Leshrac Guide by Qojqva
Artist: Adrian Solomon
Qojqva & Co.
Date: 12/2018


Welcome to Qojqva's Book of Leshrac, a hero guide part of the Book of Dota series!

Here you will find all the information you need to learn to play Lesh on a high level – from drafting and builds to the optimal playstyle in different lanes and situations. We hope you’ll enjoy this guide and find it useful!

Qojqva Lesh

Draft: Lesh is very flexible in terms of roles and lanes, so picking him early on isn’t going to give out a lot of info to the enemy team. Having allies that can set up for your stun in the lane is great. You usually want to pick Lesh in a 5-man pushing draft.

Early Game: Use your early game kill and pushing potential to win the laning stage and claim objectives early in the game. If you are a core you should flash farm as much as possible – push out the wave, stack and farm camps. If you are a support – prioritize zoning out and rotating for kill attempts.

Mid & Late Game: In the ideal scenario you will finish the game by pushing the enemy base with a resource advantage in the mid game before your opponents have BKBs and before their carries deal very high physical damage. Nonetheless, if this is not possible continue flash farming and don’t be afraid to take it late – you scale well with farm. You can even anti-push and split-push if you want to buy time.


Max "qojqva" Bröcker
Endorsement & Info

Qojqva is one of the very few old-school core players who have been able to consistently stay at the top of the game and to maintain their peak mechanical skill.

He has competed on legendary teams like MYM,  mousesports, Team Liquid, Team Tinker, Escape, NiP, and Alliance.

Nikolay "CTOMAHEH1" Kalchev
Info & Editing

CTOMAHEH1 started his pro career as a support in Basically Unknown together with Mind Control. Since then he has consistently been playing on the European T2 scene, most recently on Unchained Esports. 

His highest placement on the EU ladder is top 100 - he plays all roles (mainly support), which is untypical for high-ranking players and shows his great versatility and understanding of the game.

Kyril "MrNiceGuy" Kotashev
PM, Writing & Editing

Esports and gaming enthusiast since forever and founder of Dotahaven.

Has been playing Dota since 2005 (5.84). An Ancient I player in Dota 2.

Stronger than the Brittle Earth

Leshrac is one of the more versatile heroes in Dota. He can easily fit in different situations and contribute thanks to his skill set. He is a great pusher and flash-farmer and unlike most spellcasters in Dota 2, he scales well with items. Nevertheless, Lesh is one of the easier heroes to kill in the game, which is even a bigger drawback bearing in mind that in order to maximize the efficiency of his skills, he needs to be in the middle of the fight.

Picking him as a support allows you to exploit his pushing and early game killing potential without relying on him to carry the game in its later stage. However, this means that he will most likely lack sufficient farm to allow him to scale well in the mid/late game.

Picking him as a core (most likely solo mid or safe lane) will allow you to get the needed resources to flash farm and dominate team fights in the mid and late game with your powerful AoE potential.

Lesh Loadout
Level 1
Level 15
Level 25
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very Low
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High
Very High


Flexible:  He fits in different lineups as he is good in diverse situations: pushing, ganking, team-fighting or counter-pushing. He also could go to virtually any lane.

One of the best pushers: Diabolic Edict allows him to take down towers really quickly even early on in the game.

Damage: While Split Earth and Lightning Storm allow Leshrac to nuke enemies down, Diabolic Edict and Pulse Nova provide good sustained magical damage.

Control: Split Earth is a very potent AOE stun which provides Lesh with decent control from the start of the game.

Fast farmer: His two nukes have low cooldowns, which allows him to spam them and take multiple creeps at once - very useful for flash-farming, along with his ultimate.

Scales well with farm: When Leshrac has strong items to compensate for his natural squishiness, he excels in team fights.


Fast:  As most four-legged or mounted heroes in the game, he has above average movement speed.

Anti-push: Lightning Storm is a good spell for taking the creep aggro away from towers without exposing oneself to danger.

Good range and attack animation: This allows him to harass easily and helps at last-hitting.

Good mana pool: He is very mana intensive, so the good mana pool helps a lot



Weak Survivability: Low base STR and STR gain, in addition to no escape mechanism means he is easy to kill.

Countered by magic immunity: Magic immunity negates almost all of his DPS output and all of his control. BKB’s or spells that provide immunity could make Leshrac virtually useless in a fight.


Cast animation: He has a very slow cast animation on all of his spells. In addition, Split Earth has a further delay. In order to be certain of landing Split Earth, Lesh usually needs setup from another hero (even though the mini-slow from Lightning Storm can help).

Level and farm dependent: To use his Pulse Nova to its full potential he usually needs a very big mana pool and the ability to survive among multiple enemies.


OG vs Team Moriarty, Mars Dota 2 League

MATCH ID: 3782320158

S4 plays a mid Lesh in a 5-man pushing draft – the other cores of OG are Terrorblade and Dragon Knight, so the team has the potential to push down towers in mere seconds. He demonstrates the very high kill potential of the hero by killing the enemy Zeus (among other heroes) multiple times. Both of his supports can setup for his stun – Bane with Nightmare and ET with Stomp, which makes staying in the lane vs Lesh almost impossible.

After losing the laning stage very heavily, the Dire team has no means to stop the push and taps out in 17 minutes.

Double Dimension vs Alliance

Match ID: 3720693563

Team DD is using a hard support (pos.5) Lesh in an aggressive 5-man pushing strategy and manage to beat Alliance in 20 minutes.

Lesh + SK is a potent combo – SK can Burrowstrike to setup for Lesh’s Split Earth, which allows them to pressure the lanes. In this game the laning stage is not what determined the outcome, however – it was the strength of DD’s 5-man death-ball.

Notice the ability build That J4 (who is playing Lesh) goes for: even though he is playing in a 5-man push strat, he goes for the Split Earth + Lightning Storm build. The reason is that he knows that he will not need to deal the dower damage, as they have Lycan on their team. He decides that as a pos. 5 he will have a bigger impact if he stays in the back lines to spam his spells.


It is very hard to say with certainty in what situation the hero should be picked (or drafted) because as we already said, he is very versatile, especially in the support role. One thing to always bear in mind should be his early-mid game kill potential and his amazing ability to push. Whatever your game plan, you should accommodate these two abilities and aim to accomplish something with them.

When you draft Leshrac in a strategy, it is usually to utilize his pushing ability. How you do this depends on what role you give to the hero. A support Lesh will not scale well into the later stages of the game but can give you the opportunity to be very aggressive (with ganks and pushing) in the early game. A farming Lesh, on the other hand, could help you dominate the mid-game with his team-fight presence.

Support Lesh

Usually, the main idea of drafting Lesh as a defensive 3-lane support is to push the enemy towers quickly. Otherwise, Lesh is played as a traditional support at that position - providing vision, babysitting the carry, pulling for levels and farm or initiating ganks.

Partnered with another support with disable, Lesh can be part of a very strong roaming and ganking support duo in the early game as the two heroes should have very heavy kill potential.

Finally, since Lesh scales well with farm, he could benefit a lot from stacking and pulling the jungle as he could farm rather efficiently this way and be a formidable team fight presence in the mid stages of the game.

Hence, the general idea behind drafting Lesh in a defensive 3-lane is:

  • To push down towers in the early game and provide map control

  • To be a part of a roaming support duo in order to gank enemies in the lanes

  • To pull and farm the jungle, getting enough farm and levels to have a significant impact in fights



Lina has similar AOE stun disable and burst damage but like Leshrac needs a reliable stun or setup for her Light Strike Array stun. For ganking purposes, Lina is very similar to Leshrac. In terms of pushing, however, Lina is no substitute. 

Shadow Shaman

Shadow Shaman could be a good substitute for Leshrac in a pushing strategy since Shadow Shaman’s Serpent Wards can bring down towers quickly. The main difference is that SS needs lvl6 to push, so if you have SS on your team instead of Lesh, you will not be able to push in the early laning stage. In terms of disables, he has more reliable lock-down spells; however, none of them are AOE. 

Core Lesh

The major idea behind putting Lesh in the second position could be to facilitate fast pushing and strong mid-game team fighting potential - in the mid lane Lesh will gain levels faster and will be able to provide AoE DPS sooner.

Leshrac is very susceptible to ganks early on and is thus a situational middle hero in team strategies. Picking Leshrac mid is only a good idea if you are relatively certain that you will be able to win your lane versus the opposing mid hero, and in addition, you know that it is unlikely that you will be ganked in the early levels (because, for example, you are running an aggressive 3-lane, and the enemy supports will have trouble rotating).


Death prophet

Death Prophet could be an adequate substitute for Leshrac in a solo mid position. She has a similar play style in the lane and could do decently against most solo heroes. She has similar harass potential; nevertheless, she has a weaker solo kill capabilities until she gets her ultimate. In terms of early game pushing, DP is one of the few heroes that can compete with Leshrac. Her ultimate needs to be off cooldown to push. Despite that, this is rarely a problem, and since she is in the mid lane, she will get lvl 6 quickly.


Pugna works in a similar fashion - a strong mid laner that can push towers very effectively. Similarly to Lesh, Pugna is very susceptible to ganks early on. He also has good team fight presence thanks to his Nether Ward.


The best partners of Lesh are heroes that amplify his two key talents: pushing and kill potential.

Good friends to have are:

Setup: Shadow Demon, Vengeful Spirit, Sven, Rubick, etc. - all heroes with a direct disable

Shadow Demon Portrait
When picking Leshrac, it is a good idea to combine him with a hero that can setup for his stun.

Leshrac’s stun is very powerful; however, it is somewhat hard to land because of the long casting animation. If another hero disables an enemy so that Leshrac could cast his DMG spells and follow-up with Split Earth, this could lead to an easy kill. This combination is particularly useful for ganking.

Pushing: Chen, Enchantress, Dragon Knight, Lone Druid, Juggernaut, KOTL

Dragon knight
Lone Druid
Keeper of the Light
Leshrac is a powerful pusher - when he is combined with other heroes that could contribute to a push, this could lead to an early game tower lead and as a result, a gold and map control advantage.

Leshrac can deal a lot of damage to structures with the help of Diabolic Edict. Nevertheless, he is squishy, and creeps or other heroes should tank the tower for him while he is dealing the damage. Another thing that would be helpful would be to have somebody clear the creep wave fast. This is particularly relevant in the early game. Later on, when Lesh has leveled up all his spells, he has no problem clearing enemy creeps by himself. In addition, if he has items, the tower DPS is usually not a problem.


It could be said that Lesh has no hard counter and is himself not a hard counter to anything. When you pick him, it is good to have at least a few reasons why he would fit in the game. 

For example, if you want a support hero that can both gank and push, and the enemy team has no natural magic immunity/resistance, then Leshrac could be a great idea. However, if you want to deal with enemy illusions through Leshrac’s AOE, but there is magic immunity on the enemy team, you might want to consider your other options.

Weak Against:

Magic immunity and resistance: Naix, Omni Knight, Pudge, Anti-Mage, Rubick etc.

Lifestealer Portrait
Omniknight portrait
Anti mage
If the enemy team has many heroes that are capable of surviving magical damage, it is not a good idea to pick Lesh. Whenever you pick it, you should support rather than carry.

Lesh is weak against all heroes that have a natural magic immunity (or resistance), or that are likely to buy BKB’s. This is particularly true for a farming Leshrac - if your enemies are likely to be magic immune, you are not going to contribute enough. This is not such a problem for support Leshrac because it is not expected that you are the main DPS provider.

Mobility: Lycan, Weaver, Storm Spirit, Anti-Mage, etc.

Storm spirit
Anti mage
If the enemy team has mobile heroes, pick Lesh in combination with other disablers.

Lesh usually has problems landing his stun because of the very slow cast animation. This is amplified if your enemies are mobile. In addition, Lesh deals the majority of his DPS in an area around himself. Whenever his enemies are very mobile, they could get away easily from that area and be safe, which is problematic. This, however, could be overcome when your allies have setup for your stun or long disables (preferably crowd control), which would allow you to deal magic damage.

Silence: Doom Bringer, Bloodseeker, Night Stalker, Draw Ranger, Silencer, etc.

Night Stalker
Drow Ranger
Whenever the enemy team has natural sources of silence, pick Lesh with caution and aim at acquiring a BKB.

As all heroes reliant on their spells, Lesh has trouble dealing with enemies that can silence him. This, however, is usually not fatal because if you have turned on Pulse Nova and Diabolic Edict before the silence, they continue dealing damage. You do not have the ability to switch Pulse Nova off when silenced, which could cost you your mana, but this is rarely fatal. Nevertheless, if Lesh has no BKB and silence catches him before he uses his spells, he is virtually useless for the duration of the silence.

Strong Against:

Illusions and summons: Phantom Lancer, Naga Siren, Chaos Knight, TB, Meepo, Brood, NP, Manta Style 

Phantom Lancer
Naga siren
Chaos Knight
Broodmother Portrait
Nature's Prophet Portrait
If you want to deal with mass units, you can pick Leshrac to help you out with this problem, but not as the sole solution to this problem.

Leshrac deals heavy AOE damage, so he has the potential to effectively deal with summons and illusions, especially in the early and mid-game. It would be a mistake, however, to pick him just for this reason as his effectiveness versus illusions falls off as those heroes get tankier items.

Physical damage tanks: Tidehunter, Timber, Underlord

Tidehunter Portrait
Underlord Portrait
Lesh deals a lot of magical damage right from the lanign stage, which is very useful for dealing with offlaners who rely on their survivability against right-clicks.

Tide, Timber, and Underlord are extremely tanky versus physical damage, which doesn’t bother Lesh. As a support, he would be able to zone them out much easier than most other lane supports thanks to Edict and his Lightning spam. As a core, he can threaten them in fights. They can improve their mid game situation a lot by building Pipe.

Slark Portrait

Slark deserves a special mention because his skillset is terrible at dealing with Lesh’s sustained AoE magical damage. Lesh can continue damaging him even when he uses his ultimate, which makes it difficult for Slark to rotate through his defensive mechanisms – he has to rely only on BKB to be effective in fights.

Winter Wyvern Portrait

Winter Wyvern’s defensive skill (Cold Embrace) is counter-productive against Lesh – he can continue dealing a lot of magical damage to the Cold Embrace target and it even makes it easier for him to land his Split Earth.


Leshrac Split Earth
Leshrac Diabolic Edict
Leshrac Lightning Storm
Leshrac Pulse Nova

Splits the earth under enemies. Deals damage and stuns for a short duration.


Cast Animation: 0.7+0.67

Cast Range: 650

Effect Radius: 150/175/200/225

Effect Delay: 0.35

Damage: 120/180/240/300

Stun Duration: 2

CD: 9

Mana: 80/100/120/140

Split Earth

The spell has low cooldown, deals good damage and stuns all targets in a small area. Leshrac’s stun is hard to land without setup since the hero has a very slow casting animation. However, if there is a setup for his stun, Split Earth becomes an excellent AOE disable. At level 1 its stun duration is 2 seconds and is, therefore, one of the longest lasting disables at early levels. Hence, the killing potential of Leshrac early on is relatively high. Furthermore, Split Earth’s radius increases with levels and becomes easier to land.

It is generally a bad decision to use the spell for harass because it is hard to land, and you might end up spending your mana for nothing. It is far better to harass with your other spells and preserve Split Earth for kill attempts and fights.

The spell can be also used to break trees, which is important for supports when it comes to pulling or de-warding.

Saturates the area around Leshrac with magical explosions that deal physical damage to enemy units and structures. The fewer units available to attack, the more damage those units will take. Deals 40% more damage to towers. Lasts 10 seconds.


Cast Animation: 0.5+0.87

Radius: 500

Number of Explosions: 40

Unit Damage per Explosion: 11/22/33/44

Building Damage Bonus: 40%

Duration: 10

CD: 22

Mana: 95/120/135/155

Diabolic Edict

Edict uses a faster casting animation (a cast point of 0.5 instead of Leshrac’s usual 0.7). Besides that, it can damage magic immune units and invisible units. Finally, the Edict Explosions don’t stop until the duration is over even if Lesh dies in the process.

This spell has a relatively long cooldown but deals very high mixed damage per second in a 500 radius.

Edict is especially strong against single targets since the damage dealt is spread among units in the area. If a single enemy takes the whole damage, Edict will deal 360 DMG at lvl 1 and 1440 DMG at lvl 4 (not counting any DMG reduction). It is one of the highest single target damage spells in the whole game.

Because of how the damage works in more clustered fights, it might be a good idea to position yourself a bit to the side so that you are in range to damage your chosen target but outside of the range of other enemy units. This tactic can also be used when pushing, and you want to damage the tower, but don’t want to damage the creep wave.

Edict is one of the spells in the game that push down towers the fastest.

Using Edict for kill attempts is a great idea as it is your main source of damage early on. Use any disables your allies provide (or your own stun) to get close to your target and stick to it with Edict. It is a good idea not to attack unless the target is disabled or slowed, otherwise the attack animation will slow you down, and your target might get out of Edict range.

Diabolic Edict it is a great tool for zoning out if you manage to get close to a single enemy hero. The damage will force him/her to run backward to safety, outside of XP or Farm range in the lane. Standing your ground and trading harass while Edict is hitting you is simply not an option most of the time because of its very high damage.

Summons a lightning storm that blasts the target enemy unit, then jumps to nearby enemy units. Struck units are slowed by 75% for a duration.


Cast Animation: 0.40+0.77

Cast Range: 650

Jump Distance: 475

Number of Jumps: 4/6/8/10

Effect Delay: 0.25

Damage: 80/120/160/200

Move Speed Slow: 75%

Slow Duration: 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0

 CD: 4

 Mana: 80/100/120/140

Lightning Storm

In Fights:

This spell deals good AOE damage and has a very low cooldown. As a result, it can be cast several times during an engagement - you shouldn’t save the spell for a kill, but use it whenever it is available. This way you will maximize the damage output. In team fights, because of the jumps, it deals very decent AoE DPS. The cooldown is 4 seconds, so in prolonged fights, you can deal substantial damage just by spamming the spell. This tactic is very useful, especially for an under-farmed support Leshrac: you can deal sustained DPS while staying at a safe distance.

Setting up for your Stun:

When a target is hit, it is slowed down significantly (75%) for a short duration (1 sec). The slow can be useful for your allies to create some distance between themselves and a chasing hero, to catch up to a target or even to land a skill shot.
Using Lightning Storm to setup your own Split Earth is a viable tactic. You can use Storm first and follow up with a Split Earth immediately – the slow will disable your opponent from dodging the stun. It is important to try to cancel the cast animation backswing of the Lightning Storm (by issuing a move command just when the lightning hits and just before you issue the Split Earth command). This way you will land the stun as quickly as possible.

Harass, Farm and Anti-Push:

Lightning Storm can also be used to harass enemy players during the laning stage – it deals significant damage and is relatively cheap for an INT hero. The best part is that it is quite long range, and you can do it without exposing yourself to danger. The slow can help you follow up the spell with an attack or two.

Using the spell for farming is also a great idea – a Storm into Split Earth combo kills off most creep waves or creep camps. If you want to preserve the Stun (or the creeps are spread widely), you can just wait for Storm’s cooldown and use it one more time.
When playing with a support Leshrac, keep in mind your mana when you are flash farming like that – you might need it when a fight happens.

Finally, Storm is a very good counter-pushing skill. You can cast it on the creep wave that is on the tower to aggro it (and kill it off quickly), and the spell is very likely to jump on the enemy heroes as well and do some harass damage.

Creates waves of damaging energy around Leshrac, one per second, to damage nearby enemy units.


Cast Animation: 0+0

Damage Radius: 450

Mana Cost per Second: 20/40/60

Damage per Second: 100/140/180

 CD: 1

 Mana: 70/90/110

Aghanim's Scepter

While Pulse Nova is active, Lightning Storm will hit one random unit in a radius every 1.75 seconds

Pulse Nova

Pulse Nova has no cooldown and deals large amounts of sustained AOE magic damage. Given some levels and items, a Lesh could easily win a team fight because of the damage this spell provides. To maximize the impact of the spell you need to stay near your targets for as long as possible. This has two implications: you should be tanky enough and not get killed, and you should not get disabled and kited. Both things imply that you should have items to deal with these problems. Because of this (and because the spell is very mana intensive), Pulse Nova is mainly useful to a core Leshrac.

If you are a support, you might want to skip the spell in your build (and leave it for the late game), or alternatively just use it when the target you are focusing is disabled and unable to fight back.

Pulse Nova is easily counter by BKB or any inbuilt magic immunity or resistance spell. This means that in the late game when most enemy cores have BKB’s, you might want to somehow reach the heroes on the backlines of the fight who don’t have magic immunity. Even getting a Blink Dagger to position yourself on top of the enemy supports is a good plan since you will have a very low impact otherwise. The hero is all about dealing damage when you invest farm and levels in it.

The other option is to avoid entering the fight until the BKB timer is over and engage afterwards.

Skill Builds

The versatility of Leshrac comes mainly from his skills which are useful in various situations. Therefore, it could be said that there is no “right way’’ to level him up. Every possibility, however, has its strengths and weaknesses. This should be considered when a build is chosen. Finally, a build should not be chosen before the game. The picks (both allies and enemies) and the lane in which Lesh will be should be the main determinants of the choice.

Try to avoid leveling up your 1st level spell from the get-go and save it until you need it. Most of the time Split Earth will be your choice; nevertheless, if you catch a single enemy in your jungle with an ally or something similar, 1lvl on Edict can net you a kill.

Split Earth & Edict Build
Split Earth & Lightning Storm Build
Leshrac Split Earth
Leshrac Diabolic Edict
Leshrac Diabolic Edict
Leshrac Split Earth
Leshrac Diabolic Edict
Leshrac Pulse Nova
Leshrac Diabolic Edict
Leshrac Split Earth
Leshrac Split Earth
Talent Icon
Leshrac Lightning Storm
Leshrac Pulse Nova
Leshrac Lightning Storm
Leshrac Lightning Storm
Talent Icon
Leshrac Pulse Nova
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: killing potential, pushing potential, control;
Cons: requires you to go close range and expose yourself in order to deal damage;

Prioritizing Split Earth and Diabolic Edict early on in the game should theoretically give you very high killing potential. A higher level Split Earth is considerably easier to land than a low level one, so when Split Earth reaches its third or fourth level, you should be able to land some stuns without setup from another hero. From there you could follow up with your Diabolic Edict. If the target is on its own (and has no means of escape), this could even be enough to kill it from full HP. The problem with Edict is that it is not effective versus multiple enemies - the damage is split among them. Furthermore, it requires you to go close up to deal damage. In some situations, this could prove dangerous.

The killing potential of this build is greatest versus a single enemy. Therefore, whenever you want to get kills, it would be a good idea to roam (preferably with a partner) and gank the solo lanes.

The other good thing about the build is that Edict allows you to push down towers really quickly early on. If you manage to get a kill, you could transition into a push. If your ganks and push go well, you should be able to get a big early game advantage.

The ultimate could be taken right away (at lvl 6-12-18) if you are farming well and have items to sustain your mana. Otherwise, it would be better to take max Lightning Storm before your ultimate as it will cost you less mana and will allow you to deal damage without exposing yourself to danger (which is dangerous if you don’t have tanky items). 

Leshrac Split Earth
Leshrac Lightning Storm
Leshrac Lightning Storm
Leshrac Split Earth
Leshrac Lightning Storm
Leshrac Split Earth
Leshrac Lightning Storm
Leshrac Split Earth
Leshrac Pulse Nova
Talent Icon
Leshrac Diabolic Edict
Leshrac Pulse Nova
Leshrac Diabolic Edict
Leshrac Diabolic Edict
Talent Icon
Leshrac Diabolic Edict
Leshrac Pulse Nova
Talent Icon
Talent Icon
Pros: farming, harassing, high range, counter-pushing;
Cons: no pushing potential, lower kill potential versus a single target;

This is generally a safer way to level up Leshrac. It does not require you to go in close range, and you could use your spells and attacks from afar to harass. Killing heroes is still possible if you have help -  you still have 2 high damage nukes early on in the game, one of which with 4 seconds CD, which is very short for such a nuke.

An additional benefit is the better farming potential. At their highest levels Split Earth and Lightning Storm deal enough damage together to clear most jungle camps or creep waves very fast.
The Lightning Storm also allows you to safely take the aggro of enemy creeps when they are pushing your tower.

Maybe the biggest problem with the build is that you have no pushing potential early on in the game, and usually Leshrac is picked mainly for the pushing power. Nevertheless, with Split Earth and Lightning Storm, he could be dominant in the lane and contribute this way.
The choice with the ultimate here is the same as in the previous build; however, if your whole idea is not to expose yourself to danger, it might be more logical to take the Ult in the later stages of the game.


+3sec Lightning Storm slow duration


+40 Diabolic Edict explosions

+50 Pulse Nova damage


25% Evasion

+30 MS


+15 Strength

+250 Mana

+5 Armor

Lvl10: The mana is the usual choice, as it allows you to spam your spells more often. In some cases, against minus armor strats for example, you might opt to go for the armor talent to keep yourself alive for longer.

Lvl15: You have high MS and combining it with the MS talent might be very good in terms of mobility. Still, the Strength and more HP means that you will survive for longer and deal more damage in fights.

Lvl20: Pulse Nova damage is the all-around better choice. Yet, in some cases against heavy physical damage cores, you can go for the evasion.

Lvl25: The Lightning slow allows you to keep enemies slowed almost permanently and is great if you prefer to stay at the outskirts of the fight. The explosions, however, are absolutely OP against buildings and if you are tanky enough to stand at the frontlines (or if you want to split-push) they are the usual choice.

Item Builds

Lesh could make use of a very large variety of items, so his item builds are not set in stone. Rather it is more important to judge the game and your current situation in order to make the right choices. Whether you are playing a farming Lesh or a support Lesh, the level of farm you currently have and the heroes you are playing with/against will be the main determinants of your choices.

A support Leshrac, as most other support heroes, should prioritize the needs of his team instead of his own. After those needs are met, Leshrac should focus in solving his biggest problem - lack of survivability.

A farming Leshrac should prioritize boosting his survivability before all else. It is important to note that Lesh deals sustained damage. Therefore, the longer he survives, the more damage he deals. Nevertheless, items that would benefit the team or counter the enemies should be considered.

Mobility, Survivability and Mana items are key to Leshrac’s item builds. You should be able to sustain using your spells often, as well as be survivable enough to not die in engagements. Movement speed is also vital as Lesh has no means of getting in position other than running.

Support Leshrac Build

The proposed build focuses on utility items that give survivability – Eul’s and Glimmer. You can use Eul’s either to set up your stun or defensively, on yourself while dealing pulse nova damage. Glimmer could also be used either on an ally on in case they go on you – on yourself. In the late game you need BKB to be able to stay in the fight and Octarine is just a great source of HP and Mana to keep you fighting for longer and spamming your spells.

Starting items
Animal Courier
Wards Icon
Early game
Boots of Speed
Magic wand
Arcane Boots
Mid game
Glimmer Cape
Late game
Black King Bar
Animal Courier
Wards Icon
Boots of Speed

Bracer is a great source of early game survivability.

Magic wand
Arcane Boots

Arcane Boots: a valuable item for Lesh as they will help you sustain your mana while actively using your spells to kill, farm or harass. An added benefit is that they could be disassembled. The energy booster could be used in building a Blood Stone, while the boots could be changed into Phase Boots or Boots of Travel - of course, this is usually an option only for a farming Lesh as those items are expensive.


Eul’s Scepter of Divinity: Eul's gives you a lot of value for its low price:

  • MS to keep away from danger
  • INT and mana regen to keep using your spells to farm or fight
  • a disable you can use to set up for your stun
  • you can use Cyclone on yourself if you are getting focused in fights - your enemies will continue to take damage from your ult and Edict

Glimmer Cape

Glimmer Cape: Glimmer is a great support item for Lesh – if you are positioned defensively in fights you can use it to save your allies; if you are positioned offensively, you can use it to disengage and save yourself from getting focused down.

Black King Bar

Black King Bar - the item gives some survivability and the ability to avoid most lockdown by enemies, which would allow Lesh to deal DPS uninterrupted. It does not help with Leshrac’s mana problems, so it is usually not a first item choice. However, later on in the game, it is priceless. When buying BKB, you should consider that in team fights when you are magic immune, your enemies will be forced to use their spells on your allies. Therefore, if you are survivable enough and could take some punishment, you could intentionally decide not to buy BKB. Remember that your ultimate deals damage even when you are disabled.


Octarine Core (semi carry): Octarine is an amazing late game item for Leshrac: the large MP and HP increase is very useful for the hero, the CD decrease is not game breaking but it’s still useful since it’s percentage based and spammable spells also benefit and most importantly – the spell damage life steal is amazing when combined with Pulse Nova. Octarine is one of the items that makes Lesh a very scary mid and late game team fight core.

Core Leshrac Build

This proposed build focuses on survivability and mana pool/regen, which will allow Lesh to go deep in group engagements and deal sustained damage for a long time. The combination of Bloodstone, BKB and Octarine Core makes him an incredibly hard hero to bring down.

Starting items
Null talisman
Iron branch
Iron branch
Pulled Tango
Pulled Tango
Early game
Arcane Boots
Mid game
Black King Bar
Late game
Null talisman
Iron branch
Iron branch
Pulled Tango
Pulled Tango
Arcane Boots

Arcane Boots: a valuable item for Lesh as they will help you sustain your mana while actively using your spells to kill, farm or harass. An added benefit is that they could be disassembled. The energy booster could be used in building a Blood Stone, while the boots could be changed into Phase Boots or Boots of Travel - of course, this is usually an option only for a farming Lesh as those items are expensive.


Eul’s Scepter of Divinity: Eul's gives you a lot of value for it's low price:

  • MS to keep away from danger
  • INT and mana regen to keep using your spells to farm or fight
  • a disable you can use to set up for your stun
  • you can use Cyclone on yourself if you are getting focused in fights - your enemies will continue to take damage from your ult and Edict


Blood Stone: the item provides survivability, mana pool and regeneration, all of which are valuable to Leshrac.

Black King Bar

Black King Bar: the item gives some survivability and the ability to avoid most lockdown by enemies, which would allow Lesh to deal DPS uninterrupted. It does not help with Leshrac’s mana problems, so it is usually not a first item choice. However, later on in the game, it is priceless. When buying BKB, you should consider that in team fights when you are magic immune, your enemies will be forced to use their spells on your allies. Therefore, if you are survivable enough and could take some punishment, you could intentionally decide not to buy BKB. Remember that your ultimate deals damage even when you are disabled.


Travels: after disassembling your Arcanes the best boots upgrade is Travels. It gives the most MS (which is important for Lesh), but the teleportation ability is also extremely valuable - you will be able to flash farm, out-push lanes, split-push and easily join fights.


Octarine Core (semi carry): Octarine is an amazing mid/late game item for Leshrac: the large MP and HP increase is very useful for the hero, the CD decrease is not game breaking but it’s still useful since it’s percentage based and spammable spells also benefit and most importantly – the spell damage life steal is amazing when combined with Pulse Nova. Octarine is one of the items that makes Lesh a very scary mid and late game team fight core.


Shiva’s Guard: it gives survivability in the form of armor and helps you deal more damage by slowing your enemies and allowing you to keep up with them with your ultimate (makes kiting you harder). It is a very good counter to melee carries and physical damage dealers as a whole. Before getting it, however, you usually want to have an item that increases your raw HP.

Other Items

Early & Mid game
Power Treads intelligence
Force staff
Lotus Orb
Late game
Scythe of Vyse
Ghost Scepter
Power Treads intelligence

Power Treads:  if you need a bit more stats for survivability, Treads are a good choice.


Urn of Shadows: it is preferable to always have one Urn in a team, so if nobody else builds it, you as Lesh should do it. It is cheap and gives some survivability and mana regeneration, which is always useful to you.


Drums of Endurance: survivability, mobility and some mana pool and damage are at all times handy to have. If another hero goes for the item, you should skip it. As a support, you still might want to get the bracer for the bonus EHP.


Kaya: You are a very mana intensive hero that deals damage with spells – Kaya is quite cheap and helps you in both regards. The only reason it's optional is that you have the "too many small items" problem with both Eul's and Kaya, but it's still one of the most cost-efficient items on Lesh.

Force staff

Force Staff: one Force Staff per team is generally always a good idea as it can help save the life of you or your teammates. With the health regeneration that it gives, it is a great option for any intelligence support hero.


Heaven’s Halberd: if you have problems with an enemy carry which deals a lot of right-click damage, HH could be a good choice. Disarm would give you the few seconds you need to bring him/her down as a team. In addition, it gives quite a lot of survivability.

Lotus Orb

Lotus Orb: situational item for Leshtac, but in some cases (when you want to dispel and return disables from your teammates) can be very useful. It gives survivability, and the bigger mana pool and regen are always good.


Blink Dagger: positioning yourself right could help you control a fight and deal more AOE damage. This is especially important when the enemy team has BKB’s – you want to find the heroes without immunity.


Aghanim’s Scepter: one of the few items that allow Lesh to directly increase his damage output. It also gives some survivability and mana pool. It is a solid choice; nevertheless, Aghanim is pricey, so it should be considered if you don’t need something else more.

Scythe of Vyse

Scythe of Vyse: solves your mana problems and gives you a reliable lockdown. As one of the most universally useful caster items, later on, the Hex can both save your life and help you bring down elusive enemies. It is always a good idea to follow up the Hex with your Stun, just when the first disable is about to end.

Ghost Scepter

Ghost Scepter: Later on in the game immunity to physical damage could be your saving grace against fed carry heroes. A Ghost Scepter could give you the time you need to cast your spells and contribute to the fight.


Lesh 350px

Being a very flexible hero, Lesh could fit in basically every lane beside the solo offlane (where he will have too much trouble staying alive) or the jungle. In all other lanes, he could be a very dominant hero who can secure kills or push down towers.

Lesh could be either a support or a farmer in the lane; nevertheless, putting him in the support position is more common as he could be useful without investing gold in him. Therefore, having a farming Lesh should be because you have a particular strategy and idea about how you want the game to develop. In other cases, it is a safer bet to put the Lesh in a supporting role.


Leshrac has high range and decent animation and base damage. As a result, last-hitting should not be a real problem versus most heroes. Furthermore, he has a high mana pool, so if he needs to, he can continuously use his nukes to get last hits that he otherwise wouldn’t be able to. Flash farming the jungle or the lane creeps with your AoE nukes is possible in the late laning stage if you don’t need your mana for more important things, like fighting.


Passive Harass: His good range allows him to easily harass heroes without exposing himself to danger or aggroing the creep wave, especially if his enemy is melee (or has a short range).

Active Harass: Because of his good mana pool and good nuke damage, Lesh can use his spells to harass his enemy (or enemies) out of the lane. 

Generally, it is easiest to harass with Lightning Storm (if you don’t want to push the wave, be careful not to cast it too close to the creeps). If you haven’t leveled it up, however, you might want to try and harass with Edict. To do this efficiently, you need to position yourself away from the creep wave as otherwise the enemy creeps will tank most of the Edict damage. Harassing with Edict is generally easier in the side lanes, as the mid lane is very short and you don't have a lot of distance between the creep wave and the towers.

Although Split Earth provides decent damage, it is quite hard to hit especially at low levels. So, try to use it for harass only when you are certain you are going to land it. Otherwise, it could be a waste of mana.

Kill Potential:

You are one of the heroes with the highest kill potential in the early stages of the game. You have good nuke damage and control (thanks to Split Earth and the Storm mini-slow). Despite that, you are most dangerous because of Diabolic Edict - even at lvl1, you could possibly do up to 400 damage to a hero. Of course, maximizing the DMG output of Edict is not that simple because your target needs to be isolated, and you need to be able to stick to it for a rather long period (8 seconds). Nevertheless, with some smart positioning (like initiating from behind) and control of the target from your lane partners, doing lots of Edict damage is not impossible.

At low levels, landing your Split Earth is hard as it has a long casting animation, and the AoE is rather small. The 2sec stun, however, is incredibly important for getting a kill. That’s why it is very smart to have a lane partner that can setup for your stun with another disable or good slow. With such a combo getting a kill at lvl2 or even sometimes at lvl1 is possible.

To land your stun without setup you can try to start casting it from the fog of war. Get in the trees or on your high ground, don't attack the enemy hero and cast Split Earth. If your opponent doesn't know you're casting it, he/she wouldn't try to dodge. In the later laning stage it's also a good idea to use your nukes to hit your opponent and clear the creep wave at the same time - this way Edict will have only 1 target to hit.

At lvl2 you would probably have both your disable and your damage spell which will make you a formidable opponent.

Bear in mind that you have a large mana pool. This means that you could try to score a kill and even if you fail, you will most probably be able to try again when your spells are off cooldown. Therefore, don’t be too stingy and use your spells often.


Early on, Lesh is one of the fastest pushers in the game since Edict deals a lot of damage to towers. You have the option to bring down towers from very early on in the laning stage, which will provide you with a gold advantage. To maximize the damage output on the tower, the enemy creep wave must be killed beforehand or at least aggroed to the side. In addition, it is a good idea to have somebody else tank the tower hits as Lesh is squishy (your creep wave or other units). You need to position yourself so that the tower is the only enemy unit in the range of the Edict - this way it will take the full damage.

A good idea to begin a push in the safe lane is to stack your creep waves by doing a single pull. Afterwards, try to clear the enemy creep waves as fast as possible when you near the enemy tower (use your Split Earth/ Lightning Storm if you have to). Once you have a huge wave of creeps to tank the tower shots and no enemy creeps to tank your Edict, bringing the enemy tower down should be relatively easy. In the other lanes, an ally hero might have to tank some tower shots for you.

  • Ganking

As Lesh, you get the majority of your kill potential at lvl2 (Split Earth+ Edict), which means that when you hit that point, you can choose to rotate for kills. As mentioned, you are not a good initiator because of your unreliable stun, so it is a good idea to rotate with a partner that can latch onto enemy heroes. If you are rotating alone, make sure you are going to a lane where the ally in the lane can latch onto the target and provide you with time to use your spells efficiently.

  • Counter-Ganking

Whether you will be able to save a hero which has been ganked, depends mainly on if you are able to land your Split Earth well. If your ally is running in one direction, the enemy heroes are likely to run in a straight line behind him in order to catch up to him and kill him off. As a result, aim your stun a bit to the front of your opponents, and you should be able to land even a multiple-target stun. The 2 sec might be enough for your ally to get out of danger.
Generally, with a support Lesh, it is worth it to TP and attempt to save allies which are being ganked. Nevertheless, make sure your Split Earth counts, otherwise your efforts would have been wasted.

Whether you will be able to get counter kills is very situational. Generally, after you land your stun, you might want to run in with your Edict to finish off an enemy. This will be much easier if the enemy is one (since he/she will get all the Edict damage). If there are multiple enemies, it is better to disengage. The Edict will deal much less damage, and you are pretty squishy, so you might end up dying.


How fast you could afford to push depends on your lane partners. Having summoners that could tank the tower with their units could allow you to push from the very start of the game.

Bear in mind that when you are pushing, you are inevitably giving XP to the enemy offlaner. It is a tradeoff that you need to consider - sometimes it is better to simply zone out and go for a push later, especially if you are unsure whether you will be able to kill off the tower in the first place.

Remember that you are good both at pushing and zoning out. In case you can’t zone out, you might opt to push. If you can’t push, it is better to zone out.

Since Edict deals damage to units you don’t have vision of, a cool trick you can do is to push towers while in the same time hiding in the trees:

Lesh Scr Pushing

Core Lesh

Leshrac  is a surprisingly dominant solo laner. As Lesh, you are not in the mid lane because you want to counter the hero against you. You are there to get fast levels and farm. This will allow your team to dominate fights and push immediately after the laning phase. This is why you must prioritize your own safety and development.

Don’t die, get levels;
Get farm;
Attempt kills with support rotations;
Harass and possibly zone-out;

The main problem with solo Leshrac is that he is easy to gank. If a support rotates to the mid lane, usually two heroes could bring down Lesh very quickly because of his low HP, no escape mechanism and his disable being very hard to land without setup. Nevertheless, some good positioning could help escape such ganks. Try to always be positioned defensively on the high ground. If the creep equilibrium doesn’t allow you to do this, it is worth using your nukes to clear the wave so that you minimize the time you are in a more dangerous position rather than stand in the river/ enemy HG and passively last hit.

Video Example:

He starts with Null Talisman so he can get last hits easier and branches, which he will use to make Magic Wand later on. He is using Split Earth often to secure the last hit on range creeps and harass the enemy Arc.

He is trading hits favorable since he has higher range attacks. He rushes the second Null for better last hits and harass.

Getting an early Bottle is always good for Leshrac, even now when Bottle is not that prominent in the mid lane (can`t bottle crow). Still, there are at least 3 good runes for Leshrac (Invis, Haste, Arcane) that can secure him a kill.

At 5.15 game time he comes very close to dying, but abuses one of Arc Wardens weaknesses in order to survive – Arc has no disables to stop the TP of Leshrac. About a minute later he manages to get a kill on the Arc in turn, which propels him ahead in the lane and allows him to pressure the T1 mid tower with his Edict.

Immediately after he starts joining fights and trying to pressure towers whenever it’s possible.

Support Lesh

A support in a defensive dual or trilane is one of Leshrac’s usual positions. He is very strong at zoning out the enemy offlaner and could use his Edict to push down the towers very early on in the game, with the help of his other allies. Your priorities are:

Harass and zone-out;
Push the enemy tower as fast as possible;
Rotate for ganks;
Farm the jungle by pulling and stacking jungle camps;
To check runes and ward;
Hard or Semi-Support:

Either one is OK for Lesh (he is a versatile hero). However, since he is one of the best heroes in the game to zone out single targets (thanks to Edict) in a defensive lane, Lesh is usually the babysitter.


If a single hero comes to challenge your pulls, you can use your good zoning potential to drive him away from the camps by using mainly Edict. Fighting multiple heroes off, however, is not a great idea as you can easily die while you are away from your allies.

Pulling for farm or rotating for ganks are also not bad options if you have another potent babysitter. You can use well the levels and farm from the pulls - they will allow you to have a greater impact in fights and push more aggressively in the early game. In addition, you are a very strong ganker with a setup for your stun.

Mid & Late Game

Lesh Immortal 350px

The biggest determinant of how Lesh is going to be played in the later stages of the game would be his farm and experience levels. If he is in an advantage compared to his opponents, Leshrac could be a very aggressive and dominant hero. However, if he is under-farmed, he could be a free kill and should be played very defensively, as a result.

If you are a core, your main goal is to end the game before it enters the late game stages. The more BKBs your opponents have, the harder fighting will get for you. Try to utilize your pushing and team fight potential as early as possible to get an advantage and to finish the game before the very late game.

Provided you are a support, you should focus on the regular support activities - warding, dewarding and sticking to your team (supporting your core heroes). Nevertheless, if your team allows you to do so, try to utilize your pushing potential - even though you don’t have items your Edict will bring towers down very fast.

Push towers, gain map control
Provide Vision, gain map control
Gank to push towers
Team fight to push towers
Farm the lanes, jungle, control the rune

As a farmer, if you had a good laning stage, you should aim to force the issue. Gather your team and try to force fights and push. You are always at a fighting advantage if your opponents have trouble killing you and don’t have magic immunity. This, in fact, is your most important timing window. Try to utilize it to secure the game. Whenever you let your opponents get their BKBs/Pipe, while you haven’t pushed most of their towers, your impact will decrease severely.

Comeback Potential:

If your laning stage was bad, and you didn’t manage to get enough levels and items, you might want to transition to a semi-support role. Try to play more defensively - provide wards, don’t force fights, follow up on the initiation of your other teammates, etc. If there is space on the map, you can try to catch up on farm by flash farming. Bear in mind, however, that since you were unable to have an impact in the early and mid-game, your timing has likely passed. This means that your priority regarding farm is low, so don’t steal farm from your physical damage dealers. 


Pushing is Leshrac’s forte, so basically in the later stages of the game, whenever you have some kind of advantage over your opponents (for example, you have killed one or two of them), you should push. As Lesh does this very quickly, often you can snatch a tower before your opponents can set up a proper defense.

5-man Pushing

If you are pushing together with your team while your opponents are alive, you need to make the decision whether you want to stay close to the tower to deal damage with Edict. Bear in mind that in the mid and late game your carries likely have more than enough damage to bring a tower down, so your Edict might not be that important - you, being alive, on the other hand, might be very important for the upcoming fight.

It is a fact that the tower will fall faster with the help of your Edict. Despite that, if you are squishy, you will be a very good target to initiate on and to kill instantly. So, the main decision whether to stay on the front lines and deal damage to the tower or to stay behind your team more safely comes from two things. 

Firstly, if you don’t expect any defense (most likely because you have a number advantage or you are trading), you should deal as much damage to the tower as possible (this means, as explained before, positioning yourself in such a way that the Edict deals damage only to the tower or simply killing all enemy units before that so that they can’t tank up Edict damage).

Secondly, if you expect that a fight might happen, you should consider how tanky you are, and what will happen if the enemy team initiates on you. As a support Lesh, it is better to stay behind your team. This way you will be able to help with a crucial Stun and the damage from your spells after the enemies initiate. If you are a farming Lesh, however, you can usually afford to stay at the front lines and deal damage to the tower. You should be tanky enough to survive the initiation and deal damage with your Pulse Nova in the middle of the fight. Bear in mind that if you manage to switch the Nova on before you get disabled, it will deal damage even while you are disabled. This might make initiating on you instead of your allies actually something positive.


As a farming Lesh, you could clear waves and push towers on your own incredibly fast. The problem is, however, that you have no escape mechanism, and if you get caught by a gank, you are likely to die. This is why split pushing with Lesh could be very rewarding but also very risky. Generally, you should do it only if you see the whole enemy team (or at least all heroes that can kill you) somewhere on the map (this way there will be no risk from getting ganked). This will give you an opportunity to split push and force the enemy team to react (by TPing to defend). If they don’t, you might get a free tower.


Lightning Storm is one of the most potent spells for stalling pushes and defending towers without initiating. Provided you cast it on the enemy creep wave, you will damage both the creeps AND the enemy heroes that are nearby, and you will draw the creep aggro. The best part is that in 4 seconds you will be able to do this again.


If you are a support Leshrac, winning the Ward Wars against your opponents is very important. This way you will provide the map control your team needs in order to find favorable engagements, to push, or simply to farm safely.


In case you are not able to push, it is smart to try and create an opportunity for yourself to push. One of the best ways to do this is to gank. Bear in mind, however, that Lesh is not the best ganker in the game, so you should do this with some help. Especially in the later stages of the game, ganking can become more difficult and risky, so it is preferable to do it with multiple heroes as a gank could easily escalate to a team fight. Try to have an ally hero with you that can easily setup for your stun. If you manage to disable the target for long enough, you should be able to bring it down with Edict, Pulse Nova and Lightning Storm.

Team Fights:

Provided you think you are in a position to win a team fight as a team, you should try to force one. Especially if you are a farming Lesh, team fights are where you shine (provided the enemy doesn’t have lots of magic immunity). This is why you should try to force fights earlier rather than later.

Core Lesh

 If you have a good level of farm and XP, your job would be to enter the fight and deal as much damage as possible. You should aim to be in the middle of the engagement dealing Pulse damage to as many targets as possible. This aggressiveness, however, could be very dangerous, and if you are under-farmed, e.g. because you had a bad laning stage, you could die very easily. This is why you must judge your position in the game. In case you are one of the most farmed heroes on the map, you should force team fights, get in the middle of them and deal as much damage as possible. If you are not, however, and there are farmed enemy heroes that can kill you quickly, you need to position yourself more defensively. Pulse Nova deals damage over time, so the longer you live the more damage it will deal.


As a support, you rarely have enough tankiness to stay alive in the middle of the fight. In that sense, you should keep your distance. Your main DPS source would be Lightning Strike (remember the skill has 4 sec CD, so it shouldn’t be underestimated). If you use an isolated enemy, though, you might try to deal concentrated Edict damage to him/her. In most cases, however, Edict is hard to use in a team fight, and especially as a support it is not worth it to get in close just to deal some Edict damage that is most likely going to be spread out among the multiple units in the fight.

Particularly as a support, but also as a carry, you should be very careful how you use your stun. If you manage to hit multiple targets, this could give your team a significant advantage (2 seconds of freedom to deal damage). In team fights, where heroes are clumped up, this might be significantly easier. Otherwise, you might want to wait for some ally to disable someone and follow up afterwards. Provided this doesn’t happen, you might as well try to land a stun anyway. With some practice, aiming a high lvl Split Earth becomes easier, especially on less mobile heroes.

After the fight is won (if you are alive), you should try to push as many towers as possible by exploiting Edict. 

In this team fight S4 demonstrates the extremely high team fight damage capabilities of the hero (with the help of a great sunder by Notail, which helps him survive). Winning fights before the enemy team has BKBs is a great way to claim map control with Lesh.


You are a fast farmer, but you are usually fighting against the clock - whenever your enemies get BKBs, you will not be able to do much in an engagement. Therefore, try to achieve as much as possible before this moment comes - push down towers and win fights. In the meantime, of course, you should try to flash farm with your spells (if you are a farming hero) - getting too fat too soon might prove very difficult to deal with for your opponents.

Often there are limited sources of farm on the map. Therefore, you should consider which hero in your team scales the best with items - usually, this is the hard carry. Even if you are a farming semi-carry Lesh, it is more important to leave the hard carry farm than to farm yourself as the hard carry uses farm better than you and is typically not countered by BKB. In case there are multiple sources of farm, however, feel free to farm away. You can farm very quickly and efficiently both the Jungle and lanes.

As a support, of course, farming is not your priority and you should leave it to your core heroes. Usually, there will be more important activities you should take care of (warding/dewarding, etc.). Nevertheless, if there is untaken farm on the map that your cores don’t need, you might want to flash farm it - you can catch up on items pretty quickly.