heals, which makes it extremely hard for the enemy team to initiate on Ana and take a favorable fight.

Ana and Notail (WD) also manage to win their lane convincingly against the enemy Clock + WW, so this is a good replay to watch if you want to learn how to handle an offensive dual lane with Luna and how to transituion into a mid game push timing.

VG vs Mineski, 2017 Mars Dota 2 League

MATCH ID 3894049655

Paparazi has an absolutely flawless game on Luna vs Mineski. He reaches 1060 GPM and breaks quite a few records with his performance – at the time the game was played this was the highest non-Alchemist GPM on any hero.

A lot of credit has to be given to his team for providing a lot of space, stacking and to Io for buffing his farming speed. Nonetheless, this is the perfect replay to watch if you want to learn how to maximize your farm with Luna. Paparazi has 84 last hits on the 10th minute and 628 on the 34th, meaning he is very close to 20 LH per minute!


MATCH ID 3936208040

Unlike Paparazi in the replay above, whose team provided him with the perfect game to simply farm, in this example, Mushi played in a very hard and contested game. VG even had a significant advantage for the majority of the game.

Impressively, Mushi managed to die only once the entire game despite playing versus a BH who can scout him, a BM who can lock him down and a Lina who can burst him. This helped him to get the highest GPM in the game and to carry his team to victory.

Watch this replay to learn great positioning and movement on the map with Luna.


luna gold immortal

When you pick Luna your aim is to farm, team fight when your ultimate is up and push towers. During the laning stage Luna has good synergy with heroes that can benefit from her damage aura - usually ranged heroes. For the same reason, she also works quite well with pushers. After the early game, you want to have teammates that can complement your team fight potential. When choosing Luna, one should take into account the composition of the enemy team as well – if they are very mobile or have high gank potential, then Luna would have a hard time. Conversely, if heroes are squishy, not mobile and vulnerable to magic damage, then Luna would be a reasonable pick.

In team strategies, Luna is picked because she is a very reliable carry with great team fight potential. She is drafted primarily because of her major strengths – high night vision, strong in team engagements and a fast flash farmer that scales well with items and transitions well into the late game.

Moreover, the hero has a large margin for error. If you don’t get a lot of farm in the laning stage, you could use your Ultimate to win a fight or push towers as a team with the help of your damage auras. Hence, you are not too item dependent. In addition, you are a fast farmer that can always catch up in terms of gold and experience after the laning stage.

It is fairly easy to execute a strategy with Luna – you seek team fights or push towers when Eclipse is up, you farm up while her ultimate is down and avoid engagements.

Luna is picked most often in 5-man pushing and team fight strategies. The reason for this is that it is relatively easy to take objectives with her on your team. Sieging Barracks with the help of Moon Glaives is also very efficient because the bouncing attacks of Luna make it very hard for enemies to stay nearby to defend their base.

Safe Lane Carry

Generally, you put the hero in the safe lane to allow her to get farm and levels very quickly. Luna is fairly squishy and vulnerable to initiation and ganks early on. Therefore, she needs a safe lane where she can get some core items and levels. The hero has a great late game carry potential and ensuring that she gets a lot of farm can never be a bad choice.

Luna is very good against most solo offlaners, especially melee heroes, since she can easily use her attacks and nukes to zone them out. She is also decent if the enemy team decides to contest the lane by putting an offensive lane there - with strong early game supports you can deal a large amount of damage to enemies from a safe distance thanks to Lunar Blessing.



Gyrocopter is probably the only hero similar to Luna in terms of her team fight strength, farming speed and laning presence. Like Luna, Gyrocopter has great 5-man potential thanks to his AoE attacks (Flak Cannon) and AoE magic nuke and slow (Calldown). He also has abilities that allow him to farm very quickly and he can clear ancients, although he is a bit inferior to Luna in the flash-farming department because Flak Cannon doesn’t have 100% uptime, unlike Luna’s Glaives. In the lane, he can use his Homing Missile and Flak Cannon to harass and zone out opponents in a similar fashion to Luna but he has higher kill potential because of the high damage of Rocket Barrage.


Good friends to have are:

Ranged right-clickers (cores & supports): NP, TA, Enchantress, WR, SD, Rubick, SS

Nature's Prophet Portrait
Templar Assassin
Shadow Demon Portrait
Shadow Shaman
It is a good idea to choose ranged partners for Luna that can deal damage to enemies from a distance.

Due to her Lunar Blessing aura, Luna has great synergy with all ranged heroes, especially those with a fast attack animation. Ranged supports, for example, can harass opponents a lot during the laning stage with the bonus damage. Later on, the team can deal significant right-click damage and push towers very fast.

Pushers: DK, DP, Enchantress, Nature’s Prophet, Chen, Enigma, Cent, Alch, Bristle

Dragon knight
Death prophet
Nature's Prophet Portrait
Enigma Portrait
Alchemist hero icon
Bristle Portrait
If you want to employ a push strategy, Luna would fit very well as she increases the pushing potential of the team.

Since Luna’s Lunar Blessing gives a significant primary attribute bonus to all allies, the hero is a perfect complement to a push strategy even early on. First, your whole team pushes faster because of the higher damage. Second, frontline Strength heroes benefit the most from the aura because they become even tankier and harder to kill. A mid-game timing push could secure very fast victories for you with such allies.

Heroes with auras: Vengeful Spirit, Drow Ranger, Beastmaster, Doom

Drow Ranger
It is worthwhile to pick heroes with auras if you want to increase your 5-man potential.

The rule of auras is simple - the more you have, the stronger your team fight will become since auras stack and all heroes benefit from them.

Team fight control heroes: Dragon Knight, Magnus, Brewmaster, Puck, SK, Slardar, Tide

Dragon knight
Magnus Portrait
Puck Portrait
Sand King
Slardar Portrait
Tidehunter Portrait
It is smart to combine Luna with team fight control heroes if you want to increase your group fight impact.

Luna is a great  AoE damage dealer but she has absolutely no disables. This means she has mazing syenrgy with any hero that provides AoE control in engagements.

Shadow Demon Portrait

Shadow Demon: Shadow Demon + Luna deserves a special mention as a late-game combo. Shadow Demon Disruption works great with Luna because the Disruption illusions inherit the Bouncing Glaives, which makes them an incredibly powerful tower sieging tool. You can practically push the enemy base without ever committing your real heroes (albeit much more slowly). The defensive utility of Disruption is also very useful in case Luna gets disabled and focused down.


Strong Against:

5-man Heroes without control: Undying, DP, Omni, Necro, OD, Brew, Timber, Doom

Undying Portrait
Death prophet
Omniknight portrait
Outworld Devourer
Luna is great against 5-man lineups without enough disables.

Luna is great at dealing damage in team fights and she is very fast, but she is also very squishy (at least in the early and mid game). This means that she is great against 5-man lineups that don’t have good lockdown. She can simply kite the enemy heroes and attack freely. Moreover, such heroes are also bad at ganking and cannot stop her from out-farming them heavily.

Melee offlaners, especially with low armor: Phoenix, Brew, Slardar, Beast, Doom, Axe

Slardar Portrait
Axe Portrait
Picking Luna for the safe lane position can effectively shut-down melee offlaners.

Luna is good against most melee offlaners for two reasons. First, her low-cost Lucent Beam can be used to harass and zone out heroes. Secondly and more importantly -  Luna’s damage aura makes her auto-attacks and those of her lane-supports much stronger. Even if Luna and her lane partners are squishy, melee heroes can hardly trade harass and stay in the lane.

Weak Against:

High range damage dealers: Tinker, Sniper, Arc, Zeus, KotL, Lina

Arc warden
Zeus Portrait
Keeper of the Light
It’s hard to play against high range damage dealers with anti-push unless your teammates can shut them down.

Luna has a short range and no tool to help her close the gap. Playing against such heroes is a big problem in fights and could sometimes even force to go for unconventional mobility items (if your allies cannot take care of them). Equally importantly, such heroes have great anti-push and are amazing and slowing down Luna’s Pushes.

Gankers: Clock, Slark, Bat Rider, Nyx Assassin, Tiny, BH, Pudge

Slark Portrait
Bounty Hunter
Have a plan how you are going to survive against the ganks of the enemy team in the early-mid game.

Since Luna is a squishy hero without any escape mechanism, she is particularly vulnerable to gankers especially during the laning stage and the early-mid game when she still wants to flash-farm rather than fight. This is made even worse by her predictable play style (if she’s not pushing with her team she is most likely farming her jungle). Once you start walking together with your team gankers are not as much of a problem, but most of the heroes on the list are quite hard to play against in fights as well:

Pudge and Bat can pull you towards their team, which is a problem since you are a front-line pusher. Slark can avoid your damage with his ult and steal your stats. Nyx can easily stun you with Carapace. Clock can prevent you from casting spells with his Battery Assault if you don’t have BKB.


Terrorblade: One of the best heroes against Luna is, surprisingly since he’s an Illusion hero, Terrorblade. The main reason is Reflection – it works perfect against Luna since the illusion inherits her bouncing Glaives and DMG aura, essentially killing her (and more importantly her low-HP teammates) with her own illusion. Shadow Demon could do the same with his Disruption, but Terrorblade’s illusion is superior in fights as it cannot be killed/disabled.

Shadow Demon Portrait

Shadow Demon deserves a special mention because he is great against Luna for the same reason he is good with her – Luna’s Disruption illusions are extremely powerful. With this skill you essentially use her own farm against her.


Luna Lucent Beam
Luna Moon Glaives
Luna Lunar Blessing
Luna Eclipse

Calls a beam of lunar energy down upon an enemy, damaging and briefly stunning them.


Cast Animation: 0.4+0.47

Cast Range: 800

Damage: 75/150/225/300

Stun Duration: 0.8

CD: 6

Mana: 90/100/110/120

Lucent Beam

The spell has a relatively low cooldown and low mana cost. As a result, Lucent Beam is a very spammable spell that can be used to harass opponents or used on cooldown during fights.

Moreover, the ability has a very long range for a nuke and, on the top of that, is a targetable spell which allows Luna to damage and harass enemies from afar.  Because of its range, the ability has good synergy with other long-range abilities – in combination such spells can nuke and zone-out enemies from a distance during pushes and fights.

Lastly, Lucent Beam also mini-stuns the target, which helps Luna cancel important channeling abilities from a large distance. The stun is quite long for a mini-stun, so you can also use it to buy some time for your allies to catch up to a target.

Empowers Luna's glaives, causing her attacks to bounce between enemy units. Deals less damage with each bounce.


Bounce Search Radius: 500

Number of Bounces: 1/2/3/6

Damage Reduction per Bounce: 35%

Moon Glaives

Moon Glaives are the skill that makes Luna a flash farmer. You can clear lane waves and stacked camps (usually Ancient camps) much faster with the help of the ability.


In terms of its mechanics, the spell is fairly straightforward - Luna’s attacks will bounce to units within 500 radius of the target hit by a glaive. For example, if 5 targets stay next to each other in a straight line and the distance between each of them is exactly 500 range, then if you attack the first target having a maxed level Moon Glaive, your attacks will bounce off between all 5 targets. This means that you can potentially hit a unit that is more than 2500 range away from you. However, the damage you deal is reduced with each bounce.

Moon Glaive can also bounce back on the same units if it already hit all other units nearby - you can do very high damage to two or three isolated targets. Illusions of Luna also benefit from the Moon Glaive effect and their attack will also bounce off nearby targets. 

The ability stacks with other attack modifiers, but the modifier is applied only to the first target; bounces do not apply the effect. For example, if you have a lifesteal modifier, you will only steal life from the primary.


When pushing towers or barracks, you should attack the buildings and not creeps or units around them. The idea is that your Moon Glaives will bounce off the building and will hit nearby targets anyway. By doing this you will damage your primary objective (Towers, Barracks), while zoning-out enemies with your bouncing Glaives. 

Moon Glaives is also an important team-fighting tool that makes it hard for enemies to kite Luna. Although she has a low attack range, you can just attack the closest target during a fight and her glaives will bounce off to the targets you cannot reach yourself. The implication for you as a carry is that you don’t have to run as much after targets like most melee and low ranged heroes in order to deal damage. Instead, you can just attack the target which is closest to you and lose less time in repositioning. Of course, the primary attack deals the most damage so try to attack the highest priority target if it is within your range.

Increases the primary attribute for Luna and nearby allied heroes. Luna is also blessed with increased vision range at night.


Radius: 1200

Primary Attribute Bonus: 6/12/18/24

Night Vision Bonus: 200/400/600/800

Lunar Blessing

There are two important things to consider:

The primary attribute bonus is great for last hitting and faster farming in general, but it is even more valuable on your allies. All your allies in the lane hit a bit faster, which makes the better at harassing. INT heroes have more mana, which means they can use their spells a bit more often. STR heroes have more HP, which means they can trade harass a bit more favorably.

At max level, the attribute bonus shouldn't be underestimated. It's great for 5-man fighting and pushing. Frontline STR tower hitters (like DK, Bristle, Cent, etc.) become tankier, which makes it harder for your enemies to take mid-game fights and defend their towers.

Second, the spell grants Luna an increased night vision range, irrespective of the level of Lunar Blessing. The night vision is very important for Luna because she is a squishy hero that would be particularly vulnerable to ganks during the night when vision is reduced and getting in initiation range is easier. Moreover, she is enabled to spot the positioning of enemies from afar before they can see her, giving her a chance to escape a gank before she gets initiated. The ability is also a great team fighting tool during the night time - the increased vision helps your team to have a better positioning and initiation on enemies, especially if you are standing on a high ground during the night.

Showers random nearby enemies with strikes from Luna's current level of Lucent Beam. These beams do not stun their targets, and there is a maximum number of times that a single target can be struck. Also turns day into night for 10 seconds.


Cast Animation: 0.6+0.2

Cast Range: 0 (Aghs 2500)

Search Radius: 675

Number of Beams: 6/9/12 (Aghs 6/12/18)

Max Beams per Unit: 5 (Aghs 6/12/18)

Beam Interval: 0.6 (Aghs 0.3)

Eclipse Duration: 2.4/4.2/6 (Aghs 1.5/3.3/5.1)

CD: 140

Mana: 150/200/250

Aghanim's Scepter

Allows Luna to cast Eclipse on an allied unit or herself and have its effects follow them, or cast it on an area. Also increases total beams and duration, removes the limit on beams per unit, and makes the beams appear twice as fast.



The damage of Eclipse’ beams is based on the Lucent Beams damage – if Lucent Beam isn’t skilled yet, Eclipse will deal zero damage. Therefore, you want to have Lucent Beam maxed out ASAP in order to deal maximum damage with your ultimate.

Unlike Lucent Beams, Beams from Eclipse don’t mini-stun targets. Furthermore,  you should keep in mind that Eclipse can hit a single target a maximum of 5 times even if your ultimate is at max level. Eclipse cannot hit invisible units or targets that are out of vision (in the fog of war). Neither is it an instant spell – beams strike at an interval of 0.6 seconds for a certain duration. If Luna dies the Beams will also stop.


The ultimate of Luna is a very position-dependent spell. You need to be aware that the range of your Eclipse’s beams is lower than that of Lucent Beam. The spell will hit random units within 675 radius – if there are a lot of creeps or summoned units, using your Eclipse will be a waste because the chance that beams will hit an enemy hero is very small. Therefore, before you use Eclipse on opponents, you need to judge if enemy units are within 675 range of you. You can try to position yourself in such a way that the enemy heroes will be the only available units within the range. Waiting a few seconds for other AoE skills and attacks to kill off any non-hero units during longer fights is a very good idea - this will increase the impact of your ult.

Generally, Eclipse is not an initiation spell, meaning that you don’t use it to force an engagement. Once you pop your ultimate, enemies will most likely start running away instantly. Therefore, it is better to wait for a setup by an ally and then use your ultimate. Alternatively, you can wait for enemies to run into you and then use Eclipse.

The spell can be used for solo kills, but to use it effectively you need to make sure that there aren’t enemy units around your target and that the enemy will stay within the 675 range for the duration of your ultimate without juking you into the fog of war. Because of this, using it against targets with reliable escape mechanisms could be a waste.

Skill Builds

The skill builds of Luna are fairly versatile. The usual trade-off is between Moon Glaives and Lunar Blessing. Higher levels in the former would grant you and your team more stats during pushes and fights, while more points in the latter will help you farm faster.

At the start of the game, you usually go for 1 point in Lunar Blessing in order to boost your damage and get last hits easier. Then comes Lucent Beam for harassing. Remember that you don’t need your Moon Glaives in the early laning stage, because you will push your wave all the time. The ability becomes more useful in the later laning stage when you want to push-out the wave.

Standard Build
Farming Build
Luna Lunar Blessing
Luna Lucent Beam
Luna Lucent Beam
Luna Moon Glaives
Luna Lucent Beam
Luna Eclipse
Luna Lucent Beam
Luna Moon Glaives
Luna Moon Glaives
Talent Icon
Luna Moon Glaives
Luna Eclipse
Luna Lunar Blessing
Luna Lunar Blessing
Talent Icon
Luna Lunar Blessing
Luna Eclipse
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: high kill potential;
Cons: weaker aura – harder for the team to fight and take objectives early on;

The build focuses on maxing Lucent Beam and gives a higher priority to Moon Glaives. Usually, you get more points in your Glaives after level 8 if you want to farm faster and kill Ancient stacks. This would often be the case when neither team is behind or ahead in terms of gold and experience. In such a situation you would want to farm up your carry items faster and start fighting and pushing later on, rather than take risky fights right away.

If your team is doing very well, you can invest a bit more points in Blessing instead of Glaives and push as five, but this will slow down your farming speed.

Luna Lunar Blessing
Luna Lucent Beam
Luna Lucent Beam
Luna Moon Glaives
Luna Moon Glaives
Luna Moon Glaives
Luna Moon Glaives
Luna Lucent Beam
Luna Eclipse
Talent Icon
Luna Lucent Beam
Luna Eclipse
Luna Lunar Blessing
Luna Lunar Blessing
Talent Icon
Luna Lunar Blessing
Luna Eclipse
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: highest farming potential;
Cons: weak in early fights;

Usually, you go for this kind of Glaives-heavy build if your lane is really hard and you have to start farming the jungle as soon as possible. When you are under-leveled and under-farmed you will not be very useful in fights (and it will be very risky for you to participate in such), so it is better to stick to farming and maximize your farming speed until you catch-up.

You can always take a point or two more in Lucent Beam instead of Glaives and get your ultimate a bit earlier if you think that there will be a good fight for you to take.

You still get a level in your aura and two levels in Beam to help you early on, but then you invest all the skills you have into Glaives to maximize your farming speed.


+0.25s Eclipse Lucent Ministun
25% Lifesteal
+100 Lucent Beam Damage

+8 All Stats

+30 Movement speed

-4s Lucent Beam CD

+300 Cast Range


+15 Attack Speed

Lvl10: If you are going for on Aghanim`s build, the cast range might be the better choice since more emphasis falls on your Beam, especially when you get the + damage talent later on. Most of the times, however, you take the attack speed to increase your DPS. Remember that even with an Aghanim’s build, you farm with your attacks.

Lvl15: The MS is the standard choice because it's useful in fights. The Beam CD, however, shouldn’t be underestimated because it puts the Beam CD on 4 sec, which is extremely low for a long-range 300 DMG nuke.

Lvl20: If you are going for the Agh`s build you can take the 100 Lucent Beam damage. Otherwise, you should take the stats.

Lvl25: Again, your build will determine your choice. For Agh`s build, you take the Eclipse upgrade, for Straight DPS builds you take the Lifesteal.

Physical Damage Build

The physical DPS build is the most common one for Luna. The build transitions from cost-efficient stat and farming items into survivability items and finally late game luxuries. Building a lot of stats on Luna is great for two reasons: First, she is a squishy AGI carry, which means she needs both survivability and a DPS increase. Second, her illusions are extremely strong because they inherit Bouncing Glaives and stat items make them even stronger.

If you want to start fighting from early on as a team it is possible to rush the BKB – get it before the Manta Style. This will make you stronger in fights but it will also obviously slow down a bit your farming speed. It's also a good choice to rush the Hurricane Pike if you are playing against heroes that you can kite and you need the mobility.

Starting Items
Wraith Band
Early Game
Wraith Band
Magic wand
Power Treads Agility
Mask of madness
Mid Game
Dragon lance
Black King Bar
Late Game
Hurricane Pike
Wraith Band
Wraith Band
Magic wand

Magic Wand: the item grants Luna some much needed survivability in the early game.

Power Treads Agility

Power Treads provide Luna with attack speed and the option to switch the PTs to strength when fighting (in order to increase her naturally low HP), to agility when farming and to INT for a few seconds when spamming Beam.

Mask of madness

Mask of Madness: Luna needs the HP sustain to farm the jungle (especially stacks) more easily and the attack speed boost will increase her flash-farming speed greatly. Madness is also pretty useful in fights: Luna uses her ultimate and Beam at the beginning of the fight, so the silence doesn’t bother her too much afterward. If you are facing high physical damage dealers, you can always choose not to activate it in fights (at least initially) to avoid taking additional damage.

Dragon lance

Dragon Lance: The item gives very cost efficient stats in addition to a bonus in attack range, which is extremely useful on Luna, who is one of the ranged heroes with the lowest attack ranges in the game. 


Manta Style: It allows her to farm faster as it gives movement speed and extra damage. Moreover, Manta illusions also gain the Moon Glaive effect and can deal a lot of damage to creep waves – Luna can use them to split-push safely or to siege the enemy base.

Black King Bar

Black King Bar: BKB is the most important fighting item for Luna. Since she is very squishy, she can easily get burst down in engagements. In addition, because of her low range, she needs to run into the middle of fights and could easily be focused by nukes and disables. Being able to move is very important when her ult is used – if she gets locked down, enemies will be able to run out of the Eclipse range and she will not be able to follow them with her high MS.


Butterfly: Since Luna’s primary attribute is agility, the extra agility of the item increases her damage greatly. Also, it grants evasion and survivability which Luna lacks. Because the evasion is percentage based, it is usually a good idea to get the item after you have a decent HP pool - usually after your core items (Manta and BKB). 


Satanic: Grants Luna a lot of survivability in terms of raw HP and lifesteal. The item should be purchased after you’ve got some damage items, otherwise, your attacks wouldn’t heal you up as efficiently.

Hurricane Pike

Hurricane Pike: Upgrading to Hurricane Pike should be done in the late game when you need the slot efficiency. Get it earlier only when you need to survive against melee man-fight heroes like Ursa, Sven, Troll, etc.

Aghanim’s Scepter Build

This is an unconventional build that emphasizes mostly on increasing the strength of your ultimate. The items you get all give you mana pool, allowing you to go for an Aghanim’s + Refresher combo in the late game. Moreover, the Drums + Yasha in combination with your high movement speed make you extremely fast

Depending on the game and heroes you are playing against, you might need BKB earlier, but in our example we go for BKB later on. The ability to use your ultimate from a distance means you don’t have to stand in the middle of fights as much as with the standard build!

In the late game we get Skadi to make you even tankier and to increase the strength of your illusions.

Starting items
Slippers of agility
Early Game
Wraith Band
Magic wand
Power Treads Agility
Mid game
Black King Bar
Late game
Refresher orb
Slippers of agility
Wraith Band
Magic wand

Magic Wand: the item grants Luna some much needed survivability in the early game.

Power Treads Agility

Power Treads provide Luna with attack speed and the option to switch the PTs to strength when fighting (in order to increase her naturally low HP), to agility when farming and to INT for a few seconds when spamming Beam.


Drums of Endurance: a well-rounded early game stat item extremely useful for fighting early on. The HP pool increase is great against burst damage early on and more importantly – the MS increase synergizes very well with your extremely fast base MS.


Yasha: A great DPS increase because of the cost efficient agility bonus in addition to a percentage based MS increase, which works amazingly with your very high base MS. This is useful both for farming and fights and is the main reason why you usually want to get Yasha very early on.


Aghanim’s: The Agh’s upgrade makes Luna’s ultimate stronger (more beams, a lot of single target hits and a reduced beam interval), but even more importantly – gives Luna the option to cast Eclypse on an area within 2,500 range or to center it on an allied hero. This means that with Agh’s you will no longer have to run into the fight to deal damage with your ultimate. If enemy heroes could easily focus you down and kill you, getting an Agh’s might be a great idea, especially if you have a front line tank to cast the spell on. The drawback is that the item gives very little DPS for its price, which could be a problem if you are the only right-click hero on your team.


Manta Style: It allows her to farm faster as it gives movement speed and extra damage. Moreover, Manta illusions also gain the Moon Glaive effect and can deal a lot of damage to creep waves – Luna can use them to split-push safely or to siege the enemy base.

Black King Bar

Black King Bar: BKB is the most important fighting item for Luna. Since she is very squishy, she can easily get burst down in engagements. In addition, because of her low range, she needs to run into the middle of fights and could easily be focused by nukes and disables. Being able to move is very important when her ult is used – if she gets locked down, enemies will be able to run out of the Eclipse range and she will not be able to follow them with her high MS.

Refresher orb

Refresher Orb: Refresher is bought on Luna in the late game mainly if she already has Aghanim’s Scepter. If you go for the item make sure the other items in your build provide you with enough mana to support the two ultimates + Refresh mana cost, which is very high (if you rely only on your own stats you will not have enough mana for the combo even on lvl25, and realistically you want to be able to enough leftover mana to spam Lucent Beam).


Eye of Skadi: in the very late game, if you are having trouble focusing heroes and you are getting kited, the slow will be incredibly useful to help you stick to your target. The stats are also very good because they will increase your survivability and will give you some DPS and all of this transfers to your Manta illusions.

Other Items

Early & Mid Game
Helm of the Dominator
Linken's Sphere
Late Game
Divine Rapier
Helm of the Dominator

Dominator: the regen is very useful if you don’t intend to go for life steal. More importantly, it will allow you to convert and Alfa Wolf, whose aura stacks with your own and increases the damage of your whole team a great deal. Getting another tankier creep is also possible of you need it to tank towers and jungle camps.

Linken's Sphere

Linken’s Sphere: Linken’s is not a core item for Luna because her role of a front line hero requires her to get items that give more raw tankiness and damage. Nonetheless, you might need to get it to counter the regular powerful single target disables (Lasso, Fiend’s Grip, Doom, etc.). Ideally, you want your teammates to buy it and place it on you.


Sange & Yasha: You can go for S&Y when you feel that Manta isn’t a great choice in the current game – usually because your opponents have easy ways to deal with your illusions (usually a lot of AoE DPS). S&Y is cheaper, which also makes it a great choice when you are snowballing and want to fight and finish the game faster.


Shadow Blade: Not very common item for Luna, but if you feel that Pike won`t be enough to save you, you can go for it. Moreover, it can help you position yourself better with your ultimate and deal more damage if you are in position to be aggressive. The downside is that it doesn’t help solve your squishiness.

(You can upgrade it to Silver Edge later on if Вreak is useful against your oppoennts.)


Boots of Travel: Luna usually wants to move with her team, so BoTs are usually bought only in the super late game. Nonetheless, with BoTs in combination with her high MS and Bouncing Glaives she can push-out waves and even split-push very efficiently.


Monkey King Bar: a good damage item, but it doesn’t give Luna any survivability. It is usually purchased on her only to counter heroes with evasion.

Divine Rapier

Rapier: because of your AoE attacks, you are a great Rapier carrier – your enemies will have a lot of problems standing within the range of Bouncing Glaives in fights or if you are sieging their base. Needless to say, it is very risky and you want to be very survivable before you get it (Satanic + BKB).

It is usually bought when you are losing the game, but even in a back-and-forth late game Aegis + BKB + Satanic + Rapier could be a great way to close the game in your favor.

Early Game

Luna 350px

The general idea of putting Luna in the safe lane is to secure farm and levels. She will be protected by her supports and it will be harder to gank her during the early laning stage, when she is most vulnerable.

Your real strength in lane control comes from your harassing potential early on and from your flash-farming potential later on. By actively and passively harassing your lane opponent you are likely to zone them out and give yourself the space to free farm initially. After you get some levels you can threaten kills (with your ultimate) and pressure the tower by constantly out-pushing the wave. This will also give you the free time to start farming the jungle.

Farm. Once you get Glaives, start out-pushing the wave and farming the jungle.
Harass & zone-out your lane opponents if you can
Option 1: join your team, fight, push towers and farm the enemy jungle;
Option 2: continue flash-farming your own jungle and get to your luxury items as fast as possible;

Once you get your early game items and ~lvl7, you have two choices:

First, you can flash farm by out-pushing the lane and farming the jungle.

Second, you can gather with your team right away to force fights and push towers. When you have your ultimate and max level in Beam (usually lvl7), you can rotate to the enemy safe lane with your teammates. Ideally, you will win the fight with your ult, take the tower and take control of their jungle, which will let you farm it for a while.

Which option is better depends on your team strategy and the enemy hero composition:

Sometimes, going to the enemy safe lane to fight could actually be the safer option - this way you will be close to your allies and you will not be vulnerable to enemy gankers - often the enemy space creators will try to invade your jungle to stop you from farming

In other games, if the enemy team cannot pressure you and your allies are doing fine 4v5, you can use this opportunity to flash-farm your own jungle and skyrocket your GPM.

Logically, if you intend to fight you need to take the max Beam build, while if you intend to focus only on flash-farming you can go for the greedy Glaives build.


Even though her attack animation is slow, last-hitting is easy with Luna because of Lunar Blessing and you should be able to find farm even if your lane opponents are contesting last hits. Moreover, her low cd, long-ranged, low mana cost Lucent beam could be used to secure the ranged creep in desperate situations.

When you get your Glaives in the late laning stage, you will start pushing out the waves a bit with every hit. If you want to control the creep equilibrium, you will need to hit enemy creeps as little as possible and deny and hit ally creeps as much as possible. More often than not, however, you would want to start killing creeps quickly: pushing out the wave with auto attacks and Glaives will give you the time to start farming the nearby jungle camps.


Active Harass: 

Luna can use her Lucent beam almost on cooldown to harass enemies from afar in the lane. You would usually need a mana regen item like Ring of Aquila and possibly Raindrops to sustain your mana, though. Start harassing the enemy when you get some levels in Lucent beam (at hero level 3 or 5). Using the spell at early levels will quickly drain your mana pool and won’t really damage the opponent since the damage is low on lvl1. 

Passive Harass: 

Due to her very fast movement speed, Luna can run in to auto-attack enemies even though she doesn’t have a high attack range. The damage aura makes her physical attacks quite strong in the laning stage. Much more importantly, your allies get the damage from the aura, which means that the passive harass from your long range supports becomes much stronger.

Kill Potential:

Luna deals a high amount of damage with her auto-attacks and has a long-ranged nuke (Lucent Beam) but she lacks any disable and can only kill with the help of her supports. You give surrounding friendly heroes a damage boost thanks to your Lunar blessing aura; the effective damage of you and your lane partners gets increased by a lot. The most important thing you need from your lane partners in order to become dangerous are disables. That being said, when you play a lane with Luna your focus should fall on maximizing your farm in the lane and jungle rather than attempting kills.

Once you get your Eclipse, you can easily get a solo kill against an opponent without an escape mechanism. If there are no creeps or units around the enemy, you can cast Eclipse and use your high movement speed to run after him/her. Bear in mind that the range of your ultimate is not that high and that you have a casting animation to consider. You need to make sure that the enemy remains within the range of Eclipse after you cast it. If he is still alive after your ult, you can always use a long-ranged Lucent Beam to secure the kill.

On lvl 7 with this combo, you can do 5x300 + 300 damage, which is a total of 1800 magical damage before reductions - realistically enough to kill off any hero even from full HP. The tricky part is the positioning.

Lane Partners:
Shadow Shaman
Dazzle Portrait

Luna has no kill-combo with any hero, but she provides allies with a damage aura which can be very powerful especially on range supports. A good lane partner will be a support with a disable to make up for what Luna lacks. Any ranged support can work, however, because the aura will make them good at passive harassing. Needless to say, the aura works best with supports who are already good at passive harass because of high damage (SS) or good attack animation (WR, Dazzle).

Video Example:

Paparazi is playing Luna in the safe lane against Mineski.

First, he decides not to contest the bounty rune when he notices two Radiant heroes there. Luna is not particularly strong in fights early on (unless her whole team is with her to benefit from the aura), and for this reason, dodging the fight is the right choice – fighting for the rune will deplete his regen and will make the laning stage much harder for him. Moreover, Luna + AA don’t have a disable to guarantee they will actually get the rune.

He prioritizes getting every single last hit – he even uses his Beam to secure the ranged creep (02:20; 07:10) when it is far away from him and the big jungle camp creep (05:45). Paparazi helps his AA harass the Pango occasionally, but he only does it when he knows it will not disrupt his farm.

Notice that once he gets his Mask of Death he starts out-pushing the wave and farming the jungle. Io helps him farm faster than usual, but you can do this without you without a problem.

The most interesting thing in this example is his skill build: he was saving his skill points after he got three levels in Beam and one level in Lunar Blessing. He noticed that the enemy team isn’t pressuring him, which means he will not have to fight for a while. Because of this he decides to maximize his farm and invests all saved points in Moon Glaives. This helps him maximize his farming speed – on the 10-minute mark he has 83 last hits. This is 43 more than the enemy carry and 38 more than the enemy mid!

Mid & Late Game

Luna Immortal

Luna is strong in mid-game fights because her ultimate. Usually in the early-mid game most heroes will not have a BKB yet and will take full damage from your Beams. Being such a good team fight hero, you should force fights whenever Eclipse is up. Since you are also a very strong hard carry that scales very well with items, focus on farming when your ultimate is on cooldown.

Take advantage of the fact that you are a flash farmer to out-farm the enemy cores. Don’t try to force fights if you feel you don’t have the advantage. If you have the needed space to farm you can always play passively, get bigger items and force fights afterwards.

Walk with your team and force fights when Eclipse is off CD to take objectives and create space
Use the space your team has created - flash-farm when you cannot fight

The first important timing for Luna would be when you get to level 7. At this point, you will have maxed Lucent Beam and your ultimate’s will deal maximum damage per hit. This means you have a choice – use this timing to force a fight to with your ult and win map control for your team OR continue passively farming your jungle with your Glaives and your HP sustain item (Madness). Forcing fights without BKB is risky if your opponents have decent magic nukes and disables, so usually you want to play passively until you get your core items. Nonetheless, in some games you will have the opportunity to be aggressive and you shouldn’t miss it.

The next important timing for Luna, as mentioned, is her Black King Bar – the item allows her to team fight much more safely. With BKB you can position yourself aggressively to cast your spells and to attack without worrying about getting disabled or burst down. You want to use this timing to force fights and take objectives.

The third timing for Luna is when she gets her luxury DPS items – usually first Manta, second - Butterfly and third - Satanic. Manta allows for more efficient sieging and split-pushing. Butterfly and Satanic allow you to man-fight other farmed carries in the late game – at this point you usually want to break the enemy base.

Comeback Potential:

If the laning stage didn’t go well, Luna will usually have to rush BKB in order to be able to fight enemies. You will need to play as defensively as possible and avoid getting picked off before you get the item.

A great way to come back fast into the game is to utilize stacks. Even if you have a bad laning stage (e.g. you are playing against a strong offensive lane), if your supports stack a lot for you, you can recover very quickly by farming the stacks (needless to say it is vital that your opponents don’t take the stacks instead).

After getting BKB you should smoke gank with your team and try to win engagements. This will win you some gold and map control - you can use the newly created space to farm up and get back into the game (you can catch-up to enemies thanks to your flash-farming potential).

Sadly, split-pushing your way to victory is hard to do with Luna because she is not elusive and if you are behind entering enemy territory to split-push will most probably cost you your life. You usually want to out-push the wave as fast as possible and go into the jungle where enemies don’t have vision of you.

Team Fights:

Luna is a very position-dependent hero in team fights. You are not one of those carries that run in and use their abilities. Rather, you wait for allies to initiate and lock down targets and then you come in with your ultimate and attacks.

You need to choose when you use your Eclipse. At the later stages of the game, enemy heroes will have BKB’s and using your ultimate will be a waste. You should wait with your ultimate and use it after their magic immunity wears off. Still, if allies manage to lock down a target that didn’t use his BKB in time, you can use Eclipse and try to burst him/her down while disabled before he/she managed to activate the BKB.

Use Lucent Beam on cooldown on the target you and your teammates are focusing unless you are very farmed and you deal much more damage with attacks. In this case use Beam only on heroes outside of your attack range or if you need to cancel important channeling abilities (such as Bane’s Grip or Enigma’s Black Hole).

You have no disable or a way to stick to targets although you are a fast hero. You should, therefore, attack units that were CCed by your allies or enemies attacking you.

You are generally weak in a 1vs1 situation against most hard carries because you deal more AoE than single target damage. Try to be around your allies in a fight, don’t get isolated in a 1vs1 combat. Keep in mind that Moon Glaives allow you to damage opponents that are a lot further away from you. Therefore, you can just attack the closest possible hero around you to make sure that you keep your Glaives bouncing in the team fight. This means that you need to spend less time repositioning yourself to attack the right target.


A very chaotic fight where Luna performed really well:

  • First, the enemy team manages to deal a lot of damage to her from a distance. To deal with this she pushes herself forward with Pike and activates BKB + Satanic, which quickly refills her HP and allows her to push the enemy team back.
  • Once her defensive items are on CD, the enemy Ursa tries to focus her down. She, however, has a Refresher Shard, which allows her to use her defensive CDs again. Aeon Disk saves her and BKB, ult and Satanic allow her to chase and finish the enemy Ursa off.


5-man Pushing:

Luna is a great 5-man pushing hero for two reasons. First, her aura gives a lot of damage to allies, which increases the team’s overall damage output. This is especially noticeable in early-mid game pushes. Second, her bouncing Glaives in the mid-and-late game start to deal a lot of damage to enemies and effectively zone them out when you are hitting buildings; this makes defending and stalling pushes extremely hard. When pushing with your team, you should simply attack buildings – your glaives will bounce and will still deal a lot of damage to your targets. If the enemy team commits to a defense, of course, you can focus a hero which is close to you to kill it off faster.

If the enemy team is alive and you are afraid of their initiation, you can simply slow-push the enemy base by sending your Manta illusions with the creep wave to chip away at the tower. This strategy is extremely strong if you have Shadow Demon on your team – he can create his own more powerful Luna illusions by disrupting one of the Manta illusions.

Luna Pushing SCR

Because of the bouncing Moon Glaives, Lion doesn’t even manage to reach the fight: he needs to back-off or he will die.


Luna can be a decent split-pusher in the mid and late game mainly thanks to Manta. The Manta illusion inherit the Glaives effect, meaning they will out-push the waves efficiently and can even damage towers. You can pop your Manta and use only your illusions to push the wave towards the enemy tower without overextending and risking your life – you are not an elusive hero.

Usually you want to stick close to your team to participate in fights, but if you are not in position to team fight and if there is a good split-pushing opportunity (the whole enemy team is visible and away from your position) you should take it. You clear waves very fast. This will allow you to reach the enemy tower very fast and force a reaction by the enemy team. Don’t overstay your welcome – you are vulnerable to ganks, so when a dangerous hero goes out of vision run backwards to safety (or TP away). Since you are very fast, your opponents are unlikely to catch up to you, especially if you have some MS items. You will find yourself much more often in this split push scenario when (and if) you buy your BoTs as they will open a lot of split push opportunities for you in the very late game.


Luna is not a good ganker because she doesn’t have any mobility spells or a lockdown for her targets. Because of this ganking is rarely something you want to do as Luna.

That being said, as any damage dealer Luna can participate in smoke ganks with her teammates. You should use the extra night vision given from her aura to get kills during the night time. Walk close to your initiating allies to give them vision on the enemy positioning. Afterwards follow up on their initiation with attacks and spells. If you are ganking an important and tanky target, use Eclipse to burst the target down before he/she has the opportunity to activate BKB or another defensive mechanism.

Map Control:

Luna’s extra night vision allows her team to be in an advantageous position during night time. You should seek offensive fights at night, when Eclipse is off cooldown and when the enemy team will be at a vision (and hopefully initiation) disadvantage. After winning an engagement, you can start taking map control by pushing towers or taking Roshan.

It is a good habit to think about vision obstructions. Standing on a high ground before a team fight could give your team the initiation advantage and could prevent enemy heroes from hiding away from vision near the fight location. Don’t get carried away in your function as an Observer ward, however, because you need to be on the frontline of the fight to deal damage.


You always want to lead your opponents in terms of net worth – you are one of the fastest flash-farmers in the game and you need to use this potential.  Moreover, you scale very well with items and an item lead over the enemy cores will most likely secure you the game.

You should not feel pressured to force fights if you have the needed space to flash-farm.

If you are not fighting or taking objectives, farming with Luna is pretty straightforward – you kill the creeps in the lanes and then go into the jungle, moving from camp to camp.

Once you get your Manta you can send the illusions to split-push while you are safely farming your jungle (or another pushed-in lane).

The important thing you need to consider is that Luna excels at farming stacked camps due to her Moon Glaive. In the early and mid game it is worth it to stack jungle camps before you farm them. In the later stages you can finish off a camp before the spawn timing comes, so stacking jungle camps with your hero becomes less important. Stacking Ancients, however, is key in all stages of the game. You should always ask your teammates to stack them. Afterwards you can farm the stack with Glaives and an HP sustain item, which will give you a huge income boost – you can use this to finish important items like your BKB faster than expected.

Don’t forget that a stacked Ancient camp is a very important source of income for your team and if your opponents manage to steal it this will be a big blow to your item progression and a boost to theirs. Always try to have vision there to protect the stack.

Finally, if you have a Dominator you can use the creep to stack the Ancients yourself – a great strategy in pubs where you cannot count on your supports to consistently provide stacks (even if they do, you can simply stack another camp).

Luna Farming SCR