Double ★★★ Terrorblade

As you might know, once you finish a three-star unit, the store can no longer roll this unit. This means that in order to get two three-star units, you need to exploit this mechanic:

You need to put your three-star unit on the bench and roll afterward. This will enable to get find this unit in the shop again.

Getting two three-star units is pretty hard to do. This game was a "special rules game" in which the players couldn't level-up, which meant that they had to spend all of their gold on shop rerolls.

But even in a real game, if you get lucky and you get a quick important three-star in your lineup (Terror, Razor, Shadow Fiend, etc.), it might be worth it to at least try to get a three-star + a two-star, which is much more realistic especially with the help of Io.

Mattjestic Gaming
Streamer, YouTuber

Matt from Mattjestic Gaming is a very consistent Auto Chess streamer, Youtuber, guide creator, and the most positive dude you'll ever meet! He has managed to raise multiple accounts to the Queen rank, which showcases his expertise in the game.