Lycan Guide by Nikobaby
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Date: 11/2018


Welcome to Nikobaby's Book of the Lycan, a hero guide part of the Book of Dota series!

Here you will find all the information you need to learn to play Lycan on a high level – from drafting and builds to the optimal playstyle in different lanes and situations. We hope you’ll enjoy this guide and find it useful!

Niko Lycan stats

Draft: Picking Lycan early is a bit of a giveaway in terms of your game plan. Despite being obvious, however, Lycan is still relatively hard to counter. Pick him later on in the draft when you have the choice, but don’t be too afraid to pick him earlier if you want to leave the surprise picks for your teammates.

Early Game: Make sure you go to a lane where you will be able to farm early on. The faster you get your core items, the faster you will be able to push and take map control. In the later laning stage, you can go into the jungle in order to leave the easy farm in the lane for an ally.

Mid & Late Game: Objective gaming - pushing and split-pushing is your true calling. That being said, especially in the mid game you should join fights as you deal loads of damage with your sprinting army. You don’t need to leave your allies to fend for themselves unless you are falling behind. Ideally, you want to finish the game in the mid-late game, as you don’t scale amazingly because of the items you buy. If you cannot do that, however, you can always win the game later on by split-pushing.


Nikolay "Nikobaby" Nikolov
Endorsement & Info

Niko is a rising star on the EU & CIS pub and pro scene and he is absolutely proficient at carrying. He has played for teams like Basically Unknown, Effect, DD, and recently - 20 min afk les, which won the TI8 CIS Open Qualifiers.

His peak placement on the EU Leaderboards is top 3, while his highest MMR before the reset was 8.5k. According to Dotabuff's player rankings, he is the rank 1 Morphling player in the world.

Nikolay "CTOMAHEH1" Kalchev
Info & Editing

CTOMAHEH1 started his pro career as a support in Basically Unknown together with Mind Control. Since then he has consistently been playing on the European T2 scene, most recently on Unchained Esports. 

His highest placement on the EU ladder is top 100 - he plays all roles (mainly support), which is untypical for high-ranking players and shows his great versatility and understanding of the game.

Kyril "MrNiceGuy" Kotashev
PM, Writing & Editing

Esports and gaming enthusiast since forever and founder of Dotahaven.

Has been playing Dota since 2005 (5.84). An Ancient I player in Dota 2.

Wolves need no armor.

Lycan has multiple strengths as a carry hero. He is a very fast farmer even at early levels and one of the fastest pushers and split-pushers in the game. Moreover, Lycan is one of the fastest Roshan killers, which gives his team an invaluable advantage when it comes to objectives. The hero deals a lot of damage and boosts the damage output of his whole team thanks to his summons and Howl. Last but not least, he is a hard hero to counter because he not only farms fast but is also very hard to kill due to his mobility and tankiness.

Lycan is always played as a carry. The hero’s playstyle revolves mainly around pushing and split-pushing, killing Roshan and out-farming the enemy team. During team fights, he provides his team with high physical damage output.

Lycan Loadout
Level 1
Level 15
Level 25
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very Low


Fast pusher, split-pusher: Thanks to the summons and Howl bonus DPS, Lycan becomes one of the fastest pushers in the game – he can literally bring down towers in seconds. This means that the enemy team has a very small margin for errors – if they lose a fight and nobody is alive to defend the towers, the game could very quickly be over due to the pushing power of Lycan. In addition, the hero is very survivable and mobile thanks to his ultimate, which allows him to split-push without too much risk.

Very high damage output: Lycan deals high damage from three sources. First, in ultimate form, the hero deals a lot of damage with attacks thanks to the crit and better BAT of the wolf. Second, his summons get the mobility buff of his Shapeshift form and the damage buff from Feral Impulse, which makes them stronger in fights. Third, the Howl boosts the attack speed of all allies.

Mobility and Escape Mechanism: Not only Lycan himself but also his units move at 650 speed when Shapeshift form is activated. The ultimate can be used as an escape mechanism to run away from enemies.  Moreover, Shapeshift gives him mobility during fights which to an extent compensates for the fact that the hero lacks any disables – he is usually able to stick to the target he’s attacking.


Global presence and scouting: Lycan has a good global presence with both Howl and his Wolves.  Howl can be used to boost allies’ damage and toughness in fights or to help them farm faster. His Wolves can be used to scout enemy positioning around the map. Last but not least, the hero is extremely fast in his ultimate form, which allows him to quickly join engagements.

Fast farmer: The high damage output of your units means you farm fast.



Lacks disables: The biggest problem of Lycan is that although he deals a high amount of single target damage, he doesn’t have disables to lock down his targets. This makes it relatively easy for enemies to kite him in fights, especially if they have mobility spells or good control abilities.


Mediocre carry potential: Lycan’s carry potential isn’t as high as that of other hard carries. The damage that’s coming from Lycan’s units doesn’t scale with levels and items that well. The hero also goes for mid-game oriented items like Necronomicon, which makes him weaker in the late game (Necronomicon’s units don’t scale).

Mana problems: Lycan is a strength hero and his spells, mainly Summon Wolves, costs a lot of Mana. This makes it hard for him to use the spell often during the early game in order to farm.


Mineski vs PSG.LGD, TI8

MATCH ID: 4066760701

Chalice plays a pos. 3 Lycan. LGD go for an offensive dual lane with the Gyro + Io combo, which frees up the safe lane for the Lycan and his lane partner - Ogre Magi (a strong lane support to help him in 2v2 situations).

Even though Lycan is a hero with very little kill potential, Chalice has a very good laning stage and manages to get not only farm, but also a couple of kills. This allows him to get his core items fast and to start doing is job - over the 32 minutes of the game, he manages to deal more tower damage than all other 9 heroes combined. It's important to note that he doesn't do this by avoiding all fights and split-pushing - Chalice actually has a slightly higher kill participation (a bit above 50%) than his QoP.

Winstrike vs IG, TI8

MATCH ID: 4062142402

Winstrike was one of the few teams on TI8 who used Lycan. Even though he was not a meta carry at TI8, Silent performed flawlessly (had a stat of 8-0-13) and with typical Lycan fashion had the most tower damage in the game and the least hero damage out of his team's three cores.

Lycan is definitely not the strongest hero in a 2v2 situation - a smart thing Winstrike did to mitigate this is to pair him up with Undying, who excels in 2v2 and 3v3 lanes.

Alliance vs OG 2018 DAC Major Qualifier 

MATCH ID: 3723901029

The game is a great example of how efficient Lycan can be in pushing drafts – OG combines him with Beast Master and Invoker, all of which have summoned units and skills to boost the units (Alacrity, BM Aura, Howl & Shape Shift).

The game is fairly even for the 1st 30 minutes (you could even argue Alliance win the early game) and none of OG’s cores get a free game. Nonetheless, once they hit their timing the structures of Alliance start to disappear.


Lycan Effigy

Since Lycan deals a lot of damage but lacks disable to stick to his targets, his best partners are those that provide disables. Moreover, the hero fits lineups with other pushing heroes, especially with multiple units.

Lycan is picked in team strategies for two main reasons. First, the hero is a great Roshan killer (you can even solo Roshan very early on once you get Vladmir’s or Helm of the Dominator), which grants Lycan and his team a big advantage. Second, Lycan farms very fast and can use the accrued items to push extremely fast with his summons. In that sense, the hero is used mainly as a pushing and split-pushing carry.

The fact that Lycan farms fast and is mobile and survivable makes it very hard for the enemy team to control his item development, which makes him a reliable carry. He is hard to gank and he can even farm multiple locations at once.

If his team plays around his timings (Helm of the Dominator, Necro, BKB, etc.), it is relatively easy to gather up and take objectives and often the enemy team wouldn’t be in a position to contest in time due to the speed with which Lycan takes towers/Roshan. The hero is one of those carries that can afford to pressure the enemy team from early on and even create space for his allies. Lycan can use his ultimate from early on to pick-off squishier opponents. The high MS allows him to even dive towers and run away safely, so even though he is usually a split-pushing carry playing aggressively and looking for fights with him is not necessarily a bad idea.

Last but not least, the scouting information that Lycan provides with Wolves is very valuable – it allows his team to constantly track enemy positioning.

Safe Lane Carry Lycan

If you want to ensure access to farm and a good start to your Lycan the best option is to give him the safe lane farm. The hero isn’t the best laner and can have trouble farming if he doesn’t get support. In addition, Lycan can quickly get his core items and levels and move into the jungle. This will leave the safe lane free for supports to farm up. Therefore, if you have resource dependent supports placing the Lycan safe lane could be the best option.

Offlane Lycan

You can run Lycan in more difficult lanes mainly because of his very high health regen thanks to Feral Impulse. Nonetheless, usually you still want to have a support with him – he is not particularly strong in the first few levels and if the enemy safe lane is strong they will be able to zone him out.

Sending Lycan to the offlane frees up the safe lane for another carry and allows you to run a draft with multiple cores.


Good friends to have are:

Allies with control: DK, Magnus, Beastmaster, Tidehunter, Vengeful Spirit, Enigma, Shadow Shaman

Dragon knight
Magnus Portrait
Tidehunter Portrait
Enigma Portrait
Shadow Shaman
Lycan needs allies with disables in order to stick to his targets in fights.

Since Lycan lacks disables, heroes who provide lockdown so that he can focus and nuke his targets are great partners. A disabled target can easily die within a few seconds during the early-mid game thanks to Lycan’s huge single damage output from all of his units combined with Howl.

Pushers: Chen, Enchantress, Enigma, Nature’s Prophet, Visage, Broodmother

Enigma Portrait
Nature's Prophet Portrait
Broodmother Portrait
Pushers that have summons benefit from Lycan’s Howl.

Pushers that summon units synergize particularly well with Lycan’s pushing potential. Howl makes the summons tougher and increases their DPS globally.

Supports that benefit from farming during the early game: Visage, Witch Doctor, Ancient Apparition, Rhasta

Witch Doctor
Ancient Apparition Portrait
Shadow Shaman
Lycan can go the jungle early on and in this way allows supports to get their core items quicker.

Some supports are more item and level dependent than others. Lycan can go into the jungle very early on and free up the lane where his supports can farm. In that sense, Lycan allows such supports to get their levels and items much faster than other carries who occupy the lane for longer.


Strong Against:

Teams without anti-push

Picking Lycan against opponents without anti-pushing spells is a great idea.

Lycan has multiple units and Howl. If his opponents don’t have a good way to kill his units and slow down his push he can easily take towers just by sending his summons. This is especially powerful if Lycan’s teammates have summons as well.

Slow, immobile heroes: Lesh, Lich, Dazzle, AA, Visage, Sniper

Dazzle Portrait
Ancient Apparition Portrait
Slow heroes without reliable disables or escape mechanisms are easy targets for Lycan to kill.

Slow and immobile heroes, especially heroes that don’t have reliable (targetable) disables are easy to play against as Lycan. The reason is that these heroes cannot run away from you once you are in your ultimate form which makes them easy targets to kill.

Weak Against:


Brew: He is very good vs Lycan in the lane because of the miss chance debuff. More importantly, with his ultimate he can use Dispel to counter your units (it instantly kills the wolves and leaves Necro units on very low HP) and Cyclone your hero to wait out a lot of your Shapeshift duration.


Enchantress: She is very strong in the laning stage and can pressure you with units. Later on she can use Enchant to steal your units in fights and deals amazing damage with Impetus because of how much ground you cover by running with Shapeshift.

Axe Portrait

Axe: Not only is Lycan a melee hero, but he is a melee hero with summons, which makes Axe great against Lycan in the lane because of Helix. His Blink – Call initiation is also extremely good against Lycan and his army in all stages of the game. 


Bat: Another great lane counter that later on can be useful by locking you down during Shapeshift.

High physical damage: Terrorblade, Bristleback, Sven, PA, TA

Bristle Portrait
Phantom Assassin
Templar Assassin
Heroes with AoE damage or armor reduction (or both) are particularly good.

Lycan has low armor, which makes him vulnerable to high physical damage carries. This is amplified if the enemy team has armor reduction. AoE physical damage is especially good because it can be used to kill his army as well.

Heroes that have disables through BKB: Void, Legion, Magnus, Axe

Faceless Void Portrait
Legion commander
Magnus Portrait
Axe Portrait
Hard control directly counters your mobility.

You rely on your mobility to be effective and to survive in fights. Those heroes make this very hard and you cannot solve your problem even with BKB. AoE disables like the ones of Void, Axe and Magnus are very good because they control Lycan’s units as well as the hero. Legion controls only the hero, but if you focus her with the units during duel you will trigger a lot of procs that can quickly kill you.


Lycan Summon Wolves
Lycan Howl
Lycan Feral Impulse
Lycan Shapeshift

Summons two wolves to fight for Lycan. Level 3-4 wolves have Cripple, and level 4 wolves have permanent invisibility.


Cast Animation: 0.3+0.73

Number of Wolves: 2

Duration: 55

CD: 30

Mana: 145

Summon Wolves

Use to farm:

Wolves are a great tool to increase your farming from the very start of the game. Wolves can be used to last hit reliably during the laning stage – if you are getting harassed you can even last hit only with them instead of the hero. With high-level wolves, you can push out the lane very fast and use the spare time to get farm in the jungle.

You can use Wolves to tank up damage of neutral units and to deal additional damage in order to clear jungle camps faster. Since your wolves aren’t too tanky against physical attacks you could choose to tank with your hero in order to allow your wolves to stay alive and keep dealing damage.

Use to harass:

Wolves can be used to harass the enemy heroes because they move much faster than heroes and are tanky on high levels. As a result, it is very difficult for most heroes to kill them off quickly or to run away from them if they are far from a tower. Moreover, as all summoned units, the Wolves don’t take the creep aggro when you give them an attack command on the enemy hero.

Use to scout and gank:

Since wolves have a duration of 55 seconds, you can use them to scout around the map for enemy positioning. This can allow you and/or your allies to gank enemies much easier. A great trick is to give a single Wolf a move command on the enemy hero – this way the Wolf will tail him without breaking the permanent invisibility.

At the start of the game (before creeps spawn) you can summon your Wolves right away in order to scout the positioning of opponents or even deny runes.

Grants bonus attack speed, armor, and health regen to Lycan, and all allied heroes and all units under their control.


Cast Animation: 0.3+0

Radius: Global

Attack Speed bonus: 20/30/40/50

Armor Bonus: 3/4/5/6

Health Regen Bonus: 4/8/12/16

Duration: 9

CD: 50/45/40/35 

Mana: 25/30/35/40


Use to farm faster, help teammates, or to take objectives:

You should always use Howl when you are pushing or split-pushing to bring down buildings quicker – this will give your opponents shorter time to react to your push. Using it for Roshan is also a great idea. You could on theory use Howl to farm faster, but bear in mind that it has a relatively long CD – you might need it for a fight or an objective. This means that usually, you want to use it to boost your farming only when you need it to clear faster e.g. a stacked camp.

Use for ganking or fighting:

You should always use Howl when you or your allies are fighting – the effect is global which means that all allies will benefit from the bonuses even when you are not nearby. This is especially valuable if your allies are ganking while you are farming.

Increases the HP regeneration and damage of Lycan and all units under his control.


Radius: 900

Attack Damage Bonus: 12/24/36/48%

Health Regeneration Bonus: 1/3/5/7

Feral Impulse

The spell’s bonuses are very straightforward – they give Lycan and all his units Attack damage bonus and health regeneration. The bonus DPS and heal are great for getting objectives or farming more efficiently.

Lycan assumes his lupine form, granting him and his units critical strikes and added vision at night. During Shapeshift, Lycan and all units under his control move at increased speed, cannot be slowed and have a 40% chance to deal a critical strike doing 160%/180%/200% damage.


Cast Animation: 0+0

Transformation Time: 1.5

Night Vision Bonus: 1000

Haste Speed: 650

Critical Chance: 40%

Critical Damage: 150/175/200%

Duration: 18

CD: 130/105/80

Mana: 100


The spell can be used in three ways:

First, the most obvious use is to increase Lycan’s damage and mobility in fights. It is best practice to use the spell a bit before the start of the engagement (because of 1.5 seconds transformation time) so that you have your ultimate on when your allies initiate.

Second, you can use the spell as an escape mechanism. Keep in mind that your transformation won’t get interrupted even if enemies cast disables on you. This means that if you click the spell before you get initiated and enemies cannot burst you down while you are disabled, you would usually survive.

Third, you can use the spell as a tool to move around the map and kill creeps faster (usually for split-pushing) or to kill Roshan quicker. Keep in mind, however, that at lower levels the spell has a significant CD and you should use it this way only when you are sure won’t need it for fights while it’s on CD.

Skill Builds

Generally speaking, Lycan’s build is quite inflexible. You want to max up your Wolves first because they increase your farming speed and make your fighting presence much better early on. You always want to get your ultimate at level 6/12/18 as well.

Standard Skill Build
Lycan Feral Impulse
Lycan Summon Wolves
Lycan Feral Impulse
Lycan Summon Wolves
Lycan Summon Wolves
Lycan Shapeshift
Lycan Summon Wolves
Lycan Feral Impulse
Lycan Feral Impulse
Talent Icon
Lycan Howl
Lycan Shapeshift
Lycan Howl
Lycan Howl
Talent Icon
Lycan Howl
Lycan Shapeshift
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: faster-farming speed; good damage output; good sustain;
Cons: no global presense;

You get two fast levels in Feral Impulse to increase your HP regen in the lane – this makes it very hard for the enemy hero to zone you out. The bonus damage also helps with last hitting.

Afterward you start maxing Wolves to increase your farming potential and to be able to transition to jungle or/and kill Roshan as early as possible.

You finish maxing Feral Impulse afterward – it increases your farming speed more and is, therefore, the better choice for early game farming, especially if you don’t expect to gather with your team in the early game. You get Howl last.


+3 Wolves Summoned

+40% Chance Shapeshift Crit

+16% Feral Impulse Damage
+8sec Shapeshift Duration
12% CD Reduction
+8 Feral Impulse HP Regen
+20 Dmg
+5 Armor

Lvl10: Depends on the game you play and items you go for. For example, if you play against minus armor team you want the Armor talent (you can stack your armor talent with Solar Chrest, Assault), but most of the games you take the damage.

Lvl15: Remember that both spells effect not only your hero but the units you control too. This means that CD reduction will reduce the cd on your Necro book or Helm of Dominator and +8 feral regen effects your units too. CD reduction is usually your talent here because it stacks very well with your level 20 talent which is +8 sec Shapeshift duration.

Lvl20: If you have the CD reduction talent on level 15, it is a must to take the Shapeshift talent.

Lvl25: 5 Wolves are great for pushing but easy to kill in most games.  The crit increases Lycan's carry potential, which makes it the standard choice.

Item Builds

Pushing & Split-Pushing Build

You start with Stout Shield to be more survivable against harassment and a Quelling Blade for increasing farm rate and get easier last hits. Afterward you want to get your Boots and as quickly as possible. Next, you want to usually rush Helm of Dominator in order to get a creep early and start pushing towers. Afterward, you want to get Necro book to increase your pushing and fighting potential. In the mid to late game, you need most of the times BKB in order to participate in team fight without getting controlled. In this build AC allows you to push faster together with your Wolves and Necro units, while Abyssal allows you to disable a target and bring it down together with your army. 

Starting Items
Stout Shield
Iron branch
Iron branch
Early Game
Quelling Blade
Magic wand
Boots of Speed
Helm of the Dominator
Mid Game
Power treads Strength
Black King Bar
Late Game
Stout Shield
Iron branch
Iron branch
Quelling Blade

Magic wand
Boots of Speed

Helm of the Dominator

Helm of Dominator: The item synergizes with the hero very well. You can dominate a creep and with your wolves, you can pressure towers early. The dominated creep gets the benefits from all of your spells – the speed of Shapeshift, the damage and HP of Holw, etc. The stats are also useful in the early game.

Power treads Strength

Power Treads: PT synergizes well with the hero as it both makes him tankier and increases his AS. Treads switching is also quite important because Lycan can switch to INT to cast Wolves.


Necronomicon: The Necro units synergize with item in 2 ways. First, and most importantly, the units get the MS buff from Lycan’s ultimate which makes them extremely fast in fights. Second, the units get the buff from Feral Impulse, Howl, and Helm of Dominator, which increases their damage output and sustain. This allows Lycan to push towers very fast and burst opponents in fights.

Black King Bar

Black King Bar: BKB allows Lycan to move freely in fights without getting disabled. The hero needs to stick to his targets constantly in order to deal damage. Therefore, magic immunity is quite important against enemies with a lot of CC. Since your ultimate has a limited duration, you want to be able to attack freely during most of it.


Assault Cuirass: AC is the standard late game item choice for Lycan. The bonuses of the item are great for the hero, but also for all his units. It makes all of his summons much tankier, increases their DPS and most importantly – decreases the armor of enemy heroes and buildings. This synergizes extremely well with the hero’s pushing potential.


Abyssal Blade: One of the most important carry items for Lycan for the mid and late game. It grants the hero the invaluable ability to lock down targets, which makes it much easier for him to focus down enemies in fights. The attack speed bonus form Feral Impulse and good BAT of Shapeshift synergizes with the bash chance of the item.

Hard Carry Build

If you think you won’t be able to push or split-push effectively and the game is going to be long, it is an option to gear Lycan up for a late game hard carry. The idea is to focus more on your own damage and survivability instead on building an army.

The build focuses on getting minus armor with Medallion, Deso and AC. Moreover, Heart in combination with AC makes you a front line tank good at sieging towers. Upgrading the Medallion into Solar Crest could be done at any point.

Starting items
Stout Shield
Iron branch
Iron branch
Early game
Quelling Blade
Magic wand
Power treads Strength
Mid game
Desolator Icon
Solar Crest Icon
Black King Bar
Late game
Stout Shield
Iron branch
Iron branch
Quelling Blade
Magic wand
Power treads Strength

Power Treads: PT synergizes well with the hero as it both makes him tankier and increases his AS. Treads switching is also quite important because Lycan can switch to INT to cast Wolves.


Medallion: Lycan’s damage (both the hero and his summons) is all physical meaning that Medallion’s armor reduction increases his total damage output by a lot. The item is primarily bought to kill Roshan faster, but it is also quite useful to nuke down single targets.

Desolator Icon

Desolator: Like Medallion, Desolator synergizes well with Lycan as all the damage he and his units deal is physical. The item also increases Lycan’s pushing potential. Although it allows the hero to bring down targets quickly and push towers fast, Deso is purely offensive and purchasing it might backfire if you are not able to stick to targets or/and are way too squishy to survive in fights.

Solar Crest Icon

Solar Crest: Upgrading to Solar Crest is a good idea to get more value for your slot, but usually, you want to get it after finishing your other core items. The evasion is very useful when man-fighting other carries.

Black King Bar

Black King Bar: BKB allows Lycan to move freely in fights without getting disabled. The hero needs to stick to his targets constantly in order to deal damage. Therefore, magic immunity is quite important against enemies with a lot of CC. Since your ultimate has a limited duration, you want to be able to attack freely during most of it.


Assault Cuirass: AC is the standard late game item choice for Lycan. The bonuses of the item are great for the hero, but also for all his units. It makes all of his summons much tankier, increases their DPS and most importantly – decreases the armor of enemy heroes and buildings. This synergizes extremely well with the hero’s pushing potential.


Heart of Tarrasque: The item is a very good late game carry item for Lycan. The hero is vulnerable to disables – if he gets stunned, he could easily get nuked down.  The survivability in terms of raw HP that it gives allows him to survive initiations and then thanks to the very high MS of his ultimate form run away from the fight. The item is also good for sieging the enemy base as it allows Lycan to stay up front, hit towers and regen all lost HP in seconds.


Monkey King Bar: A good way to counter miss mechanics.

Other Items

Early & Mid Game
Mask of madness
Vladmir's Offering
Late Game
Linken's Sphere
Mask of madness

MoM: MoM is not a mandatory item but it feels pretty good on Lycan – it gives you a lot of early attack speed and Lycan is a hero who can cast all of his abilities before using it, so the silence doesn’t hurt you at all. It’s also great for killing Roshan.

Vladmir's Offering

Vladmir’s Offering: The item synergizes with the hero in two ways. First, it gives him sustainability and mana regen that he lacks. Second, it grants lifesteal and damage not only to Lycan but also to all of his units. 


Heaven’s Halberd: The item makes Lycan tankier because it increases his HP and gives him evasion. Moreover, the maim slow gives the hero a disable that he lacks so that he can stick to his targets. It is a valuable pick against good physical damage dealers in the enemy team.


Nullifier: Nullifier can help you to kill heroes that rely on their items, combine it with Bloodthorn you can “Doom” target, blocking all of their abilities and items.


Bloodthorn: Another great late game item. You can use it on supports or even cores after their BKB ends and if the silence is not removed, the damage increase is huge. It also synergizes very well with Nullifier – you basically Doom the target, blocking all of their abilities and items.

Linken's Sphere

Linken's: You usually don’t want to build it, but it’s sometimes necessary – mainly against heroes with BKB-piercing disables like Batrider, Beastmaster, Bane, etc.


Manta: a very situational choice. Manta can help Lycan split push faster and also gives him MS to farm quicker. It also allows him to dispel spells like roots and silences (especially good against Trent’s ult) that can prevent him from using his ultimate during engagements.


Satanic: the item is an alternative to Heart. It makes Lycan tankier and increases his damage. Unlike Heart, the item allows Lycan to man fight more effectively as it gives a lot of lifesteal. However, it is less effective for sieging the enemy base.

Early Game

Lycan 350px

You should focus on farming and getting levels up until level 7. At that time you will have Wolves at max level which will allow you to attempt Roshan or to farm very fast in the jungle.

In the mid lane, you should use Wolves to scout for runes and to deny them from the enemy hero. If the enemy against you has too much harassment, you should stay on the high ground and last hit with wolves. Try to always stay in range to get the experience.  Moreover, Lycan isn’t a very survivable hero. You are quite vulnerable to ganks of enemy supports, even with your high HP regen - if supports are missing stay on high ground and farm with Wolves.

In the safe lane, you should work together with your support to zone out the enemy by using your Wolves to harass. Keep in mind that you deal quite a lot of damage with your summons. If your support has good disables, you can attempt to get a kill even early on.

You can transition to the jungle even earlier if you are at a matchup disadvantage mid or if you are facing an offensive dual/trilane in the safe lane.

Get levels and farm until level 7
Harass with wolves, scout runes, enemy positioning
Once you get to level 7 and have Dominator, get a creep and start hitting enemy towers.

Most spells of Lycan help him last hit in the laning stage. First, his passive increases his damage– for that reason it is worth getting a level in Feral Impulse as early as possible. Second, Lycan’s Wolves are a great tool for last hitting. You can last hit together with your hero and your Wolves to increases the overall damage dealt so that you can ensure a last hit or deny. Alternatively, if enemy heroes have too much harassment, you can stay at distance with your hero and last hit only with Wolves.

Bear in mind that your wolves are squishy to physical damage on low levels and could easily die to a couple of right clicks if you keep them next to the creep wave for too long. Try to avoid this because the Wolves give a considerable amount of resources to the enemy hero that kills them.

Harassing & Kill Potential:

Your main tool for harassing is your Summon Wolves spell. Your wolves are faster than most heroes and relatively tanky due to their magic resistance - enemies can hardly kill them with spells. You should use them to pressure heroes that can’t deal with them, i.e. don’t have high physical damage spells (like Anchor Smash) that can easily bring them down. Simply give an attack command of your wolves on the enemy hero and micro the wolves when they get too close to the enemy tower or when they are about to die from attacks.

Most of the times it isn’t worth it to harass with Wolves until you get level 4 of the spell. At level 7 your wolves will have invisibility and high HP regeneration, which will make them much stronger.


Generally, Lycan has very high HP regen and it's pretty hard to kill him. Hawl is also very helpful in that regard – keep in mind that it makes you more survivable during the night.  After level 6 you can use Shapeshift if someone is ganking you to simply run away.

Kill Potential:

Lycan’s kill potential comes mainly from his ultimate. Usually, you want to have your Wolves summoned, use your ultimate (together with Howl if you have it to increase your DPS) and chase down an enemy. Keep in mind that your Wolves can block your hero and you might not be able to attack the enemy in clustered areas. Therefore, it is good to try to control your wolves separately when attacking a target. You can even use them to body block an enemy hero so that you and/or your allies can reach him for a disable or simply to deal damage.

Killing immobile targets is easiest because they cannot disengage. Even diving the enemy tower is not a bad idea. If you see enemies are teleporting to counter-gank you can still run away because of your ridiculous MS before the TP animation finishes. However, you have to be very careful about your ultimate duration. If it ends when you are under the enemy tower a rotation of an enemy can easily lead to your death.

It is generally much better to go for a kill if you have an ally to provide control – even though you are very fast in your Shapeshift Form, an opponent can still use his escape mechanism to disengage and a stun for an ally would usually ensure the kill.

Typically people underestimate Lycan’s kill potential without his ultimate. The hero deals a lot of damage even at lower levels thanks to his wolves and passive. This means that together with an ally who provides a long-lasting disable you can easily score kills even without Shapeshift.

Timings and Rotations:

Lvl6 is an obvious timing - when you get your ultimate you can start fighting/ganking enemy heroes or even attempt solo kills.

At level 7 you get wolves maxed out which allows you to farm up very fast and also to start pressuring towers. You rarely want to attempt ganks before level 6-7. You will have relatively low HP and your priority is farming – you want to quickly get your Vladmir’s so that you can attempt Roshan and accelerate your farming speed.

If you get pressured too much in the lane, you should consider going to the jungle. Lycan can farm the jungle very fast when he gets higher levels in Wolves. Because of this lvl5 is a good timing to rotate there. In some situations, e.g. when you don’t get a lot of farm in the lane, it will be even better to go there even earlier. Try to leach experience until you get level 3 and then rotate.  

Video Example:

The laning stage starts passively – Lycan concentrates entirely on last-hitting and denying. He knows he cannot really pressure the enemy ET easily and doesn’t even waste mana to harass with his Wolves.

Once he gets a Dominator and lvl6, however, he demonstrates the strength of Shapeshift in combination with the units: he gets a double kill under the enemy tower on his own. The units tank the tower shots, so he is not ever in danger of dying or getting counter-ganked. Immediately after the double kill he takes the tower with the catapult wave, which propels him very far ahead in resources.

On minute 09:15 he overextends and dies under the enemy tower, but he still forces a 4-man rotation because he is very hard to kill with his army (with ultimate he might have even survived).

Mid & Late Game

Push, split-push
Get Roshan, force fights with Aegis

In terms of items you have two important timings:

First, your Helm of Dominator is a very important timing as it allows you to farm up faster pressure towers and take Roshan at some point.

The second timing is your Necronomicon or/and BKB. Necro allows you to push/split-push much faster. You can use this timing to group up with your allies and push down towers before enemies get strong enough to deal with your summons. BKB, on the other hand, allows you to move freely in fights without getting disables, which makes you more efficient in team fights.

Your third timing is when you get your first luxury damage or survivability item – usually Abyssal Blade or Assault Cuirass. You can use the former to gank targets or to lock down elusive enemies in fights. When you have AC or Heart you can use the timing to start pushing the enemy Tier 3 towers.

In terms of levels, you get gradually better the higher level you are. Your ultimate’s CD gets significantly reduced at level 3, which allows you to use it more often for fighting, ganking, disengaging and even farming, especially when you reach your level 20 talent which is +8 sec ShapeShift duration.

Comeback Potential:

Lycan depends on a good start to get his farm going but is nonetheless a very good catch-up hero since he can farm up fast with the help of his summons. If you have a bad start (usually in the lane), you should best transition to the jungle as soon as possible and try to catch up there. It is very important to get Roshan if you had a bad start since the kill will give you EXP and farm that will compensate the resource disadvantage.

If you have a good start you should use the advantage to push towers or secure Roshan very early on before your enemies are strong enough to even contest.

Team Fights:

Starting the fight:

Lycan has two options to engage. Either you wait for an ally to initiate or you run in with your ultimate and summons and then allies jump in. Running in first is usually only a good option if you know you would be able to latch onto a target (e.g. you have Abyssal Blade) and you have BKB to protect yourself from counter-initiation. In all other cases you typically want to wait for the initiation of your allies - enemies will instantly start running and kiting as they see you approaching in ultimate form.

It is best to cast your ultimate 1.5 seconds before your allies initiate so that you can have your Shapeshift as the fight starts. Lycan also deals good amount of damage even without ultimate. The only problem he has when in normal form is that he has no way to bridge the distance between himself and enemies.

During the fight:

You should choose carefully who you attack in fights. You can split your summons and your hero, i.e. you can let your summons attack a support and focus another hero with Lycan himself. Alternatively, you can use everything to nuke down a squishy target ASAP - it will usually take 2-3 seconds to get e.g. a squishy support killed. Keep in mind that you are a very fast hero – you should use that to your advantage. If you get focused, you can run out and then run back in again to finish a hero. You are vulnerable when your ultimate ends - you should keep track of its duration in order to be able to escape while hasted if you are getting focused. If the engagement doesn’t look favorable try to escape well before your ultimate ends in order to create some distance between yourself and the enemy team.


The strength of Lycan in 5 man pushing comes from the bonus damage and HP he gives to allies with Howl and from the single target damage he deals together with all his summons. When pushing, the most important decision you should make is whether you are survivable enough to stay up front and attack the tower, especially if you are sieging high ground. If you are not farmed enough, going uphill in your normal form can easily get you killed because your ultimate transformation time takes 1.5 seconds. As a result, you won’t be able to instantly run away after an enemy disable ends. If you are not that tanky you should send your summons in and slow-siege with Howl.

You can also get Aegis to ensure that you will survive. If you are tanky enough (for example with Heart) you can go uphill and rely on the fact that you will survive the initial burst if enemies try to kill you. Alternatively, if you have allies with good counter-initiation like Tidehunter, Puck etc. you can go in even if you are not that survivable and bait enemies into initiating. Afterward, your allies can counter initiate and allow you to use your ultimate and items to fight.


There are two ways to split-push. First, whenever you see the enemies that can kill you on the map, you can start pushing the wave and attack the tower together with all your summons. Second, if you are not aware of enemy positioning, you can send just your summoned units (Wolves and Necro units for example) and assist them with Howl from a safe distance (e.g. while you’re farming the jungle).  Don’t shy away from split-pushing with Lycan – in some situations when your team can’t take a 5on5 engagement it will be much better to push an enemy tower or trade barracks rather than attempt to fight. You deal a lot of damage and split-push extremely fast. In some situations, you could even force the enemy team to TP back in order to defend and in that way stop their push.

Right when Notail sees the enemy team showing mid (they are preparing to defend mid against his teammates), he activates his ultimate and units and starts split-pushing. This immediately forces the enemy team to react. He knows he is not going to die with ult, BKB and cheese, and because of this he stays and fights for a few seconds to buy his team some time. This decision leads to the death of the enemy OD.


Although ganking is possible, Lycan shines in pushing and farming – you should focus on those activities instead of roaming around the map. Moreover, ganking with Lycan is often a problem because you lack disables.

It is best to gank together with allies that have disables that will allow you to stick to the target and deal damage. However, ganking on your own is also possible provided that the enemy doesn’t have good escape mechanisms. You can easily take down a squishy, immobile support. For example, you can cast your ultimate out of vision and then quickly attack your target out of the fog together with your units. Once the kill is complete you can easily disengage with your ultimate form.

If you have a control item like Abyssal ganking becomes even easier. You can potentially kill even mobile targets if you deal high enough burst damage.

Map Control and Vision:

Your scouting tools are your wolves. Since they are invisible and are quite fast you can send them to scout around the map for enemy positioning. You can issue a follow command on an enemy hero for example. The wolf will automatically follow its target around the map and give you invaluable vision. This tactic is priceless in the later stages of the game. Wolves get relatively weak later on and will not increase your farming that much. Therefore, it is usually better to scout for enemy positioning than to use them for farming.


Farming is quite straightforward in the mid to late game. Don’t shy from using Necro units for farming if you are not about to fight or push. You can, for example, send your wolves and Necro units in a lane to push it out and farm there when you are not aware of enemy positioning (it would be risky to push out a lane on your own if opponents are missing).  If you are taking ancients you should use Howl to boost your damage. If you have Medallion you can use it on bigger creeps in the jungle to kill them faster.

Lycan is quite a fast farmer and you should use it to your advantage. Try to out-farm enemies and then use your item advantage to push or split-push. Don’t be afraid to position yourself aggressively in order to get farm if you have vision on the most dangerous enemy heroes. Your ultimate (and possibly tanky items) make you a very hard target to gank.